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@tink there was a single letter difference in the question and the answer. Typo? Maybe. Off topic? Maybe. Closeable? Yes. Sure, should have been general computing.
What flag does this deserve? R/A would possibly fit (abusing the site), or a custom mod flag? NAA seems too tame.
I would imagine any red flag will be sustained on that.
@DanielWiddis heh
Sees question. Edits. Finds second embedded question while editing. Fixes. Finds third question. Belatedly hits cancel and closes "needs more focus." :-)
@DanielWiddis you should try the new first questions review queue for some of that.
1 hour later…
If someone posts a self-answered question this unquestionably the combination of two canonicals, is it sensible to close it with the two canonicals? I think so -- because it is asking for two separate techniques. I mean, is this a legitimate way to circumvent dupe closure -- by asking multiple questions / for multiple techniques? stackoverflow.com/q/43618598/2943403 What would you do? Close it or let it be?
3 hours later…
> However is there a native PHP function to merge arrays like this (maybe more performant)?
I think OP is looking for a way to do both at the same time fast.
I wouldn't close.
hilariously, copy/pasted the close notice too when asking again ^
Most recent sd report is spam (so flag copiously)
(probably redundant guidance ... if you want to help with spam flagging, creating a Metasmoke account so you can start providing feedback to the system in machine-readable form is most welcome, though)
This question got a bounty but is actually 2 questions, it should be closed as need more focus :3 stackoverflow.com/questions/68902651/…
I have flagged for mod attention and asked for the bounty to be removed, and it was accepted a few times, but most recently just ignored until the bounty expired, and then the question was rather immediately closed by a mod
@AlexandreElshobokshy Nothing we can do about that here. You can flag it for moderator intervention. My experience with that kind of flag is hit and miss, but since the bounty has only just started, if you make your case clearly enough you may get traction.
this one is not all that obvious, so I would perhaps not take the risk of a rejected flag
What's wrong with a rejected flag? ^^
The two problems seem to be sufficiently unrelated.
@AlexandreElshobokshy Unhelpful flags are recorded, and some people like to keep their helpful flag rate high.
I have lived with a fair number of them, but obviously you should only flag if you genuinely believe that a mod is going to be at least somewhat likely to agree with you
@AlexandreElshobokshy There is nothing wrong with a rejected flag.
It depends on how long the bounty is still running. IIRC mods can cancel it but then the bounty is refunded. That's why they often let the bounty expire first.
I see I see...
@yivi Well, 6-8 rejected flags and SE will release a cyborg clone to replace you. More of a neutral effect, I suppose, rather than just good/bad.
This is NAA, isn't it?
I got 20ish rejected flags overall :D
But 800+ helpful so I guess they don't mind
@JeanneDark dubious enough that I went with VLQ instead, but probably yes
@AlexandreElshobokshy OK, got it. Three cyborg clones dispatched.
@VLAZ for me? :(
@VLAZ Shog must've had many declined flags ;)
I have 113 declined flags on posts, out of 4114 ... so 14 cyborgs out there because of me, I guess
@AlexandreElshobokshy Ah, but those include comment flags. :) There is much less of an issue with declined comment flags.
(also, separately, 23 declined spam flags, out of 4317)
@E_net4theflagger Yes, for declined comment flags, the punishment is that you are going to end up with an odd number of socks next time you do the laundry.
I have been trying for years to keep my declined flags in balance but they keep marking my flags as helpful so I gave up.
@VLAZ I'm pretty sure I haven't lost that many socks.
@E_net4theflagger Sometimes they add socks.
Or more specifically, one sock.
"Boost your helpful flag count with this one weird trick!"
should this be closed as customer support? (SD report) stackoverflow.com/questions/39056792/…
(sorry, I was confused about why I still had that open ... waffles)
2 hours later…
Oh boy, this changes everything. So you may be aware that the question is unfitting for Stack Overflow, but vote to reopen anyway because "a single question doesn't hurt".
Oh sorry, never mind
Does this Q seem POB?
@Machavity Yes, POB-ish and broad-ish. Not the worse offender but not terribly useful nonetheless, I think.
badge icons are suddenly randomly missing for me...
seems fine to me
Can I request reopen for old questions? socvr.org/faq#can-i-request-reopen doesn't mention a time limit but I feel that the room is mostly for new questions, and I just come across a bunch of LaTeX questions.
Isn't deletion a little too heavy for that one? Surely the view count is not terribly large but it could be useful to someone (I don't know C#)
Are we talking about reopening or deletion here?
@user202729 Yes, users may request for old, closed questions, so long as they don't have any conflict of interest/involvement in the question already. Keep in mind that others are required to vote one way or the other on your requests, though.
@user202729 950 views in 13 years. That's 73 views per year. Not terribly useful
@TylerH You mean "not required"
User inactive since 2019 suddenly posts a weird answer with a botched link at the end. Spam? Not sure, but looks fishy. stackoverflow.com/a/68985170/2227743
@EricAya smokey doesn't have the domain on record so if it is spam we haven't seen it before.
@rene Ok, thanks
"I love the smell of fresh spam in the morning"
@rene Well, now thanks to Dharman's edit fixing the URL, I decide that this is indeed spam. The site is full of ads and the article does not directly address what OP originally asked in their question.
I don't see a single ad on that page
@user202729 Yes, sorry, not required
@EricAya That's why those questions tend not to fly on the site
@Dharman They start to appear when you navigate the site
I am not flagging it as I am not sure it is spam. Maybe it would be good to remove the link completely.
@Dharman We'll see if my flag is approved or declined... But I think it's a dishonest answer, posted only to promote this link. I might be wrong, of course.
> The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 5 hours ago and left it closed:

Original close reason(s) were not resolved
Interesting message, I didn't expect that.
@bad_coder OP's screenshot clearly shows they're using a .py file, not a .pyd file, so I don't see how that duplicate applies
@TylerH The .pyd files refer to the library OpenCV, not the actual code. We can't exactly know that in the linked question. If anything, it simply needs details or debugging info...
@Tomerikoo You mean the auto complete feature requires a second file/package be loaded?
@TylerH what are the conditions for autocomplete to work in PyCharm? I could only choose 1 post among several as a dup target, that was the highest voted one.1º the guy needs to correctly install CV 2 and configure the interpreter (that's explained in the second answer.)
I'm surprised PyCharm doesn't have built-in intellisense...
@TylerH it does, but it requires stub files in some cases. Depends on the library, if it's compiled and not in native Python frequently the stub files need to be installed separately. Besides, it's called auto-complete in PyCharm not intelisense.
sure, I think "IntelliSense" is a trademark term for Visual Studio but I was referring to the general functionality
@TylerH ahh, the MS days... I wonder what it's called in Java (I forgot...)?
Intellisense: type a character and hope something useful pops up.
@rene lol, it worked great for .NET. One of these days I'll have to clean up intellisense from the PyCharm tag
@rene With Copilot, you can skip the step of typing a character. :)
@bad_coder Intelli-recommend-a-better-language? :-)
is this a coincidence? 23 new posts, 24 new chat messages...
Yes, it is. Numbers are reused quite often and encountering numbers that have very little difference is not that uncommon.
coincidences don't e xist
grabs popcorn
Numbers are reused to save memory. Because we live in a garbage collected language where everything is an atomically reference-counted object.
I am not sure if there is Pareto principle for Math, but common sense would say that 1 is the number that is most commonly encountered, followed by 2 and so on
i mean
23 and 24 are still very close to 1 on integer scale, so they should still appear often enough to encounter them together in the tab titles
9 is probably more common
@Dharman you mean Benford's law
More numbers begin with 1 than begin with 2, and more begin with 2 than with 3, and so forth. It's called Benford's Law (Ninja'd)
@Dharman strictly mathematically speaking, over all whole numbers (and even real numbers), all differences are "equally likely". Just as there are as many whole numbers as there are even numbers.
@Dharman It's not pareto. I can't remember right now, but it's used to detect tax fraud
@Braiam Benford's law. It was already mentioned twice
@Dharman Yeah, I read top-bottom
1 hour later…
It seems that the results of a post's review shows up in the timeline, e.g. "left closed in review", and it also shows the names of users that reviewed the post. This is a new thing, right?
new as of,
pretty sure that existed before whatever the reviews change that just went out did
wording may have changed
Yeah, its been there the whole time although I think it used to just say left closed.
Oh, interesting. I thought one had to click on the review item in the timeline to see the review item, and the users who reviewed it. I might be misremembering then.
@cigien The names of the close voters have always been in the timeline
@TylerH No, I mean the users who reviewed it. This post is where I just noticed it. The item 5 hours ago, to be precise. I thought that that level of detail wasn't shown.
it does look a little bit more verbose
but it's nothing we couldn't get to before
Showing up in the timeline is new, though
@KevinB Yeah, it's not new information; one could always get to it. It's just more readily visible perhaps. And the wording itself is definitely new.
@cigien ah, yeah the names showing on the timeline are new; before you had to click thru to the review item
though lately (before the change last week, anyway) I've had no luck in a lot of cases trying to see who did the actual review items
most items I landed on just said "this item is no longer reviewable"
I didn't keep track of the items so I'm not sure if it was a rep thing (e.g. on other sites) or because the review items were not completed (e.g. they aged out of the queue) or some bug
@TylerH Ah, ok, thanks for the confirmation. Just checking to see if my memory's gone for a toss.
@cigien That event is new, I noticed that the close reason message is altered in the post view.
oh god the user card is blue
@Braiam If you're referring to the "Original close reason(s) were not resolved" reason, yeah, that must be new, since it wasn't even an option in the review queues before.
I mean, the history event. Before only the review appeared (1xReopen, 3xLeave closed), now appears both the review and as separated event the result of the review in the case of the reopen queue where it was left closed.
@TylerH With blue text! glares in accessibility
I realize the irony of complaining about accessibility via a screenshot of text.
@RyanM are you already making a post?
@TylerH Wasn't it always?
@Braiam not in dark mode
it was #444 until a few minutes ago
now it is the same as light mode
Before (or close to it since I'm doing it from memory): https://i.sstatic.net/SucP1.png
After: https://i.sstatic.net/rUOaA.png
Meta bug report filed
upvoted yours as well, one on each site :-)
@RyanM dark mode isn't available on non-SO sites though?
@TylerH it's even worse in light mode (3.22:1)
although it does look nicer, oddly...
I also constantly forget that dark mode is only available on SO only, because I use an extension that makes every site dark mode
so reminding me of that fact isn't wrong ;-)
1 hour later…
Anyone in here a super users power user?
@NathanOliver you mean a regular visitor of the site or a specific rep threshold?
A super what? Is that where Superman uses Powershell?
@NathanOliver *unclear what you are asking*
More just asking for people that know what Qs can and cant be asked there
As always there is a "generally", and "depends on the specifics"
@NathanOliver I feel like between the folks here we can probably determine whether something is on-topic there...
If it's about using software or hardware that you own and is on your premises and most people would be able to use it, then it's probably on topic.
Web apps are not on topic there.
So, we are leasing a new building and need to get it connected to our corporate network as we will have wireless AP's and other such things that need direct access. We bought a router, and I was able to get dd-wrt flashed to it and configure the VPN client on it so it acts as a bridge into our network. This is working great, and I can ping things, but I can't resolve domain names. Would SU be a place where I could ask on how to fix/get domain name resolution, or is that more for server fault?
That is professional networking so I would say it is Server Fault
though really I would say "ask your network team to resolve the issue"...
if it is consumer grade super user would work.
@NathanOliver Possibly related: serverfault.com/questions/696450/…
oh, well that one doesn't have an answer, so nevermind...
The router is consumer grade. The VPN server is on a SOPHOS UTM9 box, and that really isn't a consumer device. I am accessing the VPN server through the open vpn client on the router though, so still wasn't sure. I would think it's just something I need to configure in the router, as domain names resolve just fine when connecting to the network using a VPN client on windows.
Seems like there are Superuser questions on the subject superuser.com/questions/1072484/…
and I often land on spiceworks when googling stuff too: community.spiceworks.com/topic/…
Yeah, and I was able to find one that had the missing piece on setting up the client in the first place
Should we open this question?
@KevinM.Mansour I'm unclear on what "First div should be like second but with another way" is intended to mean
@RyanM OK. Thanks. I just added a comment to request clarifications.
Ah, the old user card background color for dark mode was more like #3d4951
not #444
@bad_coder I'm not sure I totally follow, but I don't routinely track my dietary intake
@IanCampbell well, I was amazed to find out there are sites/apps to track what you eat. So I wanted to ask if you recommend one. I never needed it before but with confinement I gained 30 pounds.
(Yeah, someone who eats a lot of veggies is probably the last person who needs something like that.)
@NathanOliver So, the remote clients aren't using the dns server on the corporate network?
@Braiam The router is not. If I connect to the VPN on my windows machine using the VPN client that sophos provides, I do get domain name resolution on my windows machine. On machines that are connected to the router (no vpn client on the machine itself), they can ping corporate IPs, but trying to ping the corporate names fails.
Because the names can't be resolved, right? That sounds like DNS.
Yeah. I suspect I'm missing some sort of pass through setting. I've gtg, but I'll be back tomorrow for more head on desk pounding ;)
Point your dhcp setting to your corporate dns
That should be all.
Your router would use the isp router and your network would use your Æ ones
Presuming your firewall allows you to reach port 53 :)
2 hours later…
Could someone check if the reopen queue is cleared?
I still get tasks

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