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9:10 AM
@CodyGray Thanks :) 11 days ago, and I didn't notice.. Looks cool :)
@CodyGray after asker received and accepted the answer for their gimmecodez, they are hardly interested in editing. Anyway in (very unlikely) case if it turns out that they bother, they would always be able to find and edit their deleted question (I tested that on my own question, works like a charm) and flag for undeletion
Is this question on topic?
9:30 AM
@Dharman I must say it's a shame you didn't made it in the election, you deserved it, keep up the good work.
Thanks, maybe next year
For sure :)
Oh, and BTW congratulations to @Machavity and @Makyen who I'm sure will live up to the task.
Finally got some good mods, eh? :-p
@JeanneDark Did you get an answer? :)
@CodyGray not as good as you, but that would be impossible :P
9:36 AM
Aww, how sweet.
@CodyGray I know you're joking.. but I think we all like you as a moderator. Even if we don't always agree with you :)
@Dharman Agree
@Scratte +1, and I've even very recently disagreed :-) I still very much appreciate Cody as a moderator and value the input I/we all get
@Scratte No, but I found a similar open, answered question on SO
@RyanM You can say it, I have too high a threshold for what is "unfriendly and unkind".
9:39 AM
I doubt there's anyone I'd always agree with, in any case.
@JeanneDark I expect as much (the first statement). But this is how I generally think of it: If I ask a question like that and it doesn't get a close vote, it's a sign :) Hmm.. come to think of it. You can see close votes. Want a script that will tell you?
@Scratte You can view close votes, I can't
@JeanneDark Heh.. ninja'd you on that. Actually I can't as per the standard UI. I installed a script.
@JeanneDark No, we >500 && <3k users can only see close votes on our own posts.
9:42 AM
@CodyGray Perhaps (and perhaps the mod flag queue doesn't give enough context), though E_net4 raises an interesting perspective I hadn't thought of - that "if we assume good faith, all we see is a suggestion to spell-check the post"
Oh, I didn't know you needed so much rep for all that.
Thanks, but I don't need to see close votes
@Scratte does it by any chance show delete votes too? asking for a fellow <10k user
@RyanM Yes :)
@RyanM Yup. He put it into words better than I wanted to take the time to do.
@Scratte that would be relevant to my interests
9:44 AM
I don't know if it is worth closing these questions
Why wouldn't it be?
They keep coming and I feel like it is wasting my close votes
Can't quite follow the logic. Clearly off-topic questions keep coming, and closing them requires votes, so... it's not worth closing them?
@RyanM I know about two.. I prefer one that shows it under the votes on the left side bar. I'm trying to find the url for that one. There's another one made by Daniil: View close and delete votes with low reputation
However I have to make a modification to it as it doesn't work in Opera
@CodyGray Easy for you to say. You have no limits and you can close and delete at the same time
These off-topic questions rarely see any traffic and a single downvote often solves the problem
9:47 AM
@Dharman Thanks to a userscript, with merely a single button-click even. But still. They need to be closed because they're blatantly off-topic, regardless of how many of them they are.
I can understand starting to get fatigued with the borderline questions and start to think that's not worth it. But these aren't even close to borderline.
You're limited on downvotes, too, just like close votes, so that won't exactly solve the problem.
I run out of votes pretty much every day...
It's only 11 am and I am half way through my limits
@RyanM The one I prefer shows the votes like this. (Like the other, it reduces the remaining quota by 2 each time, but I haven't figured out why)
@Scratte Evidently, it makes separate requests for the two different kinds of votes.
@CodyGray No.. it's just one request. api.stackexchange.com/docs/…
@Scratte Then the routine that makes that request is getting called twice in your script, since when I run that request on the linked page, it only decrements the quota by 1.
9:56 AM
@CodyGray That's what I can't figure out. Also.. it's not mine. It's double-beep's
I noticed the one by Daniil does the same thing
@desertnaut Seems like the problem would be addressed by removing that one sentence.
@CodyGray Quota is not counted accurately. Don't bother finding a pattern there
..and I've tried to disable all other scripts to be sure that I only used this one. Same thing.
Yeah, I've blown past my quota today again for reasons unknown to me, which I don't have time to debug. Half of the things I see are now broken.
@CodyGray is there still an actual question, if we do so?
9:58 AM
@desertnaut Not sure. Maybe "Why?" or "Is this true?" Point is, it seems like it is salvageable, rather than being in need of closure.
@CodyGray be my guest, then; I cannot take the initiative to remove the specific sentence here
@CodyGray what I can do is leave a comment, reminding that recommendation requests are off-opic (shoulc not be necessary, OP is a high-rep user)
@Scratte No repro. Installed it, my quota is decreasing by 2 per page load, but that's because the Roomba Forecaster also makes an API request. The function is only being called once per load, and only making one API request per load.
@RyanM That is very odd.. I'm using a personalized version of the first revision of this
@RyanM That's the thing. Did you disable the roomba forecaster and try it? :)
Because I'm getting a decrease by 2 nomatter if the forecaster is on or off.
If you want to see my personal edition, I'll post it to a pastebin somewhere.
@Scratte Just tried it (with Daniil's script). Quota decreases by 1 per page load with the Forecaster disabled.
I'm using the other one.
But.. it could be my browser doing strange things. As I mentioned the script needs to be modified just to work. It seems to be delaying setting the StackExchange.question.getQuestionId() value.
So I use window.location.pathname.split('/')[2] instead.
10:11 AM
@Scratte Well, that one doesn't seem to work for me either...but it still decreases the quota only by one per page load
I'll clean up my 1000 lines of commented stuff and upload it somewhere.
going to sleep now though. g'night o/
@Scratte yes, that's why I removed that in 0.5
@Dharman Yes, it's identical, only the the quote formatting differs...which has been changed by another editor.
@double-beep Hey :) I noticed. But I like it in the left sidebar :)
So I'm sort of using bits and pieces from all the versions, and.. changed some other stuff too :)
@RyanM Ok. Here's my modification
10:24 AM
you've got three ifs with the same condition there
why don't you merge them?
The bottom ones?
@double-beep I don't have a sound rational answer for you :) But I like your review skills :)
@CodyGray @desertnaut a question you've closed is brought up on MSE: meta.stackexchange.com/q/351159/158100 but I can't find the original question. The MSE post is closed for belonging on a per-site meta. I'm not sure if gets migrated but if there is extra guidance you have for that OP you might consider offering that to them.
10:29 AM
well, that got enough comments I would think.
@double-beep The first if statement is also useless.
They said they would post on Data Science, but... they posted on MSE instead.
Yeah, if the offered guidance gets missed or wrongly applied there is not much left to do.
May I write US when rene appear there is unofficial diamond.
Yes, you may
10:34 AM
You want to give rene a diamond on your own UI? :)
@rene indeed, I think @CodyGray's comments in MSE settle the issue (OP had even thanked us for our guidance in the comments of the original question!)
Why not , he deserve that .
@Scratte It can go with the script to bring me in focus
@Scratte why do you do `${'string'}`?
can be simply `string`
and the quota generateAppendElement(`<br>Quota<br>${results.quota_remaining}`);
10:36 AM
How about a lozenge: ◊
@desertnaut yeah, it is settled from my POV. No need to migrate either. They have all the guidance they need now.
It can be like an honorary diamond
@double-beep My best defence is that this is JavaScript. And I never even read a tutorial.. But I'll be in the userscript room :)
If only there was an out-of-focus diamond. Well, maybe somewhere in the Unicode spec...
10:37 AM
@Scratte Aren't you a Java programmer? You should be able to write simple Scripts in Java. What's your problem?
^ that
:D ^
@CodyGray Yes, but I am always surprised about what's legal in Javascript. So I just go with what seems to work. I'm just doing it for personal stuff, so I figured it wasn't very important
@double-beep It's been a while.. I really just copied it from something else that worked.
..and now I just broke my script :D
I've never seen a backtick in java.
backtick is always there. Question is you use with ** ** or not :D
10:56 AM
I see. Or rather I'm confused.. so it's a choice of what to spend time on at this point, I guess :)
I don't have time to do any diligent work, but maybe I can just pop something here for anyone who is interested... can be safely merged into .
@mickmackusa those are all synonyms.
@mickmackusa thart k2-joomla had one question, I retagged it
Does this question have anything to do with programming?
@Andreas If you had to ask, probably no.
@Andreas It is spam. Look at self answer.
11:08 AM
@Braiam Yeah, doesn’t seem like it does. That user had a bountied blatantly off-topic question yesterday, too.
@talex Doubt it. It's twilio documentation to do what the question ask to do.
I wouldn’t call it spam.
@Braiam Yep. I was wrong.
The linked blog was updated 2 days after the answer was posted. Suspicious?
11:12 AM
@AdrianMole Probably a coincidence. Would’ve been much more suspicious if it was updated the same day, or one day earlier.
I mean, what product it's promoting? If anything that answer is naa, but I rather handle the question,
@Andreas Self-answered question that links to an app is kinda suspicious as SPAM. But to be fair, between the question and the answer there is a week, so could be legit. It could fit the offtopic close reason tho
Well, it is an answer to the question, in what I’d say is the correct format, too, for that question. The reason it’s an NAA by SO’s standards is because the question itself is off-topic.
@bradbury9 Yeah, but I checked out the link, the Twilio tag description, and other Twilio questions/answers, so I’m pretty sure it’s not spam.
But no twilio API related, no code related, so I agree on the offtopic
Why did my vote invalidate on this question? stackoverflow.com/q/63029617/1839439
11:26 AM
@Dharman The dupe target was deleted by the OP.
But that is still an identical question reasked to avoid closure
This is an abuse and the system helps in the abuse
@gparyani too old for us and not active
@Dharman Flag for a mod
Ehm... I just noticed SmokeDetector’s only post on SO is off-topic (typo)... One part of me wants it closed and deleted, while another would fear the consequences of no SmokeDetector.
@JeanneDark Spam.
11:42 AM
@RyanM Slightly cleaned up version
@JeanneDark image also seems out of focus ...
I think the use of the non-word "Configurate" is a give-away, there!
@JeanneDark It’s a duplicate of their own question 3 hours earlier.
@AdrianMole Heh.. unlike updation? :)
@Scratte updation is a real word
11:54 AM
@Dharman In what language?
@Dharman Not in English ;)
It's also possible I am spending too much time with Indians, because apparently it's only Indian English word
Yes, I call that variety of English: Indish.
Wrong: it's Englian.
Let's have a battle of whack-a-Mole over that ;)
11:56 AM
Only after I've been down the pub, though.
@AdrianMole better then Dunglish ...
Reminds me of a Danish company that decided a name change to "Dong" would be a good idea. They also wanted to make an international appearance :D They've changed their name again.
@Andreas Seems to be a trend appearing there.
@AdrianMole Yes; that user has made self-duplicates at least 3 times. One of them is the question Jeanne Dark cv-plsed for «needs details or clarity».
12:01 PM
I agree - but we need to be a bit careful not to be actively moderating a user. cc @rene
@AdrianMole Well, there's nothing stopping you actively moderating a user, just not in here :p
Yes, but also, no.
I’d say it’s perfectly fine getting rid of all self-duplicates of a user, but no, I wouldn’t take more than 2 off-topic posts on a user, unless they’re completely, blatantly off-topic, or spam.
@Andreas please don't use a user profile to find posts that you then send to this room.
@Andreas That's covered under rule 20: "There are some very limited cases where more than one request about posts by the same user in a short time are acceptable (e.g. where the user has posted a duplicate of their own off-topic question).", notably, the example is where a post is closed as a duplicate of another off-topic post by the same user, not a user posting multiple self duplicates
12:08 PM
I just read the FAQ stating not to moderate users, even if posting spam.
If you want to ask about user patterns, ask those in Charcoal
Ok; sorry, then.
@Machavity Thanks.
@Nick Couldn’t remember that part. Thanks, too.
12:43 PM
@Dharman Definite spam
@Machavity Care to explain?
@Dharman It was about covid
Yeah, but plenty of questions are about Covid
I saw no link in the post
I can't read Telugu
Nor can I, but google translatre has got pretty good :p, I only got a portion of the way through translating it before it got nuked though
Also no spam in profile bio
12:45 PM
Google translate of the title "Success of clinical trials in Nimes"
Offtopic sure, SPAM, no clue (it is deleted)
Looked very much like a spam seed. We see a lot of copy-pasta junk like that in Charcoal
this is not a spam
with so many js frameworks comin in the market. What is your best framework you've worked
@VibinGuevara I really doubt this is what that post was asking about
@VibinGuevara Whatever works for what you want to do.
@Dharman I think they meant the question they were about to ask isn't spam, not to do with the post we were discussing ^^"
12:50 PM
Is he talking about that post, or just asking a question in general? I can't tell
@VibinGuevara Please explain what you meant. Did you join our conversation or are you trying to start an off-topic conversation in this room?
@VibinGuevara Couple of things. First off, welcome to SOCVR, where we are about userland moderation. Second, asking for a framework recommendation is off-topic on SO. If you need one, try at SoftwareRecs.SE
sorry for not being unclear.
mistake -- wrngly sent here
@Machavity "What’s your favorite ______?" will still be closed as OT on softrec
(which is arguably the same as what's your best)
@Nick Ah. Never done anything there except flag. Good to know
12:54 PM
thanks @Nick
@Machavity Hey, that's more than I've done, I read the first example on the dont-ask help page :p
@Machavity All List of X, subjective rules apply to SoftReqs. The site just put a framework to make questions that seek recommendations to be objectively answerable.
Yeah, essentially they said softreqs are fine but you need to have x, y, z in your question
@Machavity You been playing around with your new buttons again?
Stack Overflow just went down for maintenance? Aren’t we usually notified about that on Meta first?
1:04 PM
One second or so, it works again
It came back already.
mhm. Maybe it was a bug.
1:19 PM
@AdrianMole I think I've seen a flag or two of yours in doing stuff. It's quite interesting on the other side to be sure
@Andreas all network trafic goes through an HA-Proxy that hands-off your request to a webserver for processing. If the webserver doesn't return a response within 5 seconds the HA-Proxy will serve you the maintenance page. If you just hit a lock that takes a bit too long, you'll get tricked in believing there is maintenance.
@rene Oh. :)
IIRC there was this case where all "list" pages timed-out but every Q/A page just worked. So going to /questions would give you a maitenance page, going to /questons/4 would serve you a working Q/A page.
I'm getting confused by all the blue here. If anyone that's both a Room Owner and a diamond has a favorite colour, let me know :)
@Scratte Someone on Meta said that we should be done with it and give all CVR regulars a diamond. What could possibly go wrong? :=)
1:24 PM
@Scratte Aren't only mods blue and room owners in italics?
Maybe if I ask @Machavity nicely, he'll take his diamond to the cloning shop for me.
@halfer I can only offer you cubic zirconia, sadly
@halfer Well, he already has two, as it looks ;)
@janw Duelling userscripts. Fun :)
@JeanneDark Yes, but when I just quickly glace over the chat now, I get confused.. I think Machavity is Makyen, and Makyen is CodyGray.. Effectively everyone is Cody :D
@halfer We'd be hamming a zillion posts :)
1:28 PM
I can get more mods in here if you want. The more, the merrier ;)
@Machavity I suppose you don't have a favorite colour?.. Or is that Orange or Red perhaps? :)
I plan to expand on my userscript if more moderators decide to become regulars ;)
All is fine, all is Cody
Makyevity Gray-Fabre ... The ultimate moderator!
Yes! One flag nukes five socks at once
1:38 PM
@rene Ah, yes, angry engines catching fire from going wild.
1:51 PM
Geez @Machavity already not letting other people close stuff :p /s
@Nick Looks like there aren't enough custom flags yet ;)
Oh there's plenty of those still :P
@janw Don’t worry. I still have some 2 weeks old, so they’ve more than enough to get through.
@Machavity it has finally become clear to you this is an unruly room?
2:00 PM
@Andreas 2 weeks? Cute :p, tomorrow one of my flags will hit a month
@Nick Oh, no. That flag’s gonna rot before a moderator takes a bite of it.
@rene Lots of people saying the room felt closed...
Noooooo, my flag got handled ;-;
@Nick Can't have that! Just in the 'Nick' of time :)
2:08 PM
little does he know in 3 days I'll have a different flag reach 1 month :p
Is this a programming question? stackoverflow.com/q/63036092/7395227 Isn’t it rather about general computing software and hardware?
Maybe if it were asking how to implement a VPN it'd be a programming question (although too broad), as it stands I'd say it's not, it's just asking how they work at a functional level, not a programming level
Yeah, that’s what I thought, but I wondered if I’d missed something.
Any guesses what this is? R/A? Certainly not an answer to the question. stackoverflow.com/a/63037345/7508700
I just went with NAA. Possibly worth a stronger flag but I'm not sure.
I also chose NAA, giving the benefit of the doubt (confused new user?)
I can't see how a confused new user would produce this
3:23 PM
@Andreas Not sure if it's my place to issue a reminder, but room rules are that cv-pls should only be made on questions that have been active within the last 6 months
@DavidBuck Oops sorry about that. Forgot that rule.
do we still need that rule?
@JohnDvorak We still need a rule about that, yes. Otherwise, we would invite people to come and fill the room with old requests. We've relaxed the rule to 6 months and we're not opposed to further relaxation
But the rule itself is necessary
What if we allow organically found old questions but still disallow searching for old questions to close?
@JohnDvorak how do you expect we know that is how you found the post?
3:38 PM
@JohnDvorak How can we police that? There's no possibility that we can make that kind of determination, unless there's a pattern.
@JohnDvorak Which makes our job much harder, so... I don't feel it's worth it.
If all else fails, you could answer that old post yourself and then it'd have new activity (j/k)
@JeanneDark own activity doesn't count as that would be too easy to bypass
Is this customer support?
4:03 PM
@JohnDvorak Yes, we need it, or something like it. This room only works if the number of requests posted stays below the number which can be handled by people voting on requests. That means that we must limit the number of requests in some manner. We've opened the "recent activity" rule substantially. We're open to adjusting it more, in either direction. What happens with respect to that is really going to depend on how the room handles the number of requests we get.
The number of requests we get vs the number that can be handled is, of course, dynamic and depends on who's active in here, both to post requests and to vote on them.
Over the last couple/few weeks, we've had a substantially higher backlog, which has been in the range which we maintained prior to the 3 CV switch. So, we're currently in the range where we're a bit saturated by requests, which tends to indicate we should tighten the restrictions, rather than loosen them.
The point of the room is to get the questions closed which are of most benefit to the site to close, rather than close every question we each happen to see and think should be closed. If we open things up too much, we can't accomplish closing the questions which site benefits the most from closing.
@Makyen That is a little disappointing. I would have hoped that more users also meant more close voters. So the the ratio would be the same.
@Scratte But it's all those pesky <3K folks we get in here, asking for our precious close votes, that causes all the problems. ;-P
^ You know I'm kidding, I hope.
@Scratte We'll see how things go. It varies over time. We also need to be reminding people that the backlog needs to be looked at. I expect that after the 3 CV change people have gotten used to just looking at what comes up in the main chat view, rather than routinely checking the backlog.
But the new unlimited clearance power of the 2Ms may help.
@AdrianMole You have a good point though :) I post requests too.. and I don't help with anything, other than raising your nGrudges counter ;)
4:15 PM
But I think it's a good thing that posts in need of closing are brought here ... so keep up the good work.
@AdrianMole It may, it may not. It will be substantially less of an effect than it would have been with 5 CV required (i.e. typically saving other users only 2 CV, rather than 4 CV). We have yet to see what the effect will be. But, asking for a change the day after the election is significantly premature. The room is going to need time for things to settle down to a new "normal" prior to us deciding what, if any, changes we should make.
I'd also note that there's already been more of a mod presence in the room over the last while. Even with that, we've still seen a significantly higher backlog.
Truth be told, I rarely go back and search potential reports of questions to close in the room. I act upon those that are actually in the screen right now.
@Makyen I agree 100%. Let's all let things settle down to a new 'equilibrium' rather than doing anything hasty.
Are sock going out of fashion?
I count only 56 reports that are still on the room in the last 24 hours.
4:23 PM
@Makyen maybe the hint routinely checking the backlog could be star-pinned to remember users?
56 badly counted :D
@Braiam Maybe electionbot misbehaved and so they're cracking down
Maybe I'm just a reverse person, but I would go with old request and work my way to newer ones.
@Braiam - sorry - meant to reply to "Are sock going out of fassion" not your message
@DavidW That is true.. Election did :)
I had a sock planned, but now I'm getting paranoid ;)
4:27 PM
@DavidW You can edit the message ;) Like this
That's it. From now on I only wear crocs.
@JohnDvorak Crocs overrated :D
They aren't, really
@Scratte I have no inside information, but my assumption is there have been more socks found than normal, potentially due to more voting fraud flags. Mods probably had a few people respond saying they didn't know it was a problem, or they didn't think they interacted, etc. The post just looks like an announcement to let people know they should pay attention to what their socks were doing and clean up their act if necessary.
Again, I'm writing only from having seen the Meta post. I have no inside information on this at this time. (I expect I have access to inside info, but I haven't looked for any).
@Vickel Yeah, I've been planning that. :) Thanks for reminding me.
Obviously there's two links there - please close the second one not the first :)
4:29 PM
@DavidW eeeh. Are you sure about it? :P
Can someone run the clean script, I'm finding deleted questions on the backlog
@DavidW Added the dupe. What's a dupe hammer?
@JohnDvorak Pretty sure - obviously you're welcome to disagree
@Braiam Blame me I just went through and was the third vote many times :)
@DanielWiddis Yeah, but they shouldn't have been there ;)
4:31 PM
oh, deleted, not closed.
@DanielWiddis I have a gold badge in a relevant tag. That should let me auto-close it as a duplicate but because I'd voted to close for another reason I can't.
Thanks! I was just making a mess of something that should have been very simple
@Braiam Hint... hint:
The Unclosed Request Review Script (URRS) (GitHub) (install) adds buttons for searching, additional information in chat and an improved UI in search which lets you sort and filter the displayed requests.
So on the review queue it says I've hit a limit of 40 but I'm able to close individual ones. That's apparently a 50 quota? Is that a separate 50 from the 40 in the queue or just 10 extra?
4:34 PM
@Makyen Can that work with GM? Or only TM?
@Braiam It's fully compatible with Greasemonkey. I routinely use it under Greasemonkey.
@Makyen So, 52 open requests right now?
I find that manageable.
@Braiam Yes.
@Braiam It is, and it isn't. With 5 CV, we tended to hover in the 30 to 40 range. Under 3CV, until relatively recently, we'd been consistently in the < 10 range. The issue is getting people to service the older requests.
@Makyen Well, it will be a bad day for a lot of legitimate and fair users if their sock is "out of fashion" just because curators are getting really good at identifying voting fraud :(
@Scratte Yeah, he dropped that one right after the election finished. I'm not sure what all is going on there.
4:45 PM
@Makyen Have you considered confounding factors? ie. SE fiasco?
You mean the Mess?
@JohnDvorak Among others, change in the demography of the room, more users, more crap, etc...
@Machavity & @Makyen CONGRATS!, what a great election!, yes I know "don't ping mods.. bla bla bla" :)
@Braiam That's certainly something that's affected it, but we'd been running at the lower numbers in the backlog for most of the time when 3 CV were in place. It's only been relatively recently that the number has been creeping up. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just something we need to watch.
@PetterFriberg Thanks!
@PetterFriberg As long as it's not for flags it's fine. And thanks :)
4:48 PM
@JohnDvorak Were you wearing socks with crocs before?
I see that I can order by date that it was posted on the room, is there a way to order by date asked?
it's lovely to see you peps blue..
@Makyen There isn't anything that gather stats on the efficacy of the room? (I remember a bot back in the day)
@Braiam There was a bot, but it hasn't been functioning in a while.
@Braiam At the point the URRS was last changed wrt. that sorting, when the question was created didn't really matter much, as there was a fairly strict "recent activity" limit. It's certainly possible to add additional sort criteria, if people find it would be useful.
4:55 PM
@Makyen error from Stack Exchange CV Request Generator: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined in line 4071, while trying to VTC this question as "belongs on stats.stackexchange.cm"
@double-beep Why do you want to request that question again?
^^ flagged as Spam (SD report)
@double-beep Thanks. I think SE changed their CV popup again. However, I'm unsure if it's changes for everyone or just the changes I'm seeing due to being a mod. Given your report, it looks like it's for everyone. It also may just be for SO, as I'm not seeing much of a change on MSE (the only other site where I have the CV privilege), but MSE doesn't have a migrate sub reason.
it went fine for me @Makyen
@Makyen The only diamond changes should be unlimited migration list and the link to edit off-topic close reasons
5:04 PM
@Undo OK. Thanks.
5:18 PM
My takeaway from the "out of fashion" post is that it's no longer allowed to create a sock account unless it's explicitly listed under "You mentioned valid uses for sockpuppets; what are they?" in How should sockpuppets be handled on Stack Exchange?
@Makyen changed it just now?
e.g. today
@TylerH Some time in the last 10–12 hours. I have not tried to localize when it happened.
appears the same to me (though I'm just going off memory) as it was yesterday, at least from the close vote queue
..the review page certainly looks different. All the queue that I cannot access are huge and highlighted and the ones I can access looks small :D
@Makyen Are a lot of your scripts now broken because of your diamond?
5:23 PM
@Scratte Yes, they do! The "You need at least 3k reputation to review close votes." looks different. Probably they started merging the review overhaul PRs
Actually it looks a bit broken, indeed
Looks like they're merging in changes in an A/B fashion
@Scratte It almost timeout for me
The Stats page takes quite long
the biggest change I see so far is that the filter modal in the CV queue is now even less readable in dark mode
@janw uBlock works :)
5:25 PM
@janw Both Stats and History are slow to load now
However, Taryn mentioned on Twitter they ran into a big blocking error this morning
maybe performance is related to that
@janw yeah
thought it was some geometry homework at first :-P
@TylerH Yes, that is very disppointing. But rene's "Match against peers in review" user script is still working :)
@Scratte match against peers? Is rene running a dating service through SO review? 0.o
@Dharman Not much. There was an issue which the script I use to modify the topbar, because SE was using an !important in one of the CSS classes-as-style they apply to the mod indicators in the topbar. That same change affected, a bit, the script I use to adjust how the page is "responsive".
I thought I'd checked yesterday and seen that the CV dialog wasn't significantly impacted by the mod differences. But, now the dialog is a bit messed up. However, that's at least partially my fault as the code I use to make the changes isn't very robust. Although, I'm not sure if making it more robust really would help, because the changes they keep making are usually more than minor tweaks, from the POV of the HTML organization.
SE's use of the stacks framework and CSS-as-style makes it basically impossible to not rely on the detailed makeup of the HTML (i.e. it's inherently more brittle than with semantic use of CSS).
I did check the one that adjusts post notices, which appeared to be fine.
I expect there will be more issues with the responsiveness script. At a minimum, it will need to handle additional pages and information, but so far nothing really significant has stood out. I'm sure there will be other issues, but I'll work through them.
5:38 PM
@Makyen Wait, so they move away from semantic CSS?
@JeanneDark After giving it some thought I flagged as spam
@TylerH Yes. I got lucky many times with that :)
I wonder how to get rid of that strange line at the review overview that separates a queue with.. nothing, until the next one is listed?
@janw SE's been moving towards using their "stacks" framework, where most CSS classes are a single property. To apply the single property you add a class to the element. Basically, it's, effectively, just compressing what would need to be if the same thing was done in a style. It's basically tossing out the concepts behind CSS and going back to how things were done 20 to 25 years ago.
@Makyen Oh so you mean class="italic bold fontsize32 link thickborder" is bad practice? :p
@Nick *eye twitches*
5:45 PM
... I did not expect this.
I recently created a userscript for private use, and wondered whether I really have to parse the entire markup for that
But so it looks like there is no way around that anymore.
@Nick Ahhh... yes. :; But, it is what SE has been moving towards for at least a year, if not significantly more. Moving towards it, as in actively changing away from semantic names and towards doing it similar to the example you give.
Well at least it makes me feel less bad for liking inline css...
Wow, it looks even worse: i.sstatic.net/dUwcu.png
Any guesses? ;)
@janw None.... this is why I use inline css
@janw If what you're wanting to find/act upon is something which SE also uses JavaScript to manipulate, then there will usually be a semantic name which starts with js-.
5:54 PM
for reference: Stacks and they take PR's on the github repo
Isn't classes supposed to be about having a group of things that should have the same formatting?!
ie. several common formatting styles using a single class for them all
You mean like for consistent buttons everywhere on the page? yes
Well now you have a class for buttoncolor, a class for buttonsize, a class for buttontext...

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