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10 hours later…
Can anyone move completed requests to the graveyard?
@VadimKotov We have been collecting them without saying anything. Now you broke the nice chain ;(
jk, but I think no ROs are available at the moment
@Dharman Someone had to stop this. It happens sometimes
@HovercraftFullOfEels not clear that the linked repo is their own
@desertnaut Looking further into this, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the question was a spam-post set-up.
No doubt whatsoever.
@Turing85 Yeah, that's not enough.
"Apache Airflow is a workflow management platform"
@Braiam hm?
The issues isn't related to airflow, but to kubernetes.
@Braiam it seems to be in the interaction between both
at least as far as I unerstand it
The thing is that OP isn't always in the known for what is their actual issue: a kubernetes question or an airflow feature request.
@Braiam Even if they do not know, letting them know that it is either a feature not supported or that this is not the intended way to solve the problem seems like a legit comment and/or answer to me.
@Turing85 Nah, askers should learn where to direct their issues correctly. We aren't technical support for any piece of software that programmers use.
@Makyen pls dump this request of mine - I linked to the answer by mistake: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/52357732#52357732
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
sorry for bothering and non-topic question, but: is it grammatically correct to say: a camera man who made all those things that the guy did, following him? (means, that the camera man repeat all guy's actions)
@entithat I think you are looking for English Language Learners
@Braiam how could you say that?
Does this question need details or clarity?
Re my above message: OP deleted their question so doesn't matter anymore
1 hour later…
@gnat wow, there are people in 2021 who still recommend inline onclick attributes...
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@mickmackusa There are duplicate questions pointing to this one. You should take care of those (delete them, reopen them, change their dupe target, etc.) before requesting del-pls for this --> stackoverflow.com/questions/11722059/…
1 hour later…
Definitely spam
Will the Roomba (still) eat this if the answer (such as it is) gets accepted?
@AdrianMole Apparently roomba won't touch anything with an answer
@Braiam Makyen's script says it will be 'et by Roomba on the 10-day rule as it stands (no answer with an upvote) - their [tag:del-pls] request box warned me about that (and also the missing DV).
@AdrianMole Accepted answer won't roomba
^ OK - Now the script doesn't warn me ...
That answer is, in large part, wrong: (1) An int n[256]; declared at file scope will be placed in global/static memory (not on the stack); (2) Goobly goop? No - it's a valid declaration of a pointer to an array of 256 integers.
@M-- I don't know why. There were no blockers when I voted to delete. I see 3 del votes now, so whatever was in the way must have been cleared.
@eyllanesc That tag has pure meth questions
@Braiam That is not a programming question that can fit on some math or statistics site.
@eyllanesc Wat?
@Braiam I don't understand you, you could be more detailed in your comments.
@eyllanesc That tag is full of math questions.
@Braiam you don't seem to understand me. The definition of normal distribution is a common concept in mathematics and statistics. What is the problem that redirects you to a statistics site?
@eyllanesc You seem to misunderstand me: the tag is full of off topic questions.
They are purely mathematics, like the question we just closed.
@Braiam I don't understand you, I just asked to close that post. Are you questioning my cv-pls or are you just pointing out that the post is off-topic?
@eyllanesc You are reading way too much into it. Let me explain it more clearly: that tag shouldn't exist.
It's full of off topic questions.
@Braiam Okay, now I understand you. I thought you were criticizing my request. If you consider that this tag should not exist then you must request it in meta.
@mickmackusa they're still there. You can check by searching for linked questions.
@eyllanesc Next time, presume that nobody is criticizing you or what you've done.
@Braiam I'm going to continue assuming it, I don't see anything wrong. Besides that I have only received that type of comments and we have always discussed without problems. Bye
Well, you are going to have lots of unnecessary discussions
@Braiam That risk always exists in chats.
I just don't pursue it.

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