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I think that my main problem with test driven development is that I'm unsure if the test is wrong or the code being tested is wrong.
Most of the time the test is wrong :/
1 hour later…
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1 hour later…
@Dharman and here we see the very predictable flaw in reversing serial votes. imgur.com/a/EdanLhm
@mickmackusa And more abusive voting imgur.com/a/Nwm1c4N What is the preferred way of putting this abuser time in the naughty corner? How should I be flagging?
@mickmackusa I'd custom flag "Targeted voting: Yesterday, I received 11 serial downvotes. Today, they were reversed, and 15 minutes later I received 3 more downvotes in the space of a minute, followed by another pair less than a minute apart an hour later. Please take a look and see if this is targeted voting, and consider a warning/suspension for the user in question, as they seem determined to work around the serial voting protections."
err, *2 hours later, not an hour later
@RyanM thanks Ryan. Done. Time will tell.
@RyanM For anyone curious, this flag was declined because "flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer"
@eyllanesc This doesn't seem like general computing. They're asking if they can program a smartphone to connect to both a Wi-Fi access point and Wi-Fi direct simultaneously.
@RyanM I do not have any programming in it, I only see that it is a configuration problem
1 hour later…
Any Violentmonkey users here? Has the addon been failing to run on SO lately? I want to see if it's just me or more wide spread.
A couple of times now I see that the addon isn't even shown in the top bar. Which is weird as it is listed as enabled. It shows up when I disable/enable it but now it fails to load the userscripts for SO.
Wait, it's even weirder - it fails to load them sometimes. I can currently see the CV generator on one question but not on another.
@VLAZ The add-on in total? I've recently (probably a couple/few weeks) been having an intermittent issue with Tampermonkey in Firefox in my main profile. When I start up the profile, Tampermonkey just doesn't load any userscripts for SE/SO main and meta sites, but does load userscripts for the chat.SO and chat.SE sites. The only way I've been able to get it to work again is to disable the Tampermonkey extension and then re-enable it, then close and restart the entire Firefox profile.
Just restarting the profile was not sufficient. Just disabling and re-enabling Tampermonkey (prior to restarting the profile) would leave pages in an intermediate state, where I'd want to reload the page (which did sometimes work after add-on disable/enable), but restarting the profile after add-on disable/enable worked (there may have been one time where I had to cycle everything twice).
Mine is an intermittent problem, so has only inconsistently been an issue a few times when I've restarted the machine. However, the icon for the add-on has been in the browser's toolbar, rather than not appearing as you're reporting with Violentmonkey.
@VLAZ am using ViolentMonkey in chrome.. been working fine.
@Makyen It actually sounds similar. For some reason after restarting Violentmonkey several times it just fails to load scripts in some tabs. I'm not sure why works here but not here. I also did hard refresh on both pages.
maybe some other extension is interfering?
Dunno. It's very weird.
My only issue was once when all my scripts disappeared and had to reload from backup... That doesn't seem to be the case in your scenario...
Even weirder. Refreshing and hard refreshing the page didn't work. However duplicating the tab did. I'm totally lost what the issue is. But I suspect it's just the addon acting weird.
Rather than being SO related, that is.
try disabling your other addons and try.
I had an addon messing with autocomments before
@VLAZ Without disabling and re-enabling the Tampermonkey add-on hard refresh of the page did not work for me on any page where userscripts were not already working. With disabling and re-enabling Tampermonkey hard refresh sometimes worked, but restarting the profile was much more assured (and easier than manually reloading a large number of tabs, many of which didn't need to be loaded.
By disabling the add-on, I mean doing so from the Firefox add-on page, not the enable/disable option within the add-on itself.
@sideshowbarker have you mod-flagged it?
@Nick what flag should I use?
ah, custom flag I guess
I couldn’t find a specific one for plagiarism
@sideshowbarker yeah, custom flag, be sure to include the link to the plagiarised answer in it.
@sideshowbarker you could mod flag for plagiarism...
don't rely on the mod reading the comments.
@Makyen Yep, that's what I've been doing Ctrl + Shift + A -> toggle the addon.
@Nick @SurajRao OK thanks
I just tried disabling all addons and only using Violentmonkey. It still doesn't work. It's completely dead for specific tabs. Not sure why but it does depend on which tab is chosen. Duplicating the tab (Ctrl+drag it) will create a new one and Violentmonkey works normally there). I think maybe the addon crashed for some of the subprocesses? Or something along those lines.
@mck why do you want to delete that? Although it has been closed appropriately, it does have a useful answer and over 7k views
@Nick IMHO the answer is nothing more than a collection of (outdated) frameworks and isn't really helpful for future visitors
@mck fair enough, I don't think it hurts to have it exist though.
@Nick Are all of these projects even still alive? The last edit was made 6.5 years ago - a lot can happen. Is it a comprehensive list? Are there any other projects that aren't mentioned? Any new projects that showed up in the last 6.5 years?
What happens next year? We need to answer these questions again. And every year following.
@VLAZ I don't know... feel free to vtd, I was just expressing an opinion...
@JeanneDark heh questions after 2012 (apart from this) all look like mistags. I think it's meant to be
I agree. Autocompletion was not so helpful in this case.
+1, every single other one since 2012 is mistagged. Impressive.
there are only 7 questions though.
and then there were none :-)
till more mistags happen. This seems easy to make :p
errr. whoops. I was so focused on fixing the rest of the post I forgot why I was there in the first place...
and those tags are just so similar looking ;-)
Not sure why I always get 2 "Thanks, we'll take a look at it" messages after flagging a post
@RyanM Thank you! The report is not that old. I've been experiencing it for a while now.
My guess would be that the new banner is more intrusive and/or sticks around longer, so people are more inclined to actually try to dismiss it and notice the bug. That's pure speculation, though.
It was the case for me. It's really there for quite some time.
If I've flagged a question for closure (I don't have close vote rep yet), then should I be able to also flag as spam?
So, one flag only - closure or spam?
Weird, I seem to remember being able to do both but I'm probably misremembering, then.
But you can retract your flag (or wait until it was marked helpful)
If you've flagged for closure and your flag is marked helpful (or more general: was reviewed), you can raise other flags again (not just again for closure (including duplicates)).
OK, so one active flag on a post. I thought I was seeing something new but obviously I was confused there.
@VLAZ The interface looks confusing. I just checked it again and when you have flagged for closure and reopen the dialog, you can only retract your flag. But the dialog only shows closure flags greyed out. It's just that you can't interact with the other flag buttons (not even custom flag).
I guess I might have been confusing it with close votes - you can cast a CV and a flag at the same time.
@VLAZ I've had prior situations where one of the Firefox processes gets hosed and it affects certain tabs, but not specifically the add-ons/userscripts in that tab. However, that's everything in the tab, not just an add-on/userscripts. When that has happened, it has been that opening a new tab has randomly worked (i.e. if the tab gets assigned to a process which isn't hosed). For me, opening a new tab/duplicating the tab didn't help for this current issue.
@RyanM No, what they've said is planned is a larger revamping of how reopening works, with one of their main things being that every edit would push the question into the reopen queue, not just the first one. Or, at least, that's what I've understood from the last I read of their plans (months ago).
@Makyen Sounds like that would make it worse, not better
@JeanneDark Yes, IMO.
But, they are wanting it to be more "welcoming".
I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with it if it was "every edit from the OP", instead of "every edit".
The post would get pushed into the queue again and again after every edit, regardless of how inconsequential it was?
sounds like we can expect reopen queue to be swamped like cv queue
@JeanneDark Basically, yes. There might have been some limits, but the effect would be that more posts entered the queue multiple times.
@Makyen I really don't see how this could be abused ;) One wonders why people should then still review in the reopen queue, but now the earlier change with unlimited review gold badges makes sense.
AFAIK till now if a close voter edits it, it doesnt push to queue. This change will remove this condition as well?
@SurajRao I don't recall, and I'm not finding the post where they went through what they were proposing.
@karel Nah, OP should have cleaned their data first
@jps having to downgrade a library can be considered a typo?
@SurajRao Read the comments. Apparently the previous version used the singular, rather than plural
oh.. the self answer is not complete.. Ok
@SurajRao writing the parameter as "algorithm" when the documentation and the error message both clearly say it's "algorithms" is a typo IMHO.
@Braiam the previous version didn't require that parameter, now it's mandatory
@jps sure.. I think I got the sequence mixed up w.r.t the comments and self answer of downgrading. Hence the confusion
@SurajRao no problem
@jps But it seems that accepted the singular.
@JeanneDark It is spam, please flag as such.
Not sure how much I'd trust a company that doesn't seem to be able to use SO.
@Braiam the decode function accepts everything, you can even have a parameter foo='bar'. algorithm instead of algorithms is accepted but has no effect. The function then implicitely gets the value from the token itself and ignores the wrong parameter. Since V2.0.1 it's mandatory to pass that parameter
@jps Oh, that explains things
@JeanneDark This tag should be burned
So many off-topic questions
Proposed 6 years ago and still survived: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/278640/…
@mck I had a quick glance and it's really in a terrible state.
@mck it is classified earlier as cleanup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/… but there is a huge backllog and not enough hands to do the busy work / cc @JeanneDark
@VLAZ I've not been having issues with Violentmonkey on Firefox at all.
Hi guys, do we have some tag for "re-open please"? I think this one got closed incorrectly stackoverflow.com/questions/66573509/…
@Lundin yes, it's [tag:reopen-pls]
Thanks, request coming up, 1 sec
@Lundin no need; it's open now :-)
@TylerH Woah well that went quick, thanks :)
6 to 8 minutes ...
But the 6 to 8 thing is supposed to mean never :)
Really? Let me close that question again ;)
@TylerH Thanks. Whatever it is, seems to be just my machine. I'll just use Occam's Razor and assume it's haunted.
safe bet, we're all haunted
better then we're all hunted.
@Sarabsrimt I don't think that's an apropiate question for any SE site
Ohk. Np.@Braiam
Is this possibly an answer? ()
@JeanneDark I R/A flagged it
@Sarabsrimt Why would 2 not be 0010?
@Braiam I wrote a comment on the answer now. It's in fact a fatal combination: a) different but similar parameter names on two functions (even though it's logically correct), b) non mandatory parameter and c) accepting everything without error.
@jps Are other parameters ignored in newer versions? I can smell a patch
@Braiam algorithms is at least manadatory now and in most other cases you would see the effect immediately. Nonsense parameters like foo='bar' are still silently accepted. Some kind of "unhandled parameter exception" would be better.
@jps To prevent breaking backwards compatibility I prefer info level message saying "unknown parameter: {parameter_name} ignored"
@Dharman OP translated the question. Is it ok now?
@cigien Yeah, but the request was handled so there is nothing more for me to do
@Dharman Ah, true. It wasn't handled when I asked, but it is now. It seems clear enough to me, so I'll make a reopen-pls after the next cleanup. @Braiam you voted to close after the translation, what details is the question missing?
@cigien The fact that is a typo.
See Bryan comment.
I saw the comment. How does that solve the OP's problem though?
I thought Bryan was a typo for Braiam. xD
@SurajRao @JeanneDark It appears that I was probably conflating the desire stated a year ago to have questions automatically reopened upon any "substantial" edit with wanting to push all questions into the reopen queue upon edit. That had been what I had understood their desire had morphed into after getting a lot of push-back on the auto-reopening idea.
Going back and reviewing things, it's unclear to me what SE is currently planning to do in this area, although they clearly have plans on making changes, based on on some posts. It's possible they've actually said where they are headed, but I don't recall seeing it stated recently, and I'm at the end of where I'm wanting to spend time looking.
Given how strongly they were focused on changing things such that questions would be reopened much more loosely, I am, of course, concerned that what they want/plan to do will not match what I feel would be beneficial (limit auto-pushing into the reopen queue to only significant OP edits, not edits by anyone; i.e. allow others to edit to improve without an auto-push into the reopen queue).
I'm not sure there's much we can/should do other than "wait and see".
@Makyen Thanks! Indeed, let's wait and see what they come up with next :)
Can this answer be salvaged? It's in Portuguese, i think.
@JeanneDark Only by the OP. Until then I think it's NAA.
@JeanneDark There's a policy to not translate posts. They need to be able to understand if someone is needing to ask something of them
Thanks. I know that question's should never be translated, but with answers I wasn't sure.
Same rule applies to answers AFAIK. If the OP posts a comment in English on their answer, there's no guarantee they could understand or answer in kind
Ok, so I will keep on flagging them (as VLQ).
@JeanneDark If you understand Portuguese well enough to know what it says and you want to salvage a good answer then you could translate it, but it is easier to flag as NAA or ask the author to translate it. Generally, we do not translate any posts unless they are good enough to be truly saved.
@Dharman I won't try to translate posts. I will just flag and maybe leave a comment.
@AdrianMole Depending who you ask, they are pronounced the same way.
that's an interesting intro...
Hi guys
I'm happy!
Ok, I'll bite. What's up, klutt?
I just realized a good use case for understanding ways to abuse a language and misuse constructs and such
Because everytime someone asks something like that, they get comments like "It's pointless to ask this, because you should never write code like that"
But if you're refactoring an old code base, it can really help figuring out which things are urgent and which are not
Finally I have a justification for my nerdy questions :D
@klutt never touch old code.... sell new stuff and do new :)
this covid stuff is really making us programmers rich... we need more disasters to be appreciated.
It does? I have not noticed :D
They didn't give any pay rise in my company this year so I don't know if Covid makes me rich
It depends on the company. And if the leadership sees every disaster as a opportunity.
@klutt you can flag such comments as "No Longer Needed" :-)
@klutt ooh yeah.. ask for more pay... trust me
every disaster is an opportunity ... specially in Italy :D
@PetterFriberg I thought, rather, that in Italy every opportunity is a disaster. :-)
:), if you ask Italians yes, but they don't tell the truth...
Are you an Italian, Petter?
@Braiam nope... but I love them all.. it's a great country
but then again I love all countries in Europe.. even The Netherlands... I had great fun in Amsterdam and Twente
I still need to visit some eastern European countries.. but I bet they are great also..
Europe is great fun Braiam if you have chance travel over the ocean..
@PetterFriberg That's what an Italian would say...
I live in Italy, but I'm born in Sweden, studied in Holland, work in Ireland, vacation in Spain and have friends in Germany :D
@PetterFriberg and this discussion sounds like it should belong in the Ministry of silly hats :)
true these Germans are always so accurate, luckily the Dutch have a lot of tolerance
@PetterFriberg Heaven is... :)
there you go something to close :D
@Turing85 :D
When do posts like this (see other answer) become spam? After 2? After 5? After 175922734?
@Makyen Ah, I haven't seen that. That's disappointing, if so. I had seen Upcoming Feature: New Question Close Experience, but that significantly predated the [status-planned] and included full automatic reopening on OP edits (which would be...far worse).
@AdrianMole I'm not sure it's spam...they don't seem related, just two low-quality NAAs. If they keep it up it might be worth a custom flag to tell them to knock it off, but I personally wouldn't flag after two. They'll also hit an answer ban quite quickly if they keep it up.
@RyanM I can't tell if either of the links have any undisclosed affiliation. Seems not.
.. so, 2 < n < 175922734 ?
Another part of me thinks that the answer ban system is probably entirely capable of stopping this on its own. Not sure what the threshold is, though.
Eeess a seekrit.
@AdrianMole As always, the question is off topic :D
@Braiam Probably. What is sudo?
@AdrianMole I believe that it's a martial art of the far orient.
Sure, why not?
@Braiam Hmm, so it is. Well spotted.
I'm still trying to parse the "as always" preceding "the question is off topic." ;-(
"As always [for questions that attract especially low-quality answers], the question is off topic"
@AdrianMole Problem questions attract problem answers.
@RyanM You may want to follow the rabbit hole of questions :D
@Braiam Yeah - I got that. Just messin' about.
@Braiam which particular rabbit hole are you referring to? Questions tagged with an operating system?
@AdrianMole You got Ryan embroiled in it, for shame!
That just adds to the satisfaction.
@RyanM The linked questions in comments
(also, I put the tag back because somehow that question is about MongoDB. I surely don't understand how, but based on the highly voted answers, it is.)
I removed it because it's actually macos the problem, the problem with mongodb is just that they decided to tell users to create data directories in the root directory instead of /usr/local/var and got bitten in their rears for it.
(still voted to close, though, because it's still not a programming question...perhaps I should've gone with server admin. Ah well, general computing is not wrong.)
Yeah, but the solutions are all MongoDB-specific. It's that problem specifically in the context of MongoDB
MongoDB-instructions-specific* to be exact.
BTW, I hate mongo's defaults. They save data in windows in the \\program files directory!
eek, that's terrible.
I think the only reason why the use /var in linux is so they don't have to deal with package maintainers complaining that they don't follow the spec.
@AdrianMole If the author is not affiliated, and the links are all to different resources, I don't think it would ever be considered spam. They're just low quality answers.

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