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@Dharman One complaint is a good statistic 😺
4 hours later…
Any reason to keep or ?
1 hour later…
On my profile where can I find my previous flag? I have been looking for it for the past 10 minutes but I can't find it...
Yes! Thank you! BTW is there a button for it on my profile..? As opposed to typing this link manually..
I haven't gotten used to this new layout
In the Activity tab you have to click "Helpful Flags" in the "Impact" box
Got it, thanks again :)
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
Another example why autograders are a blight stackoverflow.com/q/71190820/792066
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica This seems quite clear, and narrowly scoped. I see no reason to even close it, unless it's a duplicate.
What a strange tag:
@jps All those questions are about google checkout
BTW, dev.google just 500 on me :D
That tag is gone now. The same person tagged all 3 questions in it. Also made [order-with-google]
None of the questions were MRE
Order with google seems to be a thingβ„’ developers.google.com/actions/food-ordering?hl=en
Well, if someone can make an on-topic question then they can recreate the tag
Yeah, was poking around and the only dev specific things I've found that aren't just customer support is the fulfillment api, the rest is basically humans clicking webpages.
1 hour later…
@halfer Could a RO bin this request? The question has been improved a bit - it's still not great, but I am happy to remove my flag. stackoverflow.com/questions/71194982/…
^ @Dharman
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, per request
@sta flagged as NAA
@Dharman I cant bring it to SOBotics, Answer not posted 30 days after the question :(
@sta That seems like a clear and obvious NAA. I'm not saying you can't post a del-pls for it. But, it seems like just flagging it as NAA would get it deleted and, potentially, not expend delete-votes (a resource which is a bit more rare than flags).
@sta yeah, but you can still flag it as NAA yourself, right?
I said I flagged it so that others don't waste their flags or delete votes anymore.
not everything has to be reported somewhere anyway
@tripleee and even Ask Ubuntu is way better than Reddit. Google searching content about custom Android ROMs leads me to reddit posts, about 80% of which say "just Google it" (I'm not sure what came up in Google 3 years ago, but it takes a lot of sifting through people saying "Google it" to find it now). Very happy that SE just deletes junk answers that pollute my search results like that.
stackoverflow.com/questions/71196208/… Is there any sort of canonical for this?
@KarlKnechtel not sure I understand the question, convert list of dictionaries to....what? Merge list of dictionaries groupby one key literal?
@KarlKnechtel the Python chat room is probably faster at pinpointing the duplicate (there's sure to be one with a question that's clearer in the way it's asked, also more likely to be folks there with an encyclopedic knowledge of the operands to track down the dup target.)
@KarlKnechtel Perhaps this one?
Added that to my references, but I decided the question is more "too broad" than a duplicate (there are really two tasks: grouping the dicts and merging each group)
@KarlKnechtel @HenryEcker any clues on this one? Grouby isn't on my plate these days...
@bad_coder There are more than a few pandas dupe targets (this type of operation is fairly common in pandas). But, as the question isn't about pandas, and it'd be way overkill to import that massive module for this python dictionary operation anyway, I don't think those targets will work. Currently looking for a viable python target.
@HenryEcker itertools.goupby is on the back of my mind but I haven't had much success figuring out the function so far...
@E_net4thecurator if you're interested there's a few hanging Q's on this burnination request, should be a piece of cake for you...
@KarlKnechtel This one can work?
@gnat your tag ? ;)
@jps Close all de questionz.
@bad_coder I... Don't usually follow actually.
@jps There is also and . Just saying.
@E_net4thecurator that's a surprise, what language tag do you follow these days?
@VLAZ Blurry feels like an excellent tag to kill :')
@Zoe I know, right.
Not sure what tag I had next on my list though
Let's just not get tied up in a floricide campaign, though. ;-p
Hey @Zoe, long time no see πŸ‘‹
Been busy lurking in the shadows :p
@AdrianMole the (which seems to be related to can take care of the
@Zoe There's a spreadsheet, but it hasn't been updated in a while. There's also a chat room, Trogdor which is intended for discussion of the burnination process, but that, also, hasn't been active in quite a while.
huh, I had completely forgotten about that
@bad_coder . The profile picture gives it away too. :)
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
What to do about this question. The edit history is quite colourful; it has been deleted and un-deleted by a mod - was un-deletion just so that it wasn't 'locked' as deleted? Should we just "Community Delete" it? Is it worth rolling back the latest edit?
Maybe a lurking mod read my post? xD
I can neither confirm nor deny
Meh. A reasonable outcome, whatever. I found it in the Reopen queue; my instinct was to roll back the 'vandalism' edit but then I saw the more 'interesting' aspects of its history ... so I brought it here.

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