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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@Machavity Was that R/A then? Just seemed VLQ to me.
17 delvotes per day isn't enough xd
@cigien Which?
Can any C folks look at this reopen? No idea if it's MRE
@Machavity Hmm. I would skip that in review: Although there's probably enough there to make an reasonable guess at what the issue is, it's still unclear (IMHO) what the OP actually wants (the comment by Gerhardh hasn't really been addressed).
Looks good, but feels like a dupe
Also possibly bordering a typo
@Machavity This one.
@cigien I just deleted. If it were R/A it would have been deleted by Community
@cigien If deletion happens while an R/A or spam flag is active, the content is hidden
@Machavity Oh, so the Spam/R/A banner is because someone had flagged it?
@Zoe Ok, got it, thanks.
If it isn't deleted by Community, no penalties are applied
@cigien correct
@Machavity Right, someone flagged, and the flag was active when deleted. Understood.
Often happens when mods delete without manually handling flags first. It resolves R/A and spam-flags, and hides the content, but doesn't come with the same bang as R/A or spam hammering
Hi there,
before flagging it as SPAM I want to ask for your opinion about this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58265213/5893316
Ruslan is the ceo of jelastic. see https://jelastic.com/about/company/
Also I am unsure about the second answer in this Q/A
@MartinBackasch Discussions about spam or users should be done in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11540/charcoal-hq
Answer aside, is that question even good? Seems pretty broad/lacking detail...
@MartinBackasch nvm all nuked
Whoops, maybe someone agreed!
@Machavity Can this message be binned please? It's about moderating users.
@Dharman: Noted. Thanks.
@cigien Discussions about a single post are OK. Discussions about user behavior patterns have to go to Charcoal
@Machavity Oh, I see. I extrapolated where the discussion might lead. My bad.
@MartinBackasch The question there was off-topic, but if you ever have a question, you can always mod flag
\o/ I just got my very first revenge downvotes :D
Lol.. I still haven't got any... yet :p
@Machavity Sure. I thought asking here first before adding another flag on the queue.
@Yatin Give it time, you are hanging out with the right crowd
@Yatin hurry up then
@Yatin Don't worry, took me almost a year ;)
I am in no hurry :p
@Yatin It's easy once you get 2K rep. Just hang in the Suggested Edits review and seek out those who make only tag edits on posts that need other improvements. Choose "Reject and Edit" then make a trivial improvement and make exactly the same tag changes. Works best if the original editor has around 500 rep.
Wow I wasn't expecting a step by step guide Lol :D
It was an extreme example; but "Reject and Edit" is where most of my revenge downvotes seem to stem from.
Yeah, I actually wondered how long it would take. I reject a lot of edits
Folks are sensitive about not getting their +2.
@AdrianMole I think for just a tag edit, you won't get the +2 anyway?
You get the +2 but it doesn't count towards the badges.
^ah ok, it has been a while :)
Reminds me I never got to read about how to review suggested edits :(
@Scratte Three key words: brutal, merciless and cold.
Yep self-delete
And they are back
No need for a rollback war
@AdrianMole Heh.. I've seen some reviews get posted in the bad reviews room, that I would have approved. So, I'm quite sure I'd get banned pretty quickly if I didn't read all the metas first.
@janw Hm.. the post needs to be locked. I'll mod flag
I did already, and linked the other Smokey report
Also several rollbacks in a row trigger an auto flag, if I recall correctly
@janw Great.. I am out of flags :/
@janw Looks like a hybrid rollback war + delete rage.
@Yatin I have 100 flags left today. Not sure I'm going to win any "user of the day" awards. So congratulations to you :)
How to remove this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/25196505/…
@Dharman Close it, then vote to delete it
I did
@Scratte There are surprisingly fewer things left to do when you run out of your 100 flags a day... You can flag comments but they are rare. Being <2k means you can't even suggest a lot of edits before running into road blocks
@Dharman It says that it went to the queue, and that that task was invalidated
Probably aged away
I had a doubt. Does the number of NAA flags actually affect the standing of a post in the Queue? Or is one NAA treated no differently than multiple NAAs?
@Yatin Afaik, it only affects when it reaches the mod queue.
Same with VLQ?
The review queues only prioritize review tasks with more reviews.
@Yatin I think it affects how many "Looks OK" a post needs to get out of the Low Quality Posts queue un-deleted. But.. for an NAA that's not really worth it.
Hmm.. I only just worked out how bookmarklets work. Those are really handy :)
@Scratte Ohk
@Scratte for chat right?
@Yatin No, for viewing that's in a post that's gone pink in front of me :)
And for un-graying low-scored Answers on meta
How to do it? @Scratte
I'm confused .... this shows in the list as having been modified an hour ago; but opening it and looking through all time stamps I can't see anything newer than Apr 2018 ... am I lacking some superpowers to spot invisible activities?
Oh, and good moaning all /o
Good morning o/
@Yatin In Opera I can't just add an empty bookmark, so I add just anyone. Then I edit it. Put the URL to be javascript:(function(){$('.question,.answer').css('opacity','1');}()) so you get a bookmark that makes a deleted post visible again. The thing I was missing was the "javascript:" part in the beginning, but I found a "low effort" Stack Overflow Question that asked about that. Yay :)
@tink An answer was deleted 15 mins ago.
When you're on a post where something goes pink, just click your bookmark and you'll be able to see the text again :)
@Scratte :O
@cigien cheers - I guess that would explain it =}
Just to confirm, by bookmark you mean your browser's bookmark right? Not the SO bookmark @Scratte
@Yatin For grayed out posts the url is javascript:(function(){$('.downvoted-answer .s-prose,.comment-body').css('opacity','1');}()) I can't take any credit for the actual scripts. I think they're somewhere in this chat by either TylerH or Makyen :)
@tink The superpower you need is less than 400 rep away :)
You can put JavaScript code into bookmarks? This opens up completely new possibilities
@cigien Hehe .. guess I should put more emphasis on being helpful than policing the place ;)
@janw Yes :) When you click the bookmark, it runs the script :) They're called bookmarklets :) Makyen used the term a long time ago, but I never really got to find out how they worked until today.
@tink There's different ways to be helpful. You should go with what you feel is the right thing. Incorporate feedback and all that jazz, of course :)
@Yatin No, they're looking like regular bookmarks, just with javascipt instead of an url.. These are the two bookmarks I mentioned :) And this is in the bookmarks bar
Great stuff
@Scratte I prefer to also remove the deleted notification, as that tends to be annoying too: javascript:(function(){$('.realtime-post-deleted-notification').remove();$('.question,.answer').css('opacity','1');}())
@Makyen Yes. I had that for a while, but I don't anymore. Because I need to know it was deleted. Else I may close the window thinking I can get it back, but I can't until I get to 10K :)
I mean I forget that I made it visible again.. the bar helps me remember :)
BTW can a question be removed by some 3rd parties' request if it is part of an on-going competition? Like this.
Basically, will their mod flag be accepted? In what circumstances?
@Yatin No
@Scratte Yeah, I can understand that. I've ended up reloading by mistake a couple/few times, but usually I just remember and open another tab, if needed. I guess remembering is a bit easier, because I'm used to doing so, as I'll often leave some tabs open in order to know which comments and answers are new, rather than having to go through the whole Q&A again.
@janw Thanks, I'll let them know
I used to find the javaScript in a local file. Open the page in developer mode. Paste in the script in the console. But these bookmarks are just so handy. So thanks for dropping the name "bookmarklet" on me sometime back in spring, @Makyen :) I was a bit slow to make use of it ;)
@Yatin That Q&A seems to have attracted quite a few NAAs...
^ error dump
@Scratte I'm glad I was able to help. Yeah, bookmarklets are quite helpful/useful. I have quite a few. Some end up being complicated enough, or, more likely, end up being something I want applied all the time. At that point, it's usually better to move it to a userscript. :)
I imagine there may also a character limit to them.
@Scratte It depends on the browser, but most modern browsers have at least 2k characters.
That's way more than I had imagined :) But handy for script that one doesn't want to be running all the time :)
@JohnDvorak From the image.
@AnnZen yeah, no go
@JohnDvorak where?
don't transcribe images - ask the OP to do so.
@JohnDvorak oh yeah, and the title
You mean your interpretation of the title?
@JohnDvorak No.
I just flagged a comment that said "Why you steal my answer", and it disappeared in a second. Is that auto-delection, or deleted by the commenter?
@AnnZen too many flags
@Yatin huh?
Other people also flagged it. So when a certain threshold was reached, the system auto deleted it
NLN flags will delete the comment instantlyu given that enough people flag it or that the comment contained certain phrases
@Dharman I didn't use that flag, though...
If it was deleted by the commenter, the flag would still be marked as helpful, right? And regardless of which flag was raised?
Ann, I don't know and I am not sure why you are asking these questions. The important thing is that it's gone
@Vickel I literally watched it die while eating popcorn
@Yatin that were very few popcorn then... :)
@Dharman Information. Learn.
@Vickel You underestimate my ability to inhale popcorn
@Yatin anyway, hope you enjoyed the "movie"
Yep it had its ups and downs
@Yatin ups? I only saw downs!
@Vickel I love how to always find creative tags for their spam. I would have just tagged it with a programming language and called it a day.
And obviously that one that Zoe's just pointed out is the second duplicate...
Did I accidentally dupe a requst?
@Zoe No, David was referring to a separate question, not a separate request
No... the one I posted was the third time that user had asked the same question, you posted the second time the user had asked the same question
oh, good
What should you do if a poster undeletes their NAA with only a trivial edit? Flag it as NAA again or mod-flag?
This post.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Nothing? Why do you feel you should do something?
I really don't see we can do anything. Let's wait to see how the mod handles the dispute flag. You can set a revisit request in 2 days to see if it got deleted but mods usually take the dispute flags seriously
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica if it's still NAA, then re-flag it as NAA. Or if it's problematic in some other way, use the appropriate flag. (I haven't clicked through to see the post yet)
It looks the post has been moderator-deleted now. Problem solved
@TylerH @MarcoBonelli we have a requirement for activity within the last 6 months for cv-pls requests, barring some other, exigent reason
@TylerH oh sorry about that, did not remember that rule.
No worries.
How do we deal with questions where the OP comes back with a problem fixed itself, but now I have a different issue in the comments?
@tink close as no repro. Search on meta for help vampire
@rene cheers - will do
Hmm.. when something gets "fixed by itself" I always wonder how..
@Scratte magic! =}
@tink what did you say?
@tink (look at my avatar picture)
@VLAZ oh ok =}
Is it ok to burninate this tag? ? If someone shares my opinion can I get 2 people to help out?
@Dharman There are only 3 questions with that, 2 off topic and one which cpu limit wasn't even part of the question.
@Dharman I can't really think of a programming related use-case for that tag, so I'd be all for it
Nice, so should I set a reminder and we delete them in 2 days?
@Dharman - sounds reasonable =}
@Dharman That should probably be a meta question, shouldn't it?
I didn't feel like writing a meta question for 3 questions. All of which seemed off-topic
@Chipster That would be totally unnecessary.
Have you got an argument for why it should stay?
I was just about to write a Question using that tag.. too bad. I'll have to keep not posting Questions ;)
Sure it's only a few questions, but don't we have rules here in SOCVR against burniation without meta consent?
@Chipster Meta doesn't care
@Braiam How can you know if you don't ask them ;) But for real, I'm not against it going. It's just a matter of principle for me I guess. If my memory serves me correct (and it very well may not), we're supposed to ask meta before we burinate tags.
@Chipster I think there a Question count requirement about burninating without a meta. So it the count is over a certain threshold, then one must do it via meta consensus. 3 Questions is lower then the threshold.
Thats what I remember as well. Don't recall the solid number. There might not be one :p
@Chipster I don't need to ask them... it's literally spelled out " Meta posts are required on Stack Overflow for tags with over 50 questions"
The language in FAQ #26 doesn't seem to indicate a question limit there. That certainly doesn't mean that that rule doesn't apply to tags with less than 50 questions. It's just it's not stated that way, unless I'm missing something (which I absolutely could be).
@Braiam Where is that spelled out?
@Braiam Ah. I see that now.
@Chipster Meta > FAQ
I should be clear that I'm not particularly for or against the tag staying. I just wanted to make sure we weren't doing anything wrong here.
@Chipster Just hope we don't.
Anyways, someone will always find the way to complain.
@Braiam "When to burninate"
@Chipster Yes, if SOCVR is to participate in a tag burnination or cleanup, then there needs to be a post on MSO which shows support for proceeding. The rule for SOCVR only covers what happens in SOCVR. It doesn't mean that people can't do something outside of SOCVR. The rule is primarily intended to restrict actual requests, but, in the past, there have been situations where people have attempted to get support for actions without actually making requests, so the rule is worded more generally.
However, that doesn't mean that someone can't ask about a tag or the process. It's intended to mean that SOCVR doesn't participate in a tag burnination or tag cleanup without the visibility of having it first posted on Meta. The overall goal is that SOCVR not be a "hidden" group organizing to dictate which tags should or should not be present. In addition to not actually being that, it's desired that we not give the appearance of being such, even to someone who is inclined to view us that way.
Reminds me of a Mrs. Bouquet phrase ;)
@Makyen Sure. I totally understand that. My point, I guess, was someone asked here if we wanted burinate a tag (a really small one with like 3 questions). That technically would count as SOCVR participation, would it not?
That technically doesn't even count as burnination. :)
@Dharman With the 50 rule, I guess it wouldn't.
@Chipster The process of getting to the point where the conversation stopped is largely similar to what would happen if someone was going to post a Meta about it, but was just looking for confirmation that it might be a good idea. It was also a bit of discussing what the process is and the capabilities of the existing tools. I'm OK with how far it went. It would probably not be OK to go much further. It would definitely not be OK to coordinate the actual actions taken on posts.
I really don't think that this qualifies as programming, but we do have a 'gnu-findutils` tag which seems to encourage this type of questions ... what to do? =}
@Makyen Fair enough. Thanks for clearing up where the line is.
Also, sorry @Dharman if it felt like I was jumping on you. I certainly didn't intend to come across that way if I did. My passionate personality is good, except when it isn't.
@tink That's almost scripting with a pipe, no?
It sort of just like method calls. Just more tricky.
@Yatin Another time, please be more specific as to what it is that you think should happen. That way people know if what you're asking for has already been done.
@Scratte I don't know man ... guess I've using the shell for too long; to me it's like playing with lego blocks.
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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