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Is this question off-topic? stackoverflow.com/q/65432608/11573842
@Yatin yes (closed), + R/A comment
Ok 👍
@Yatin On sigs that give useful conflict of interests info, see: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/363528/…
Thank you :)
Would this question, Socket.io (failed)net::ERR_TIMED_OUT, be considered a professional server or network related infrastructure admin type question?
@HovercraftFullOfEels - I don't think so; it may be "caused" by the provider, but it's still their own code that they can't get to work; they haven't figured out how to check connectivity yet by the looks of it. I don't know anything about .js, though, so won't weigh in on this ... I'd recommend to try running tcdump and filter for the relevant port(s). It is quite possible that digitalocean only permit certain ports on their infrastructure, but that still doesn't make it a server issue per se ..
@HovercraftFullOfEels That's just unclear. OP hasn't verified which part of the stack has a problem. I bet is the firewall, but I don't see the port using.
2 hours later…
Is there a SME that can correctly assess these related questions, determine which one is the best question and potentially hammer the ones which are duplicates of the best? stackoverflow.com/q/46152547/2943403 , stackoverflow.com/q/45450712/2943403 , stackoverflow.com/q/60209208/2943403 , stackoverflow.com/q/58704778/2943403 , stackoverflow.com/q/44562325/2943403
@rene Unfortunately, disambiguation will have to be done first, before the tags can be merged (lots of questions using as the regular noun, not the Apache software). That will mean more work. A Meta question will need to be created.
@mickmackusa When making a request like this, please state in what technology you think the SME needs to be conversant. That way, only only someone who is an SME, or might at least be close, needs to go look at the questions. As it is, basically every single person who reads your request has to waste their time going to one or more question pages just to know if they can help. It would be much better if you provided enough information so people could self-select without needing to click a link.
@bad_coder The person you describe is argumentative. We would say that they "can't let it go", that they "always have to get the last word".
The other answers you got earlier all assume that the retorts are cheeky or attempting to be humorous.
Related question on English.SE: A single word that means or describes a person who has to have the last word in a discussion (unfortunately, no answers I'd consider stellar; at least it's better than the Quora thread...).
@Yatin For things on Meta that need moderating, just raise a moderator flag. I tend to get to those within 24 hours. (Unless they're about me, heh.)
@HovercraftFullOfEels And you wouldn't want to risk showing us up with snarky comments of your own? :-p
@Makyen right, of course, sorry. What tags should be added? ? ? Are you able to edit my message?
@mickmackusa Done. Thanks.
Are username like HeyIdiot allowed?
@d4rk4ng31 If you feel that a username is offensive you can raise a custom moderator flag explaining why. You can raise this flag on any of that user's posts, or even on one of your own. Here's a meta that covers what you can do.
@CodyGray Oh... I can do that for suggesting edits too?
@Yatin For things that require moderator intervention. Making an edit to correct typos doesn't require moderator intervention. Rolling back inappropriate edits is something you can ask a moderator to do, though.
Ok. Thank you :D
You can probably find someone in the Ministry of Silly Hats who would be willing to make edits on Meta, though, if you find something that you think needs editing and can't edit it because, for unknown reasons, there are no suggested edits on Meta.
@cigien Done. Thanks :)
@cigien but do we think the answer is spam? I'm a bit dubious about the link to an IP address...
@Nick I'm not entirely sure. It discloses affiliation. There's a lot of promotion, but it's related to the question, sort of.
Yeah, I think I'll just vtd...
I'm actually looking at the entire Q&A, and I'm not sure there's anything worth saving there.
@cigien how many days before we can vtd the question now its closed?
2 days, because of the positive score. -3 scored closed questions can be deleted immediately by +20K
What is that y'all waiting for? ;-)
Or by a mod immediately in any cases :)
And yes, that's spam, @cigien.
Too much self-promotion?
It looked as an ad
Yeah, it does. Would that be acceptable as an answer to "Can someone recommend an online text summarization inference service?".
That answer feels too much like an ad, as Vega said. Also, I'm failing to come up with an on-topic question where that answer would be appropriate.
@JeanneDark Is that a programming question?
@cigien I'm not sure. If so, it's likely a much too broad one missing many details.
@JeanneDark Yeah, that's for sure. Thanks.
Never a good sign if we can't even tell if it's a programming question, at all
Yeah, it's a useless question. I instinctively closed as not-programming, then saw that you said Needs Focus, so I asked.
How are you searching for these?
I feel there are several problems with it and then it becomes hard to choose
@cigien My newest idea (too successful, so I stopped there): hire closed:no
@JeanneDark Not for me really. I'm uptight about not closing for incorrect reasons, but when there are multiple valid reasons I pretty much toss a coin to choose between them.
@JeanneDark Oof, I'm scared of looking at those results too closely. Nice one :)
@cigien I also almost toss a coin, though I have a preference for the "broader" ones in such cases (more focus, details or clarity). When a question is "Do you have any idea how to protect me or how to detect who it is?" I won't go wrong with suggesting "needs more focus".
That's true. For questions like that, POB is also a safe bet. Not many closers seem to pick that option though, not sure why.
The renaming was unfortunate, to say the least. "Too broad" and "unclear" were more distinct. Now it's harder to choose and people may think that "more focus" only refers to questions that actually ask a list of distinct questions, not just a broad single one. And a lack of details usually causes a question to be too broad, so the "needs details or clarity" becomes more attractive.
I've heard that argument made several times in here, and I can see why the renaming caused, and is still causing issues. I guess I'm lucky that that change happened well before my time.
Regarding POB, the renaming was also not so good. Now it's just "opinion-based" and I don't like it too much because doesn't really capture its meaning. That might be a reason why it's not chosen so often. Also, in my experience, opinion-based questions are also often too broad and several questions are asked. And sometimes such a question might be salvageable by editing. But I don't shy away from using it if it fits best. But I more often come across questions with other or problems.
@AmitJoshi What focus does this need? It seems like a clear, specific question to me. Do you have domain knowledge that I lack?
sdc coffee for the room
@rene brews a cup of Americano for @for
I see how I should have pulled that off.
Good morning and merry christmas guys, is this question on topic?
@Ruli Nope.
@Ruli cPanel ... no
Ah fast one haha, thanks :)
sdc coffee "the room"
@JohnDvorak brews a cup of Ristretto for @"the
...really, SD? Really?
@JohnDvorak clever
You go submit a PR to fix argument parsing ...
!!/tea SOCVR
@CodyGray brews a cup of jasmine tea for @SOCVR
@CodyGray clever...
@CodyGray I am working on DICOM for reasonable time; but yes, I am not good in volume rendering specifically.
The present answer on question explains HU calculations in terms of DICOM scope. From question, it is clear that OP is not looking just for that. They are further linking it to volume rendering. In what way? What they exactly need? Code provided is not sufficient either. Volume Rendering is vast topic. Just asking "How to...." or "Is there a way..." is not enough to provide good answer. Of course this is my opinion.
@AmitJoshi Thanks. Can you maybe leave a quick comment on the question expressing some of those concerns? To someone totally unfamiliar with DICOM volume rendering, it looks like a straightforward question.
@CodyGray Y'day my initial search on Meta returned me this and that left me so confused that I decided to not continue on that endeavor ....
@rene Err, yeah... that's confusing. And seems pointless. I think we should just delete it.
@CodyGray I just did that and praying that it should not back-fire on me. Anyway, my general experience in tag says, OP generally do not edit the question. In earlier days, I used to comment to get the question in good shape (or edited myself if possible). But, I do not generally do that now because 1) It does not work 2) It back-fire.
I feel that the purpose of the comment is more than just advice to the asker. It serves as documentation/explanation for why the question should be closed for whatever reason chose, when the applicability of the reason is not immediately obvious.
I harbor no real expectation that the asker will come back and fix the question, but that doesn't, to me, diminish the importance of leaving some sort of explanation.
If it back-fires, I'm sure a mod will have a look.
@TomerShetah Yes, that is NAA.
@TomerShetah Yes, it's a comment on the self-answer.
Hrm... Why are those all "no roomba"?
Just the score, I guess.
What a shame.
@CodyGray That's true; Score was 2 and roomba was stopped.
@CodyGray Congratulations on your new quiz hat. Though I must say, you look better in feathers :)
@Scratte I thought so, too, actually. I've been changing my hat every 12 hours or so, but I kept the feathers for a full 24 hours.
I do think they're one of the better looking hats, at least on my avatar.
Yes, a perfect fit even :)
@Scratte I'm getting a lot of MSE rep for the perfect fit of the Snaphat and Chimney Sweep hats.
Feathers just looked great at small sizes.
@CodyGray lol!. That's so silly :)
Since.. we Danes always celebrate the day before the actual holiday, so we can sleep in on the holiday:
@desertnaut I have a feeling that these "learning" tags should be modified to instruct people they should ask programming questions about these topics.
@GertArnold there are!
check the 2nd link I include in my custom close comments
@desertnaut I was looking a the supervised-learning tag. Machine learning says "Implementation questions". Apparently that's still a bit broad (but then, who actually reads this info?).
> Andy ideal?
There's a new one for me.
@CodyGray Was that suppose to be "Any idea?"
@Scratte Yes.
No evidence they have a particular fondness for one of our moderators.
Just think of them as a squirrel with a typing disability or something like that :)
@Scratte It's an eagle. They are all about efficiency.
@CodyGray Thanks™ alot :)
@tripleee can you close this as dupe please stackoverflow.com/questions/65437042/…
@CodyGray thank you for the answer, this was a really interesting. Yes, argumentative is good enough, but there's an issue: a retort might not make for an argument (you'd expect an argument to have some articulation, while a retort can be somewhere in between a grunt and a argument). LOL :)
@CodyGray I wrote this answer which is comprehensive by methodically exploring the semantic possibilities and relationships.
@Scratte lol, I did ask the native speakers (our SOCVR companions) because that's when interesting perspectives expand my narrow view. (I also know the usual contributors on the other site, and while some are extremely knowledgeable in syntax, etymology, when it comes to exploring a semantic space I think my answers normally take it one step further - so it's a possible contribution).
@yivi could you please respond to the OP's question edit? stackoverflow.com/q/65287452/2943403 They are seeking guidance regarding your dupe closure.
1. Your code is incomplete. 2. Can you share the JSON too? — Praveen Kumar Purushothaman 21 mins ago
My cards are hiding the first digit of my rep count. I don't mind users guessing any number from 1 to 9.
@AnnZen cards?
is this on topic? maybe I just dont understand what it is about, even the tag description confuses me
@Ruli a lot of questions in that tag seem like general computing...
@Ruli Are you sure that this is general computing? I don't know that tool, but it may be development related. At the very least we have a tag for it. (cc @RyanM)
The tag usage guidance is hilarious, but probably not very informative ;)
Maybe ask on meta first?
If the entire tool is off-topic, we may just burninate the tag...
@janw you are correct I will post on meta, this tag seem to have bunch of off topic questions, where there is code in questions the tag is mostly useless, I can't tell surely if the tag is needed but however it has about one post a month, @Machavity if you are alive please remove this request
@janw it seems to be a program that has an API, much like MS Word is on topic for questions about programming for it
The tag is mostly fine, but has a scattering of off-topic general computing questions
I CVed the ones I saw, but I don't think the tag needs to go or anything
Yep, I think I'll leave it be, there were fine question, I don't think it is for burnination
Alright! Then maybe someone who knows this tool could fix the usage guidance, so it is clear which questions are on-topic and which aren't?
most question have no recent activity, tag is more or less dead, it has no point to bring it up I believe, just the tag description is, as @janv told, hilarious. Should I bring it up on meta so maybe somebody with better knowledge edits it, or anyone here has the will to google info about this tool?
@Turing85 GMTC?
Ah, nevermind...
@Turing85 I'm sorry, I don't understand the close reason. What's wrong with the question?
@cigien (Forget what I just wrote, I thought you referenced another message of mine)
@cigien can you link me the question or its title? If I jump to it through the chat, my browser does not highlight it and I don't know which one you are referring to (I suspect the one about Objectbox?)
@Turing85 Sure. This one. I see some excellent advice for the OP in the comments, but no valid close reasons anywhere.
@cigien I have closed it as "more focus", since no clear question was asked. It is a recommendation dump without any clear attempt. And as I have stated in the comment: whether is homework or exercise, if we "solve" the question by providing the code, we defeat the point of homework/exercise
Probably a good cause but still spam stackoverflow.com/a/65440670/1197518
@Turing85 The question could be worded better, but it seems fairly clear what the OP wants. It looks like a dupe of this to me. Regardless, if the question is unclear, then Needs Clarity is the right reason. The question doesn't lack focus at all, it's very specific. I also notice that you didn't ask for any clarifications from the OP. You did ask for an attempt, which is fine, but lack of an attempt is not a valid close reason at all.
I do sympathize with your last point. I don't think solving the problem for the OP is good for them, they should ideally attempt it themselves first. I would use mechanisms such as comments, and downvoting to signal this.
In fact, I would even like to close the question to make this point, but I see no interpretation of the rules that lets me do that, however much I might want to. If you feel this should be a close reason, please raise this on meta. I would be very happy to see a discussion about this.
In the interim, please use at least one standard close reason in requests posted here. Simply stating "GMTC" is not acceptable, since no effort questions asking for code are not off-topic necessarily. They may be narrowly scoped, and answerable, and your close reason should indicate that this is not the case.
@cigien There is a close reason for this: "Questions asking for homework help are not inherently off-topic. However, you must have made a good faith attempt to solve it yourself. The question must include a summary of the work you've done so far to solve the problem, and a description of the difficulty you are having solving it." There is no vote-reason for it, though. And tbh, I do not understand why there isn't one vote-reason listed for every point on the on-topic page.
There is always the option for a custom reason, but I do not care to bother with those anymore. I raised 4, maybe 5 custom close votes, all were denied. And as long as the question gets closed, I am fine with it. I even cited the relevant part from the on-topic page.
Roll back please: stackoverflow.com/q/65418069/11573842 OP vandalized the question.
Hello o/
1 hour later…
Merry Christmas SOCVR
1 hour later…
@oguzismail yes
1 hour later…
^ I gave that R/A but then retracted, after I saw the edit (which I have now rolled back).
... note sure about it, though.
Advice I have received here is that such "rude" edits should be undone but not red-flagged.
Which part? The edit is R/A. It's fine to roll-back the vandalism as well I think.
Ok, with the latest comment, I've retracted my flag.
Let's just delete it an be done!
@Yatin OP translated. It can be nullified
@AdrianMole maybe too much Spritzer :) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spritzer
@Vickel Those dang strawberries get everywhere.
yeah, but if you do the "real" Spritzer, dry white wine and soda water, 50-50 you can go on a whole night, no headache in the morning
I buy it ready-mixed.
@AdrianMole ready mixed: the headache is included in the can/box/bottle, check the "food additives"
Yep. Bottle includes: Wine; Pressurize Carbon Dioxide; Strawberries; Annadin.
@AdrianMole sounds good, just got called in, "cabrito assado no forno" [goat roast in the oven] is ready, and then the presents...
I'm only expecting one present this year. I expect Santa's Overflow to deliver around 02:00 UTC (unless some snarky moderator foils my cunning plan).
What happens at 2am?
Lots. Bots.
... check my top tag score.
Is someone going to upvote you at 2am?
... I have votes 'in reserve'.
... and nothing fraudulent, BTW.
I was in the middle of writing a flag...
You say it's time for some serial downvoting?
Well, if you came across a question tagged with (say) but that didn't have ... would you edit it, so that it did? Same with [MFC].
^ Bad choice of example - that one's still awaiting review.
I would definitely add an "a" to make it an article
Just something I pulled out of my 'today review memory'. It is an R package, though.
... I checked.
Too late to edit: it's actually .
Anyway: A Very Merry Christmas (and Nadolig Llawen) to all and sundry. See y'all on the flipside, when the strawberries have been fully catabolised. 😊
@AdrianMole you don't have to wait until 2am if you change your activity page to track progress towards your next tag badge instead of your next privilege - then you'll get the badge as soon as you visit your activity page once you pass 1000...
But, but ... that would upset Santa.
... Also, I think the tag scores are updated quickly only when there are active votes cast. Otherwise, one needs to wait for the daily recalculation (of everything) to run.
@AdrianMole what other type of vote is there?
Not votes but scores - they can change by way of tag edits.
@AdrianMole gotcha.
We'll see who has the powerz - Santa vs The Moderators - now (not) showing at a Cinema near you!

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