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3 hours later…
@HovercraftFullOfEels I think the question is a got fit for a signpost, there's a pretty good chance other people might run into the same problem - converting a Stack to an array
2 hours later…
@OcasoProtal What on Earth... that user has had the account for 7 years without asking a question... and has also been on the correct site for the question for over a year and successfully asked questions there
"I'm actually better at proofreading that programming"... heh
@KarlKnechtel Maybe too early in the morning or a lack of coffee or... I don't know? :D
What is the current view on comments such as "@... if youre still around I wrote an answer you might accept for future readers"?
Answering my own question, flag it, see meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/297597/…
@AdrianHHH NLN
It's always and only noise
Thanks @VLAZ, that is what I found after some more looking.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Facepalm the "answers" here... stackoverflow.com/questions/19714738/…. (All just "it's still not working.")
wow, those "answers"
Yeesh. Fixed and protected
Hopefully without the other answers as examples, nobody else gets the bright idea to do that
Yeah... I noticed two of them in the review queue, so I looked at the question.
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine I can see it. It must exist in the shared reality we inhabit.
But if you ask "is this on-topic" - not really.
@VLAZ What if the question is about its own existence?
@Machavity I ask, therefore I am?
@Machavity It could be that I'm a figment of the question's imagination.
Hmm, is this Q on-topic?
@Machavity Its on topic but they might get better answers on CS.SE
> but if your question generally covers… [...] a software algorithm
That's a good idea. I'll hit up a CS mod to see if they'd be amenable to a migration
is this question programming-related or just Linux usage? stackoverflow.com/questions/78529768/…
@TylerH Linux, I believe. I don't see any programming in there
@GeneralGrievance I cleaned up the question and answer a little bit further
1 hour later…
Gah, I hate misclicking the flag. I used "spam" instead of R/A. I know it doesn't matter too much, but it annoys me. Part of it that, for some reason, you can't swap the red flag. If you voted for one, you can't retract and vote for the other.
BRB lashing VLAZ with a wet noodle
Hold on, let me get the popcorn first
No, not the popcorn *cries. The tears mixing up with the wetness from the noodle*
Given that questions about app store policies and whatnot are off-topic, I assume this one would be as well? Or is it ok because it's about using the app store? stackoverflow.com/q/21461735
@miken32 Seems like one of those "historically okay" questions.. which means close, but don't delete??
2 hours later…
@miken32 very offtopic
@LindaLawton-DaImTo Bountied questions cannot be close voted.
Is this answer an answer to the question Rust Manipulating Strings in Functions.
@TylerH @LindaLawton-DaImTo binned as this is not eligible. You may re-request when the question is eligible for closure.
@dbc I think it's very low quality, if it's an attempt at answering. Blocks of code with literally no explanation are not helpful.
@TylerH After you cleaned it up a bit, it may show an example of code to process strings in a function in Rust and then return a struct that contains the results of that processing to use in more functions. So a bad answer rather than not an answer.
This answer discloses the author's affiliation; does that make it not-spam?
@Daedalus mehhhhh. Arguably fails all three "specific behaviors to avoid" in How to not be a spammer.
According to What makes something spam and when should I flag it?: "A post should be marked as spam only if it promotes a product, service, or similar; and is unsolicited or lacks disclosure of affiliation"
So that post has disclosure, but was it unsolicited? Given that the questioni was an off-topic recommendation request, maybe not.
It still might be "improper self-promotion", a lesser included offense for "spammer".
And OFC answers that are purely promotional should be deleted as "Not an answer".
That being said, that post certainly does pass the duck test for spam.
@dbc Yeah, you're not wrong... my "mehhhhh" roughly expands to "while this may have technically met the letter of what we might be persuaded in some situation is not technically spam, my judgement call based on the totality of the circumstances is that this looks like the intent is purely promotional and nothing of value is being lost by nuking it as spam"

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