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2 hours later…
@AdrianMole It's not headless. The head is just covered by part of the shell.
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
flagged the NAA which was reposted after the previous attempt was deleted by a mod
if you couldn't find one, probably just pick one of them. I just nominated a low-score Python question as canonical because it was reasonably scoped and clear, even though it only had a net vote of +4
this looks OK to me
not a canonical, but a good duplicate candidate
@Cristik This one is good and early too. I'll have a shower and see if anyone can propose a superior nominee in the meantime. Yours is the one to beat.
3 hours later…
@Cristik The question appears to have code, and an error message.
@mickmackusa If they are answered, don't bother to close them as duplicate. They will still pollute your searches, since questions with answers won't redirect nor change the canonical link.
2 hours later…
Hmm. Seems like Smokey doesn't like edited responses. MS lists two "Fo-" from me.
1 hour later…
Is this question off-topic because not programming-related?
@blackgreen A question you helped delete is being discussed on Meta
@Turing85 It is unique to software development?
@Braiam as I said, I do not really see any programming here.
Well, me neither.
2 hours later…
@Braiam Hey Mick, if a question is answered, don't close it as a duolicate. Pfft ...as if that was a criteria to judge a duplicate. That's two arguements in a row where I am 100% disagreement. I look forward to the third from you.
@mickmackusa Well, I guess you don't want to solve your problem :shrug:
See here meta.stackexchange.com/q/125220/213575 to know how duplicates work
@Braiam I'll encourage you to post your opinion on Meta that answered pages shouldn't be closed as duplicates.
As well as your minimalistic philosophy on question tagging.
@Machavity thanks for the ping, the existing answers pretty much cover what I was going to say. I might post some additional remarks tomorrow if I get the chance
@mickmackusa I just told you that they will continue to be appearing on search results, that's not a opinion, but a fact. Consider that maybe not everything I say is opinion.
@Braiam I am really trying not to get sucked into a debate here. Saying that I shouldn't closed duplicates if they are answered -- is an opinion. I completely don't care if the pages that I hammer shut become redirecting signposts or not. My issue is that they are redundant islands of insights. By closing them, I am connecting them. Then when SO wakes up to the fact that 100 signposts for the same topic are not necessary, it will be very easy for curators to purge the site bloat.
My actions are a path to site clean up.
Closing dupes and funnelling researchers to a single or a few posts will prevent new answers on the redundant pages and give SO a better chance of getting valuable, unique insights in a confined space.
Not closing duplicates is equivalent to throwing my hands up and saying "Oh well, Stack Overflow is too broken. I guess I won't try to help." ...that's not in my DNA.
If people weren't meant to close questions with answers as duplicates, that functionality would not exist.

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