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Do gold-hammer (or other) closer-voters get notified from pings in comments on the question?
@Vega Thanks! Alas, I can't really say much more in here, as it relates to a question that I've posted an answer to, and I would thus be breaking Rule #15.
@JeanneDark Agreed on the off-topic, but we like close reasons to be the official ones here (if an annoyed question author reads the transcript, we want it to be as neutral and non-hostile as possible)
That one is probably "Needs Clarity" or "External Resources" maybe.
@halfer Thanks, that's what the respective flag is ("Blatantly off-topic")
@halfer but this is what the flag dialog calls it
"blatantly off-topic" - I must have missed it ;=)
Maybe you just don't remember? It stops showing after you hit 3k.
I've not had enough coffee today and/or I've gone lockdown loopy.
Plant: I know what, I'll make eating me a really _unsettling_ experience!
Human: It doesn't taste very good, but I can think faster if I eat it.
Another human: Try mixing it with water. Lasts longer that way.
Then you have people that eat dog poison.
I just had a look at the close screen updates and there is really no easy way to vote to close as simply off-topic. You'd have to use a custom close reason. Since I can flag as "Blatantly off-topic" how to best translate it into a close vote-reason?
Using a custom close reason is the official way to do it.
@JeanneDark are you going the extra mile only because someone here misjudged your close reason?
@rene This already happened once before with another user telling me to give a close reason and I didn't understand it back then (I gave "off-topic" as the close reason and thought they had overlooked it. I didn't know how it looks)
@rene Isn't that what's expected of us? ;)
@JeanneDark Don't worry. We question each other all the time here. It's pretty much part of the room's description. We need to double-check if a question should be closed/deleted. If you can explain your reason more clearly then it is better, but you don't have to.
Playing SD: This question looks somewhat spammy with the link there at the end
@JeanneDark you did nothing wrong. You don't need to change what you're doing. The users that directed their comments at you need to educate themselves. If this happens again and gets annoying please ping an RO.
@AdrianMole np. If I could suggest, vote to reopen anyway and wait?
@rene but Halfer has already been scorned? ;)
@JohnDvorak yep, and rightfully so ;)
@rene Thank you!
@Vega But I'm not sure. I guess I can 'seek opinions' from the folks in here, without formally requesting any action, though. Is that allowed, @rene ?
@JeanneDark We do have a dedicated room to spam investigations. It's chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11540/charcoal-hq
@Dharman So if I think something looks fishy, I can post it there?
Yes, please
@rene I do think we should give a shot at being nice to each other
Unless you are certain it is spam and you only ask us to cast our flags faster...
@all Please be ware that not all regulars have reached 3K yet and that those are only presented with this dialog to chose from. If one of those reasons pops-up in a cv-pls it is the official reason. If you don't like that reason please post on Meta to have SE change its wording.
If you do post on meta, do link it here so I can upvote
@JohnDvorak giving them a shot is harsh but point taken.
@rene But I like it!
What we need now is to remove references to SE sites from the other reasons.
@Dharman Certainly looks like spam
@DavidBuck Agree 100%. Why the [linux] tag? Just random.
@Dharman That's spam. That first sentence is from stackoverflow.com/questions/62814560/…
^ Nice catch
@rene Ouch! My critique was well-intentioned. "Needs to educate themselves" is a little bit "gloves off", no?
I can reduce my criticisms in this room if I am seen as too abrupt, or if I get something wrong, but I think we have a long-standing policy of wanting to advise new room members.
@halfer I understood that it was well-intentioned
I am very glad that we have a few new helpers here, for what it is worth.
@halfer I think you'll find that the correct term is "Halperz."
@AdrianMole ???
@AdrianMole I can get behind that! :=]
@halfer I know it was well intended. I felt a bit sorry that Jeanne was now searching for alternative ways to comply to a room rule that wasn't broken. I understand we all have long lost memory what that flag dialog looked like, as a matter of fact I had to login with my sock-puppet to refresh my own memory. No harm done.
halfer is halpful
@JohnDvorak We seek and destroy anything with "Halp Plz" in it.
@rene Oh, right - I am afraid I thought that John's advice that "Blatantly off-topic" exists was a joke.
Next you'll be telling me that there's a "Question author is an idiot" flag reason ;=)
@JeanneDark Thanks, and thank you for helping here.
@halfer see the pin on the starboard. And John is never joking, even when he is ;)
@rene OK. My feedback, mentioned again to be helpful, is that remarks about "need to educate themselves" is not nice, especially if it is in a place where it is known I will read it. I have lost count of the number of times someone is called "ignorant", followed by technical excuses as to why this merely means "a person is missing information".
Feel free to get in touch privately if this feedback is best outside of the room.
@halfer Okay, that is noted. I'll try to seek a different wording going forward that doesn't come-off as not being nice.
@rene Thank you, as always.
how would you reword "needs to educate themselves"?
Maybe a bit too much gloves off from my side
@JohnDvorak I have no idea but if I intent to use it again I guess you'll help me out to find something suitable.
This entire conversation is like déjà vu :)
@Scratte there we go
@JohnDvorak I've traditionally thought that working (and "ignorant") is a veiled accusation of stupidity (though I am sure that was not what was meant in this case). I see it in political discussions frequently, where there is actually an intent to disable the other side with emotional pain. Perhaps one way to approach it is to say "James may have forgotten that {information}", since people forgetting things is a neutral act.
@Scratte maybe I need to incorporate this into the FAQ somehow
@halfer Or it's uninformed :D
@Braiam I'm wary of that one too, but maybe I am characteristically demonstrating British reserve, or I am too sensitive.
@halfer Your PM's tend to have the best insults without insulting.
They are high-IQ insults.
@Braiam Heh, well I read that as a compliment :=)
(Actually, I am moaning!)
BTW, gunr never came back from that meeting.
@rene I don't think so, really. I've used this many times before here. It's only been the last two days it's been an issue. I can see that seasoned users get confused. Had I been following the conversation, I'd have poked halfer with my previous message :D
@Scratte Please do!
@JeanneDark And apologies for giving the wrong advice! I've definitely not had enough coffee today..
!!/coffee halfer
@JohnDvorak brews a cup of Affogato for @halfer
@halfer No problem! I know that you only wanted to help
Smokey, what's up with you and fancy coffee? Can you at least give a link to wikipedia? :D
"An affogato (Italian for "drowned") is an Italian coffee-based dessert. It usually takes the form of a scoop of vanilla gelato or ice cream topped or "drowned" with a shot of hot espresso. Some variations also include a shot of amaretto, Bicerin, or other liqueur" source
Try not to tipsy with that coffee ;)
@AdrianMole It's sideshowbarker's fault.
@AdrianMole I take it you're upset it's not my fault?
Of course. But I would have settled for halfer, too.
Or rene.
Maybe someday you'll share your long list of nGrudges with values publicly, so we know where we all are.
I'll need to find a bigger server, first. :)
"It'll be huuuuge"?
even more biscuits
Oops :) With maple sirup?
Yours has long since reached the realms of integer overflow.
Have you tried long?
@Makyen Thanks for the article, appreciate it! By why did you say The Socratic method doesn't appear to work?
@AnnZen Because, I tried asking you about the del-pls for that question in order to begin a discussion, but didn't get a response.
I thought that was a rhetorical question, and you would remove that request.
@Makyen If you need help improving your snark skills for the pending elevation, I can recommend a good consultant. :-)
... the fees are high, though.
@AnnZen ROs don't generally remove requests just because they disagree with them. We try to discuss the situation with the person who made the request to see what their reasoning is. It's quite possible I, or the person asking you about it, is the one missing something. One of the things we do in here is learn from each other, which is done by discussing situations. We all have things we learn here.
As to ROs removing requests: We do so unilaterally if the request violates our rules (or the site's rules, obviously), or if there is something else egregious. If we, or someone else, just disagrees with a request, then we attempt to contact the user and get agreement.
For removing a request due to disagreeing with it, but without agreement from the person who posted it, there's a process, which requires at least three room members to disagree with the request, and we have to at least try contacting the person who posted the request.
@AdrianMole :)
@AdrianMole I take you mean an already cherished moderator and you're just looking for commission ;)
You are free to think whatever you wish; I only provide hard facts when the fees are paid up-front.
what about soft facts?
50% off.
Fair enough!
Actually, most 'customers' think my fees are not fair at all.
That's a prerequisite to being a customer anywhere
@AnnZen A fair number of your requests from days ago are still in the queue. Some are questionable and we have rules about RO force-bins. i, too, pinged you about one and got no response
@Machavity let's not star that, okay?
@Machavity where?
Can a 10k'er tell me if this and this are the same thing?
Is this DB2 and answer? or half an answer? Or not at all?
@gunr2171 they are now ...
@gunr2171 Yes
got edited when I looked at it
Another new face in SOCVR... wait, it's gunr
@Scratte looks very much NAA to me...
@Machavity He escaped a meeting.
@Scratte that is NAA
@Machavity I know it's confusing me as well... certainly levelling up on the "escape meeting" ladder...
What's the tag to remove a request again?
@AnnZen Can just ping any RO with a link to the request
@AnnZen You can also self delete if it's not too old.
Thanks. The first sentence confused me.
cool, now a 3rd post of the same quesiton
@Braiam Yeah, but "too old" is just 2 minutes, so ... that's not much time.
@gunr2171 So... how is the face id project going?
Can it detect faces of dogs, cats.. or flowers?
@Scratte general rule: if the second sentence doesn't clear the confusion from the 1st you can start moving the mouse to the flag / vote buttons...
flowers, but only if it's not blurry
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null on request
@AnnZen off-by-one error. 2171 not 2172
@AnnZen second link is already processed and was send to the graveyard room.
@rene Yes.. but I think I had a declined flag on that once. It was edited to remove the second sentence. Also.. maybe I just didn't get it. I can't know how un-bright I am on scale :)
@gunr2171 Oops, I meant to say @gunr2171 2 bin requests
no worries
@Scratte yeah, that got me a few times as well. No problem.
@Scratte I saw "I have this. I want this. If not, then this. codeplz"
huh, edited?
but don't worry, I have had getting comment flags mass-declined due to mass-flagging them as "No longer needed" :D
@AndrewT. Yes. It turned out to be a rhetorical question. I hadn't noticed. So I try to apply that. In this case it could have been: Assuming you have this, then do that. In case of fail, do this. Any other ideas?
@AndrewT. But when everyone agrees, then I'm happy :)
@gunr2171 Dang floating point maths
grumble grumble "math" is singular grumble grumble
@Enijar the typo was fixed by the OP
That... really depends on where you are. As I understand it, "math" is used in American English, but "maths" is used in British English.
@AndrewT. thanks, retracted
@li97 did fixing that typo solve the issue or does the issue still stand? — gunr2171 21 secs ago
for clarification
The word is actually mathematics. The UK 'short form' is a contraction (same start and end letters) so does not need a signalling dot; however, the US 'short form' is a truncation, so it should have the abbreviation indicator. Summary: use either "math." or "maths"
yeah, but I'm always right....so
: )
@AdrianMole TIL... english, amrite?
British, yeah. English, not really.
I'll prefer Math(s) instead...
@AdrianMole But, if the British form is a contraction, shouldn't it be "math's", not "maths"?
I've just come across an interesting case of non-java?. Is this a candidate for a 20K request here?
@Makyen Optional. Consider "statistics" and "stats". Generally true of many similar 'plural-form' contractions.
Are we really trying to explain how english get to be be self consistent?
@Enijar I don't think it's a typo
@Scratte yes
@gunr2171 The questioner uses const instead of let. I think it's a typo
@Dharman Ok, thanks. I'll give them time to fix it first then :)
@AdrianMole Well, if the contraction marker is optional, then, I'd probably say using the abbreviation marker is also optional, so everybody is doing it right. :)
@Scratte Yeah, that one certainly seems bad enough. No linebreaks even when editing, mystery numbers spread throughout the code (line numbers?), foreign intro and no further explanation...
@Scratte I bit with VLQ flag...
@Scratte Copied from here community.barmej.com/t/…
@Braiam Awesome find! I tried to search, but I only searched for the first two words.
@Makyen Cool! Shall we offer ourselves some mutual congrats? Or less mutual congrat?
@Enijar const and let are both "declaration types" in that you can put them in front of a variable declaration/assignment. A typo is an error that wouldn't be reproduced if OP re-typed the code carefully. In this case, the question looks to me like OP intentionally wrote code that would error and is asking about some aspect of JS error-handling behavior.
@AdrianMole :)
@TylerH agree
So, in short, I don't think it's a typo.
However it is a duplicate
@TylerH Sadly, that doesn't discourage commenters and answered from "fixing the typo"
@AnnZen you sure? the question does not mention FPDF
@oguzismail You're right...
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
@AnnZen Just FYI, gunr2171 has mostly been inactive as a RO so pinging him may not get you results very quickly. Makyen, rene, TylerH, NathanOliver and myself are the active ROs
Radio active?
That is a relief ;)
@Georgy it is good to place 1 space between the 2 tags.
@AnnZen Why?.. Oo
This is why. ^^
@AnnZen Not sure why bad_coder said that; it's typical that people put a space between them (and the user script does as well), but it's not required. cc @Georgy
@AnnZen I wonder, if I ask @bad_coder why "it is good to place 1 space between the 2 tags", will they redirect me to an even older message from someone else? haha
@TylerH I didn't even see the spaces between tags until now...
The presence of a space there, or lack thereof, doesn't affect our ability to click any links or run any clean-up scripts.
@TylerH (It's part of the SOCVR posting guidelines.) chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/49897647#49897647
@AnnZen bad_coder appears to have made that up, or at least didn't describe it accurately. That user has only been around in the room for about the same length of time as you (a couple weeks); if you're ever uncertain about a room procedure or guideline, you can rely on one of the ROs or check our FAQ to be sure.
While we do include a space in our examples on our website, it's not required, nor is it even explicitly recommended anywhere.
Perhaps I'm the culprit of the space..
use tab next time...
How can I check which posts a user has thanked?
You'll need to run a SETHE script.
@AdrianMole Do you know how?
No thanks. I don't even know how to run ordinary SEDE scripts.
I have a case of voting fraud involving thanks
Hehe. But I would imagine that users' "Reactions" (like their votes) are in the confidential part of their profiles.
@Dharman you've been serially thanked?
No, not me.
@Dharman If it's in the votes table (which I presume it is), I don't believe you can know.
You unknowingly paid enough attention to the thanks on other posts to detect thanking irregularity?
There is a system-controlled script (called "Thanks-Bot") that reverses serial Thank-You reactions. It is next scheduled to run on July 17.
Can you be sure that previous Thanksâ„¢ are removed? I imagined they would just remove the icon to press it.
One may even still be able to Thanksâ„¢ a post by API after the 17th
@Scratte Please forward such requests to the SE Thank-Tink.
It's not in SEDE or API
@AdrianMole Thank you
The tension to find out is mounting now.. it's only 2 days away :) Will I or will I not be able to see Thanksâ„¢ on timelines?
(Note: The term "Thank-Tink" is merely a thunk for the thank think-tank.)
I've just come across - 11 questions in all, of which 10 are either closed or off-topic (typically General Computing). So, the tag is right for the question, but almost all of the questions are off-topic. In this case, a burninate request isn't right, but what should be done? Post tag wiki updates to reinforce the "Software Dev questions only" and then close all of the others?
I haven't dug into it yet as it's got 104 questions but seems to have a fair few off-topic questions, too.
@DavidBuck You have to also remove remote desktop.
@Enijar It's about web-dev
@Enijar That's two requests in a row where you've misunderstood or misrepresented the question in a cv-pls request now. Please be more careful in reading questions. While this one you just posted was close-worthy for other reasons, I'm /dev/null-ing this one and the previous one for record keeping.
@DavidBuck there are many tags like where the vast majority of new questions are general computing. I don't think there is a good framework for these. I visit those tags when I stumble over something which reminds me to, or sometimes when I'm bored
there was once some discussion about creating a bot which would alert when new questions without a programming-related tag are posted but I don't know if that was ever implemented
So user-targeting is no-no but tag-targeting is yes-yes? :P
@DavidBuck That sounds like the right approach, if AnyDesk has some programmatic aspect to it, e.g. an API or custom scripting
targeting content is what we do, and some tags are good indicators for finding some specific categories of problematic content
I suspect it's just a tool to remotely access computer networks e.g. VPN or remote desktop
in which case the questions should be deleted and the tag removed
@Georgy why you got something against it?
Is there a good way to indicate bad tags?
Good idea of an example as given...
@TylerH There appear to be some programmatic aspects. This question, for example, is on topic, so they're not 100% bad.
@JohnDvorak Check to see if there's a question on Meta about burninating it? :-P
@DavidBuck That question isn't tagged (which is the tag I was referring to)
@TylerH What if the tag is too big to burninate?
@JohnDvorak Light the signal fires for Bhargav to return so we can rekindle the Trogdor room activity
@TylerH It was a better example that the tags aren't completely off-topic. Anydesk and Teamviewer are similar products.
Better than any of the Anydesk ones
If-statement. PHP. You get the gist.
obfuscation, to speak of the devil.
@DavidBuck Sure, they may be similar but they may not all offer APIs
or programmatic access
@Vickel Please avoid looking like you are targeting a user. If you feel a user has a pattern of bad behavior, please mod flag or ask in Charcoal. Thanks
@Machavity OK, sorry - you are right. I have flagged 3 question as spam, that should get mods attention? or shall I bring it up in Charcoal again
@Vickel The folks in Charcoal know spam pretty well. If they feel spam flags are warranted, they'll probably report them
Be careful with red flags there, tho. If the pattern isn't obvious, they'll get declined
I'm on the fence with those questions. Hard to prove without mod's help
I think the pattern is pretty obvious, And the websites linked too smell dodgy
Is there anywhere to propose meta posts?
Propose how? If you have a question, just put it on Meta. If you want to discuss it, maybe find a chat room to discuss with a CM or mod
Can also newbie mistake on providing link but not source code. Anyhow, with those scores, the OP should have been question banned by now...
@Machavity I mean delection proposal.
Today is another good day. I spent 40 minutes crafting a Stack Exchange question only to realize at the last second I was inserting a pipe where one shouldn't be. Yay for avoiding a typo closure!
inserting a pipe where one shouldn't be?
@AnnZen the | symbol is referred to as a pipe
Not a euphemism...
I suppose you could've been thinking I was crafting a question for DIY.SE...
@Mithical Not sure there's a site on the network for that...
I don't even want to know what happens in my head when I'm not having technical thoughts about "inserting a pipe where one shouldn't be"
@TylerH Do you know the answer to my above question?
Apart from that.. is there an English word that describes percentage, but not percentage? like 0.5?
@AnnZen Which question is that?
proposing meta posts?
@TylerH Propose to either vote close or delete, yes.
SOCVR does not moderate Meta, so you can't post any *-pls requests here for Meta posts. I'm not sure there is a chatroom for that... I don't think there is.
There's not really a need for one. The queues are almost always empty on Meta
What about the meta room?
@AnnZen I think that we haven't really understood what you're asking. Could you expand a bit on what you are wanting to know?
@TylerH But I can't flag my own question, so it won't go to the queue.
@Scratte not really appropriate for that
It's for discussing Meta posts, not requesting they be closed via some external method
@TylerH I mean... you could, but I doubt it'll be very effective
@AnnZen Hmmm... Is your issue that you want a question you wrote to be deleted, but the system doesn't let you do so?
@TylerH I think I'm with Makyen. I don't really know what's being asked.
@Makyen Yes, and I know why. But others can still vote to deleted it, right?
@AnnZen No one can vote to delete it as it is not closed
You can currently self-delete it, I believe, since it doesn't have any answers
so there's no need to flag it
@TylerH Who says there aren't any answers?
And it is closed as duplicate.
@AnnZen Here is part of the text I normally provide to users who look like they are wanting to delete their post, but are having problems: "Please see: How does deleting work? …. If permitted to delete, there's a "delete" button below the post, on the left, but it's only in browsers, not the mobile app." The link will explain the situation at much more length than it's possible to do in chat.
@Makyen I've seen that. Like I said, I know why I can't delete it, but other can still vote to do so.
@AnnZen Well, you didn't specify which one, so I assumed you meant your most recent question.
There is currently one delete vote on it, but now it's forgotten.
@AnnZen No one can vote to delete it until it closed. Once it is closed, 20k+ users can vote to delete sooner than 10k users.
However, you should see a "delete" option under the post regardless of whether you can actually click it not, since it is your question.
The only flag I can use is in need of moderator intervention. Is it necessary if I want to get rid of a bad question?
@AnnZen Well, you really have only six options: 1) raise a custom moderator flag which convincingly explains why it should be deleted. 2) Make a meta post which convinces people to delete it. The meta post will likely result in multiple additional downvotes. 3) request disassociation; 4) Do nothing; hope people who stumble on it delete it. 5) do what you can to make the post qualify for a Roomba task; 6) find a place where you can convince some other people with enough rep to act.
[As you already know, SOCVR doesn't permit #6 in here.] If there's an answer, then for #1, moderators will be reluctant to destroy the other user's work.
There is an option 7: Edit it to the point you feel it's good.
@Makyen moderator will be reluctant to destroy the moderator's work.
just move on... downvoted meta posts can happen to anyone, including meta regulars...
@AnnZen If a moderator sees a flag about their own material, then they will normally skip responding to the flag and allow a moderator who is not involved handle it.
@Makyen I was only kidding.
@AnnZen Ahh... I missed that. :;
Someone just edited one my answers with a block where they tried to used my code in their own code and explains how it's not working. Is that appropriate?
@Scratte No. It should be reverted
I can reject it, but it looks very strange to me. This is the suggested edit
@Scratte That doesn't sound good, but it will depend on the details. If you think the edit makes the answer better then you have the option to approve it, but your brief description sounds like it should be rejected.
It's just looks like feedback on my answer, nothing more. It doesn't make it easier to understand the answer for other users.
@Scratte That's a new question, which has been edited into yours. I'd reject, and maybe politely comment on the user's other post that it would be much better if they create a new question with their code, and include a link back you your answer for additional context/attribution.
@Makyen I'm not entirely sure it's a new Question. There's a lot of edit on theirs and this code was in one of the edits. But it's not possible to run it as it's not isolated.
@Scratte I didn't check the code, but the text sounds like a debugging question to me.
@Makyen The actual Question is a how to Question. Now it's become a debugging one of how it's not working with their code. So you are right that it's a separate one now :)
@Scratte From a quick look, it seems like an attempt to address the post. Or perhaps an attempt of adding more to it. I'd most likely reject it as a reviewer to be honest, even if the code is correct. I'd prefer the author to decide whether they want such a radical change to their post. I've had a few edits made to answers of mine that although correct I didn't feel worked with the rest of the post. Others I've accepted.
Is there a way to close questions that have an issue raised in github stackoverflow.com/questions/62922160/…
@akrun No. People will still find the Q on SO. It does need a proper answer, however
@VLAZ Thanks. But the code is not "correct". It's adding their code to the bottom of my post. Now I'm trying to work out why they think my code isn't working :D Or rather why their code merged with mine isn't working for them :D
@Machavity Why? Once the issue is solved the usefulness of the question becomes nill.
@akrun You can write an answer of your own based on the issue from GitHub, but please do not copy the code from there here. If you want to quote parts of it to support your answer, you can, but please explain it here in your own words.
This is strange. Here I join SOCVR just for the cv-plss, and no one has posted one in hours.
@Scratte Yeah, I just noticed that the edit was actually made by the user who asked the question. All the more reason to reject it. Sometimes people...aren't the best at taking advice. I've been in those situations, too - I'd try to more broadly explain the issue and how to tackle it only to have OP say "it doesn't work" because they just try to copy/paste my sample code and it doesn't work immediately for them.
@eyllanesc Well; one just did. Here; have another one.
@Andreas Did you go through the backlog?
@Makyen I like to catch them while still fresh. ;) No, I didn't.
@Andreas While "needs details" (or "needs debugging details") isn't exactly wrong, there is a decent canonical for this specific case.
I've linked it to that question.
@VLAZ I'm not even sure I can help them..
Where's the button that directly takes us to the back log?
@Andreas Fresh is best (if a question is to be closed, it's definitely better to close it quickly so no answers are posted). But, older questions need close-votes too.
@AnnZen No.. there's a link that Makyen provided :)
@VLAZ Yeah, I saw that, and gave your comment/flag an upvote. I just saw a big image of lots of windows with code in. First thought: no MCVE.
@Scratte No? On what?
@AnnZen If you're running the URRS, then there are buttons down in the area to the right of the chat entry box. Each button does a search for one of four types of requests: cv-pls, del-pls, reopen-pls and undel-pls.
@Makyen Yeah, but the backlog wasn't knocking on my brain, so I couldn't open the door to say: good idea. ;)
@AnnZen There's a link to a search in the chatroom, that will show the backlog of request. The link was posted by Makyen here
@Andreas Just to be clear - that's absolutely correct. However, with NPEs you can also flag/vote for the NPE dupe since it's a very good resource on how to fix those. Java programmers (well, and most others) would need to know how to fix those anyway. And from a slightly "selfish" (from our perspective) point, it saves us effort. Even with details that question would likely be dupe closed there.
@Scratte I know the link, I just wanted to know where it came from.
@VLAZ Yeah, of course; I usually do that. :)
@AnnZen You can search for anything in chat using the search in the upper right corner.
@Scratte I can't use it to search for buttons.
@Dharman You're making me jealous I don't have 3000 reputation yet? :P
@Andreas Yeah, it's been in the plan to add badges to those buttons with the number in the backlog that match your currently selected search/display preset for that type of request. To do that, there's a bunch of code to integrate from the Archiver, because the URRS would need to be looking at the base chat events, rather than jsut what was in the page DOM.
@Andreas :D I forgot.
@Andreas Then here you go: stackoverflow.com/…
@Makyen URRS? A userscript?
@Dharman I'm gonna add and a few others to that too. ;)
@Andreas Unclosed Request Review Script
@TylerH Thanks.
@Andreas You can read more about our scripts/tools here socvr.org/tools/userscripts
@AnnZen Do you mean the tags? Yes, you can. Chat searches are just text search through the message content. Fro a tag, you can search for "tagged/<tag displayed text>", as that's what's in the URL for the tag. For example, for reviewing cv-pls requests, a search is done for "tagged/cv". For del-pls, a search is done for "tagged/del OR tagged/delv OR tagged/delete OR tagged/dv". The URRS adds the "OR"/"||" operator for chat searches, because I needed it for these reviews.
@TylerH Thanks, but I haven't gotten myself a userscript manager yet.
@Andreas Well... that is normally a first step. :)
Misunderstanding. I only wanted to know where to click to get linked to the back log.
@Makyen Said yesterday I'll get myself one. ;)

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