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@TylerH If that were indeed the purpose, then the chat rooms that comments are moved to wouldn't be automatically frozen and deleted for "inactivity". Archives shouldn't get deleted for inactivity. That's one of the major reasons why I dislike moving comments to chat, because the resulting chat is not an actual archive. This means the only purpose of moving comments to chat is to force a back-and-forth discussion to chat, rather than in comments.
4 hours later…
11 hours later…
@CodyGray chat rooms aren't deleted for inactivity are they? Just frozen.
Deletion is manual, I thought
@TylerH I'd click to expand a thing on a page. I'd almost never click a link to a different page to go see the comments there. It's not the click that bothers me - it's the context switch. And the lack of context when I visit chat - I can't, for example, scroll to read the post the comments are under. Or other posts. I know I can open in a new tab but I still don't do it.
I think I can count the number of times I've visited comments moved to chat on the fingers of my hands.
@VLAZ that's a fair argument, and a good argument I think for why my suggestion years ago about paged comments should be implemented.
We've been receiving flags that this question is incorrectly closed. Could someone please take a look and review it? Sorting columns in pandas dataframe based on column name
@Dharman Yeah, they are different things. See stackoverflow.com/questions/22442378/… for further reading; one is about sorting without re-ordering/re-indexing columns, the other is about re-ordering/re-indexing columns (and thus, by consequence, sorting)
merely sorting the columns retains their original indices (e.g. if you need to reference them).
whereas changing the order changes those indices
@TylerH Yes and no. Rooms with less than 15 messages or less than 2 users participating will be automatically deleted, not just frozen. There's an ancient request to make mod-move-to-chat'd rooms persist regardless of the retention rules for chat, though.
@Spevacus Ah, thanks. I guess I may have gone so long since I was below 10k I may not remember a time when I clicked on a link to a 'deleted' chat room and couldn't still see it
since apparently 10k+ users can see deleted chatrooms if they have the link?
@TylerH Yes, they can.
Which is why I don't delete "moved to chat" comments just because someone with < 10k rep flagged it, as the link isn't dead. They just need more rep, just like if the link was to a deleted question or answer.
@VLAZ I'm sure I can, but then I use base 2 (or base 3, if really needed), so the criteria of "on the fingers of my hands" is substantially higher. :)
1 hour later…
@Makyen Base 10 and base 2 fit nicely to my hands. How do you do base 3?
@CodyGray he can show you with his fingers, but you might find it offensive
Well, I'm not much of a shrinking violet.
@CodyGray By having three positions per finger, rather than the 2 that are needed for base 2. Each finger is still a digit (pun intended), as with base 2. It's significantly harder without practice, which I don't really do that much. Presumably, people who have already practiced things that require deft finger movements (e.g., fingering some musical instruments), would find it easier.
@Makyen oh, do you use like the 3 sections of each finger?
@TylerH Three sections, or just three positions. Whatever works for denoting three states per finger, just like binary requires two states per finger. Admittedly, I'd normally find it easier to just stick with base 2 and add some additional binary digits indicated by toes, legs, arms, but then it wouldn't just be "on my fingers". Probably with practice it would be possible to use higher bases on just the fingers (at least 4 or 5), but I've never really done it, other than "let's see how well that works" testing.
Even more possibilities if you buy a bag of Bugles and put those on your fingers :-)
2 hours later…
@Makyen Oh, of course! I get it. That's quite clever.
Thanks. :)
There are 3 segments, so base 4 should be possible, but I'm not nearly dexterous enough for it.
@miken32 Is it a typo, or explaining the format/interpretation of the file?
@CodyGray Fair enough, I guess I'm using "typo" as shorthand for "making an obvious mistake that reading the documentation would have prevented"
Ah, well, don't do that! Ironically, reading the documentation for this site would have prevented making that error. :-)
@CodyGray You don't have to limit it to just the three segments. As with almost any real-world analog system, there are, effectively, an infinite number of possible positions (e.g., for each finger from fully extended to fully curled). As such, arbitrary high bases could be used. In practice, there will always be a limit on the number of different positions to which you can move, hold, and differentiate when reading back. So, yes, the segments are an easy separator, but there's nothing that inherently says you couldn't have 50 different positions assigned to just the first segment of each finger, or use each segment as a separate digit of the number.
Personally, I haven't really used anything other than base 2 (and, of course, the "normal" method of counting to ten on fingers). I've tried higher bases, but really haven't used them. That's mostly convenience (I'm already quite familiar with base 2, due to computers; setting, holding, and reading back finger positions for base 2 is easy) and a lack of need for a higher base in a situation which doesn't lend itself to other solutions. So, I have almost no practice with any higher base.
Although, I have tried using base 3 at least a few times, just no real need to do so.
Yes, differentiating when reading back is the major limitation.
I apologise for only managing count to 10 on my fingers.
Yes, that's vastly less efficient than being able to count to 1023.
Yes. A failure that has bit me almost every day.
2 hours later…

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