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@snakecharmerb found a canonical dupe, I think.
Hah, just noticed that even if the majority of users vote for one reason, if a mod votes for a different reason, that'll be the displayed close reason.
Yeah. Anyone who can unilaterally close a question will overwrite the reason
That's mostly true, but it's possible for it to result in two reasons being shown.
@richardec Same thing happens if others vote and the final vote is a dupehammer with a dupe
@JeanneDark Note: The ignore feedback exists as an option. However, in general, it doesn't really seem appropriate for such cases, IMO. ignore causes the post to be completely ignored for all time, regardless of the post content or any changes to it. It really should only be used for cases where the post content is inherently something which will result in the post being detected multiple times over an extended period of time.
I'm mentioning ignore here, because it exists and might be considered as an option by others, but I don't really feel it's an appropriate use of that feedback.
It's not really intended to be used just to prevent a single post from being detected because the user happens to currently be blacklisted, which is generally something that's intended as ephemeral for those users who are not strictly spammers/trolls.
@Machavity Hmm, I guess so! I never actually noticed that though.
I think duplicates are an exception, in that binding dupe votes always replace the others.
@richardec Had to warn a dupehammer who found that little trick once. They'd hammer to finish the CV, then immediately unhammer to nullify the CVs
@RyanM Not all of them are active, though. I'd say the number of active blacklist managers is around half that number.
Of course, if the moderator really wants their reason to win, they can follow it up with a reopen/reclose.
I've seen mods abuse that trick
simply to avoid locking a post that desperately needed it
Yeah, as a mod you can do that to force it into the state you want. Helps to be able to cast more than one successful CV
It's less abusive when mods do it because we can also unilaterally reverse any close reason.
So it's just basically declaring that you're not going to wait for closure to reopen it.
@KevinB Not sure of the exact situation, but we often hesitate to use locks because they also block desirable interactions with the post. Of course, sometimes they're nonetheless the right tool.
it's all the same result
e.g., if we lock the post, it also can't be voted on
you're using your tools to force a particular outcome, even if there's a voting majority who would prefer another
@RyanM "less abusive" is an interesting take on it :-)
that's exactly what the dupehammerer is doing as well
@TylerH heh...well, I'd argue it's generally not abusive, but I could imagine a situation in which it could be abusive.
@RyanM ACK, looks pretty good
Does anyone know if there's a way to list the currently-logged-in user's recent votes via the SE API?
Like the stuff that shows up here: stackoverflow.com/users/current?tab=votes
@richardec Votes are private and not available through the API
I can't even list the posts I've voted on if I'm logged in as myself?
You can't get a list of your own votes through the api
dang, I guess I'll have to scrape the html.
You could page scrape (be careful not to get rate limited though)
@RyanM yeah, "we elected you to have ultimate power and use it" "wait, not like that"
@KevinB I'd substantially temper that with the issue that votes for the post to be in a particular state can almost never be placed prior to the post reaching another state (e.g. you can't vote to reopen before it's closed, undelete before deleted, etc.). Thus, there is no possible way for the existing votes of those types to accurately reflect a "majority" of those users who both can vote and are interested in voting.
Those only reflect how many can vote, are interested in voting, and who visited the page when the post was in the state opposite to what they desire.
However, that doesn't mean that moderators should not consider carefully when choosing to put a post in a particular state when there are others who have expressed that they feel it should not be in that state.
@GeneralGrievance this will roomba tonight, FYI
or 5 seconds ago thanks to Ryan M
I deleted it anyway because infinite delete votes but yeah, was thinking that :-p
It had a +1 on the answer.
Doesn't that make it not roomba?
I did wonder if someone might have opened it more quickly than me and downvoted the answer.
@RyanM lol, I did :D
@richardec With an appropriate access_token you can obtain up/down voting information on a post by post basis, but not "give me a list of the posts I've voted on".
@richardec Nobody gets that tab but you. Not mods, not CMs. Maybe Devs
@KevinB You forget that users are often stupid and moderators are always right.
I wonder why voting is so much more secret than, e.g., emails.
Oops, not closed.
Well, now it is.
Thanks... Got a little trigger happy.
diamonds ...
@richardec In general we don't need to see specific votes. Our tools are focused on patterns. That sometimes hinders us, but the flipside would be that voting would no longer be seen as private. In general, the moderator community agrees with that
In other words, we do not want to discourage voting for fear of it being seen by a moderator
Man, these Smoke Detector improvements are killing my helpful spam flag count :D
Do I get a red-marshal badge when I hit 500 helpful spam flags?
@RyanM improvements? Does that mean I can un-ignore the spam detection bot because it was spamming this room?
@HenryEcker We'll send you a red flag with a yellow shield and a hammer on it :P
@StephenOstermiller Actually, yes. That's not the improvement I meant, but the messages are now also being deleted properly when the posts are deleted within 2 minutes of posting here.
You can thank @Spevacus for that one.
woo! Thank you spevacus!
@RyanM In other words... the bot can delete its own messages again?
@Machavity Yep!
@Machavity That sounds awesome. Looking forward to it.
@Machavity Hey, where's mine? I have 1610 helpful spam flags and all I got was this blue diamond...
Of course you can pad your own numbers as a mod, but shh
Is my helpful flag count still increasing as a mod now?
Technically, the only flagging mods do is red flags. Maybe the occasional mod flag when you have a COI or need another set of eyes
I mean, you could NAA flag everything you're about to delete, but that's a lot more work for a number few will see
I sometimes cast VLQ flags while handling other stuff. Especially plagiarism.
also I cast comment flags for various reasons. abuse/unkind to mark them as that in the system if there wasn't already one cast, NLN when I'm in a review queue, where the delete option doesn't show up and I'm feeling too lazy to open the question to delete the comments without flagging :-p
I mean, once you're a mod, what use does increasing flag count have
Yeah, I forgot comment flags. Sometimes you need to flag UU or HBA comments so they get that annotation
Yeah, I'm casting the flags to accomplish something, not increase the helpful flag count. My message earlier was in fact a joke :-)
But Dharman's high score board!
@StephenOstermiller <3
@Spevacus You showed the bot where to find the "delete" button?
@Machavity HBA?
@TylerH Harassment, Bigotry, or Abuse
are those categorized differently for mods compared to unfriendly/unkind?
seems like a subset of U/U
Not really separated in any meaningful way, no.
ah, so Machavity is just special :-P
Mostly if someone flags something as NLN or custom flag that's actually unfriendly or abusive, we'll flag it with one of those two.
It's like spam/abusive. Although the system, for all practical purposes, makes no distinction, that's an implementation detail, which users should not rely upon. Use the flag that correctly matches the content you're flagging.
@TylerH Yes and no. HBA and UU will both get you looked at by a mod if you get too many of them. But the HBA queue is as close to a comment "red flag" as you can get because that queue is almost always empty (compared to UU)
@CodyGray Do you like commas? Yes, yes, I do.
Also if you flag something that's maybe a little unfriendly as HBA, the moderator is probably more likely to go "lol, no" and decline it
oh right I forgot there are two separate unfriendly flag options for comments
@richardec This can't be delete-voted for 2 more days, so it is currently an invalid request; binning for that reason
@TylerH Oh oops, darn again, sorry for all these mistakes.
Separately, is that really "of no lasting value whatsoever"?
not unexpected
Because I see value in everything?
If you're refering to that post about android: I'm knowlegeable about it, but given the votes, it appears to be useful to some people. But it's off-topic, and quite so.
@richardec No worries. Just don't let them happen again or else we bring out the defenestration chair >;-)
It's describing how to use the developer tools to do something. It's off-topic, but not quite so.
@TylerH That's where you have to use Linux for a week!
only a week?!
Sliding scale.
@RyanM I think it has value but not necessarily on Stack Overflow
unfortunately it is not migrateable to SuperUser
It certainly seems as if it was useful to some people, in the past
it hasn't been upvoted in nearly 3 years
Wait, are we disputing deletion or closure? I wasn't attempting to dispute closure, only arguing that it is not lacking altogether in value, which would be the motivation to delete it.
@CodyGray deletion, I thought
since that was the request that prompted Ryan's comment
Likewise. So... what does it matter whether it's off-topic?
I thought that the criteria for deletion was "causing harm" rather than "not providing value."
@StephenOstermiller deletion can occur for either reason
Providing no value whatsoever would be a valid reason for deletion, although hardly expedited deletion via this room.
is it off topic?
Yes, it's asking how to perform a general computing task, not a programming task
"I would like to capture/record the behavior of my Android app, running on an emulator and make a GIF image out it."
i would like to use my tool, for a task related to developing this app
the question is how to record their screen and save the recording as a gif
It's not even compter-related!
Screen recording, file conversion
@richardec I must disagree with this much: how is performing a task on a computer not computer-related?
that the thing they want to record on their screen is an emulator is incidental and not something that requires a programmer, in my opinion
@RyanM it's phone-related /s
maybe so, but there's a solution to it unique to their development tool, android studio
phones are computers too
well, androids are. iPhones are appliances
@TylerH 🤯
the tool they're using to emulate the app
How do I record my screen is a general computing question. How do I record an emulation session from within the emulator is also a general computing question
Are they doing it in the context of software development?
So, is asking how to save a file in an IDE off-topic, because that's also a general computing task?
"How do I write an app or function that will record my screen" would make it a programming question
That would be a coding question, but not only coding questions are on-topic here.
@RyanM No because it's a tool used primarily for programming. An emulator is not a tool primarily used for programming
@CodyGray yes, coding is a synonym for programming
The emulator in an IDE isn't a tool primarily used for programming?
@RyanM Did they say they are using an emulator built into an IDE?
This is why I object to determining topicality ex post facto.
@TylerH Yes: they tagged it
Eh, that's hardly conclusive. People mistag all the time. The question reads "I would like to capture/record the behavior of my Android app, running on an emulator and make a GIF image out it."
Nothing about that says they are using an emulation tool built into an IDE
i can't name a more notable android emulator than android studio
I personally wish that everything were on topic one big Stack Exchange site. The amount of time wasted on on-topicness is staggering.
but I admit I am not an android developer so I am not familiar with android studio; maybe that's a bog-standard aspect of the IDE.
Sure, if you want to assume the OP completely misdescribed the problem, you can argue that virtually anything is off-topic.
"my Android app" and tagging seem pretty conclusive to me.
@RyanM that's not what this is though. This is simply a question of whether a specific tag is used correctly and thus implies the use of something not mentioned in the question
not a case of someone "completely misdescribing the problem"
the top answer is also specific to Android Studio, though that's not conclusive.
@KevinB Are you referring to the same functionality as, say previewing an app in Visual Studio?
there's certainly parts of the question that aren't on topic
such as the conversion
@StephenOstermiller Not sure I entirely agree with this, although I definitely think we have far too much siloing of information in the current model. It never made sense to me that sites existed with fully overlapping scopes. But I wouldn't go so far as to merge Cooking in with computer usage.
If so, I'm getting into semantics, but I question if that's truly 'emulation'... surely Android Studio doesn't emulate the entire Android OS itself in order to run an app?
The OP also accepted an answer specific to Android Studio.
@TylerH it does in fact do this, yes.
good lord that sounds awful
@TylerH Why would that matter?
@CodyGray I think the tagging system could keep them separated. I only worry about things like World Building that have pretty different criteria for what is high-quality.
@CodyGray Like I said I was getting into semantics but if it just compiles the app to run in a foreign environment (like Windows) then that's not really "emulating Android" IMO
I should say, a well-built tagging system could keep them separated. Tags here would need some upgrades.
@StephenOstermiller Yeah. I've said before that I think having tag-specific moderators would work well, and preserve the "community" model that people like so much. Sites that don't fit into the Q&A model, well... their days would be rightfully numbered.
@TylerH I don't see how that would matter one iota in terms of topicality.
@RyanM Anyway, if you think the question is on-topic or about Android Studio, feel free to reopen (you can do so unilaterally after all) and improve the question to clarify its on-topicness. I voted to close because to the best of my knowledge at the time it was not sufficiently programming-related.
@CodyGray it matters in terms of the question's accuracy re: what OP wants to do. Using an IDE feature is on-topic whereas using a general computing tool (e.g. an emulator) is not
I have to run at the moment, but I'll take a look at editing later if no one beats me to it.
My point about it being in Android Studio is that while I agree that none of the evidence was conclusive that it was in the IDE, there were multiple reasons to believe it was and none to suggest that it wasn't.
Also, it bears pointing out that the Help Center says "software tools commonly used by programmers". Emulators do seem like they fall into that category. Who else but Android developers "commonly" use an Android emulator on their desktop?
It's this programming at all?
i mean
i'm not an android developer, but i do need the andruid emulator
@KevinB For something completely unrelated to development?
no, for app development
@GeneralGrievance Ehh... ugh. It's been answered. Seems like it is shooting ourselves in the foot to roll back the translation and/or to delete it.
the same reason i need xcode
@KevinB Yeah, so that's development.
@CodyGray I mean I'm not a game boy game developer but I have game boy emulators on my computer to play game boy games
an emulator lets you run stuff without having the device that you are emulating. That's general computing use... unless you specify that you are doing something specific to programming/coding/software development/whatever is on-topic on SO while running the emulator
but just running an app and taking a gif of it is not coding-related as far as I can tell
(not to suggest that the question is not on-topic since it apparently is about an IDE-specific feature, which is an on-topic topic)
@CodyGray It was easier than leading it to water, and much easier than making it drink.
It's not drinking anything?!
> andruid
"u" is on the complete opposite side of "i" from "o"
i swear my typing is getting worse with age
is it your typing skills or your mental ability to tell your fingers what word you are trying to type?
they're connectd, surely
I'm unsure if the latest typo is also a mistake or something else <insert squinting Fry here>
a mistake i noticed while typing and was too lazy to fix
Dew ewe knot halve a spelling chequer?
i aint got time for that
I r english general in kollage
"An F in English? Bobby, you speak English!"
homework is boring tho
Not if it's diagramming sentences!
always hated that part of language arts
I suppose it was the universe's way of punishing me for that by making me spend all day diagramming a data flow process in Visio
if it weren't for my teacher being willing to work with me and turn it around, i woulda ended ap english with a D
because i skipped a lot of homework
Were you a senior?
no, junior
it was a case of, until that year, the past several grades i never had homework. I was able to complete everything within the school day... but not what she was giving
pair that with work, gaming, etc, just didn't do it
language courses were one of the few things I was always happy to do homework for
was going to say, sophomore for an AP class is quite early
not usually an option for people who risk getting a D in those classes
There are a few AP classes traditionally taken by sophomores... AP Human Geography is the only example that immediately comes to mind.
AP English definitely doesn't start until junior year, in the form of AP English Language, followed by AP English Literature in senior year.
I suppose unless you are planning to graduate early, in which case you might find a way to arrange AP English Lang sophomore year?
But graduating early is dumb.
maybe it was senior year
i've slept since then
I didn't do much sleeping junior year
my senior year though... iunno. idunno how i would have had that problem my senior year, i literally had half the school day off due to being in band and being unable to participate anymore
we were on the block schedule, 4 classes a day, for a semester
schools all do them differently
my school for example offered AP Lang and AP Lit as alternatives to one another (though I suppose you could have taken both if you wanted to), at any time
they also didn't typically allow sophomores to take AP classes
Huh, interesting. For us, AP Eng Lang was English III.
That lined up with the non-AP curriculum, too.
then again, at the time my school didn't offer an IB classes at all so maybe nowadays with them offering IB classes, they offer AP earlier
I took all the AP classes available, but it's not like there were many
there was a group of 15 of us in my class that did
No, generally not. You just take IB instead of AP. They're, essentially, cross-listed. You can take IB and still take the AP exam.
we didn't really have 'tiers' of English like we did with Algebra in math; we started with 9th grade English lit and composition, then 10th grade was American lit, then 11th grade was British Lit, and 12th grad was either AP lit or AP lang
since the entire point of an AP class is to prepare you for the AP exam for college credit
i had to play catchup though in my freshman and sophomore years, because a math teacher prior decided my grade wasn't high enough for algebra
Oh, weird. In my experience, American lit is always junior year, which is always the same as the AP English Lang exam.
one semester i had two math classes
And then British lit was senior year, which was the same as the AP English Lit exam.
I did not realize this varied so widely.
in fact I think we never had any AP classes offered to juniors, except when there was a really shining star who was basically at that level (so like one or two students a year would be in an AP class as a junior)
@TylerH well, I sort of take that back since we did have "pre-ap" classes like Pre-AP US History and stuff
Pre-AP chem as wel
very rarely did we have students from one class in a class with older or younger students
my math catchup was an exception
"pre-AP" isn't AP, though
I took Pre AP Chem and US History but Chem was too hard for me and the US History teacher was a dick
@CodyGray right but I meant in terms of 'tiers' of classes
it was more advanced than the college prep track
@TylerH As someone who has taught US history, that statement checks out. You'd probably have thought that about me, too. :-)
Although, surprisingly, many students did not.
i hated memorization classes
no thanks
Ugh. No.
@CodyGray well, probably not in the same way :-)
I tried very hard not to take memorization classes, and I never would have taught one, not with a gun to my head.
I love history (although admittedly I prefer foreign history or pre-civil war US history to modern US history), but this guy was a "drone on and on in a monotone voice" guy. But what made him a dick was that he would yell at us and dock points (or send us to the office) if we didn't sit facing completely forward and sit up completely straight in class
Ah yeah, very different from me. I don't have a monotone voice. :-)
Oh, and yeah, I didn't care how you sit, or even if you sit. Or sleep, or whatever you want to do, as long as you don't distract others.
we had our lunch break during his class and I broke my tooth one day and told him I was going to the front office because, y'know, minor medical emergency, needed to go see a dentist asap, and he wrote me up for skipping class -_-
how can history not be a memorization class,
@KevinB Well everything is a memorization class if you boil it down enough
By teaching understanding
well, i mean like, AP Calc and AP Trig never requried us to memorize formulas, for example
I managed to take over a hundred hours of history coursework in college, and never once needed to memorize anything.
Really? You didn't have to know any formulas for Calc or Trig? They are literally all formulas...
we were given them, told how and when to use them, and we were allowed to craft notes for exams
There were two different classes that required us to memorize a map, and I dropped that immediately upon finding out that was a requirement.
we didn't have to memorize it, because we could just put it on the notecard we were allowed
more important was knowing which ones to use where and why
I did take an anthropology class on the Ancient Maya that had a map memorization requirement, but I just skipped the exam and took a 0 out of protest. Still got an A in the class.
@CodyGray Imagine the shock on Cody's face when he arrived at the computer science lesson on "memoization" and misread it for a split second :-P
I had a history teacher that graded note taking. I was not a fan of that.
@TylerH You're not wrong.
@NathanOliver My British Lit teacher was awful in that regard; we had a big paper during the semester and she broke it up into several different required steps: brainstorming/"mind mapping" as she called it, outline, rough draft, and final draft.
She would not accept the next item until the previous item had been turned in and graded and returned
For someone like me who just sits down and writes the paper, that was awful
@NathanOliver That's... not entirely misguided. In the sense that, in my experience, most students have no idea how to take notes, even if they want to, so turning in your notes for feedback and suggestions on improval is actually a good idea, regrettably one I never implemented. But grading them? As in for credit? No, that's ridiculous.
I guess in a sense what differentiates it is the method of memorization... you'll memorize things you use/discuss often automatically. but instead being given a lecture and expecting to be able to recite facts, is a different thing entirely
@TylerH Oh yeah, I couldn't have dealt with that, either.
literally the first time I ever had to write an outline or actually put my thoughts for brainstorming down on paper
similarly to how we used formulas
in AP Trig/calc
I ended up just writing the paper anyway and then worked backward
If a history course requires you to cite facts, the instructor is doing it wrong.
@TylerH That would have driven me crazy. I just start writing.
@KevinB Yeah, recitation of random facts I think is the part of memorization that sucks
yeah, the caliber of teacher we had in history compared to ap trig/calc is... very... dramatically different
sports coach vs mathematician
That's why you take AP
yeah I opted for the sports coach for College Prep US History instead of taking the same bad teacher again for AP US History
it was a snooze fest but it was an easy A and I didn't get harassed for how I sat every day
Or you get very lucky and have someone who could be teaching AP, but isn't because they're busy with some other elective that they're passionate about. (Bias alert!)
the math teacher was also in charge of the math and science team
"OK class, today we are going to learn about the history of molecular biology instead of just history in general" - Probably Cody in his dreams
i didn't participate, but nearly everyone else in those classes did
@jmoerdyk lol wut
aww, i wanted to upvote it
I clicked one of the buttons, I forget which one
"Nuke from orbit"
@TylerH You know, I always imagined it would be great fun to teach a college-level course on the history of molecular biology. You know, like, reading the original ground-breaking papers for the most significant discoveries, understanding their proper historical context, and then talking about what has changed since/what we know now.
It would be a way to teach students of biology not only about their history, but also to teach them how to read scientific papers.
yeah... i've read some articles that kinda do that, very interesting stuff
kinda goes into how the discoveries are made, and how advancements in our tooling has allowed for more and more discoveries
Since they'd be reading the papers about stuff they already know/understand, the challenge wouldn't be in learning the new stuff. They could just focus on how to actually productively read a science journal article, which is a skill in and of itself.
Yup, exactly.
It was a fantasy I had as a student, how I'd love to take a course like that, and then it continued to be one as an instructor, even though I never taught any science courses.
@CodyGray That's definitely a skill many college classes in the sciences ought to teach but usually don't
at most they will be exposed to papers written in AP style or Chicago or something which is all fun and games for English professors but totally useless for science
it's an important subject, because it's sortof drives home the point of needing to push for more advanced tooling, rather than just settling with what we have
I did take several seminar courses as an undergrad in molecular bio that focused on reading papers. But I did have to sort of seek them out. They weren't necessarily required for all majors. They were just options, but taught by the best faculty and among the most interesting subject matter, so... of course!
But they were quite a challenge, because all of the material was brand new, since we were reading papers that were published that year, or maybe the year before.
which... in and of it self is an incredibly broad topic... ranging from the science behind it, and the engineering required to accomplish it
@CodyGray heh, "read the paper before it gets retracted!"
is it okay to post a cv-pls here on a question with no recent activity but whose answer shows up in a review queue?
sorry to derail the conversation :)
Yeah. That's the nice thing about having someone who is themselves trusted in the field doing the selection. They know which labs to steer clear of.
@blackgreen Why, specifically, is the answer showing up in a review queue? Is it an audit?
flagged probably. it's the LQP queue
LQA actually
Hrm. I'll have to defer to a RO on that.
@blackgreen If there is no recent activity on the Q (I think we use 6 months as "recent") then no.
ok then, I'll leave it to the close vote queue, thanks
Could always raise a moderator flag... "This answer has been flagged (presumably as NAA), which is reasonable, but technically invalid, since the question itself asks for <whatever>. As such, a more appropriate course of action would be to retain the answer but close the question. I've cast a close vote, but I'm afraid it will be lost in the vast sea of noise that is the close-vote queue. Would you consider helping a brother out?"
No idea whether that'll fit in the character limit.
Nice, it seems a sure-fire strategy to annoy the moderators
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null (invalidated by moderator actions)
@blackgreen Eh. The trick is, as always, making it clear why you are flagging it and why it's something that requires diamond intervention. Most of our annoyance comes from confusion, not from refusal to take actions to help out the site.
@CodyGray With 107 characters to spare
mmm fair enough, although if an answer pops up in the LQA queue the chances it warrants such a thoughtful flag are low
never say never tho
The cases where a non-thoughtful flag (e.g., "asd;flkjasdf;jalwasdf") is warranted are even more rare.
@HenryEcker So, plenty of room to fill in the "<whatever>". Never forget to fill in your whatevers.
is it frowned upon to fill up the remaining space in a flag message with gibberish?
@CodyGray Yeah 117 characters should be enough room to adequately cover the whatever
("<whatever>" is length 10 so removing it gives 10 back to the 107)
obligatory XKCD
@KevinB No more or less so than it would be for the moderator who handled such a flag to nuke several of your answers as abusive.
i mean, that can be contested on meta, so that'd be ok
> my precious jquery answer was incorrectly spam flagged
1 hour later…
@tony19 That might be a duplicate since the OP presents as a self answer, code derived from another SO Q&A
@tony19: Regardless, it doesn't add much of value to the site.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Yeah, I agree
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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