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I've been trying to work out what this python/rasa Question is about: Error while installing Rasa on windows 10. I think I found a perfect duplicate target, but I'm not sure.
Sorry @Scratte, I wouldn't know, either.
@Makyen We already discussed this stackoverflow.com/posts/60180988/timeline that it shouldn't be deleted as it is the only dupe and I agreed that the del-pls wasn't a valid one. But then it's not a quality one, downvoted, and will get roomba'd; so why undelete it just to let roomba take it away, again?
@M-- Because I don't control what Roomba does or how people use their up- and down-votes. The attention that was brought to it over the last few days resulted in a couple people downvoting it, which was sufficient such that it now qualifies for the 30 day Roomba, including one downvote yesterday and one a few days ago.
People get to choose to downvote, or upvote, as they like. I agree that there was probably a noticeable lack of research (indeterminate, as search results can change over time), as is evidenced by how easy it is to (now) find the dup-target from the question text, so that could be a reason to downvote. OTOH, the number of views indicates others also don't find the dup-target.
While I consider it likely lack of research was not the only motivation for the downvotes, that's not something which can be, or should be, looked into.
Perhaps I shouldn't have converted the "answer" to a comment. At the time, I did not check the 30 day Roomba qualification and was only thinking about the 365 day task. However, I am disinclined to undelete an answer just to prevent the 30 day Roomba, as that also would prevent the action of the 365 day Roomba, which I do believe it's appropriate to leave most duplicates to.
@Makyen thanks for the explanation, appreciate it
@PeterHaddad It does not currently need downvotes to delete. However, please be aware that SOCVR doesn't permit del-pls requests where it requires more than one downvote to get the post to the point where it can be delete-voted. Please see FAQ #11.
Ok I'm sorry
@PeterHaddad np. Just, please, keep it in mind for next time.
1 hour later…
@Nick was out of CV's myself
@Scratte so what ultimately happened to that comment flag?
@ArghyaSadhu That was marked helpful and the comment vanished :) Apperently "did my answer help you" isn't considered worth keeping around :D
@Scratte hmm..okay
But why would it? Imagine 6 answerers on a post all posting this on the Question itself :)
@Scratte..yeah it's pure noise
@Scratte Sent that triage review over to Samuel's room too, that's just blatantly wrong...
Yes. I noticed :) I looked at the id over there and it looked familiar..
@ArghyaSadhu I didn't get a ping on that message. I suppose it's because my username is only a subset :)
Hi! This is my first time posting in here. I'm mostly active under the plotly tag where we are drowning in questions in need of moderation. Alas, there's only a couple of us that bother editing and/or suggesting to close questions under that tag. I took the SOCVR tour and looked through the FAQ, so I'm hoping I'm on the right track here with regards to how things work. An example of question in need of moderations is as follows:
Found a strange Question, that want's to reprogram some hardware. Is that OK here? I mean they give information about the device and some links to pdf's about the the device.
Sounds too broad
@vestland Hello :) We normally give the reason too. There's a user script that help with it, so you don't have to type anything out :)
@AlonEitan OK. :) Thanks :)
@Scratte Thanks for the info! Yeah, I noticed that you normally give the reason too. I just forgot to do so. Here's another:
I see this from time to time, questions about Zoom with the tag that's about enlarging something.
@JeanneDark Maybe they just want everyone to focus better on their Question :D
I have a question... would anyone flag this answer as NAA? stackoverflow.com/a/1650886/2943403
@mickmackusa I wouldn't because it is an answer, even if it is a bad one. Remember that when you remove the hyperlink it would gave an answer.
@JeanneDark wow, they deleted and undeleted the answer to invalidate the LQP review... stackoverflow.com/posts/63682011/timeline
@mickmackusa That's the type of link-only answers that's not NAA.
It gives a "hint" as far as I am concerned because it doesn't express how to use the function. The sole intent of the "answer" seems to be traffic direction -- but Stack Overflow does not want to be a traffic re-director, it wants to be the researcher's end point for knowledge.
FGITW answers (3 minutes after posting of the question) typically deliver poor quality content.
@mickmackusa Downvotes are for poor quality answers, not necessarily flags
@mickmackusa I don't think it's NAA, maybe worth of DV. I would be careful to flag. Since 11 year it hs been certainly had flagged and probably declined...
@desertnaut Why did you remove the code they added? They did what they were asked to do. Now it's an image again.
@mickmackusa Here is a link to a post on Meta: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/251008/12139179
@Scratte Rollback rolled back, confusing reply-in-question-edit-to-comment deleted.
@Scratte confused with the "answer" :( rolled back...
@desertnaut Oh :) Ok.
@RyanM It's crazy that the OP provided a solution and actually asks for how it works.
@RobertSsupportsMonicaCellio Yeah, I'm a little confused...but I've certainly fixed things before that I couldn't quite figure out, but through minimization of the repro case determined which thing triggered the problem, but never why...
@RyanM But if you ask it right, it's a valid question for a post here :)
@JeanneDark With the disclosure that I work for Google but have never met that team or used that tool in my life: is that not potentially a question about a development tool (the API explorer)?
@RyanM Possibly, but would it still be answerable on SO?
@JeanneDark Hmmm, good question. I suppose that depends on what's wrong, whether they're using it wrong, there's a bug, etc. I'm never quite sure what to do with questions that seem to be bug reports...
...huh, it does just spin, doesn't it...
The google page is also not of help, they just say they monitor questions with this tag on SO.
yeah, I definitely don't love the description on that page (personal opinion)...specifically the lack of a description of what questions are good for SO
@RobertS the answer to the linked meta page seems to indicate that moderators will eventually delete these single word/function answer, but will likely decline the flag -- some dissonance in these outcomes.
@RyanM I found a related question that's also not closed. Although I don't see how that's suitable for SO and useful for future readers. So should I ask to have the request removed?
1 hour later…
@AlonEitan that almost looks like abuse, were it not for that sole sentence
Yes, it's one of the worst LOL
Oh, it was marked as S/A after all
I flagged it as such
good riddance
@Michael I don't see any new activity on the question?
@IslamElshobokshy But the room rule about the recent activity doesn't apply to the reopen-pls requests, right?
@Vega No. I don't think it does. It doesn't apply to del-pls.. rule 11 about cv-pls mentions "activity within the last 6 months"
How can just 3 Answers cause an Answer-ban?
@Scratte deleted answers?
@Adriaan Apparently there are 3 deleted Answers, no visible ones. But.. I'm surprised that it only takes 3.
I have way more than 3. I deleted some of my bad Answers when I first joined. I guess I could have easily hit that.
Adriaan could probably see the deleted answers. The links are in a comment by a mod to a very recent MSO question.
I'm sure. But I tend to read something and then have a more general question about the scenario. I'm weird and curious like that :) You could say the meta post prompted my curiosity as to how things work.
@JeanneDark I haven't seen the case at hand. Besides, non-mods need a link to the deleted page to actually see it; they can't use SEDE or someone's profile page to get to their deleted posts (which mods can do)
@Adriaan I know. I was trying to point you towards the likely MSO comment in question without linking to it.
There's a link to the 3 Answers in the comments. But the comment only mentions deleted Answer with a score <=0, not if there are other deleted Answers. In my case, I've deleted lots of 0-scored Answers.
Yup. I have 20 deleted Answers.. and I'm not in any Answer-ban (I think :)
Maybe there's a difference as to how they are deleted. If it's by queue/moderator or by post owner.
Maybe score is also influential
I'm pretty sure most of those were 0-scored. In the beginning I didn't want to lose reputation. I wasn't until I'd been around a while, that I stopped caring about that and deleted positively scored posts.
@IslamElshobokshy there is none. I used it as a dupe target and want to continue to use it canonically. Having some irrelevant banner saying "this is off-topic" when it isn't is at best distracting and at worst actively harmful because users will start to think such questions are off-topic when they aren't. I can edit the question/answers to improve them if you want, but the quality seems fine to me.
@tripleee did you flag as NAA?
It seems that company is trying to use StackOverflow as their issue tracker developer.trimblemaps.com/support. We've seen companies try to do this before. It often invites off-topic questions
@Michael a custom modflag can help in that case; mods can then contact the company to not do that
morning, it's afternoon here
@oguzismail Same here. Different time zones :-) I guess Nathan is anywhere at the U.S. East coast.
Coast of Lake Michigan, maybe?
Why not Montevideo?
Chicago Area
@NathanOliver rock that camel!
@Adriaan Mods do not contact the company. SE do.
If I get votes from a user that is later deleted for some reason, I'll get a change in reputation no matter how old the votes are, right?
@Scratte Yes, experienced myself. But I don't know whether there is a specific time frame to it.
@Scratte It doesn't depend on the age of the votes but the number of votes the deleted user had cast.
@Scratte The full conditions are described here: meta.stackexchange.com/a/268608/395256
Thanks all :) I was curious about what would happen if a 10 year old account with 50000 votes was either self-deleted or nuked.
@Vega It will only help to misinform ;) because they changed the behaviour since then
But it answers one question of mine: If the user that is removed is part of a voting ring, the votes will always be removed. So if my account gets weird votes at a particular time of day as part of hiding the ring, at some point, when the ring is discovered, those votes will go away.
@Scratte Well, 'if' not 'when' :)
@Michael That just makes me sad :(
Can people with Mjolnir edit dupe lists without spending a close vote if the question is already marked as a duplicate?
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Yep
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Yes, though you have to have an applicable gold badge
I can't edit a dupes list for a closed question, for example, because I don't have that gold badge
I don't think you have to have the same gold badge as the one used to dupe hammer the question, though. Just a gold badge in a tag that you did not add to the question. E.g. If there is a question and someone dupehammers it with , I believe I can edit the dupelist because I have a gold badge, but I don't have one in
I theoretically maintain a PHP system now too (I inherited it from someone who quit)... I'm pretty sure my head exploded when I started reading tutorials on it. Back-end code written right in the front-end... terrible spaghetti code even in the tutorial...
likewise I don't think I can edit a question to include and then get access to editing the dupes list, because I would then be the one who originally added the tag for which I have mjolnir powers
maybe @Makyen can clarify on those rules a bit...
> Back-end code written right in the front-end... terrible spaghetti code even in the tutorial...
That's PHP my friend
Out of curiosity, is there an "official" request type if we're asking someone with Mjolnir to edit the dupe list on something that's already closed? Cv-pls wouldn't exactly apply b/c the question is already closed.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica No, we do not have a *-pls for editing a dupes list. I would suggest just posting the request e.g. "Can someone with a gold badge fix this dupes list in x y z ways?" and then maybe one of us can star it for visibility :-)
We can poke Mach when he's around as well, perhaps
Grrr, I just noticed that the commonmark migration never migrated my top answer. The formatting was slightly broken.
@TylerH That will never work SocvrRequestFormatException: Unrecognised token "Can someone with a php gold badge". Caused by: ...
@Michael huh?
@TylerH it was a (evidently bad) joke, that no one will be able to understand a request that is not in an Approved Formatâ„¢
@Michael Ah. delayed laugh :-)
@TylerH I'll call that a "parser error" ;)
@TylerH Correct. If you added the tag you have a hammer for, you can't hammer the question shut
@Machavity That's not what the question was
If a question is already hammered shut with a tag I don't have, and I add a tag I do have a hammer for, can I then edit the dupes list? My supposition was "no"
Sorry, was at the top of the fold. Should have scrolled up. I'm pretty sure the same rules apply to editing dupes
@TylerH We can try something for science. Can you edit the dupe list on this Q?
@Machavity Yes
So that answers the question if if someone else adds a tag
Got another php dupe, sans css tag for me to add one?
@TylerH That's like asking if water is wet :P
Try this Q
Wow, yes I can add the tag myself and then edit the list
very interesting
That's surprising TBH
@Machavity haha, to you maybe! As soon as that question came up I thought "I bet the devs didn't consider that"
I blame Shog9 :P
Check for the hammer may be reused to edit duplicate lists
^^ SD report: At least NAA (link-only)
Is this question about an issue with a physical printer suitable for SO?
@JeanneDark I would guess it's about general-purpose hardware, so no
Already closed
@JeanneDark We work fast
You have to if you want to keep up with me ;)
Is there any other use for VLQ flags than an answer not in English? If it's not an answer, NAA is suitable, if it's gibberish R/A appears (more) appropriate.
@JeanneDark It depends who you ask.
I rarely use the VLQ option when flagging
We've had conversations about the difference between NAA and VLQ in this room more times that I've posted "Good" answers. :) Also frequently discussed on Meta.
There's only one flag "please, delete this"
The main difference, IIRC, is that VLQ gets auto-approved if the OP then edits the post.
@JeanneDark Use VLQ if you think the OP can edit it into a proper answer before moderator deletes it. If you think the post cannot be salvaged by a simple edit from the author then use NAA.
@Dharman Which is counter-intuitive, considering what the text on the VLQ button says.
Thank you all for your input!
@TylerH I didn't do a lot of experimenting wrt. editing the dup-target list with a gold badge. I'd expect any of A) the check to be the same as it is for hammering the question (DRY), B) a simple check to see if the question contains the tag, or C) some approximation of the check for hammering the question (opposite of DRY, and would be an example of why the DRY philosophy exists).
Ahhh... I see you experimented (nice!) and it was (B). That's good to know. Admittedly, editing the dup-target list is less of a concern. Did you actually try saving the edit? The check to see if it has a tag where you have a gold badge is going to be cheaper than checking to see if you didn't add the tag. It could be that they do the cheap check when rendering the page (happens a lot) and only do the more expensive check upon save (rare).
@Makyen I did not try saving the edit. Figured it might lead to more confusion than was worth on the OP's behalf. However if two moderators are around to provide a mod redaction...
Though I did not only see the "edit" link at the top right of the banner, but I could also click it to navigate to the dupe list page and search for, add, and rearrange the dupes (I know the rearranging bit is client-side, though)
@TylerH That's not something we can redact. Editing the dup-target list is different.
@Makyen Hmm, well, then yeah I would say it's probably not worth it for now, at least to me. I am comfortable with the guess that yes, it would have let me save the post.
@TylerH If they are going to save processing, I'd expect the expensive check to be on save.
My bet is they just don't run the 'did you add the tag or not' check once the question's already been closed
@TylerH Sounds reasonable. We'll find out when/if it comes up.
@TylerH Good to know.
@TylerH As to redacting, mods can't remove a complete revision. We can remove part of the content (or all the content) from a version, which then needs to be separately redacted from each revision in which it's contained, which is either semi-automatic or manual. From what I've seen, this can result in the system not thinking a revision exists, but the mods don't actually remove a revision.
@Makyen Yeah, I knew mods can redact part of a revision, I just didn't realize they couldn't remove an entire revision altogether.
@TylerH If we redact and it propagates down to later revisions and negates them, you just wind up with an empty revision
@TylerH Heads up, a question you voted to close is being discussed on meta
@Nick Thanks; will take a look now
Does a delete-vote on an answer send it into the LQP review? Or should I give poor answers the "Triplet Treatment" (down-vote, delete-vote, flag)?
@AdrianMole Only flags are the user initiated action that feeds the review queue.
Delete votes always appear on the 10k tools
Recommended deletion do not.
@Braiam Thanks. So I guess casting a delete-vote before flagging will expedite deletion via LQP review.
... thus saving our Cherished Moderators a bit of work?
Am I wrong about this question needing more focus, or is it fine? They post their class and ask us to write a test case for them.
@JeanneDark That question is bad for several reasons.
@Braiam Thanks!
@JeanneDark That's borderline spam b/c of the offer of payment.
Anyone have opinions on whether that should be flagged or edited and closed?
Out of curiosity, isn't this question off-topic?
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica just edited/closed if it's just a general offer to pay
If it were disclosing a phone number/email address or something then flag to get that redacted, potentially
@Kulfy Yep, it's an apt problem, not python/pip's
Hmm.. Then this question is also off-topic?
@Kulfy If you are looking at / yes.
TBH I was looking at this list provided in one of the comment :)
@Kulfy remove pip, and you will find more, many more
@TylerH I skipped this review but I noticed somebody else has offered the expected "Lacks usage guidelines." Just thought I'd give you the heads-up.
... I could insert a wee sentence, if you would care to suggest something?
@AdrianMole Meh, it's an excerpt, not the full wiki. Usage is implicitly defined as things that fit the description and name.
The text from the "reject" pop-up: Simply defining what a [tag] is rarely helps those using it unless the tag's name itself is ambiguous. Excerpts should describe why and when a tag should be used. See the help center for more guidance.
... I was offering you the services of my newly-acquired powers to unilaterally improve/approve your suggestion.
@RobertSsupportsMonicaCellio Abusive!!!
@M-- Indeed. Red-flagged.
What's the appropriate action if we spot a user with many (I mean it, many) low quality questions? Some of them are closed and/or downvoted, but many more are left which should be/would get closed, would get downvotes, and will probably get deleted/roomba'd.
@M-- The system should spot such a pattern, if it's as bad as you suggest. Or do they also have enough "good" questions to compensate?
@AdrianMole 5k rep, so not completely trash, but recent ones are mostly off-topic or unclear/tb
@M-- For me it was not abusive in the first place. Just a completely misplaced "answer". I didn't thought poster was making funny about the asker or the situation. Just saying "haha, I'm testing to make comment."
@AdrianMole Hmm.. no. If it's deleted by a moderator, your delete vote will have no baring at all :)
@Scratte Not what I meant. I believe NAAs hang around in the LQP queue for about an hour before they go to Moderators' flag queue. If enough reviewers act before that time's up, then there's less work for the mods to do, is not? But now, I'm thinking, is it better to cast the delete vote when flagging, or save those votes (I have only 15 per day, just now) to use inside the LQP queue.
@AdrianMole It seems that currently moderators are actually pulling NAA's from the queue before the hour is up :) There's less than 32 posts on the Low Quality Posts review queue :)
And!.. there are user scripts that will let you review in that queue without using your delete votes :)
@Scratte Yeah. One or two of the moderators seem to hang in SOBotics (or otherwise get bot feeds) about NAA candidates. Bhargav's famous for rapidly wiping NAAs.
But, there's nothing holding you back from using them all, if that's what you want to do. It's just that your logic is a little off :D
@AdrianMole There's a time filter you can turn off to see current requests
@Scratte But is that the best use of DVs? A real delete vote carries significantly more weight in LQP than a "recommend" vote.
@AdrianMole Use them on wrong Answers that are not NAA or VLQ. Make those bad Answers go away :)
Using those votes in the Low Quality Queue will just speed things up, but the NAAs there will get deleted. However, wrong or bad Answer will (read:should) not get deleted in the queue or by moderators.
@Scratte Good point! I'll need some time to settle into the Mighty Trust that the system has, strangely, granted me. :-) I shall be 'playing around' with various combinations of actions over the next few days/weeks.
@AdrianMole I only ask that you do not test your new powers on my posts :D
@Scratte Alas! Stack Overflow doesn't work in quite the same way as the Kingdom of Heaven: Ask and ye shall be given is not a safe bet around here. ;-)
@AdrianMole You can delete most PHP answers
@AdrianMole Hrmf!.. I'll need to find out if the API will tell me about delete votes on Answers.
Talking of which ... is it "unethical" to downvote an answer with a current score of +3 immediately prior to casting a delete vote on it's parent question (to kill the reputation-saver)?
@AdrianMole Yes, it is. It's not the Answer's fault that the Question is bad.
@Scratte Just because it has upvotes, doesn't mean it's good.
@AdrianMole True, but if you're doing it to "kill the reputation-saver", you're out to punish the author. That's a slippery slope.
@Scratte I agree, actually. It was an action that occurred to me once. Not something I would (often?) do.
@AdrianMole At least you know it wasn't me :D
I've joked about the "Thank you so much! You saved my life :)" ..only I'm looking at one that says "THANK U SO MUCH you just saved my life" :D
Curiosity: Does replying in a chatroom, to your Sock Puppet, count as "disallowed interaction?"
I can't think of any benefit to it, no
... not that my Sock Puppet 'does' chat these days (since passing the 1 million rep. mark).
@Machavity How about "starring" ... that can get a badge?
restricting that would be hugely disruptive for those who use sock puppets to run chat bots
Good point.
though if you get caught doing that only to get a badge I guess that would be mod-flaggable
FWIW there's no mod tools to detect sockpuppet chat. Someone would have to notice and mod flag
There are so many ways to cheese a star in chat. Just talking about chat stars is often enough to get a chat star.
... well, there once was a mod who once had a bot in room that was once active ... during a recent election. :-)
I remember I asked once if commenting (asking for clarifications) with the higher reputation account on a post, while Answering with the lower reputation account was allowed. I got some mixed messages on that one.
That sounds a bit devious, TBH.
But why? There's no reputation to be gained. And one shouldn't Answer an unclear Question, right? :)
I've just realized that 3 x "Requires Editing" from Triage doesn't dispute one's flag. I'm curious to see what happens if it get edited in the H&I queue.
Not sure what's going on here. Is this just NAA (link-only), or is there something more sinister?
@AdrianMole That was just NAA :) Though, they may have found a duplicate.
Edited and nuked by some crazy mod, already.
@rene by the by, finally found out the answer to that asp.net page lifecycle question. Turns out it was because I was databinding to a sqldatasource that was declared in the .aspx page rather than in the codebehind, so it was updating later in the lifecycle than it normally would
Yes, those mods are crazy :D
Wait, there are sane mods?
^ NO! :)
@Machavity Just the retired ones :-)
@Machavity Apparently, somewhere! (There are rainbows and unicorns involved, I believe.)
@TylerH ah, yes. That makes sense and can be confusing. Glad you found it.
@AdrianMole Edited to enabling it being turned into a comment. That's a nice crazy mod :)
The two conditions aren't mutually exclusive, AFAIK.
@rene three cheers for the bounty system serving its purpose
Wait! Did somebody mention bounties? I love bounties. :-)
What's holding you back from awarding them, then?
@TylerH Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
@AdrianMole That's going to depend on why you're doing it. If you're doing to test or run a bot, that's a common thing to do. If you're doing it to deceive (e.g. deceive people into believing something you say has more support than it really does), that's not permitted.
LOL! Someone just answered in an Answer beginning with "your question is off-topic"..
@Scratte Link!
@AdrianMole They actually answer it, so you can't flag it as NAA. Are you looking to use your delete votes? :D
I think I have one left. xD
It's not a bad answer though. The Question however.. needs a close vote or 3
If the answerer knew the Q was off-topic, then they shouldn't have posted an answer.
... if it's answerable, then it's on topic, is not?
@AdrianMole No. I don't think that's the rule.. :)
This is the territory in which I get confused. Answer dupes: No! Put a brief 'answer' in a comment, then close-vote: also frowned-upon.
... same for other off-topic reasons.
Everything is frowned upon by someone..
But all homework Questions are answerable, no?
@AdrianMole Me too. I tend to think answer-and-close. Because when I have not answered, someone else has anyway, before the question is closed. And less quality than I would have done.
And most primarily opinion based Questions can be answered with "I like beer :)"
What to do with this poor guy's question defeats me (ransomware) : stackoverflow.com/questions/63693377/…
@DanielWiddis Generally, I would say something like, "you haven't initialized the bob variable..." (in a comment), then VtC as a dupe (to the well-known canonical).
@Joshua Vote to close as off topic, super users
I have a canned comment for that.
@AdrianMole If it's truly that trivial, yes. But if it's a bit more complex and requires interpreting the dupe target slightly, I think it adds clarity. There's a current meta question about this now, actually.
Talking about canned comments... earlier today, another commentator gave me high praise for my detailed explanation, in a comment, on an NAA. (It was, of course, canned!)
@DanielWiddis Answering a question you know to be a duplicate is harmful, IMO. It prevents non-logged in users from being forwarded to the dup-target and prevents the Roomba from deleting the question, if it turns our to be a poor duplicate over time (i.e. after a year).
@AdrianMole Was the praise canned, or your explanation?
@Makyen But is a brief comment, explaining why it's a dupe, a good thing?
@JohnDvorak Hehe.
..despite the rule, I think they should know about Super User. Is it OK if I post a comment about why the Question is off-topic and that they may try Super User?
@AdrianMole I'm fine with a comment, but I'd prefer to see no more than one left there long term (> 1 comment also prevents the 365-day Roomba). If you're willing to come back to the question in a while and delete the comment and flag others as NLN, I'd say it's OK.
@Makyen OK - thanks for that! I'll bear it in mind, for future actions. Characteristically sound advice from the Intergalactic Moderator.
@Makyen That assumes the dupe is obvious enough and complete enough/canonical. If the new question adds a new twist to the question that the dupe only 75% covers, is it better to answer that remaining 25% on the question or answer/edit-answer the dupe on the 25% that wasn't asked in the dupe?
@Makyen Note: I think that having >1 comment preventing the 365 day Roomba is a poor choice. If you want to base it on comments, then it should be something like >1 comment posted in the last 365 days. That Roomba task is supposed to be deleting abandoned questions. A question is still abandoned if it's got 5 comments from 3 years ago.
@AdrianMole np. Thanks.
@DanielWiddis I've posted answers in such circumstances, and even included a link to the dupe, for further reference. Not (yet) had any really negative feedback for doing so.
@Makyen After all, comments are only second class citizens.
@DanielWiddis That sounds like the question either needs an additional/different duplicate target, there needs to be an additional answer on the dup-target, that the question is actually too broad, or that the question should be edited to focus clearly on that 25%. However, which of those it is, if any, is, of course, situation dependent.
@Makyen Is it OK for me to edit an OP's question to say, "This other question (link to dupe) tells me X, but I don't know Y?" That seems to me an edit that does not respect the author's intent.
^^ amused at a question about recursion having few unique characters.
@DanielWiddis That's going to be situation dependent. As the hypothetical question is, it sounds like it should be closed. If it's unanswered, then the choice is between having a closed question, which the OP likely has no clue how to edit it into something that can be reopened, and you making an edit which changes it to reflect the 25%. I'd probably make the edit, explain both in the edit comment and to the OP in comments on the question, and remind the OP that they can revert the question,
but that in the state it previously was, you would feel obligated to vote to close the question. I'd be nice about it and try to explain that your edit is intended to benefit the OP. However, if the OP insists on having their question the way it was, let them roll it back, or do so for them, and VtC.
@AdrianMole There's your link. Hope you have close votes left :)
@Scratte Maybe, maybe not? Beaten (as often) by the better.
@tripleee A Question you commented on is being "discussed" in a comment on meta
I've edited a question that was recently closed as too broad. Can you reconsider it? stackoverflow.com/questions/63583264/…
@Makyen Thanks for the feedback. Helpful. A bit more clarity... what if there's a certain type of bug that you often see, and find yourself starting the answer with the same words each time. The Java "NullPointerException" canonical exists now but I suspect didn't exist for the first several NPE questions. How does one go back to all these "different" NPE questions and turn one into a canonical?
Figure out which one has the best question/answer pair (it's likely to also have the most votes/views)
@JosiahYoder When you edit your post, it will go into the reopen queue once. There users will re-evaluate it. You should give it some time.
Well, that's too obvious. :D
I think it's more... the question will have to be generalized and the answer expanded to include a lot more cases.
@Scratte Thank you! This is my first time through this.
If none of the current questions quite fit the somewhat broad scope a canonical will have to be, another option is to construct a question which is intended to be the canonical, rather than trying to shoehorn a problem one person had once into a canonical, eg stackoverflow.com/q/14220321
@JosiahYoder When I read your Question, it still seems a little too broad though.
@Scratte I edited the question again just now to remoce the "etc" so it covers only generic Python objects, pandas, and numpy. I wrote the question because I'm often using a mix of Pandas and Numpy and seeing the two options side by side helps me keep them straight. We'll see how it goes through the review queue. Thanks!
@JosiahYoder Edit out the "should" as well. Perhaps replace it with "can" :) in "how should I save my data?"
@DanielWiddis What @CertainPerformance has said is good. I'd add that if you want to have a canonical, then I'd suggest working with other SMEs to try to either work a question into the shape you need, or craft a question and answer pair to specifically be the canonical. This process usually goes much better if you involve other SMEs, which you can find in an appropriate chat room, or by posting on Meta.
@Scratte Done, I've been trying to learn this edit in my own mental vocabulary for some time, but it takes time :-)
Thanks for the feedback.
@JosiahYoder Asking Questions here is very hard too. I hope it works out for you. Else you'll probably need to give it a bigger makeover with examples. Only the next edit will not put it into the reopen queue, so you'll have to vote to reopen it. But I'm not sure how that works, since I've never tried that.
@Scratte thanks, gone already (-:
Is this NAA? Borderline, IMHO - there is some indication of what the linked content is about.
^ ... dodgy links, too, BTW.
@tripleee You are more powerful than I imagined :)
@Scratte But is he the Master or the Apprentice? (Sith joke - if you don't get it.)
@AdrianMole Which one? the exemple.com <-- not example.com
@Scratte Both! But it's a New User ... so some level of tolerance? But NAA is NAA, for old and new alike.
The one I mentioned seem to be a typo. exemple.com is redirected to some clothing website at mackage.com
@AdrianMole The other one seems to lead to documentation and a banner that says "This documentation is for the WooCommerce API v3 API which is now deprecated. Please use the latest REST API version."
@Scratte AKA: Dodgy?
@AdrianMole Doesn't look like it. It's split between documentation and what seems to be a way to test one's REST API code out. Or maybe it's suppose to be examples, that are no longer showing.
Another weird one. This is at least NAA, but is it worth an R/A?
@AdrianMole It's not R/A. I don't think it's spam at all.
I almost think it's an Answer :)
It's certainly not spam. I'll go with the "not R/A" as it appears to be a non-Native English user, so ...
Well.. "According to the WooThemes/WooCommerce documentation you need to use filters" is an Answer, no? And try using "products?filter[category]=balea" at the end of your link is an Answer, no?
.. but what's with the "holy worksheet.." opening? Is that offensive to a devout Excelist?
If one removes the "https://", it looks more like an example, and less like a link. The "view doc" is just a reference. I think they put it before their test instead of after, like most of us.
I think the "work" is there to further soften the blow
@AdrianMole Probably would go VLQ on that one, since it looks fixable via edit
you know, similar to "lying d"
@Machavity Hmmm. I gonna report you to Cody for that advice! ;-)
@AdrianMole FWIW I didn't look if you'd flagged or not (there weren't any when I loaded it). It just looks fixable is all
How much editing is required in the Low Quality Posts queue?
I flagged NAA (for now) but I'll change to VLQ, on your advice.
@Scratte Only edit if you can fix the problems
@AdrianMole I don't think you can
@Machavity Super. One can just Skip those then :)
@Scratte Yes, I can - because I just did!
@Scratte Retract and reflag. NAA and VLQ are separate flags
@Machavity I didn't know that :O Thanks :)
... and now, the man wi' the orange hat will ... decline? xD
Some queues I skip until I get an audit, get credit for review, and quit....
@DanielWiddis I've just done 400 reviews in Triage. 200 of them are audits :D
@AdrianMole Or maybe just edit it? :P
I can't tell if it's a good or even useful answer, but it does seem to have an attempt buried in there
@Machavity Psst: You forgot an i -> I. But, don't worry, I've handled it.
@AdrianMole gratze
@Scratte There should be audits where the only right action is "Skip!"
Certain questions make me want to run around screaming "make it stop! Make it stop!" Might be a little disturbing to people around me though.
The weird ones are out in force just now!
I spoke too soon, it seems: stackoverflow.com/a/63694870/10871073
@AdrianMole We need a Skip badge. If two audits in a row is Skipped though, the counter restarts :)
@Scratte We've already had that conversation. Way back.
@AdrianMole You're the center of those. here and even once before my time :)
@Georgy Is that really just a typo? Or some 'deeper' lack of understanding?
I flagged this Python Question as "Needs more focus", since it seems to be a moving goal. My flag was disputed though. I may have been a little harsh with my flag. (The first goal looked like just a typo)
@Scratte Pretty sure any of typo, details and focus would have sufficed. Hard to believe that got 3 OK's and 2 Requires Editings in triage as it's obviously not OK.
@DavidBuck I do tend to second guess myself when I'm the only one making the choice for closure. Thank you for looking at it :)
@Scratte "It is showing error" and "Syntax error on line 24" on code without line numbers, multiple fundamental beginner errors and two weak answers. What's not to like.
@DavidBuck I counted the lines. The line number is correct :D
@Scratte Try that next time someone posts a 600 line 'snippet'
One of the hardest Questions to close was even worse than that. They refused to post the entire code. It took a long time to understand the post and hence also a long time to understand it was not reproducible. Those are real time-wasters for everyone involved.
@Scratte The "M" in MRE (or whatever you choose to abbreviate it to) is important. "Needs focus" is what most folks use as a close reason where the code is a long way from minimal. {Battery going flat ... back later}
@AdrianMole You made me doubt :) I was thinking that the "typo" reason fits best here. OP uses incorrectly a built-in function, which can be verified by simply looking at its documentation. Needs details or clarity could also fit as OP doesn't explain why they think that any(i.isalnum())` should work and what result it should produce. For this kind of questions we can always point to the relevant part of documentation and say "you are just doing it wrong"...
...But I'm thinking now that this question could be(?) useful for those who want to write an expression with any using a for loop instead but encounters the same misunderstanding. So, I guess, I could edit the question to add clarity and we could reopen it. What do you think?
@AdrianMole That was discussed here recently. The M is not the most important part, it seems :) ..hope it's not the car battery. Means you used your phone too much and now you're stuck in the middle of nowhere and can't even call for help to start your car :D
@Georgy Fair comment. Don't misunderstand me! I'm no Python expert (not even close) but I was just raising a 'Devil's Advocate' type of issue. Seems to me that there is room for (some) doubt ... but I'll leave any decision to the SMEs: closed already and one delete vote - but I'm no longer involved, to be sure.
2 hours later…
@mickmackusa The dup-target has only one duplicate (i.e. the post you're wanting to delete). I don't see how that qualifies as a "mega-duplicate".
I didn't bother to find more "how to explode in a loop" duplicates. I am confident that there are many.
added 4 more dupes in about 60 seconds

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