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Any diamond mods around who can pop in here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/256608 and help me out?
cc: @StephenOstermiller @Makyen if you have the time
It cannot be handled with a flag @Dharman
And not SOCVR related
Anyway, feel free to delete it
@M-- I don't see it as anything other than a flagable issue. It seems to be the epitome of something for which a custom flag should be used, either in chat or on the main site. I don't understand why you think it can't be handled with a flag.
"There's a problem that needs a moderator" is exactly what flags are all about.
I could agree that it doesn't need moderator but a CM.
@Makyen flags on the main won't work (practically), but I can see flagging in chat doing something. I just didn't think of that. So, you say flagging my own message to get mod attention is appropriate for this?
@M-- Yes. Chat or main. Why wouldn't flagging on main work? Just do the normal thing and pick a post, any post, and raise a flag. Generally, it's preferred that the post be either one of the other user's posts or your own post, but any post would work.
@Makyen oh, I didn't think of that either. Silly me. I was thinking of flagging the problematic post, not just one of their Q&As. Thank you.
np. Thanks.
see picture on MS for proof
or here :D
2 hours later…
@TylerH OP have tagged the question with . Looking at the question body, it seems they wish to accomplish this using HL7 specifications; about which, I have already commented on the question. If they are open for any other solution not compliant with specifications, the world is open for them. String parsing is very basic and answered infinitely for all programming languages on SO. My close reason may be wrong, but the question is not useful for future users.
1 hour later…
Is anyone experiencing an error while saving (bookmark) a post in SO? When I click that flag to save the post, it shown "an error occured" message.
@AmitJoshi Nope, works for me without a problem. But I have only the default(?) "Save for later..."-list
@AmitJoshi try refreshing the page. I've had a lot of issues with that sort of thing where the post's bookmark/vote status in browser is out of sync with the server
@KarlKnechtel I'm not sure I get the point of a flag-pls on AI-generated content. Multiple flags don't make the post go away sooner.
If your aim is discussing whether the post is AI-generated or not, that's probably best done in the dedicated chat room.
there is one?
but yeah they aren't spam flags, point taken
I'll leave your request there, anyway. It's not an invalid request, just one I don't see as particularly useful.
If I've flagged something as spam and the author deletes it, will the flag still be available for mods to see?
@Cow Yes.
thank god, thanks @VLAZ
You can check your flag status as well, just to be sure. There is some flag that gets cleared on deletion, I think. But VLQ or something.
Well, it'd be VLQ or NAA, I guess. I can't remember if it's one or both.
that's what I did and noticed it still active while it was deleted
1 hour later…
@VLAZ I think both are cleared on self-deletion, annoyingly. Not sure.
VLQ almost certainly is.
hm :-/
It seems I can't un-save questions from my bookmarks. It only says "An error occurred". Does it happen to anyone else?
The actual API response is a status 400 with:
> {"ErrorMessage":"isUndo parameter is misaligned with post's save status."}
quite cryptic...
@blackgreen I get "Keyboard not found, press Enter to continue" vibes from that.
To actually answer your question, though - yes, I do get it. In fact, I only get if I save something, then refresh (or ever visit the page again) and try to remove the save. But if you save + unsave without leaving the page it works.
So, it seems some variable for "it's already saved" is not delivered properly on page load.
OK, I can see it in the requests. Saving hits POST <site>/<post id>/save and removing a save is POST <site>/<post id>/save?isUndo=true but if you do a refresh in between it hits the first URL. So, you should be able to work around it by manually fiddling with the request. Not great but if you really need something desperately gone from your saves.
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
@blackgreen I bugged a report. Also, you can still remove saves from the saves page on your profile.
2 hours later…
5 hours later…
@Dharman Do you thinking this NMF? stackoverflow.com/q/79234531/2943403 (translate this crud model to a crud model for newer CI version.)
I don't know much about CI.
What is this PHP 4 style assignment doing there?
I don't even know what the get_instance() is because it doesn't exist in the link
I can't say because I've not used CI4, but I know that the leap between CI3 and CI4 is equally difficult compared to migrating from CI3 to Laravel.
get_instance() is how you instantiate the super-God-object that CI builds everything on top of.
But without knowing much about CI I would say the question looks fine
Okay, I'll walk away too then.
Maybe @VLAZ or @Vickel know.
I closed it as a duplicate. If it's not right the OP needs to edit the question and add more details
@mickmackusa @Dharman I left a comment (pointing to the CI4 docs); the duplicate only addresses to create instances with CI3.

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