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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 18:00

@Justcode I think he is checking that who knows what? hehehe
Good Morning
good morning all
morning guys
can report selection formula for crytsal reports be used to pass parameters?
e Bhuri
hi Shell
and I mean RecordSelectionFormula not report sorry
doesn't make any difference.. there is no other property like this. by the way why u want to assign parameter in selection formula when you can assign value directly
@Shell there are two methods existing in my code one accepts the report object the other the string name for report object
I am using the function accepting string as report object
now am wondering how to set parameters in this method
is there a way I can somehow declare parameters before calling the report if am not using report as CRAXDRT.Report method?
is this VB6 project?
it sucks I have no idea why they used this method
martin Im still confused where is u getting problme?
@Shell yeah, and then will analyze who knows it and who isn't
yeah then he will create article on us
nice pic @yushi
hi @yushi
rain has stopped and the game will begin after some minutes
@Shell I am asking how can I add parameter if am using the forst method to call my reports?
if am using pbDisplayReportUsingRDC("myreport") then I can use the parameter objects before calling and it will set my parameters
 ReDim objParamField(1)
                    objParamField(1).Name = "@EmpList"
                    objParamField(1).value = CreateTheEmpListFromListView(Me.lvwEmployeeListing, True)
pbDisplayReportUsingRDC crptCummulativePayrollCodeAnalysis
so u mean the problem is only with that method where you are assigning report name not report object? right?
no my setting of paramaters
in my code I see it checks if I used selection formula then uses it to assign paramters
look at line 128
thats why I asked you at first if selection is used to pass parameter
Can't u call that pbDisplayReportUsingRDC(obj As Report) method from pbDisplayReportUsingRDC(strReportPath As String) method?
Millar 49 (18)
Miller backs away to leg and looks to slash a cut over cover. He stretches for the ball and it takes a thin edge through to Luke Ronchi. #cwc15 has been full of drama and there is some more for you!
RSA : 281
@Gotalove you guys in kenya no fans of cricket?
lets c what target will get NZ
nz win
indians in kenya are
but, local guys like you?
which sport you like the most?
i think football
@Shell Am getting rid of designers in the app
so I cant use the rdc methods
cant u create another parameter for ReportParameter array in that method?
create another parameter which accepts the object of Dictionary class
add the parameter name and values in dictionary class first then assign that object into that method.
later you can get the parameter name and values from that dictionary class object in that method and can create ReportParameter for it.
298 target for KIWIs
good morning guys
can any one answer this
Q: How to get just upper value based on column

SpringLearnerI have a table test which has ticket and vehcile. ticket vehicle 1000 101 1001 102 1002 102 1003 103 1004 104 1005 102 1006 102 My requirement: Input will be ticket and ouput will be vehicle.If the vehcile is repeating then I have to get just the previous ticket. For exa...

A: How to get just upper value based on column

Mikael ErikssonSQL Fiddle MS SQL Server 2014 Schema Setup: create table test( ticket int,vehicle int); insert into test values(1000,101); insert into test values(1001,102); insert into test values(1002,102); insert into test values(1003,103); insert into test values(1004,104); insert into test...

@SpringLearner I have posted an answer
@Shell your query shows everything
Hello Guys
you can add where condition no need to declare variable for @SpringLearner
I have updated my answer take a look at fiddle again
@Shell I have a Problem Buddy
@Shell Thanks for the answer,+1
@yash yes what is it? Piles?
i have a video file on server...How can i get Snapshot from it?
first of all you need to know that which format is that?
yeah i found that...
hi Good Noon @Shell @yash
Gd Noon @Suresh
and what is the ration of that video, frame rate, etc. then you can get the particular bytes from the fixed location and that can be a frame of your video
Good Noon @Suresh
how to refresh the Page using java script while click the submit button
hi guys
i need it just for showing on app...@Shell
@Suresh U mean postback?
Hello Harish
aaa.aspx and bbb.aspx are two pages in aaa.aspx i clcik submit button means want to refresh the bbb.aspx
while click submit button
@yash yeah but to get the snap shot you should not download the full video . so you have to know that where is the startup location of every video fram in the byte array
@Suresh you mean you want to connect two page with each other and one can send a request to reload that page.
so first i should change into byte array??
no @Shell actually i entered data in aaa.aspx page means automatically that data changed bbb.aspx page , and also want to refresh that aaa.aspx page using jscript or server side
@Suresh if internet is disconnected either yours or mine then how can I give you solution. So, every transaction between two modules requires connection.
@Shell thanq u
@yash is your video file uploaded on same ftp server?
you can't write code to fetch frame from video. it will take your time.
there are lots of video format and every format has different frame location in byte data.
kk let me check
it is better to use any plugins or third party tool
try to search "C# extract thumbnail from video" in google
How you guys get interested in short movies
Short Movies are good
hehehe btw very nice movie
Not Long and Boring
posted on March 24, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by pierre */

Hello Everyone
Q: Manage Format of Table

sandeep singhDatabase table dynamic (commidities are dynamic) Id Month Commodity Amount ---------------------------- 1 May wheat 100 2 May rice 200 3 June wheat 400 4 July maize 100 I can show it as it is on frontend easily but requirement is different I want...

@Shell it seems the report is failing to get assigned the parameters and is opening without
am trying to set parametera at this point pastie.org/10049269#62-80
and as i loop through I can see the parameter name and values being assigned but in final report they are not ther
could it be i need to do some instatntiation of object or something
@Shell do I need to use Set somewhere
like in this vbforums.com/…
@Gotalove is it showing any error?
take a look at this method mahipalreddy.com/cr/article56245.htm
only when I referesh it is saying missing db value entries
already have
when you refresh the report, the parameter value will get removed
let me try if I can use that loop and getbyname
actually no cant use getitembyname
because I will get parametername which has @
ok can you find AddCurrentValue() method in the parameter object?
I changed to addcurrentvalue
it still doesnt
For lngLoopVariable = LBound(objParamField) To UBound(objParamField)
          For lngloopvariable2 = 1 To .ParameterFields.Count
          If .ParameterFields(lngloopvariable2).ParameterFieldName = objParamField(lngLoopVariable).Name Then
             .ParameterFields(lngloopvariable2).AddCurrentValue (objParamField(lngLoopVariable).value)
          Exit For
          End If
what is happening.. I mean its asking for parameter value? or anything else?
it is not
thats the funny thing it just loads the report with empty fieldnames
but the rdc method works fine
that means the paramater values are going correctly
take a test
put the parameter field in header section then try to print the report again
how so?
if the supplied parameter values are displaying in report then there is no issue in assigning parameter values
not sure you get me
just drag and drop the parameter field like other database field in header section and preview the report
to make sure that parameter values are being supplied to report correctly or not.
you are right their being passed
then dont waste your time in to find issue in assigning parameter value
thanks for that idea
I would never have realised
ok now check that how do you filter the report
yes I have an idea now
hehehe it happens. i had realized that after wasting my 3 hours to find that why parameter is not getting assigned. but, the issue was not there.
like me since I got to the office at 7.20 to now 11.30
I am such a dummy
@Gotalove take a lunch
I always waiting for a lunch from morning to noon :P
like, I counts each seconds for 1 o'clock xD
still early for me
99 in 80 balls
@Shell my coin goes to NZ
mine too
if NZ win then our chances is higher to win the world cup.
but, first we have to beat the AUS
NZ will win for Sure...
our semifinal is more crucial then final
@Shell need one help
How can I help u?
I want to process something async...when I insert anything in the database. I want to call some function which runs in the backend without interrupting any process to my app. I'm thinking about schedular is there any other ideas?
the schedular is a different process which runs separately....I want to make something like that...so, when my app runs smoother it doesn't waits for the mail to send.
are you getting my point?
@Justcode yeah scheduler is good for it. but, you can use simply Task class or Thread to do process silently without interrupting existing process.
@Shell amm, for example?
remember that i have asked a question about a week ago. SQL Dependancy.
you can create object of that class and start the process for particular table. when you insert any data into that table or update it the method will get call automatically.
the only thing is require that the program must be running.
suppose i have an application
@Shell that's same.
which shows message when any record get inserted in particular table
its schedular
@Justcode scheduler can't perform on realtime
and it will be called even there is no data updated
okay, I'm thinking to use signlaR yooooo!!!
how about that?
signlar will check in the backend right?
that's good idea! I think..
@yash where are you poop?
What u wanna do?
Got tea...Relaxed Now....
sorry, signalR is a worst idea :(
@Shell can you continue on your thinking?
i was just about to say that...:P
@Justcode that is also good but, for that you have to start hub. if the process is very large and there are so much modules which performs same way then signalr is the best. if you want to do this for one or two module the i think you can do this even SqlDependancy
@Justcode yeah sure
but i have a question
where the process will being called?
I mean in web application or in windows service?
@Shell when I enter something into the database
web app. ofc
I don't know what's that? :/
you should take an example first
I will.. thanks!
the event wich get fired automatically whenever the record get changed in the particular table
you can write your code in that event.
hehe did you just call Yash poop
whoop someone's ass Yash
and btw the event will not break your current process because this will get fire in different thread
he will kill me now :D
@Shell amm, that's called separate proceess right? I mean the form which contentiously running checking that is there any new threads or not?
some kind of scheduler with different approach?
will implement later...I'm tired now :D
i used once....SqlDependency is nicer way to do that
hehehe I would like to call it Lazy Loading
yeah, I'm lazy!
Is there a way I can get my mvc app to throw an error if it fails to locate my unmanaged dll
in iis
I used modelstate.adderrror
@Gotalove working on same modules....can't you use global errors?
but when I call page that calls that dll it simply gives service unavailable
what do you mean
@Gotalove use global classes in mvc. which will be used to handle the global errors I mean any type of errors
okay let me try that
34 in 20 balls
posted on March 24, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Stichoza */

22 in 11 balls
Intresting One....
20 in 10
19 in 9
mine looks more informative :D
14 in 7
18 in 8
tera net(sabun) slow hai kya?
cricbuzz slow he
12 in 6
ye dekho @yash iska bhi sabun slow hai
Ye Bunty he
Dhote Jao...Dhote Jao...Dhote Jao...
Dhote jao...Dhote jaoo..dho...
@yash hahahahhahaha
11 in 5
where do you add custom errrors
Elliot on Strike
@Gotalove in global.asax file
@Gotalove Check Score Buddy...High Profile Match
hehe I really dont know what goes on in cricket
you enjoy Yash
10 in 4 balls
I'd be glad with some help unwrapping my head around a Postback issue. I have a page (call it "Settings.aspx") which lets me set some settings for a Project. I also have a different area in my website where I can set Default Settings.
I don't want to duplicate the page (a lot of fields and validations), so I do a Server.Transfer from the DefaultSettings.aspx to Settings.aspx with a "mode=default" parameter, and want my logic to change accordingly.
Steyn to Vettori, FOUR, oh boy! Steyn is livid! How has he managed to hit that for four?
(I use the Server.Transfer because I want my URL to be ~/Default/Settings and ~/Projects/Settings, separately).
It works, bit when I click the Save button, I get Page.IsPostBack = false and the event isn't called.
game finished
NZ won
only 1 ball left
Steyn to Elliott, SIX, New Zealand have qualified for a World Cup final for the first time. What a blow from Elliott. What an innings he's played
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan server.transfer everywhere will load speed on your server.
@Justcode I know what Server.Transfer does. I'm trying to get Postback working in a Server.Transfer scenario.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you can show your code and we will try to help you.
South African Cricketers are crying
they have loose another mauka to win world cup
after 28 years they are qualified for semifinal match and knocked out again from the world cup.
final IND vs. NZ
@Ranger hahahahhahaha
Bookie prediction wala msg viral hua tha na whatsapp pr
wo sahi lagta hai
Don't get caught up on the syntax, I extracted it rather brutally from the real code.
pastie.org blocked
I don't remember there is any inbuilt method called OnCommand="DoSave"
is it inside gridview?
@Justcode Nope. But it works well enough.
amm, not sure. try using onclick in place
@Justcode its button click event
@Shell @Justcode have you guys facing this?
@Ranger aapke toothpaste me namak hai kya??? apke net me ye url allow hai kya?
don't know
@Ranger no
it is showing that site is blocked as per guidelines from indian government
To tumhe hum kya dhongi lagte hai.. paint se pehle jk white putty... sealan se bhi papadi ka koi sawal nahi..
i can open this url
and I am sure that I am living in india
@Justcode no question found on this tag :( stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/englishpls
yo Ankit
I keep looping from tut to tut
which is the best way to use global errors
google :- which is the best way to use global errors
you will find so links :D
SoapFault - faultcode: 'soap:Server' faultstring: 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at DemlerOlives.Services.GoogleService.DemlerOlives.IDemelerService.InvokeDemelerService(UserEntity admin)
at OliveRoomService.ORoomJsonService.DiscoverService(UserEntity user)
I am getting this error while calling a service
While It is working fine using WS Studio or js Request
Any one Any IDEA
i have a website that call a webservice
both of them hosted on locally IIS
i see this error

The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.
@ashutiwari4 put relevant code and how you are calling that service
It's working when I am calling from .Net

Here's Android Code and It's not working
@ashutiwari4 try this room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/7/c
any idea please ?
hi @Justcode
in SQL Teammember table Have 3 users
i want to get the 3 users Details in a single table
how to use loop for that
and how to store temporary table
Hii @Justcode
hello @vishuminhas how r u
Fine @Shell
How about u
me also fine.
actually I am happy
ohh vow have got increment ??
no actually I am leaving my existing company
which company do u working now?
Relish Impex Hell. Ltd.
i mea pvt. ltd
@Shell actually i have some issue with order by in entity framework
Impex Hell :D
can I show my query
why are u asking..
List<Tb_PurchaseVehicle> Vehicle = new List<Tb_PurchaseVehicle>();
Vehicle = (from p in obj.Tb_PurchaseVehicle
p.PurchaseOrderBy == currentuser
orderby p.Id descending
select p).Distinct().ToList();
actually I need quick response so that's why
its not working
you mean its not getting sort by Id descending?
I need latest record on top
but its not sorting u have any idea
what will be the issue?
Hi Everyone
List<Tb_PurchaseVehicle> Vehicle = new List<Tb_PurchaseVehicle>();
Vehicle = (from p in obj.Tb_PurchaseVehicle
                    where  p.PurchaseOrderBy == currentuser
               select p).OrderByDescending(x=>x.Id).Distinct().ToList();
try like this
have tried it but getting same response buddy
its that .net webservice is not able to read params i am sending through android,i have cross checked my code,its seems fine,i have added server code also in pastebin,if any one knows how to read params on server it would be helpful
@Shell can you please see this stackoverflow.com/questions/29215730/…
@vishuminhas this should work. How do u check that the records are sorted or not?
@Shell I am debugging also checking webgrid not pulling sorted records
@Justcode No, that's irrelevant. OnCommand is a standard asp:Button event, and it works when I use it directly from Page2.
It's just that loading Page1 (which transfers to Page2) and then clicking a button "loses" the postback, probably because the PostBackUrl of the form doesn't match that of the actual page, or something similar.
hi @vishuminhas
hi @Shell
@vishuminhas what is the sortmode of your webgrid?
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 18:00

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