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I don't know that I agree with that idea. Wouldn't walking the extra mile teach the new user that someone will walk the extra mile (or at the very least that type of question will get answers) and they eventually become 10k+ users with that expectation?
IMHO - no. We help out new users by showing them what their post(s) should have looked like. Isn't that why we have the First Qs and First As review queues?
I guess I didn't understand, you are adding additional "implied" code into new users questions and answers?
Yes. In the specific case that prompted this, I knew (because I'm quite good with the winapi) what two of those three headers were. But I had to google to find the third: my effort, which should be the asker's effort.
Ideally, I want to be able to copy/paste the posted question code into my IDE and: (1) reproduce the problem; (2) play around with the code to find an answer.
For complex situations, like a dialogue popup control in certain error conditions, I know that's not feasible. In this case, it was eminently feasible to make a real MRCE.
I hate when a post gets deleted just before I can finish typing my comment.
@AdrianMole I just came across your cousin on the main page :D
@Machavity this is surprising! I don't know how pejorative it is, but imagine for a second that Karen was elected a mod, it's a safe bet she'd go a suspension spree and side with the offensive users...
(which can happen, all too easily...)
@cigien This question should be a duplicate of that one?
Or they're focusing on different parts of the same thing?
@cigien There's an even older thread for that exact question stackoverflow.com/q/25973856
A couple more here and here
This one is actually just unclear (though I'm fine hammering it). The other C and C++ ones are dupes, indeed. I'm not sure about the Python one (and the other non C-family language dupes that must be out there), i.e. I'm not comfortable with closing those with a non-language-agnostic target.
@cigien Thanks for looking through those. You have the python link so I can take a look?
Oh, I thought you'd linked it. stackoverflow.com/questions/57948316
Nope. :) Just the 4 c++/c ones.
Hmm, not sure how that's one of my open tabs then :p
Yeah. I agree with you the python one doesn't need closed (at least to that dupe target).
@cigien The OP of this question commented "Thank you so much it worked!!" but hasn't accepted the answer yet.
@bad_coder It's an American thing, sadly. I think some woman named Karen was snooty and it became a meme. The key is to call someone a Karen, not to say the name Karen
4 hours later…
stackoverflow.com/questions/41610543/… could use some love, there are 17 answers but few of them contribute anything new
2 hours later…
@Machavity this is becoming a new tendency (I was only aware of Mary Sue). To "name call" by using a proper noun instead of an adjective. As for now it still strikes me as funny every time (probably because I haven't gotten sick of it). There is no equivalent in European Portuguese, but in Brazil they have a plethora of terms like Ricardão (big Richard) for a philanderer, or Enzo for the other guys kid you're raising, etc... It does get cruel quick...
@tripleee stopwords are probably among the most voted threads on the NLTK tag.
@tripleee amazing how users can mess up their posts with just two image links...
@jps 1 rep users can't post images to prevent spam. When they try they're often left wondering why it isn't working and end up posting as is.
@bad_coder I know, but they can see the mess already in their editor and in the preview. Just doesn't make sense to post it in this condition at all.
@jps you're forgetting that posting on the internet also takes experience. When I joined SO I had already participated in several forums and in the case of that question besides the screenshots there isn't much meat to the question...
@bad_coder yeah, maybe my expectations are a bit too high...
@jps look on the other hand, you can't expect full grown adults with lots of experience to keep with basic good manners when posting on Meta... (that seems like more of an issue than a noob making a mistake in their first post!!)
@tony19 In the future, if you want to answer a question you've made a request for, please @ping an RO to bin the request (see this point under FAQ #15)
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null (requester involved in question)
2 hours later…
Yep, I stay 40 days out of he PyCharm tag and 80% of the Q's are closable...
@NathanOliver (or any other C++ folks) is this Q just basically a typo?
@Machavity Yeah, OP just misunderstood the instructions re where to read input from. It's not a useful Q&A.
I thought so. Thanks
@karel Yeah, true. I'm not inclined to ping the OP and ask them to accept, since it's an off-topic Q that shouldn't have been answered, and having an accepted answer messes with the roomba (I think), which I'd like to avoid here.
@Dharman No, (-430)+20 is not (-740)
@Dharman No, I don't think it does. Where did the other 330 rep go?
I really don't like this new UI
It could be accepts or something. Which would mean the removal of the user only reports the retracted upvotes. But who knows, maybe SO has introduced a rep tax.
@Dharman vote totals are screwy sometimes anyways. I never get the 0 (no rep changes so... why have an entry?)
Can somebody explain to me what when is an appropriate tag? Same question for .
@VLAZ never
There is too
but it has 11k tag uses so it is not likely to be burninated soon
@TylerH I like that answer.
@Dharman That's weird. Flag something for a moderator and ask them to take a look. They may be able to see more info, otherwise a CM will need to look into that weirdness
The problem I have with those is that too often they are just slapped on a question that might be JS specific. Or HTML specific. Nothing to do with "frontend" other than "these are technologies one can use to build a frontende application" yet, I don't think "how do I position a div" or "how to do number conversion" really are "frontend" questions.
And there is at least one user who likes editing questions and trying to add as many tags as possible. Which often ends with adding "frontend" to JS questions.
@VLAZ And people tell me that tag fetishism isn't a thing :(
@VLAZ Yeah, frontend is a useless meta tag. Someone could ostensibly be an expert in 'frontend' development, but that's not specific enough to be useful when you consider the scope of SO, which is specific programming questions
and are always redundant once you add in the actually-necessary language tags
be they JS, node, HTML, Angular, React, whatever
2 questions were closed because no.
@jmoerdyk seems plausible; they have changed their profile name to make it less obvious
the earlier posts which got them blacklisted all seem to have weirdnesses around them
AI experiment? trolling? A/B experiments?
whaa the user card for post dates includes the full year now
looks ugly with no delineation between the different date columns
Oh, dear. No comma between day and year.
Under the posts, above the authors' name
Wasn't the year always there?
Ohhhh, full as in YYYY not yy
I think it was in '21 format
Relevant MSE post on usercard date change: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/376047/…
@GeneralGrievance Post that on Meta.SE - Pointing out minor grammatical errors there tend to get 100+ upvotes. :-)
@Makyen this time I really did ninja you :-P
@Makyen ah, touche
It's nice to know they're thinking ahead to the next century at least.
@GeneralGrievance Y2.1K problem solved. It's the he Y10K problem next.
@VLAZ Or Y2K38 depending on what size the date int is
@Machavity How do you move requests to the graveyard? Do you have an userscript to quickly show if a request was fulfilled (or even to automate the thing entirely)? Or do you open them one-by-one by hand?
@MarcoBonelli We have a userscript
Makes sense. Thanks!
Well, that's awkward :D
oh no... the new hideous post summary layout has landed on /questions :(
That announcement post on MSE really should have gotten a lot more downvotes...
Ohh no, my UI just broke
My eyes just broke
Where are they getting all this "data" on users being confused by the interface
From confused users?
through the contact form?
Nah. They're far too confused to work out how to use that.
They asked people on a sub-reddit
i'm just kinda like... Ok? who cares... with this change
just the fact that they're basing it on some kind of data is weird
I assume it was a request from teams users
Ok, the new and improved UI doesn't look that bad.
I am comparing it side by side and I can see some improvement
I'm just thankful the post body previews are still there
Fun fact, if you had the page open and then used the in-page load for more questions you get this.
stackoverflow.com/q/26714072/1030169 on topic or needs focus? There is a NATO with a tool dump
@jmoerdyk I'd lean towards being tool recommendation. Although it is tagged and I don't know what that is. The tag wiki didn't help much. Seems like a thing where you deploy your applications. However, just in case - the question might be on-topic if it asks how to do it through Parse (assuming there is some standard way for that). I doubt it but I am not completely sure.
I do not like the .s-post-summary__ignored .s-post-summary--meta, .s-post-summary__deleted .s-post-summary--meta { filter: grayscale(100%); } property on the tags for ignored questions...
Are you saying it still looks atrocious? I saw it in screenshots when the feature was announced. I hoped it'd be changed.
i still thing the design overall is trash, but the ignored tag display? meh
it does it's job
I just checked how it looks - it's less atrocious than it was before. But I do prefer the previous faded out look. I guess upside: the ignored content is more readable now (if you decided to not hide it). Downside: ...erm, the same, I guess?
seems fine on non-dark mode, dunno what dark mode would look like
not a fan of SO's dark mode design
@VLAZ How it looks now for posts where you've ignored tags: i.sstatic.net/xNP0p.png How it looks without the greyscale applied: i.sstatic.net/wThUS.png
the fade out of the post line is separate from the greyscale applied
Oh...I just tried it on SO and with high contrast dark mode nothing happens if you ignore a tag? Can somebody confirm if it's just on my machine or not?
^ that is in a custom filter, by the way
Ah, I see ignored tags show up on /questions but apparently not in a custom filter. I suspect the same applies to watched tags.
they also don't appear on the home page, unless you add the ignored tag while there's already posts with the tag in the list
Jeez, I usually complain about redesigns using too much padding and whitespace, but now the questions page summaries almost seem too dense
I basically never use the home page. At least on SO. I really don't like the suggestions it tries to give out as they seem arbitrary and random.
OMG! I think watched/ignored tags are not applied in a custom filter if the filter matches them. The one I have does include regex but not json. So regex is not marked as watched, however, json is marked as watched.
@jmoerdyk This is sort of a weird one because the exact swaps proposed by the OP are kind of strange, but arguably the answers usefully describe the general way you'd go about doing this for arbitrary swaps in python.
@VLAZ Correct, if you search for [regex], even if you have [regex] ignored it will show [regex] normally
That is an improvement in contextual awareness compared to the old way
but if you have another tag ignored that is on the question, those will show up as ignored still
e.g. I have [angular] and [typescript] ignored. If I click on the [angular] tag to see only those questions, they appear as if normal, but any that also have [typescript] still show up with the 'ignored' styling
and the "eye" svg icon on the tag only appears for ones not currently filtered to (e.g. in my scenario above, it appears on the typescript tag, but not on every angular tag under every question)
I would really rather see them marked. I was thinking of writing a userscript for it (well...eventually writing one). When I saw that they were actually being marked now, I thought I didn't need to but turns out I might still do that.
@bad_coder The OP says Ctrl + / didn't work, although in my experience with Jetbrains IDEs (but not PyCharm specifically) that is in fact the shortcut...any idea what's going on there? Sort of inclined to agree with the dupe since I suspect the OP has done something weird, but wondering if you have any idea what happened there...
@RyanM OP could be on Mac
Oh, yeah... IIRC it's Cmd+/ on Mac, but I don't think that Ctrl+/ collapses blocks...
Ohhhhh I bet I know
Ctrl + . collapses blocks, and . is right next to / on a QWERTY keyboard...it's a typo
Depends on the keybindings, right? I've used IntelliJ and Rider and in both cases I've not used the default shortcuts. They usually ship with the shortcuts for another IDE (I've used the ones for Eclipse and Visual Studio, respectively). VS uses Ctrl+K, C in order to comment out stuff, for example.
OP may also be using a Cyrillic keyboard or layout, which may have keys swapped
based on the fact their name is in Cyrillic
@TylerH I checked this thing which allows you to use the Russian layout and it seems that forward slash matches the position. That doesn't need to be true for OP but still.
Ultimately, the answer basically says "look it up" which is what I'm favour of.
@RyanM I left an answer in the comments with a screenshot pinpointing the action he's supposed to configure (the action is independent of keymap, keyboard, and OS).
cc @TylerH ^^
@HenryEcker is this a dup?
Pls can u unlock my maximum number of question in S.O.?
@SimoneSpagna No one here can do that. Please read meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/255583/…

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