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@BaummitAugen I am in high school, and I am of 16 years :)
2 more questions left for
@Vickel Actually I've never been to Portugal, but was planning to sooner or later. That might well happen. =D
@SunderamDubey Best of luck in any exams then. ;)
@BaummitAugen Porto, Lisbon to start with... or any coastal town, if you are into surfing
@Vickel mataratos - a minha sogra é um boi ["my mother-in-law is an ox"]
Two questions left, both with two close votes.
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine done. Burnination is officially over, pending mod deletion.
@Vickel Kayaking and sailing so far, but no surfing to speak of. It does sound tempting though, but sadly there's only so much vacation time. XD
@BaummitAugen if you swim and dive well, surfing can be learned very quickly. It is one of these sports where your level will improve timelessly, each new sessions will be better than the last ones. Whenever you enter the water it is you and the ocean.
@BaummitAugen do you confirm Vickel isn't really Portuguese?
@Vickel you know that the only criteria for being Portuguese is wanting to be Portuguese? (So don't take offense.)
@bad_coder selecção
@Vickel mmm, there's been millennium long definition about what being Portuguese really is...
@Vickel thus far, it's been concluded that no one is born Portuguse, you become Portuguese. And speaking the language is one form of being Portuguese, but not the only form.
@bad_coder that is most likely a valid qualifier for any other nation too
@Vickel I'm fine with water, and I liked the basic attempts I made, but yeah, as I said, limited time and much going on. =D
@BaummitAugen don't get a belly !!!
And with that I'm off for the night. Cya around! o/
bye nice talking again!
@Vickel actually no, in every country you either have a forfather, you're born there, or you stay for several decades at least and even then don't get full citizenship.
None of those rules are considered important around here.
@Vickel being Portuguese is essentially a humanistic stance without compromise.
@bad_coder mind to jump over to the lounge ?
@Vickel I'm back to work... That's what I have to do!!
@bad_coder how's the season going?
@Vickel wasn't anything to do with the question tags...
@Nick when I finished my comment you already edited the tag... sorry I'm too slow :)
@RyanM @Vickel and @BaummitAugen I see how this is going. I now issue a new challenge, give me the shortest single-word in German that uses every letter in the language (yes, all of those crazy accented characters). This should be considered a German replacement for "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" sentence -- but without spaces.
@Vickel no worries at all... I was just commenting another reason why it needed closing...
^ and just take the spaces out, none might notice :)
definetly spam...
@tacoshy didn't find the spam but R/A for sure
yeah spam not as spam flag (advertising) but as blantly useless crap that was posted to spam an answer
@tacoshy that's what I use R/A for... at the end it is a red flag
@Nick too much programming, this year I don't have time to fill a single bottle.
@bad_coder sorry to hear it. hopefully next year...
@Nick hopefully I'll actually get a vacation sometime this year...
@Nick but otherwise the season is still open, no hail storms so far, a recent heatwave was mitigated by a timely light rain... The jury is still out but so far a good crop can be expected.
@bad_coder I probably shouldn't say I'm about to take two weeks off to head north...
@Nick ouch, 2 weeks would be good right now... I'd go camping in the shade.
@bad_coder In australia, no matter what happens, the comment is always "the vintage was ..., but the quality is excellent!" :)
@bad_coder we're heading north to get some sun!
@BaummitAugen thanks :) :)
@Nick everything's inverted there :D
@Nick It could be a vintage year, one never knows until short before the harvest.
@Nick my last vintage year was insane, I do mean mind blowing good like I don't remember in my life time.
@Nick but good thing you pinged me, I'm feeling an urge for a tasting now that we're typing. Probably this weekend I'll take a few hours to sit in my cellar.
@bad_coder that's the right attitude! :)
I'll have to try your wine some time...
1 hour later…
@mickmackusa Is the first statement separate from the request? That answer has never been deleted.
@HenryEcker I mean, I already del-voted (probably a long time ago), but didn't read the popup confirmation. I clicked okay and erased my del-vote. Now I can't re-delete vote.
Ah you undid your delete vote (un-delete vote) not "undelete" voted. I see now.
The comments on that...
@Adriaan is this request still valid?
@Cristik Nope, it was handled. Moved manually.
Is this OB? Something is off I believe: stackoverflow.com/q/72633106/5468463.
Is this NATO answer a promotion? At least, is it NAA/Link-Only? Other than link, the answer only discusses the contents already included in other answers; no new information. Should this be deleted?
@AmitJoshi Basically link-only, I'd say. It explains the problem (fluff/supplimentary) then says most of the answers work (fluff) and offers a solution (link). Remove all of that and you have nothing of substance.
sorry, forgot that I had posted an answer to that before the OP followed up
@Vega it seems this is asking about disambiguation / clarification about an official resource, and the answer followed suit. Perhaps changing the title from "should we" to "can we" is enough to fix it
I saw this answer in low quality review which is awarded at 2k reputation, I skipped the task, is this LQ?
@SunderamDubey Yes, it's link-only: the actual code is behind a link.
@SunderamDubey Looks link only.. without the link, the rest of the content is useless
^ better description than mine.
@blackgreen Yes, thank you. The title is much better. However, I don't understand the need to ask what they can use, when they already have the choice. I mean why not try themselves and post the result/difference/error/issu, etc ?
The question could be edited to how? But then the answer would be invalidated
yeah not all OPs are equally diligent... no need to make it a "how" question for the reason you mention
@RyanM Why it sometime happens that somebody call my name by @ and then also the chat notification doesn't appear outside the chatroom, but sometime it does.
In my profile
@SunderamDubey Please do not ping the mods
@SunderamDubey there's a delay; if you respond or dismiss it from the chat room itself before then, it won't send a notification (as you've already seen it)
Anyway, you tell me, I am just asking.
Also general advice re: pings: if you don't need a specific person to respond, you can just ask without pinging anyone.
Thanks understood.
This is not an answer, is it? It seems to contain something looking like an answer near the bottom, but I don't think it's attempting to answer the OP's question.
looks like the story of their life :)
Like they are trying to communicate with her teammate
that post would be good as a chapter in some book :) not so good on SO, though, not even the docker related content seems related to the question
too bad for the time they invested in writing this :)
@SunderamDubey Why is a del-pls request necessary? This will eventually Roomba (get automatically deleted by the system).
@SunderamDubey Why delete it now?
@JeanneDark Sorry, don't know that.
@SunderamDubey just a formatting note: there's no requirement, nor reason for that matter, to use angular brackets around your reason text.
@Adriaan From next time I'll remember, but its mentioned in socvr.org.
@SunderamDubey Did you miss my chat message? There's also a userscript to tell if and when a post will Roomba.
@SunderamDubey yea, I know, I wrote that. using placeholder brackets for "your argument goes here" is actually commonplace in programming, which is how I intended the message. Otherwise you could of course read any of the other *-pls messages here, none of them have angular brackets
1 hour later…
@HovercraftFullOfEels well... they have "focus" right in the tile :) but yeah, the question surely needs more :)
@richardec we want u back bruh
I would like a second opinion on this question. Basically see my latest comment: the question shows up in search results for "deep copy struct" but the question and answer are a very narrow, almost typo issue with the OP trying to copy some recursive structure. I hammered it to point to what I believe people are actually looking for.
should it be deleted?
there's a case that can be made about being a signpost, given the high number of views, but... it's basically a waste of time. the other two answers are close to useless
@blackgreen Don't see what harm it's doing. And, in the rare case where someone does want to copy a ternary tree, then it would be useful. Maybe some of the lesser answers can be deleted, though.
mm, if I need to deep copy a ternary tree, I'd look for "deep copy ternary tree"
(and I would likely not end up on that question)
@blackgreen ... if you add "ternary tree" to the title, then Google probably will find it. :-)
neat, I'll put "ternary tree" in the title of all my posts from now on
ok, I'm sold. Thanks Adrian
I Googled "deep copy ternary tree" and found only posts about binary trees.
@AdrianMole If you narrow it to Go you can find that question
Yeah, misread the title. And Google lists a Java answer first
We need a Go-specific Google. We could call it Goggle, as opposed to Jaggle.
this is a real issue. I must look up Go stuff using the wrong name "golang" to hint at Google that "go" isn't a random verb
given that they invented the language, I'd have expected a slightly better interaction with the search engine
Does anyone know how we could improve this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/72638013/…
@Dharman perhaps closing as a duplicate of this
@Dharman Is this a trick question?
another solution is to ask Solana to start a Collective and then make that question into an article \s
Now that the answers been separated from the question it’s actually not too bad. The answer needs a polishing edit. I’d say the question is very much focused on the "what" and not "why" like if this was "How to set up a new session" or something that'd be more useful in terms of search.
Should I flag this answer as low quality, haven't flagged yet?
@SunderamDubey Doesn't look like VLQ or NAA
@JeanneDark Can you please tell me why, it also can be comment.
@SunderamDubey VLQ and NAA flags are for posts that don't attempt to answer a question, something like "I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?", "Thank you. Your answer helped me.", "Check out this great [article](...)" etc. These flags provide no context and are not for posts requiring subject matter expertise.
I also already gave you the link to the Privilege: comment everywhere page that explains what comments are for.
If you think the answer is absolutely useless, you could ask this room to delete it.
@JeanneDark Agreed with your point, but if you look at the answer more clearly, it states one method which is render2 and give its link and one line explanation of the method, and suggested to create component which defined the button.
Anyway, @JeanneDark I'll comment on it.
@SunderamDubey one method and a one-line explanation of it are an attempt to answer the question
Basically, treat VLQ/NAA as the same as the Low Quality Answers queue, and follow this guidance.
@TylerH The preview disappeared for me, too. I have not disabled it! The userscript I use removes that button. I last fiddled with this yesterday when you reported it. I had left it enabled since then and have even seen the preview today. There is zero chance I randomly misclicked and hid it. I think we're experiencing a bug from SE.
Since this option is persisted somewhere, it must be a problem there, I assume. I just don't know where. Maybe it's even saved with the user.
Ugh, it doesn't even stick with "show" any more.
I think it's a bit broken. It now sticks. It's also making a network request to https://stackoverflow.com/user/save-pref/hide-preview-for-inline-editing which sends hide: 'true' or hide: 'false'. However, only does that if I disable my userscripts. So one userscript must interfere with this.
@VLAZ maybe... I do have userscripts but not the 3-column layout one you use
I use Roomba Forecaster, Delete/Reopen Vote Rename, and Stack Ask Dates Everywhere
sometimes I also turn on Voting fraud detector and Stack print styles but usually they are off
It's the 3-column layout. If I disable it, then it sends a request to the backend. If I keep it and close the 3-column view (which I basically never do), then I can click the show/hide preview but it doesn't send a request to the backend to persist the option.
Don't exactly know why, though. The HTML for the button is the same in both cases. And there are the exact same event listeners bound in both cases. I assume some delegated listener up the DOM tree might be changed and now doesn't match the button or something.
I did try out the 3-column layout userscript the other day, when it was first mentioned here (or some other chatroom like Meta Room or something)
but uninstalled it immediately
so maybe that is why
@miken32 Isn't this asking about features of the python library?
@RyanM Yes, I didn't read closely enough and it sounded like a question about an AWS feature at first. You can bin that request.
@miken32 → 1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
Well, hey. If none of your bots posts answerable questions, then each one will get banned. No skin off our backs.
quantity always wins
eventually someone will give them the answer
@gnat Aaaand somebody upvoted it.
@GeneralGrievance wasn't me.
@GeneralGrievance No regex?
Hello! Can someone check out this question...? I think it is spam, but I couldn't find affiliation, so I'd like a second pair of eyes on it. Here is the Metasmoke report for it
I don't know anything about kotlin; is this POB? stackoverflow.com/questions/72628676/…
@cocomac Well, it's at least a question containing an answer.
And I use "answer" very loosely.
@cocomac I'd say there's a good chance, but it's not 100%. I VTC as unclear.
@miken32 Maybe a comment addressed to the OP: "Can you clarify whether or not this post is spam?" ;)
Well, I won't be running out of things to flag any time soon... data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1605910/…
@GeneralGrievance Be careful about NAA flags on link-only answers when the question is asking for such links.
Yeah, I will, thanks.
... the first three I checked in your link were in that category.
...what kind of question is suitable for the site and can also be correctly answered with just a link?
@KarlKnechtel Questions asking for the official location of some resource
... I don't understand why that would be on topic. we aren't a search engine.
Right, we're a repository of all Q&A questions
If a question arises of where you are to find some official resource, for whatever reason (like the vendor doesn't have a clear link to it on their own site, or something), as a programmer that's something we sometimes need
I'm not necessarily suggesting that such questions are on-topic. I'm just saying that, once posted, link-only answers to them aren't (necessarily) NAA.
Also some of the "what api route should I use to get X information" questions can appear to be link-only
You're always free to express your judgement on the usefulness of such questions and answers
@HenryEcker in this case I feel like some framing text really ought to be included (although it doesn't make the answer NAA, okay, fine). Like, something to say "try this" and then something to highlight components of the route and indicate how they're related to the request
well, don't get confused, answers can't be link only
that doesn't mean questions can't ask questions that can be answered with a link
just, the link must be presented in a way that makes it an answer, and not a link
Framing is always helpful. There are no answers on this site that must be answered with a link and nothing more.
@KevinB okay, so this is the original sticking point. The query provided by @GeneralGrievance appears to pick up things that aren't "presented" in such a way, because they contain literally only the link. (Of course there are other link-only NAAs that contain useless text like "you may find an answer to your problem here:").
the first example I clicked on didn't seem to be soliciting link-only answers, but I think a question that does tend to encourage them, is inherently problematic
(not really sure exactly what that would look like, though)
I'm wondering now about ones that ask for libraries and the answer is just a URL now...
my point is, it's certainly possible for a question to be on topic, that's requesting effectively a link to official docs... but an answer providing just that on the other hand isn't immune from a flag for being link only
it seems someone ran a SEDE query matching the words "this video" and fed a bunch of link-only posts to the LQA
oh, that seems like a pretty good heuristic
@blackgreen Probably me, but it wasn't a SEDE query.
a lot of high-effort spammers trying to promote their youtube content
I also fed quite a few "this video" posts into LQA
Also "this blog" and "this article"
@GeneralGrievance g'job, how did you find the posts?
don't tell me you just put "this video" in quotes in the SO search bar
Slightly more sophisticated: "this video" is:a score:..3
I did "this video" url:http is:a score:..1
hah, excellent
similar query on meta produces interesting results
If they allowed us to search by length, it would be so easy to find the bad answers
Length would be a nice addition to search for sure.
well anyway there it goes my 40 LQA reviews
Yeah, true. I'm thinking of going SEDE with that at some point, but I'm still finding plenty of stuff.
.. is a <= operator here?
Range operator
Well, I guess without a first param, yes, it is.
yeah, I get it
Yeah range A..Z where either end can be unbounded. Works with score:, views:, answers:, created:, and lastactive:
also if you omit the range altogether it defaults to a >=
score:1 results in score >= 1
And note that dates may be backwards from what's expected.
E.g. `free tool closed:0 lastactive:6m.. is:q locked:0`
Searches for posts active less than 6 months ago.
Right, range from 6 months ago forward where the maximal end is now.
But that is kinda backwards because you want to read lastactive:..6m as <= 6m
@HenryEcker it doesn't work with user: :(
Can a 2k-er edit the "WHAT THE HELL?" out of this question, please? The suggested edit queue is full, so I can't :(
Done, needs a couple of delete votes now.
@miken32 Thanks! I can't vote to delete, but I left a comment asking them to not say that in the title, though
Can I just say that the first two comments are like poetry
Oops, I forgot that I don't have permission to give feedback here to SD, only in Charcoal HQ and a few other rooms
when exactly did Stack Overflow decide that it isn't a discussion forum? Amazing to think that questions like that were once allowed to stand
@KarlKnechtel 2008
@TylerH ah, so it's just that we were never good at filtering
Community growing has a very different mentality about what is acceptable than the current state of holding back a tsunami by linking arms with the 100 people who care about the village
Why us everything so slow
New traffic flow tests?
... or traffic management, or whatever it is.
Flag as spam or just vote to close? IoTDB-UI officially open source
looks like Ryan answered it for you :-)
@dbc could go either way, really. I deleted it.
Giving them some grace and not nuking it myself because they've contributed a bunch of non-spam content.
If the account had just posted that, I'd probably nuke it.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine was does Scratte's avatar say?
No Bozne?
No Boine?
No war
@MFerguson I don't know, I don't speak Russian. (Can't copy-paste and don't have a Cirilic keyboard...)
Google says "No War!"
Dobpoe vecher
No to war!
@bad_coder Their "About" profile section says "No war!".
@MFerguson dobrry and dobpoe (now I'm thinking about morphology...)
@gre_gor Scratte is devious (joking) I wouldn't trust their translation.
@miken32 I'm starting to think that's it. @AdrianMole no article "to", ye Welsh translator...
I'm taking Russian on DuoLingo right now thats how I know the secret cyrillic lanugage
@MFerguson Then you should also know that Cyrillic needs a capital C to begin with. ;-P
Eto ne guitara

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