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This is RA, right?
I don't think it is
@10Rep No, just NAA.
I just got a secret hat. What's that?
@10Rep We could tell you, but we'd have to kill you send you to MSE
Can't wear my hat! imgur.com/a/AwPOI8e
So nobody knows what you have to do to get a secret hat?
@mickmackusa You need to select "Only on this site". That's when it worked for me
(I recently flagged NAA for it, the post was deleted)
@10Rep No. That's the point of it being secret :)
Ooh, that's interesting :)
But it seems mickmackusa's unwearable hat is a secret one too :)
That one seems to come from view spoiler
Ahh. That makes sense. Flagging should get you at least one type of hat.
@Scratte Meh - Looks like they've changed a lot since last year.
Some look ridiculously easy ...
@AdrianMole Yes. I'm quite happy with my Santa hat from last year :)
... and some I have no idea about.
... and you just spoilt my fun attempt
@AdrianMole Not sure. I opened a post on main, but no hat.
... to get a nice large icon
@Scratte Last year?
... stop chatting y'all.
lemme get the big flag to show
I like my hat
I think I got it by view spoiler
@10Rep Sorry. It was from Winter Bash 2018 Hat list. Search for "Gonna Find Out"
@Scratte No, my point is you've only been a member for 11 months, according to your profile :)
..Unless you're in another community
@10Rep Yes. But I took the image of the hat and used it to create a image that became what I made my avatar :)
I'm finding the "Social Distancing" aren't working for me. But then it's probably not going to look good over my dots anyway ;) "aren't working" means not being updated into my list of hats.
Trust me, Propel Thyself is the best
There seems to be a lot of hats to be gained by using close and reopen votes..
So this is what the winter bash means!
@AnnZen It's all about the hats. Check your new icon to see if you got any yet.
@Scratte ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž
I tested it, flagging doesn't count
@10Rep Obviously not. But don't be sad. You can just pick one that you like and use it as your avatar for the entire year of 2021
I may even chose to be the all year Santa :)
But I'm first on the leaderboard!
There's a leaderboard?
I see. I guess you're going to have to fight to keep that position :)
I refuse to be suckered into such gamification <<scurries off to the review queues>>
Does this question seem on-topic?
Anybody earn the "backlog" hat yet? I'm expecting it stackoverflow.com/a/65316113/2943403
@AdrianMole where did you get the flag, and what does it mean?
@mickmackusa I just earned 3 hats without doing anything, let me see...
@bad_coder I got mine from flagging an answer as NAA.
@Machavity It seems so to me. It's a development issue, no?
@Machavity Doesn't really look like a programming question. Also, it's asking about 3 questions, the last of which is POB.
@cigien Isn't the last questions about what how how to make it work if there's no direct workaround?
They seem to be variations of the same question.
I read it as: Is there a way to use Laravel without github access.
@Scratte That may be. I'm not familiar with the technologies particularly. I'd be fine with it if the last 2 questions were edited out.
@cigien Not sure I understand why.
If it's possible to do it, is there still an impact given a workaround.. ?
@Scratte It looks like it's asking too much, and needs focus. If you think all those questions are in fact the same, I'll take your word for it. I'm not convinced enough either way to cast a vote.
@cigien Ah. I see. I see it as the same question. As in "Is is possible to use integers for blah? It not what can I use instead?" that doesn't read like two separate questions to me. But questions that are naturally connected.
I suppose one could rephrase it to "Is there a workaround to a blocked access to gitHub using Laravel and Composer and what differences to the normal process will it have?"
@Scratte No, I'm not concerned with the appearance of multiple ? per se, if it's indeed the same question. It's unfortunate that the answer appears to be "you can't fix this. Talk to your IT dept.". I suppose the fact that it might be impossible to solve doesn't mean it's not a programming question.
@Scratte now I noticed, you actually got your own hat before winter bash started :)
@mickmackusa that hat is cool, I'll to raise a NAA flag.
this is a non-meaningful review, correct? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/27852783 changing British to American and capitalizing C's
@cigien But this Question is a perfect example of what I was referring to when I mentioned that sometimes one is asked to perform a task that is made almost impossible by the very people that are asking for it to be done.
@mickmackusa Yes, rejecting that is correct.
@mickmackusa yes, the FAQ clearly states edits should not translate questions! :)
@bad_coder Yup :)
@Scratte Hmm, the OP was not asked to do anything though. They're trying to get around some restrictions the workplace placed on them.
@cigien Heh. Perhaps they're doing their home project at the office. But that's not my impression.
Lots of Americans don't even know there is a British version of English, so they correct it assuming it is a misspelling. I was tragically unaware of the world until I first left America. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why the boss of Men In Black was called Zed, but everyone else had a letter for a name!
If Zed was a letter, it would be in the alphabet song, right?!?
lol! That's funny and tragic at the same time. Do they not teach there is a world outside the US at school?
We pronounce it "zet". We also do not have a double-U. We have a double-V.
@mickmackusa yeah, and right before Zed didn't come Why but Ypsilon :)
Americans are raised to believe everything that they can ever dream of is already inside of America. Blindly, I thought America was the best ...until I got out and discovered that it is simply isn't by all metrics.
@mickmackusa are there any metrics in the US? I thought it was all imperial...
@bad_coder Answer: Flag is a knot!
@rene Honestly? Yes. Deletion should be a higher bar than closure, and we have all put a lot of effort into ensuring transparency behind our closure process. I do not think it's too much to ask to require people requesting expedited deletion in here to give a legitimate rationale.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Isn't there a nice canonical for that?
@HovercraftFullOfEels What kind of focus does that need? They've presented the question, and they've even provided some guess of their own.
@cigien Maybe this one?
@CodyGray That looks right to me.
Answer #2 is still surely wrong, though. Neither of these are pointers.
Actually, I think #2 is right as well. Arrays in javas are references basically right?
@CodyGray Answer #2 is right :) Just as #1. In java all variables to objects are pointers to an object in the heap :)
Since #2 is correct, so is #1.. since, they're both pointing to the same object. So I'd chose #3.
I'm just not sure that it's a pointer.
Do variables all have memory addresses? I thought the Java object model didn't allow that, since the JVM is free to implement objects and move them around as it sees fit.
@CodyGray They're not pointers. But the option says "point to". Which references to the same memory kind of do.
It's a variable, that holds the reference to the object. If it had been a primitive, like an int, it would have had the value of the variable. But since it's an array, which is an object it will have the reference. That's basically a pointer.
@CodyGray I don't recognize your gravatar, you must be new here. Welcome, have you read the FAQ?
I still think the wording of the option is incorrect.
Not entirely sure how it's implemented in the various JVM's though. It may not be a direct pointer to the location. It may have a intermediate of some kind.
@cigien Nobody reads that kind of stuff.
And they're generally not called pointers. They're called references.
@CodyGray True. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We'll try to guide you down the right path.
Not that there's a right path of course.
@cigien Cody is our very own chimney sweeper ;)
@Scratte The differences between pointers and references in a C++ sense are essentially: (1) references cannot be reassigned; pointers can, (2) references cannot be null; pointers can. I do not know what the difference would be in a Java sense. My guess is that the concept of pointers just doesn't exist, so this instructor is using the language sloppily.
But since Java references can be null... maybe the terminology should actually be "pointer" instead of "reference"? Hmm.
@CodyGray Since java doesn't have pointers, but only references, they can be reassigned in a sense that any variable can be set to reference another object. They can also reference the null object. Which isn't the same as them being null. But they can still be unassigned, which is effectively null.
Right, so doesn't that make them pointers, not references?
Maybe they're called references because they're actually indirect pointers, that layer of indirection being necessary to enable garbage collection. They are what a C or C++ programmer would call handles.
Not entirely in my book, since you cannot manipulate them into referencing any arbitrary bit of memory. You also cannot set them to an offset of what they are.
@CodyGray Yes, that's what I meant with an intermediate before.
It's either an intermediate or the garbage collector has to go and update the references every time it moves objects around. I'd be surprised if anyone thought that was a good idea.
Ah, true... They always point to a specific object. You can't offset them to point to, say, the second element in an array.
Correct :) The memory model doesn't allow for manipulating the objects directly. You can only do that through a reference. So there's no having only half an object in heap.
Except for when a constructor throws an error, which does leave half an object that will be garbage collected, but that's not entirely the same.
It doesn't actually leave half an object, though, does it? It just leaves an incompletely-initialized object, which is an invalid object, but not a partial one.
@CodyGray Yes. True. It's not like half of the memory of the object has just gone missing :)
Well, you act like that's ridiculous, but it's possible. Say the object had members that were themselves references. If the object was incompletely constructed, then it's conceivable that those members haven't been constructed yet. That would make the object's memory footprint only a partial one.
Lots of objects have members that are themselves objects. Having them non-initialized is just having a null-reference for them. But assuming they were to be constructed in the constructor that throws an error, then I suppose some may have been constructor while others not.
@Scratte So that would be a partial object, would it not?
@CodyGray Yes, but since it met with an error during construction, it's not really an issue, unless your application can be accessed by others. Then the entire thing can leave an opening for a hack where your application thinks there's no object, but the object can escape garbage collection through a finalizer.
Garbage collection is itself such a huge hack. How about if you just didn't throw your garbage on the floor for some other process to pick up in the first place?
:) The idea is that you don't need to worry about cleaning up at all.. the janitor will do it. It's like the diamond moderator for java ;)
@Scratte Unless the janitor gets confused and declines your flag. Then what to do?
That's when you supect foul play and someone is attacking your application ;)
Ahh.. I suppose the soapbox is going to invite a lot of interesting posts on meta.
It has to be something worthy of upvotes to earn the hat.
@CodyGray That's not what it says though. It just says "Start a meta discussion".
@Scratte You gotta read the full descriptions.
There's a fuller description? I just went to the hat list, and that's all the description I could find.
Did you click "About this hat"?
@CodyGray I went to the link that I posted here, with just the hat list. Now I've found the blog post.. :)
@CodyGray I don't think that has info about the secret hats.
No, it doesn't. They're secrets. No one has that info. Although people are guessing on MSE and in chat.
Ah, I see. I thought Scratte was asking about that.
No, I think he knows that already. At any rate, Soapbox is not a secret hat.
Yes, I wasn't trying to guess any of the secret ones. Just trying to find out where to get the "full descriptions". Which Cody linked :)
@Scratte Ah, ok then. My bad.
No worries :) I just noticed a little more action on meta than usual :)
Everybody reporting bugs with long-deprecated "mobile" views of the site...
But.. I was under the impression that one needed the "Ask a question with the [discussion] tag on a meta site that gets a score of 2 or more and receives 2 or more answers."
Yeah, you do.
Maybe they haven't read the detailed descriptions, either. :-)
Or maybe they're not actually going for a hat.
I just earned a hat, the Mariachi. I didn't do anything.. Except.. I looked at the non-blog post.
@Scratte Sure you didn't shake some maracas?
You've done something I haven't done.
@CodyGray So, you don't have that hat?
@Scratte No. Can't you see my hats in my profile? Or is that a mod-only thing?
@CodyGray Yup.. I can :)
Is it true that Stack Overflow is the only SE site with dark mode?
@mickmackusa The localized (non-English) Stack Overflows have it, too. But I think that's it.
But.. it can't the the non-blog post thing, since it doesn't know why I am. I have an option to log in.
@Scratte I read the blog post before being logged in, then I created an account and read it again. So that can't be the trigger for the hat.
I've opened up a few closed post.
Oooh, that's it, maybe: shaking your fists at questions being closed.
I've commented on a closed post, but that was a while ago.
I don't leave unkind comments :) I made a guess about why a post was closed and suggested that the author edited the post.
I also went to my own profile page, but I don't think that's a trigger for a hat.
Putting several different hats on and off?
I got a tiny-vote on my comment.
No, never tried a hat.
There's a way to test it :) Nope.. not the tiny-vote. You got three of those.
And you also posted a comment, so it's not that. Unless it's a comment on a closed post.
As usual, Warm Welcome is the hardest hat to earn on SO.
I've been monitoring the list of new questions for the past several minutes, looking for something worth an upvote. Nothing. Closed about 20 of them, though.
I am still frustrated that Stack Exchange is feeding the incorrect narrative that upvotes are somehow "warm" or "welcoming".
@CodyGray yeah - good luck with that one! :)
Why couldn't the trigger be something like, "Leave a comment on a post by a new user, and that comment gets upvoted?"
Yes, and it's not commenting on a closed post either. You did that too. After you closed it :D
That might actually be warm and welcoming. (And requiring an upvote would help to ensure that it was useful advice, rather than just, "Hi, welcome!", since that noise doesn't usually get upvoted.)
I just tiny-voted on your comment. For science ;) But it may not count as you also closed voted the post. And also.. just because a comments on a closed post gets a tiny-vote doesn't mean it's kind..
@Scratte OK, better idea: Propose an existing question as a duplicate, and have a new user agree that it answers their question.
@CodyGray I got a declined NLN flag on this question. There's no comments on it other than my own. Do you mind checking and letting me know what the comment I flagged said?
(That might have been used before, and it might be a secret trigger. I have no idea.)
@CodyGray That I didn't do. So it was certainly not the trigger for the secret hat I got :)
@cigien Uh, there's a deleted comment that says, "what is life? That's what all the people questionn. You're riding high in April, shot down in May". I can't tell if that's the one you flagged. Two people did flag it, one as NLN and one as unfriendly. I suspect that what happened is the mod wanted to decline the unfriendly flag, but declining comment flags is an all-or-nothing affair, so your NLN flag ended up being declined. Mod probably didn't even realize it happened.
@Scratte Better upvote some more of my comments, just to be extra sure. :-)
Oh, I see. Yeah, I recognize that comment, that's the one I flagged. Didn't know declining comment flags was all-or-nothing. Thanks for checking.
I'm pretty sure it is.
@CodyGray What if it has to be the author that upvotes it?
@Scratte Yeah that'd work, too.
Nope.. not it. Author hasn't been active for 10 hours.
Oh, I didn't mean as the actual trigger. I meant as the trigger for my hypothetical revamp of the "Warm Welcome" hat.
@CodyGray Isn't that the upvoting of a user's first post?
@Scratte Yes, currently. I think that's a dumb idea. See above discussion. The SE team should not be equating upvotes with warmness or welcoming.
But does that user have to be new? I mean can't I just go and find anyone's first post and vote on that?
Yes, true.. downvoting should work too :D
@CodyGray Ok. Anyway, just checking to see if the flag was incorrect. Clearly it's not :p I wonder why someone flagged it as Unfriendly though.
@cigien If you want actual "why did someone flag this as that" puzzles, I can make you a list.
Nice.. you'll be removing the discussion tag a lot now :D
Haha. Not if it's an actual discussion.
Which is... 90% of everything.
@CodyGray No no, please. Spare me. I can imagine users raise some pretty bizzare flags.
If someone really wants the soapbox, they could post a meta Questions about the "Warm Welcome" hat instead of bugs about Stack on mobile :) "Upvote any user's first post." Is that any user or just a new user? Is it a good idea to just go and upvote new user's firsts posts? Is it unwelcoming not to upvote user's posts? :) (btw.. the idea is mostly Cody's. I just stole it)
Our definition of "new user" is pretty much one who hasn't posted.
Woohoo! I found a post worthy of an upvote! :)
It doesn't say new user on the hat list meta post. It just says a user's first post.
@Nick Lies! You just upvoted some piece of crap to get a hat.
@Scratte My point is, if it's their first post, that would make them a new user.
@CodyGray I would never do that! Well, hardly ever! :)
@CodyGray I've been watching the incoming questions firehose. Half of everything I see is images of code. The other half is blatantly off-topic. I think there were a few long, rambly code-dumps of "debug my code" somewhere in there, but those are hardly worth an upvote.
I found mine in the late answers queue...
Oh! Yeah, good point. It doesn't have to be a question.
Higher odds on new answers.
@CodyGray No.. I can just go and find your earliest post and upvote that. Hoping it is indeed your first ever post.
Oh, I see. Hmm. They don't mean that.
But then they should rephrase it. I was just about to vote on your post.. ;)
So do they mean a user's only post? Or just the first of two? How old should the user be? Less than a day? :)
@Nick there should be a hat for when a moderator agrees with your close vote :)
@Nick There kind of is... You get hats for participating in successful closures.
but this should be a special one
Although, there is a good idea in there: a "glasses" hat for when Cody agrees with you. Or you agree with Cody? Hmm.
@CodyGray I'll vote for it! :)
@Nick First glasses hat is for you, then.
"Sycophant" would be a good name for the hat.
I'm very puzzled about how a universe can wear a hat.
@Scratte I'm sure Douglas Adams could explain at great length...
@Nick But seeing is believing ;)
@Scratte At this point, I see no evidence that it can.
Maybe the universe is just waiting for "my" hat :)
I mean if my hat can wear a hat, I'm sure the universe can wear it too :)
Natty got 4 hats. All of them secret ones.
And Natty doesn't do anything other than flag, comment and post chat messages.
@Nick Ironically, someone has suggested an edit to fix a typo in the answer that points out that the problem was caused by a typo.
Are those turtles I see all the way down there?
Ah, finally someone who understands irony! :)
@Scratte ...sounds like the start of your next meta question.
@mickmackusa lol!.. Nice try :D
1 hour laterโ€ฆ
Am I going to have to be The Fastest Hammerer In The West for the next 3 weeks to combat the hat-gathering FGITWs? stackoverflow.com/q/65318902/2943403 could have closed this one with at least 10 different pages.
@Ruli Pycharm is a tool primarily used by software developers. IDEs are on-topic for Stack Overflow. See: stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic
โ†’ 1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, before rene could get to it
fake pings ...
Dunno what you're talking about
@mickmackusa Is there a "Hat Snatcher" hat?
@AdrianMole not that I know of, but there is Matryoshka
@AdrianMole I'm interested. Tell me how it works :)
I think the Upvote Pixies are really gonna test my nerves for a few weeks.
@mickmackusa Take a break; drink some ๐Ÿบ and enjoy the lack of Christmas Cheer.
Would you consider this NAA? Seems like a copy paste from the question stackoverflow.com/a/65320750/2359227
@TomerShetah yes, flag it for your hat
@mickmackusa now eligible for del-pls
@mickmackusa Done! Thanks!
The warm welcome badge has a lot to answer for e.g. stackoverflow.com/q/65321544/9473764 which has 3 upvotes!
@Nick There is a big difference between badges and hats. As there is between badgers (odd-looking mammals that steal food from campers) and hatters (people who went mad through mercury poisoning).
@AdrianMole my bad, that should of course have been hat, not badge. either way, the effect is bad...
My impression of this answer is that it's gibberish (R/A) ... but have I missed something? Is it a failed attempt at some kind of answer? (I'm feeling atypically generous to such posters since the hats came along.)
just crap... flag abusive or NAA
@PetterFriberg Maybe it's Turkish (rather than Gibberish), or Uzbek?
baah my experience says cat on keyboard having fun... if you like to be nice flag just NAA
@AdrianMole Uzbek, according to Google Translate. It's...borderline gibberish. "hello act readers How's work"
Being Turkish (or Uzbek) doesn't preclude it also being gibberish. I flagged as R/A.
@PetterFriberg I feel like it is something new users do to understand how the formatting works...
it a new account from today.. so not much difference...
Hm... I went with rude
@Yatin that's abusive a normal person does not do that...
THere just appeared another one
Looks like sock-puppets.
@PetterFriberg You were right :)
Petter is always right (by definition) ... except when not.
but in that case GOTO 1
This wasn't a forced Meta question for a hat. I just didn't manage to ask it for a month. meta.stackoverflow.com/q/403724/2943403 (now I can close that tab on my browser)
Last year's "Milliner" was much nicer, IMHO. This one makes me look like a strange chimera between E_net4 and Yatin.
.. but still, it's nice and colourful.
Would you connsider this NAA stackoverflow.com/a/65322694/2359227 ?
Yeah just a bunch of links...when they break there is nothing left...
@TomerShetah I edited out the code-snippet (which it wasn't) - now it's far more obvius that it's just a bunch of links.
... I went with an NAA flag.
... and a delete vote. ;)
only answer on question, with some luck OP will listen and edit...
โ†’ 1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null
what do you think about this question? When I clicked on that link it downloaded zoom. I don't think the website it opened was the official website... (sd report)
@Yatin I just removed my cv-pls from this room but I'm watching that question.
I rather have it closed and then deleted.
OP deleted
@rene Your wish granted.
Yea.. I don't like it one bit...
I will start a full pc scan now :/
@AdrianMole custom mod flag sits in the queue
@rene I can't do much about that one ... sorry. ;)
@AdrianMole You don't need to win a mod election to get a diamond. It is just that we didn't exhausted all our legal possibilities to get you one. Recount and appeal on its way ....
@rene Indeed! I guess the CEO of S.E.Inc. gets a diamond ex officio. :-)
That is a pardon for him ....
What do you think about this answer? stackoverflow.com/a/65324159/11573842
@Yatin I edited out the discussion invitation
@Yatin looks like an answer to me.
@Yatin Check it now.
Less blabla more answer the question.
@Dharman looks like it
@Dharman Yes. It's the one that is most commonly made :)
@AdrianMole How did you get the sword?
issa seekrit
Hmm.. I thought I'd get it by reading the tour.. no luck :(
Try it on a site you where haven't done the tour yet. Meta.SE counts.
Ahh.. I see. Yeah, not doing that :) I already did on the two other profiles.
Then sign up to a new site. There should be at least one you haven't done yet.
That's what I'm not thrilled about. There's enough work on just this site.
@Scratte there is no commitment from just signing up. If a post of yours was migrated to a different site it might even come with a modestly pleasant surprise in the form of rep
when I first signed up for Charcoal I tried to limit the number of sites I had accounts on but I have long since given up on that, and will frequently sign up for a new site just so I can flag spam on it. I don't think I have ever had any other activity of any kind on most of them, and always then something I actively involved myself in, not the other way around
@tripleee That's how I ended up with a profile on dba :( I even got reputation on it. I answered the post while it was on Stack. I've considered disassociating from it and deleting the profile.
@Scratte You can quite easily remove your account on another stack, if you don't have any posts (and comments?) posted. I joined a bunch of sites few years back. But never really used the sites, so I just deleted my accounts there.
I keep getting hats but I don't know why
@Dharman I'm trying to get the "warm welcome" which I though I would get, but it seems that there's a criteria that I'm not aware of.
Is it the one where you give upvotes to people?
@VLAZ I wonder how many times one can create a profile and delete it before being asked to stop :D
@Dharman I got like three at once at one point. I don't even think I did anything I haven't done today.
@Dharman I think so, but I think it has to be a new "people". Which is was. But.. there's another criteria about it.
@Scratte dunno. If you've posted stuff it takes longer. And if you re-create an account it's actually a new one. I guess it's not really that much of an issue if you don't interact with the site. If you vote, it might be a problem.
@VLAZ Well, the lesson is: Make sure that the post will not get migrated before answering it.
@Scratte Has to be their first post - did you check for others by the same user(s)?
... maybe also has to be their first upvote. Dunno.
... experts are in this room.
And people wonder why answering questions is harder than asking.
I wonder if that's only when debugging, ie context is: why isn't this working? That would be opposed to reading simple imperative statements.
@code11 Seems to be both. Because you are trying to "understand".
@AdrianMole I think it has to be the first vote on the first post..
@Scratte Take a run through the First Posts queue (skipping) ... you'll find something worth upvoting eventually.
"There are two schools of thought regarding how the brain learns to code, she says. One holds that in order to be good at programming, you must be good at math. The other suggests that because of the parallels between coding and language, language skills might be more relevant." -- Hahaha, ok, reasonable hypothesis but doubtful. For instance, I am fairly good at programming but garbage at both math and language. Completely different skills.
@AdrianMole Heh.. I considered it :) Then I figured that perhaps I was overestimating my will to get the hat :D
I have a real problem with the FP queue. There are so many poor, laconic, code only answers. I have to skip them all. If I downvoted I'd be out of rep in a day!
@code11 But you fail at logic, how are you going to work out ands and ors? :)
@code11 Downvotes on questions are free ;)
@Braiam And boy do I use those
@code11 I believe that rather than math is logic. But formal logic is colloquially equated to math, and that's the press article for plebs consumption, so...
@Braiam agreed. I was thinking complex problem solving, like tricky test questions. Also, evaluative math, ie up until high school is completely different from proof based math college+.
@Vickel I edited to remove the library request but it's not really salvageable I guess
Someone is following the postfix tag :D
not very actively, just clicking on stuff on the front page (but of course it's customized to the tags I watch)
@tripleee Re the last SD report, OP had vandalized the title previously, so I rolled back to that version.
@cigien ohhh thanks, good catch
@tripleee thanks, I was away for lunch, looks still very broad to me
How did this suggested edit get approved? Is it because the OP approved it?
@cigien yeah
Hmm, annoying. Thanks.
The hats don't work with my avatar
@Dharman The "Bouncer" hat would look good. Go close some stuffs in the CV queue!
@AdrianMole Only had to skip 2ยฝ pages to get to a post that I felt I could upvote :O
@Scratte I like that Mariachi hat. Any idea what needs to be done for it?
@AdrianMole No clue. We discussed it yesterday in here. It's not voting nor reviewing nor posting Answers or Questions.
Perhaps try to find a closed post and make a suggestion of how the author can improve their post in a comment.
That's all I remember I had done when I got it. But Cody had also commented on a closed post, but didn't get the hat. Though Cody was a close voter on the posts.
If you try it, let me know what happens. If it doesn't work I may have another guess.
Hey, Smokey has a hat :)
@cigien Smokey has four hats. The wig would look good, IMHO, but I guess the flag is better suited.
But the wig would burn! :)
@AdrianMole Oh, so it does. I assume a human had to manually pick which one to apply?
@cigien no, Smokey has achieved partial sentience, with some help from Glorfindel and the other higher-order bots
Not really surprising imo.... if a bot like me can choose a hat, why not smokey?
@tripleee Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
@10Rep Not getting why you think it's sad. Would you like a community manager to reset your review count back to 0, so you can better feel a progress? :)
@Scratte Nah, I think it's sad because I was at 999 reviews, and that I was so close..
@AdrianMole Oh, I see it was your idea :p I missed that when skimming the Charcoal transcript.
@10Rep That's not sad at all. It means you only need to do one more to get your badge. Which you can do tomorrow or next week or in 2022 :)
The Edits queue has shrunk drastically today! Maybe the hat-seekers are having an effect.
Maybe we should have bashes twice a year :)
Well of course. A Winter Bash for our antipodean colleagues.
@AdrianMole Probably because of the chimney sweeper hat
aaaand we are offline
Anyone know how often the handing-out-hats script runs? I've been trying for one and I think I did what I needed to do, but no hat has come yet.
... oh, just very briefly
@Scratte earlier today I got several hats almost instantaneously
@tripleee Me too. I got three all of a sudden. No idea what I did to get them.
though it's not entirely real time, I have one tab open where it says I have 11 new hats and another where it says 12
the official winterbash page seems to be the most updated
Ohh.. I have 31 tabs where it doesn't say I have a new one :D
didn't you use to be able to tilt the hats in previous years?
@tripleee You still can - make sure to check the "show controls" box.
@AdrianMole ah, thanks, missed that!
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