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Cheeky bugger ... he somewhat rephrased the previously closed question , but I still don't think the new one constitutes programming, even if he's tryin to determine whether gcc exists.
7 hours later…
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@gnat It seems like one of those "If you have to ask, you shouldn't do it".
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Can I post a cv-pls in here for a question that has no recent activity but has a pending edit?
@blackgreen Yes, you can post a cv-pls since suggested edits made within the last 6 months count as recent activity. socvr.org/faq#GEfM-not-habit-cv-pls
feels like I've been doing things on SO for no more than 1:30~2 hours and I'm already out of up/down votes, close votes and del votes
only another 9 and a half hours until it refreshes
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
Is this closable as "Not about programming"? Seems to be about packing fruit into boxes.
@AdrianMole deleted by OP
Seems reasonable. Close votes are both inappropriate and wasted on those types, IMHO. A handful of downvoted often gives the hint to the OP.
Does this post (the comments) need a mod flag? Two rude/unfriendly comments have already been deleted and they've now posted a third (identical to the second). I have flagged it (again) as U/U ... presumably the handling mod(s) will notice the pattern, but is a custom flag warranted?
... or can such U/U flags end up with automatic deletion of comments? (No really rude words, I think, that would trigger the regex thing.)
... and the third has now been deleted.
The tag is being burninated: Open Qs - Close Queue - Meta CW
^^ NM. A moderator appears to have acted.
are questions about build-servers (e.g. jenkins) on-topic?
@Turing85 Probably. I consider it a "software development tool".
1 hour later…
I'm kind of freaking out... I just upvoted a bunch of things.
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine Do you want to get suspended?
1 hour later…
hmm. site is down?

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