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@klutt I feel differently about that. Foreign language identifiers are usually not confusing when used in a small snippet. They work as well as any placeholder name. Also, I'm not a fan of foo, and not because it's not English, but because of its origins in gallows humor. Maybe I should go around down-voting all the posts that use that name, it should keep me occupied for a while ;)
@klutt I don't care much about that. If a post is fine and answerable then the names of the variables are not very important to me. To me.. that's like downvoting based on the colours of the avatar.
@cigien Haha, well I agree that foreign names are not a problem for small snippets. But they are ALWAYS the bad alternative. I have no idea about the origins of foo but at least it's meaning is well understood among programmers.
I don't always dv for this reason, but it does happen when I think it impacts readability
I don't agree that they are ALWAYS the bad alternative. I don't see a difference between foo or betaling or adsgem.
Some even use A, B and C to denote three different class names.
I think I used sun.day to name a module. Maybe that's what triggered the downvotes.. :D
@klutt It comes from military slang used in WWII, specifically FUBAR describing a situation where everything is going horribly wrong, and where there's no hope of recovering from that situation.
I understand feeling that way if you're a C programmer ;)
@Scratte I see a big difference. betaling or adsgem makes me start thinking "What does this mean? Does it describe something or is it just mumbojumbo?" while foo instantly gives the information that they either have not given any thought to the name or that what the function actually does is not important. Same goes for those class names.
@cigien Ah, interesting. Thanks. Well, I'm one of those who don't care much about word associations. For instance, I thought it was completely ridiculous when Github changed default name of the master branch from master to main. I don't really care about the name change either, and I actually think that main is a slightly better name. But it was such a non-issue.
I'm just saying that it's much easier to read a+b+c+d compared to yfni+ygra+arra+imni
@cigien That is an accurate description of how big companies die.. :D
@klutt I don't know what foo or adsgem means. It doesn't matter to me in a snippet though. I've worked on large projects where people would name their variables a, b, c, d.. It gets annoying in a large project. I still see it in SQL as table aliases.
@Scratte Yes you do know what foo means. I just told you. ;)
@klutt Ok. yfni, ygra, arra, imni means the same thing ;) Think of them as foo1, foo2, foo3 and foo4 :P
@Scratte Possibly, but not necessarily. And I don't know that, because those "words" are not generally accepted as dummy names.
It especially impacts reading when the code becomes longer. When you see yfni later on in the code, it's hard to remember if it was yfni or imni earlier. It's simply easier to remember a single character than a string of random characters. It's the same problem as if I named them foo1121 foo1211 foo2111 and foo1112
Added complexity with no value
Just to stretch it. In C, it's not allowed with general unicode characters for identifiers, but some languages do allow them. Imagine a snippet with japanese characters for variable names...
@klutt I'd answer such a post. It would be awesome :)
@scratte Btw, was betaling just jibberish?
@klutt No. It means payment in Danish :) But for a snippet, it's irrelevant :)
@Scratte Haha, I suspected something like that. It's "betalNing" in Swedish
Ah, yes.. those swedes misspell everything :D
So you're Danish? That explains why you don't care :D
How so? Everything I know is always gibberish? :)
Something like that yes. The art of talking with your mouth full of food.
I never do that though. I don't really like it when people do that. I don't think it's a Danish thing though. I've encountered a lot more of it in Asian countries.
I have another similar description, but that's not suitable here ;)
Haha, I don't like that either. My point is that you can sound the same with our without something in your mouth in Danish :D
Ah. I see. Not to a Danish person though :) I'll know if I'm talking to someone on the phone that's eating at the same time.
Ah, but if you were Danish it would have made sense anyway in a more serious manner
Because (at least from what I heard) Danish people don't care much about individual words, but looks more on the whole
They don't get distracted because it's a few words they don't hear in a sentence
@Scratte Where are you from btw?
@klutt I'm Danish :) You're full on telling me I don't care for individual words :D
Ah, I misunderstood your earlier post then
I found it interesting that it was much easier to understand Danish as soon as I dropped the prejudice that it's hard to understand
No worries. I'm not "my" country and "my" country isn't me :)
@klutt That's generally how it goes. I find Swedish to be hard until I hear it more often. And then I just ask if there are words I don't understand.
It's not uncommon to have swedes working in shops in Copenhagen. I'm not really fussed as long as they don't get insulted if I ask them to explain :)
But you look like you live in Sweden. It's the Balalaika that gives it away.
In what world is balalaika Swedish? :D
That was a joke ;)
Haha, yes I understood that
I play a couple of instruments but balalaika is not one of them
South, Middle or very mosquito?
I owned one a long time ago though
Born in very mosquito
Nice.. so still far away from the Danes :)
Hmmm, I was about to ask the same, but it's not a very interesting question about Denmark ;)
Denmark is not very big.. so everything is kind of middle, no? :)
Had the same discussion with a friend from Belgium
Funny though. I can understand people from Malmø much better than I can understand Danish people from the other side of Denmark :D
That's interesting
..they don't pronounce the entire words. They kind of stop in the middle of every word :D
I'm planning to build a banjo/balalaika hybrid
Why did you stop playing the Balalaika? You used the strings for c++?
Have not made up my mind about the name though. Either balabanjo or banjolaika
I never started. Got it as a present from a friend, but it was crap.
Then I gave it away
Ahh. I tried the violin when I was 12, I think. Then my parents got me a computer game. And that was the end of my musical career :)
Haha, I actually started with violin 6 months ago
You need to find a unique name. Not a merge of the others.
Why? Hybrid instruments commonly get hybrid names
Yes, but do they ever really make it?
Banjolin, mandolin banjo, mandocello just to name a few
I've never heard of those :(
Once I built a violin banjo, that that was crap
Try a drumolin. Maybe it will be awesome :D
How long does it take you to build one of those?
Well, I don't build them from scratch, and it's not something I do on a regular basis. I have built three banjos, and all were very different. The first was a bass banjo where I just took a snare drum and a electric bass neck and put it together with some stuff from a hardware store
The second was the violin banjo I linked and the third was a standup bass banjo
They are not good, but at least usable
@klutt Wait.. that's the actual one you maked?
Impressive :)
It's a nightmare to play
Here is the first bass banjo: youtube.com/watch?v=U84fauw5fW0
A bit unergonomic, but fully playable
That's a huge instrument.
@Scratte Here is the biggest banjo: facebook.com/308941930531/videos/10160200911565532
I'm going to try to not mention that pink thing that's brown up at the end :D
You're too fast. I'm watching tetris now :)
And here is my banjo zelda rom hack facebook.com/673318256200489/videos/769464539919193
@klutt How you even get that thing in a hallway?
It helps being drunk enough to not understand that it's a bad idea to bring it
@klutt lol! Not exactly like the others :)
My boss saw that giant banjo in my car. Then he called me and said "You're a very sick man"
Hehehe.. :)
But everyone seems to be having a lot of fun :)
That's the comment we usually hear :D
Student orchestras is the besting thing in the world
Love it
Yes, I don't think the band is ready for international fame :)
Say what? Now I'm hurt.
We're gonna have Metallica as a warmup band soon
But it's not just the band that's seem to have fun. It's also the audience :)
@klutt Oops..
The most funny thing is that the shows are often equally surprising to us. We don't plan things we do on stage in advance, and if we do we usually don't tell anyone who is not involved
Do you charge people to come and listen? Or is it more like just for doing it?
Depends. Sometimes we're hired to entertain during parties, and then we charge some money. Sometimes we set up shows and then we also charge a little bit. But it's mainly to cover our own costs. Noone in the orchestra gets any money. But we use the money to buy instruments, beer and other things we find funny at the moment.
WB Upprop - 2020 is quite amusing too :) Any of those instruments that are yours?
Nope, no custom instruments there. But I'm the guy playing banjo.
I kind of gathered that :) You're doing it quite well :)
Haha, thanks
You really got hooked on this :D
I'm looking at more.. I'm at "Hongkong Blues" now :)
It sounds like a perfect disorganized sort of organised..
It's a shame that tradition does not exist in Denmark
Sweden have very many, Norway and Finland has a few each, but none in Denmark afik
Do you feel like blessing Denmark by starting a student orchestra? ;)
Would be so awesome if the background story was a discussion on SO :D
Heh.. The only thing I can play is youtube :(
Well, that's the truth of some in our orchestra too
There actually was a student orchestra in Sweden long ago called Fuktklubben where they were very few people and most of them did not even play real instruments
lol! Still.. I think I'd not be very good at doing that.
They played bathtub and rubber chicken and such
Sounded like shit but they had lots of fun
I was just about to ask about that :)
I think we took over the chat. I'm in The Ministry too :)
2 hours later…
@Makyen what are your thoughts on the SD reports? Is it wrong to promote a library you have written as long as there is disclosure?
@Nick I have not looked at them, yet. As to promoting your library, it depends on how you're doing it and how much, but, yes, it can be spam.
@Makyen ok, thanks. I'm on the fence about them since the answers are possibly useful (I'm not enough of an SME to be sure).
@Dharman I made a somewhat unilateral decision on that one a while back, and it wasn't very popular with the community. I still stand by it, though. The software package itself is not on-topic; it's only on-topic if you're programming with it or using it programmatically.
@Nick The ones which were recently reported were dramatically better than the user's earlier answers. While they do appear to be promoting their library, so far those three don't feel too unreasonable. The one which gives example code for unsigned compare could be edited into something acceptable. For that one, it would be better with some explanation of the code and moving the blurb about their library either to the end, or removing it entirely.
The other two are on questions which can be read as asking for such information. Both appear to directly address the question's issue, although the one on 8 bit unsigned values is also substantially lacking in explanation.
@Makyen is wearing a hat!
@CodyGray :) I started with the 2021 hat, but the red color in the topbar was annoying. I kept thinking it was a notification. :)
@Makyen thanks for taking the time to take a look and provide feedback.
Oh yeah, I had that problem with one of the hats. It made it look like there was an orange diamond in the top bar. I would probably have had the same issue with red hats, except that my inbox always overflows and I mostly ignore it. :-)
@CodyGray kind of looks like a superhero... GalaxyMan or the like...
@Nick GlassesMan?
Now with more glasses!
@CodyGray I was referring to your comment about Makyen... but I love "GlassesMan". Reminds me of me with safety goggles :)
@Dharman For what it's worth, I would be happy to undelete a question if you thought you could answer it to create a valuable contribution to our knowledge base. But I wouldn't undelete or reopen that in its current form: it contains images of code. That would need to be edited first. Can you not edit deleted questions?
oh dear, accidentally typed googles instead...
@Nick Oh, I see. The "mask" is actually his super-hero underwear, which he, like all superheroes, oddly wears on the outside of his costume?
@Nick When it see it down in the chat input bar, it keeps looking like a diaper. :)
@Makyen yeah, I was trying to be polite and not mention that... I guess it's something you might put on a soon-to-be supernova to stop it dirtying up the universe :)
There have been a couple of amusing posts that treat the mask hat as a diaper/speedo on the MSE Q&A showing off hats.
@Scratte Has been discussed before, for what it's worth.
@klutt 🤔 why?
2 hours later…
@ekad It's just a poorly asked how-to question. I've edited it to be clearer. Can you check?
@cigien It is better now, but it still lacks self attempt by OP.
@ekad That's not required at all.
@ekad To expand upon that, if the question is clear and narrowly scoped, there is no requirement that the OP shows an attempt. Unfortunately, there is a bizzare loophole in the help-center that has yet to be removed, that says attempts are required for homework questions. This is not the case for this question, as the OP has not said it is homework (and I haven't removed that when editing either).
At least one comment, and one answer have assumed it's homework, but that's irrelevant. I've edited the answer, and flagged the comment as NLN. If you don't have any objections other than the lack of attempt, I take it you're ok with the request being binned?
@rene Could this cv-pls request be sent to the yard please? It's already been acted upon, and there's now a reopen-pls for the same post.
@rene Thanks.
@cigien Yes no problem. I searched for that topic on meta and I think I understand what you mean. Thanks for the info.
@Yatin I'm not sure that revision 7 is a justification for the question being a duplicate... They said they were "changing the question". Do you have the subject-matter expertise to confirm that the current question is a duplicate of the proposed?
No, I am not a SME. Please trash that request.
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, after discussion because it may not be correct
Thank you
Of course!
@cigien Thanks man! :)
1 hour later…
@CodyGray Let's leave it. It was a good question but a rather unusual problem. The images were of the output not the code. Turning the images into text would not improve the question, but I agree it could use some small edits. I will find better questions to answer, someone already gave OP -1 so I don't think it's nice to give them the negative points back.
@Dharman Votes are not a matter of niceness ಠ_ಠ
No, I meant it would not be nice if OP thought otherwise of their question after it was not received well. Bringing back a negatively scoring question after they deleted it themselves doesn't feel nice
@CodyGray I see. It's only been 4 years since that was posted, so I guess we need another 2 before anything is changed.
@Scratte "They" didn't like my idea :-(
That's because you made it personal. "Answers can no longer be posted" would have been impersonal :)
But I still think it need a link to how to get a Question reopened.
Is this NAA? I am not sure if he means to ask another question stackoverflow.com/a/65549173/2359227
@TomerShetah I think that's just a "I have a similar issue. Here's my error"
@TomerShetah Yes, that looks like a "I have a similar problem" answer.
@Scratte ninja'd :)
:) Just my luck I guess. I'm both a slow thinker and a slow typer ;)
No, you don't give yourself enough credit, that's all :)
I really like your new avatar. That innocent, devious, but kind of scruffy look is sort of handsome :)
Now you're making me blush ;)
Oh. You should have seen me when Cody said I was cute :$
I did, you went bright red :D
Cody gets some credit for my avatar actually; they convinced me to spend 10 minutes using a Paint app to make it look nice.
I had no idea that Cody would use the Paint program :)
Do you mean MS Paint? I don't actually know what app Cody meant, I just typed "free online image editor" into a browser and went from there.
I would have expected Cody to do it in assembler because: There's no reason not to.. or something like that :D
Ah, I see. Yeah, in fact Cody would probably have used butterflies ;)
I always use MS Paint or Paint3D if I want a transparent background. But there are issue with both of them. I wish Pain3D would tell the size of a new object when drawing it. And I with Paint would allow for transparent backgrounds. And seamless rotations too.
I think I need an app for my phone. I keep getting confused with emoticons. I have no idea which one is the blushing one :(
4 hours later…
Q: Have we been conned with the [duplicity] tag?

Andrew MortonThe tag info for duplicity states: Duplicity is a versatile backup program that encrypts backups using gpg and allows storage on various remote systems using a huge variety of backends such as SFTP, S3, WebDAV None of the titles of the 61 questions tagged duplicity are to do with programming. T...

@ShayanKanwal then you need to find a chatroom where that is on-topic. We are not doing much code specific stuff here. Maybe some of the members here want to take this elsewhere but otherwise I advice you to go over the room list and find a better room for this.
@ShayanKanwal stop posting here, please
@ShayanKanwal Please don't message me here
This room is not for that discussion.
@ShayanKanwal again, stop posting here in this room, please.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Where is everyone?
What to do with this one? stackoverflow.com/a/65553107/1839439
Should this have been deleted as NAA? stackoverflow.com/posts/11892603/revisions
No, why?
It is a link only.
not the revision I look at
Hehe - Rene the Revisionist!
... Dharman the Doubter?
@Dharman I would say yes, for the same reason that questions with links to code should be closed as needing clarity
A reviewer has copied the code from I assume the fiddle into the post
That's what it looks like.
Yes, so that makes the answer no longer NAA
Should the edit be rolled back so that is NAA again?
Is it illegal to bring in the fiddle?
I don't know. That is Makyen's domain
we wait for a wall of text then? (j/k)
@Dharman I see it two ways. 1) Technically the person who revised the answer doesn't have control over the code, since the license on the fiddle website says "All code belongs to the poster". So they don't have the authority to provide the content under CC license. 2) Obviously the author wanted to help, so the editor revising the answer to make it no longer NAA is helpful.
@Dharman I think that is against jsFiddle license: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/344484/…
That said, the author of the post in question seems to be active, we could just ask them to include it in their answer and check back in a couple days.
I already got serially downvoted today.
I got hit with my first serial downvotes the other day, I can't imagine what it's like for you.
@Dharman wasn't there some sort of (retroactive) protection against downvotes from a single user against another, single user?
The reversal script. But I doubt it will pick it up.
Yes, but it seems to have a reasonably high threshold.
@IanCampbell I've left a comment
Wow, I was literally writing the comment when yours appeared
Oh, sorry
No no, yours is better than what I could have done.
It was just interesting that it took us similar amounts of activation energy to do something about it.
Bio rhythm
@rene The last time I checked, jsFiddle does not impose a redistributable license on the code posted there. Thus, unless the person explicitly grants a license in their jsFiddle, copying the code, including putting it into a post on SE, is a violation of the owner's copyright.
That was my gut feeling, thanks.
Is this sufficiently gibberish for a red flag? Or would VLQ be better?
I think so.
@IanCampbell I didn't need much convincing. ;)
Glad to be of service.
My wish is your command!
@AdrianMole Random question, how did you manually report that answer?
Advanced Flagging - register with MetaSmoke through AF settings and it's all done automagically.
Ah, I've been using FDSC, that'd be why. Thanks!
Flagging for Dummies on Stack and misC?
@Scratte Please don't post identical questions, it will get closed as a duplicate ;)
Hey!.. I did an attempt of a self-Answer ;)
That's true, I won't flag it this time :)
@IanCampbell Heh.. that's the raw link.
I don't know what you're talking about....
Oops.. sneaky! :)
I'm not seeing the big explanation of it on the github repository. Did you come by it from StackApps?
I came by it on the lovely charcoal-se.org/scripts page, and was enticed by a certain flower shaped author's name.
@Scratte Forget dat squirrel's comments.
It takes over the regular flagging dialog. So you can't flag normally without also sending a report, it seems.
The Natty reporter does that too.. I'm not a fan of that.
Same with AF - but that still leaves you the 'ordinary' flag dialog, if you prefer to use that.
@IanCampbell It's cool that github now have "jump to" shortcuts
Just wondering, how does one become a blacklisted user?
Sadly, it's not dynamic.
That is neat
I've tried to see how the Natty Reporter hijacks the flag dialog, so I can stop it from doing it, but no success so far.
@x43 You have to post some spam or rude content, but I do not recommend you try
Good to know, I don't plan on it.
I like how FDSC integrates seamlessly into my existing workflow.
Ahh.. each to their own. I prefer to keep them separate. Especially since one is not to pile on comments, and the Natty reporter does that. So I'd like to be able to flag a post NAA without having a user script submit a comment.
First, there's no integration with Natty as far as I know, so that's not a worry. Second, FDSC only sends feedback if the post has already been caught by SD. The first flag on a post you can do without bringing down the wrath of Charcoal.
The Wrath of Charcoal - is that a new Star Trek movie?
@IanCampbell Hmm.. still not sold :)
@rene As far as I know, deleted chat messages can not be undeleted, even by moderators. Obviously, you could manipulate the database, but I don't know if there's a control exposed for that for anyone. There's definitely not one for moderators. Some additional experimentation with the internal API might be interesting. [Looks like this was ninja'd by Cody.]
ROs and moderators can see the history page for deleted messages. That's the page from which the Archiver gets the content of each deleted message in order to display the deleted message in chat and the transcript.
The primary differences between moderators and ROs in this area are A) ROs don't get shown a placeholder message for deleted messages in the room's transcript, but moderators do. The Archiver adds placeholders for the deleted messages for ROs, and adds the deleted message's content for both ROs and moderators. B) moderators can purge the message history. This can be used, in combination with editing and deleting, to remove the message content from view by anyone.
I don't understand that. How can RO not be snown placeholders, while the archiver adds a placeholder for RO?
@Braiam That's just wrong. The user blacklist is very dynamic. Users are added to the user blacklist either through reviewers giving feedback indicating the user should be added, or through an explicit command to add a user. Users are removed from the user blacklist whenever FP feedback is received on one of their posts, or through an explicit command to remove the user.
@Scratte When an RO loads a transcript page, it looks the same as when any other user loads it. When a moderator loads a transcript page, it includes placeholder messages saying "(removed)", just like are shown to everyone if that time-period is displayed in a chat room. The archiver adds those placeholder messages which don't already exist in the transcript (i.e. it doesn't add additional ones for moderators), and fetches the message content from the history page for each deleted message.
So, moderator need to click on the (deleted) message to see what was in those if it's a transcript?
While a Room Owner can not even see those?
"and fetches the message content from the history page for each deleted message". Does that mean moderators need to click to see the history to see the message?
@Scratte Without a userscript to show the deleted message content, a moderator would need to open the message's popup to get the link to the message history, then open the history page. Doing that would be needed in either the chat page or the transcript.
Without a userscript, the transcript will not show placeholder messages to ROs for deleted messages. Those placeholders are shown to everyone in the normal chat room display.
I know of two, well, actually, three, userscripts which will add the message content for deleted messages inline in both chat and transcripts (i.e. so that it can be seen directly in chat or the transcript, without the need to go to the history page). One of those userscripts will only work in transcripts for moderators (i.e. not for ROs). The Archiver, which the third userscript is a subset of, will work for both ROs and moderators in both chat and transcripts.
I miss Boson. Boson misses a server..
Not sure why Is there a JS equivalent of numpy.meshgrid and numpy.arange? is closed. It looks like a simple "translation" Question.
Is it not so simple?
Right.. I should not post such questions of mine in here.
@Scratte The question looks fairly reasonable, though I don't really know what the python code does. If a brief description of what the python code does is added to the question, preferably with an input/output example, then I think it could be reopened. Note that whether the answer would be simple is not really relevant.
@cigien I meant the Question is simple.
But me posting it in here killed it, so.. I think there's not a lot to do for it now.
I don't know python, so I can't make an example. I'd expect python people would know what it does.
@Scratte Hmm, what do you mean by that? It was already closed, right? And yes, the question seems simple.
@cigien It was downvoted and hence Roomba enabled as soon as I posted it here.
@Scratte Ah, I see. There are fixes for that particular problem, though they are not really appropriate uses of one's privileges, so I won't suggest that anyone attempt those fixes. Anyway, like I said, a simple input/output example, which could be generated by a non Python SME, would be sufficient for me to make a reopen-pls, which if acted upon would make the Roomba moot.
I can't do that. I don't even have python installed.
Not sure I really understand the question though. Are the asking for JS built-ins equivalent to meshgrid and arange, are they asking for some library which contains some equivalent functions, or do they e.g. not know how the get an ascending sequence of integers in JS?
Seeing all those posts about problems with installing it and getting the packages to work make me think it would most certainly take me all night just to get those to work.
@BaummitAugen If that was my post, anything that would do the same in javascript.
@BaummitAugen The OP just wants to achieve the same effect as the Python code, but in JS. They haven't specified that they're looking for a library, which is good, or it would be closable as Seeking Recs. Based on the 3rd comment, it appears that it would not be a trivial one-liner in JS, but I don't believe that's relevant to whether the question should be closed.
Oops :)
@Scratte Sorry, all these programming languages with similar names is confusing. It seems that C and C++ are not even the same language ;)
@Scratte I understand your aversion to gaining enough rep to cast reopen votes, but it seems that adding a sample input/output would be a great way to contribute to reopening a question that you feel should not be closed. It might take a while to install Python, and you may not even be able to do it in time to save this particular question, but it seems worth a shot to me. Also, you can probably run some Python code online, so you wouldn't need to install anything.
@cigien Here my issue with this. If anyone can just add some sample data, then why is it needed?
I understand why a sample input and output is needed if it's to show how something isn't working how you'd expect it. But in this case, it doesn't make sense to me.
I'd also need to do a tutorial in python.. I don't even know how to write a hello word program in python
@Scratte To make the question easily understandable to more users, in particular to SMEs in the target language. e.g. if I knew JS, I might be able to look at the sample input/output and say "hey, I know how to do that, here you go...", whereas without the sample, I would need to know Python to understand what functionality the OP wants.
@cigien Ah, right. But I know neither :(
@Scratte I mean, something that does the same thing as arange in pretty much any programming language would be a for-style loop, but reading the question, that does not seem like the answer they are looking for. Without really knowing JS on my side that is.
Anyway, if you want examples for what arange and meshgrid do, there are some in the documentation.
They are even self-contained except for import numpy as np, if you want to run them yourself.
@BaummitAugen I'm trying to read the documentation, but that looks like I'd have to do an all night'er to figure out even what arrange does.
I think there are some datatypes that I have to learn about to understand what it actually returns.
@Scratte That's actually another thing that's missing from the question. arange's behavior depends on whether the input is floating-point like or integer-like, but OP doesn't specify which variant they want to have.
Not an SME, but the question does still not appear clear to me.
I think JS treats every number as floating point, so maybe they want the latter? Depends on the types of ymin etc though.
@BaummitAugen Oh, arange has different semantics for integral and floating point types? That seems odd.
Seems it just return the same datatypes as it's parameters are defined as.
meshgrid is breaking my brain: Make N-D coordinate arrays for vectorized evaluations of N-D scalar/vector fields over N-D grids
What is the actual close reason for the post? It doesn't seem to be "Needs details or clarify"
@Scratte Can't you see the banner? It says it was closed for "Seeking Recs".
@BaummitAugen Chat uses indentation
In [7]: len(np.arange(1e60, 1e60+100))
Out[7]: 0

In [8]: len(np.arange(10**60, 10**60+100))
Out[8]: 100
It's too long for chat anyway, don't want to spam. :) But thanks.
Thanks again.
^ @Scratte One example where it makes a difference.
There's a fixed font button when you post multiple lines ;)
@cigien Paste the URL into a private browser window and you'll see the banner that those without close-vote privileges see.
@cigien No. I'm minor. It says "Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.". Seeking recommendation?!? That's not right.
@Braiam I know in principle, but I since use so many different markdown dialects in different chats that I get mixed up. :)
@BaummitAugen oof, that's annoying. I'm going to have to read the docs for why this is the case. Unless your argument about JS only caring about floating point holds, the question would need to clarify that.
@AdrianMole Darn, you're right, I don't realize how many more things are visible with privileges. I earned most of them within a couple of months of being active on SO.
I think the close-banner change was quite recent.
@Scratte Well, as I hinted at earlier, users probably read the question as "show me a JS library that does ...". A fairly commonly used reason for closing "how-to" questions, though less common that Needs Focus, or Needs Details/Clarity.
@AdrianMole Oh, I see. Didn't know that either :(
@cigien I mean, the problem (off the top of my head) would probably only manifest in regions where IEEE double precision floats become inexact for integers or for non-integer increments, so under the assumption that the inputs are small enough and the increment argument (and the dtype argument) need not be considered, we would be back in business with "use a loop".
But that's probably not what OP wanted.
@BaummitAugen Well, I'm curious about the arange behavior now, so I might try it out myself to see what's what. I'm not sure what you mean by "what OP wanted". If a solution implements that functionality, regardless of whether the solution uses for-loops, that would be fine, right?
@cigien Looking a the meshgrid method, it seems to me they're looking for integers, or at least values that makes sense in a cartesian system.
@cigien Assuming they have some basic knowledge of JS, I would think they can write a for loop themselves if that was actually what they wanted. Maybe I'm wrong though.
The only issue I see is explaining what meshgrid does. What a strange function. I can't see any use of that whatsoever. But I'm guessing there are some.
Do people think this is General Computing? I don't see a programming context. stackoverflow.com/questions/65549363/…
@BaummitAugen Ah, I see. That may be the case, though I tend not to try to analyze too much what level of knowledge the OP has. It's also entirely possible that someone posts a for-loop solution, and the OP slaps their head, and says to themself "Duh, I knew how to do it that way...". I've seen that happen often enough :p
@Scratte I mean, there's a usage example in the docs that demonstrates how to use it to plot a 2D function, which is probably among the more common usecases.
@BaummitAugen Yes, but that used other functions that I also don't know what does, so I skipped that part :) And it sets sparse to true.
@cigien Sure, maybe the loop is the answer here. Still, I feel like the actual requirements are unclear.
@BaummitAugen I see. This reminds me of a similar question we discussed recently where we disagreed on whether the question was clear. I get the impression that you're generally not a big fan of "how to" style questions. Is that correct?
@IanCampbell It doesn't look like anyone bothered asking the OP if they just forgot to add the language tag.
@cigien If the problem is well defined in the question itself, the "how do I foo the bar"-type is among the most useful on the site IMO.
That's kind of how I saw this one.
And the titles made is easy to find too.
@BaummitAugen Ah, so it's just that this particular question could do with more clarity. I see what you're saying, and I don't entirely disagree. The integer/floating-point issue certainly makes me uncomfortable to reopen it.
@Scratte Asking about either arange or meshgrid would probably have made the asker's job easier here.
@BaummitAugen I'm guessing they want the meshgrid and the arrange is just what they normally use to get it.
@BaummitAugen Indeed. In fact, the first thing I looked for were targets for arange in JS, and meshgrid in JS. I didn't look very hard, but if they exist, I would be very happy to close the question as a combo dupe.
Kind of like "If I have -2 to 2 on the x-axis and -1 to 4 on the y-axis, then how to do the equivalent of meshgrid in javaScript?"
@Scratte That's possible, but unless the OP makes the change of removing the arange calls, and instead passes in hard-coded values to meshgrid, I'm not comfortable with another user doing that. I feel it changes the OP's intent too much.
Yes and no.. they didn't use a step in the arrange, so I think it's fair to assume that the 1-D arrays are fixed on the step of 1.
@cigien I guess I typically follow the mantra of this Meta post
I've asked them in a comment.. which is futile as it'll Roomba in a few hours.
@IanCampbell Sorry, I wasn't disputing your CV, or the cv-pls. I was just pointing out that a comment to the OP would be useful, since the generic banner message would not tell them of the exact issue you mentioned in your request.
@cigien If there was no good JS-meshgrid dupe, I would not be all that surprised. The point of meshgrid is vectorized function evaluation in numpy, and if you don't have numpy at hand, then what do you even want to do with the meshgrid? Unless my JS ignorance makes me miss something here. :)
@cigien That's fair. I should have provided some feedback.
@IanCampbell No worries, I left a comment to that effect.
@BaummitAugen How do you know it's not nr.1 of 2569 questions on how to implement the entire numpy in javaScript? :)
@BaummitAugen shrug. I'll willing to bet I'm more ignorant about JS than you are ;)
Oops, realized the are was necessary to make it less ambiguous. I definitely know more about you than JS.

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