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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 19:00

Good Morning
did u solve that error?
not yet
:| did u find the problem where is it?
any idea
I know the problem only occurs when I call the dll
it stops the app pool
Good mroning
there are some chances to have this same situation. if you have taken tables and linked with main table which doesn't have records. the another thing is that make sure that you have assigned correct selection formula.. if u haven't assigned any that it should be empty. check the selection formula editor also in report.
@Gotalove before I give you the suggestions I have few questions
how you are managing that dll in your app?
are you publishing your app before putting it on to your live server?
yes am publishing app
but dll has to be copied seperately in bin folder
it is C++ dll
there is any dll included in bin while you are publishing?
and I have a C# wrpper class which am using to call it using dllimport
I copy after publishing
in the bin
I have also copied to system32 sywow64 folders as well
@Shell oh report is fine
sorry thought you were talking of dll causing app pool to stop for iis
is copy local set to true?
using VS IIS it works fine and doesnt fail but using iis IT DOES
Where did you set this?
righclick on that dll
when you set copy local to true
means when you publish it it will be included in your publish app
I dont have the dll as a resource
@Gotalove its not possible if the application is working correctly then it should be there.
so you suggest I add item then dll
when you set the property to true the dll will be copy to published folder automatically.
@Shell am saying I have it inside bin folder
check the reference node in your project explorer
but I copied there manually
@Gotalove no
copying manually is not a good idea
you need to publish it with bindings
how do you add an unmanaged dll?
it is neither a valid com or C# dll
it means you are adding ingredients on a pizza. but, you need them inside :P
so, in our case the web.config will not be set to handle that dll.
@Gotalove I don't know but copying manual will not work
ok I can add it to appdata folder as existing item
done that
hello @dotNetAddict hows going?
canada going :P
I put it in root and set copy to always
now it goes to bin
@Shell fine
Im also
still that is not the issue
it still stops default app pool
hows your angular project going? @dotNetAddict
hi Dhwani
that was my last conversation after this my skype has stopped working
@Shell I need more in this five days
scroll up please :D
i cant.. now my skype is not working.. i can't see my skype history
@Shell how about bharat's conversations? :D
@Shell what was their reactions when you gave resign?
@Justcode that you and your boss?
my former boss
@Justcode I think BKT is happy about that I am leaving his company. because he has to pay lot money on every month without getting any work
bharat will also leave on 30th April
then Jaymin on 31st May
nice @Shell
hey everybody
i have an issue setting time out for my application
a website
setting the time out in sessionstate timeout property in web.config doesnt works for me
@Justcode help ani07
@ani07 what issue?
well i need the session to be retained for some time say 3 mins. but setting that in sessionstate property in web application doesnt works for me
@ani07 code?
@Justcode <sessionState timeout="30">
30 is a milliseconds I think
no its a minutes
yes minutes
you must be doing something wrong
@Justcode i think its using form authentication mode
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms defaultUrl="~/System/Dashboard.aspx" timeout="120" loginUrl="~/Default.aspx" name=".AuthCookie" slidingExpiration="true" path="/">
need to change here.. let me check
@Justcode interesting post stackoverflow.com/questions/17812994/…
deserved +1
@Gotalove have u published your application on any web hosting server?
my local iis
on my machine
no on ftp
I copied my files to wwwroot
then made it an application set default app pool
you should try to publish your site on any free hosting server to check that where is the problem
any problem with my approach so far?
no but, the problem might be in your iis configuration or somewhere else. there might be any dependency is missing.
@Shell how do I use dependency checker do I use it on my compiled app dll?
if yes I have done that and get a couple of errors
Error: Modules with different CPU types were found.
Warning: At least one delay-load dependency module was not found.
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.
most of them are x64 my app is published for platform x86
yeah then it is possible that the dll is built for the x64 plateform when u r trying to publish on x86
@Gotalove your repo increased after I voted up xD
hehe yea to 308
good after noon all :D
you and some 2 other people
@Gotalove i'm a part of those 2 people :D
thanks @TouchyVivace and @Justcode
have anyone great with SQL server :'(
@Shell thats my log
If I set it to platform x86 platform target x86 why would it still use x64 in it?or is it coz my OS is 64 bit?
when you built an site in x86 and upload it on x64 machine then you will not get any issue. but, when you have x64 based application then it might not be support in x86 machine. as i have told you that you should publish your web app on any free hosting site like somee.com
give me a link for free hosting site I try ASAP then
oh somee
also I can try azure
How to open a partial view in popup window
@TouchyVivace I have posted an answer
@Shell Thanks shell i trying your code now
@Deep u can find your solution here
A: load partial view in to a modal popup

Darin DimitrovYou could use jQuery UI dialog. So you start by writing a controller: public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { return View(); } public ActionResult Modal() { return PartialView(); } } then a Modal.cshtml partial that wi...

@TouchyVivace if you have any query in this you can ask me here directly
hello guys I'm new here
@Shell your code is working but i don't know why it's show a value that not contain 'PM'
@Shell Thanks
first i need to Select data from table problem_log for problem = 'PM'

if problem = 'pm' then For each record check found other problem (PGROUP = Hardware only)
you mean like this sqlfiddle.com/#!6/475c9/5/0
@Shell yes first check TERM That contain PROBLEM = 'PM' or NOT if contain then check other PROBLEM that in PGROUP = 'Hardware'
but my real table still show a TERM that not contain PM
@TouchyVivace I am getting back after lunch.. AFK
i try to use EXISTS
Ok have a nice lunch :D
@Shell in the instructions it says I should not put my project in root but in folder named protected.somee.com
or www.somee.com
so should I change the project folder name to this?
posted on March 25, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by JoLabrycol */

hi all
Hi @SpringLearner
I am confused now. let me tell you what i understood. Only those record should be fetched where the TERM is having PROBLEM='PM' and PGROUP='Hardware'.
Am I wrong yet?
@Gotalove there must be a folder on ftp path with the name of your domain. you just need to publish your site on that folder
@TouchyVivace The PGROUP field is not included in Problem_Log table so, you have to take Problem table in the sub query.
setting up web.config
have u created database?
showing error
Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.
when I said hello no one noticed me. I is sad :<
@CurseStacker ohh hello
yes web config string not yet sorted
Hello there Shell, looking forward to learn and share knowledge here :)
I just copied to root
great.. here every bodies are asking their queries regarding programming and also trying to help each other.
@Gotalove is there any folder in root directory?
a minute I send image
hahaha move all the folders and files in that protected.somee.com folder
actually before u said
hehehe great
@Shell oh my god thanks !, It's work like a charmm dudeeee
i accepted your answer
should I have another folder inside the protected.somee.com?
coz now its usng the default
am doing this wrong
in file manager
I have the folder protected.somee.com
and also the default.aspx
and in the folder protected.somee.com I have copied my files from the iis wwwroot/Basicsuprema
BasicSuprema is my project name
so now am confused
@Gotalove ask in c# they might help you
no this is just setting up on web server
@Shell was directing me how you host on somee.com
@Justcode he is gone any guidelines on how to host on somee.com
@Gotalove remove the old default.html or index.html file. keep your's as it is
somee server will try to find index.html file first if it does not find any file like this then it will load default.aspx or default.html
@Shell removed also that folder protected
now in my File manager I just have the app folder as it was
hehehe how did you publish your website?
.cs files also exists
don't you use publish feature to publish the website in vs?
@Shell I do but ef publishes edmx like that
this is for ef mapping
I dont get it.
can I inbox you credentials on fb
all those .cs files you see are for the edmx publish
FTP addresses: ( ftp://BasicSuprema.somee.com; ftp://www.BasicSuprema.somee.com; )
FTP username: Gotalove
@shell should I watsapp you or mail pwd?
its loading.. loading.. loading.... still loading...
Anybody worked in WPF??
should I log out?
my net is very slow since 3 days
strach property is not working in my code man....
@Gotalove what is your default page?
@yash show me your code
its mvc @shel
@Gotalove you need to compile and upload the package. you have uploaded all source code
am confused
@yash yes
that is how it is after I publish yaar
Dekho na
@Gotalove look at your rout configuration
            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "User", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
should I change it?
@yash ha, what is happening
strach not working
@Gotalove no whenever you redirect your domain this view should be redirected
I have controller User as my default
but for that the application must be compiled
mean to say when i am maximizing it than it should adjust controls size
@CurseStacker Hello ~ :D
dont get what you mean
It is
hey @Shell why did you delete the ef classes and all?
look IIS Server requires compiled code what we have written in our .cs file
@Gotalove I havent deleted anything yet
but whenever I try to publish edmx those files are produced
oh page loaded slow :-P
IIS cant understand edmx file. it requires compiled dll file
that is running fine in my iis server on local pc with files as is
want to teamview?
I cant access TV in my office
ah snap!
i would like to suggest you to publish your site like this
anyway it is working
okay let me try
:}:L}{@P how??????
somehow tried that but couldnt validate
am seriuos wait for snapshot
I supposed to ask u a question but, i dont know i did or not..@yash any way.. what is the problem you are getting with this property can u show me screenshot too?
what should destination url be
posted on March 25, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by ultrahax */

I want to create it ike this that if form resized than it controls should be strached according to size
but what should be destination url
@Gotalove it should be your http site url. after finishing process the visual studio will redirect the site automatically
but it fails to validate connefction
@yash delete the Width property from the child controls it will fix the width
A: How to stretch in width a WPF user control to its window?

Arjan EinbuYou need to make sure your usercontrol hasn't set it's width in the usercontrol's xaml file. Just delete the Width="..." from it and you're good to go! EDIT: This is the code I tested it with: SOUserAnswerTest.xaml: <UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication1.SOAnswerTest" xmlns="http://schemas....

hi touchy~
Please do not use the [jq] tag for [jquery] questions, they are not the same... — Jeff Mercado 17 hours ago
@govindaghimre who is using?
@Justcode can u help me?
I don't know jq or jquery
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 19:00

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