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What batch job runs at 00:00 UTC? Why is SO unavailable for a minute?
Daily rep recalculation?
ohh ok
Is it 00:03 UTC now? And I thought I was in timezone +1? Damn this summer time.
Should have tag: inside the [] (first).
@AdrianMole Knew I'd forgotten something. Thanks
@IanCampbell I would point you to "You will find the following notice at the bottom of many pages on the Google Developers website...When you see a page with this notice..." on that page, and note that the issue tracker does not bear that notice. Interpret that as you will.
That's a fair point
That's one nice thing about SO, they clearly define the license you're using.
@user4642212 Don't know if you ever got an answer on this but: leaving a thanks reaction of duplicate closing is indeed a bug
But that clearly-defined licence can be changed.
@IanCampbell May even do you the favour of relicensing without asking.
"thank for advance 🙂" This would be good night for me
New hobby idea: commenting on new PHP questions with questions for the authors ending with various butcherings of "thanks in advance"...
"Hi, could you please add the code that's crashing to your questions? The tank is advancing!"
"Thanks is advanced?"
I'll admit that my livelihood doesn't really depend on the code that I write, so I may have a different view, but I don't really see the change in license as that big of a deal. The process that they used to do it, well, that's another story.
@IanCampbell Not that much of a big problem to you, but it may be for others, and breaks the whole principle of licenses.
The larger problem is that it's critical to be able to trust that code that you get under a license has actually been licensed to you under that license by a party that has that power.
@RyanM Yanks at a Dance?
@Dharman tanks in advantage!
Tanks in a vantage.
Vintage tanks for sale
Variable number of tanks forsaken.
I doubt you would find the last two on the site.
@Braiam You'd be surprised what you find on the site if you really look.
@AdrianMole Surprise me.
That... was surprising D:
Gotta hand it to that user though, creative use of tags
Took the tour, but am still not sure what kind of posts are acceptable to propose here.
At first I thought they should be old ones, but not anymore...
@AnnZen Look at the flagging options.
@Andreas Are you saying any flaggable question can be proposed here?
@AnnZen Yes; a flag equals that the post should be closed or removed.
How do I flag a review on a suggested edit of mine? Through a custom moderator flag on the post I edited?
@Andreas Yes, but unless it's something egregious, moderators will want you to have found a pattern of reviews by that user which indicates they are not understanding how to review. Alternately, you could report the review task in Bad Stack Overflow Reviews.
@Makyen Looking through their reviews now. Mostly accepted ones, but I found another one that was declined, but should've been accepted.
@LinkBerest I know already. It’s been reported at Feature test: Thank you reaction, where I’ve commented.
@Makyen They seem to be randomly accepting and declining smaller edits, often with the rejection reason: deviates from the original intent.
Larger edits seem to be approved.
@Andreas If you feel there's a pattern of behavior which is a problem, then you can raise a custom moderator flag. Explain as clearly as possible what you find to be an issue. Be sure to link to examples.
mhm, no... A larger one was rejected too...
Oh; there are many examples.
I just put a random flag on an answer or question of theirs?
@Andreas You can raise the custom flag on whichever post you want. Common things to pick are a post that was affected by the problem, one of the user's posts, or one of your own posts.
@Makyen Already left it on their newest post.
@Andreas OK. Now it's up to the moderators.
Would it be wrong of me to ask why my edit "deviates from the original post" in here? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/26652797
Also; yes, I'm sure I'm correct about flagging. I'll be surprised if my flag is declined.
@AnnZen There's nothing actually wrong about requesting delete-votes on this. OTOH, it will be automatically delete by the Roomba in 6 days. Is there a reason to expedite deleting it? That's not to say that it shouldn't be deleted. It's clearly way too broad and lacks any attempt at a providing the details that might narrow it down. The OP is quite unlikely to add enough information to make it answerable. But, why delete it now instead of letting the Roomba delete it in 6 days?
@Makyen got it
@AnnZen BTW: If you're interested, I wrote a userscript, Roomba Forecaster, which will add an indicator as to if the question will be Roomba'd. If the question will be Roomb'd the script will tell you when it will happen. If the question won't be Roomba'd, then it will tell you why.
@Makyen 'k, thx.
BTW, using all-cap on BTW makes me feel strange.
OK. Having it in caps certainly wasn't intended to mean, well, anything, and definitely wasn't intended to make you feel strange. It's just the way that I've always written such things like BTW, FYI, OTOH, etc.
I'll try to remember that you're more comfortable with such things in lowercase. I'll probably forget from time to time, as putting them in caps is a habit.
We should add "don't write abbreviations" to the CoC, as to not offend anyone.
I didn't mention mean, it's more like "By the way"
@AnnZen Is "Btw:" better? [Note: my use of "mean" was intended to be in its verb form of "convey information" sense, not in its adjective use, which contains negative connotations.]
@Andreas The reason used there for rejection is probably not the best. I suspect that the reviewers felt that having the answer actually state that the solution solved a similar problem for the answerer provided worthwhile information.
For that edit, I probably would have retained a shorter version of the fact that the solution solved a similar problem for the answerer in their own code, but placed that information at the end. For example: "Adding a getter and a setter solved the problem in my code." The reason to retain that information is that it indicates the answerer is answering based on their experience with resolving a problem similar to what's in the question and that they have actually tested the solution.
@Makyen Guess I misread Having it in caps certainly wasn't intended to be mean ^^
@AnnZen np. It's really easy to misread what I wrote. I should have taken more care in how I worded it in order to avoid ambiguity.
For what it's worth, in my experience as a native American English speaker who has been using the internet since 1992, I feel that "BTW" is the standard way to abbreviate "by the way".
@IanCampbell ditto
1 hour later…
terrible tag of the day:
Better start formulating your punny burniation request title.
@bad_coder Out of curiosity... do you see me that same way? I'm not sure if you were around to read my nomination questionnaire. If not, you don't have to take the time to read it. Just based on the conversations we've had here and elsewhere, do you think you have to try and look at "how" I say things instead of "what"?
The reason I ask is it kind of surprises me that you say that about Makyen. I try very hard to do the opposite (focus on the what is said, not the how), and I see Makyen similarly.
@IanCampbell That was a repost of an earlier question by the same account. Marked as duplicate now, deleted, and closed the original question as "needs more focus". What you want to do with it from there is up to you. :-)
@Vickel As others have said, you can flag one of your own posts and give us this info, but mods are already aware. We don't have the resources to delete these accounts manually, and without Shog, we lost the tools needed to deal with these any more efficiently than that. You also do have to consider whether it even matters if the account has never posted anything. User profiles aren't indexed by Google.
(But we do have similar issues with Chinese spam on Jobs CVs, which are indexed. And no Shog to help fix it.)
@Andreas To be clear, the reason why "unneeded" is added is to justify deletion. Normally, we do not delete duplicate questions, as they are useful links/signposts to the main question. Only if the signpost is truly useless do we delete them. This is what Dharman and others use "unneeded" to mean, as part of their [del-pls] requests.
@RyanM If you want to annoy both Dharman and myself at the same time, consider adding a little emoji of a tank.
@Andreas While I disagree with the rejection reason chosen by the reviewers, I see little reason to approve that edit. In what way does it improve the original answer? Both variants are equally good, in my opinion, and that's a reason to reject an edit (no substantive improvement).
@AnnZen It is a type of abbreviation known as an initialism, where only the first letter of each word is used. In English, these are always written in all-caps. Other examples include NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), US (United States), SO (Stack Overflow), IMHO (in my humble opinion), etc. Certain styleguides (namely British media) render these in small caps, rather than normal caps, but they're still caps. It shouldn't make you feel weird.
1 hour later…
Never knew there was a unicode character for coffee.. ⛾
@Scratte hopefully it's not the decaf variety :)
It could even be herbal tea. Feeling awake yet? :)
Not doing too bad for 9am on a Sunday as it happens :)
Dog are not suppose to have chocolate. How is it OK for them to have coffee? And a puppy even?!?
Wait.. are you just a really old, but puppy looking because you had too much of those things? :D
I remember my parents, when I was a child, told me that if I had coffee I wouldn't grow.
Were they right? Are you still a puppy?
That a strange question, and unanswerable too.. since I was never a puppy ;)
@Scratte what can I say - your loss :)
@Scratte It is still said. I told that to mine
@JonClements You must be blinded by your own fate. You have no idea how much fun it is to be sitting upside down looking at the world from high up :D
@Vega It's not true though :) When I was a lot older I showed them lots of research and claimed they robbed me of a precious part of my childhood :D
@Scratte Sitting upside down?
@Scratte I don't believe it either, but it's a good excuse to keep them away from, haha
You mean like staying awake longer days and extending childhood?
@Vega I'd have thought coffee was "old school" now and it's all about the plethora of energy drinks you can get now while mixing in a few caffeine pro plus tablets just to really get the effect of 'em :)
@CodyGray Yes. Or holding on to a tree while upside down, if you'd prefer.. me when I was first learning to run down
@Scratte Oh... I thought you were the two-legged variety of mammal
@Scratte so fake... you're clearly just chilling out on a fallen tree and rotated the image 90 degrees to try and impress people... :p
@Scratte You are really cute, if I may say so
@JonClements Oh dear...
@JonClements Clearly.. that's your focus in the (postulated) deception. Did you notice how cute I am? Did you? did you? :)
I now know you are a Sciurus vulgaris, or a Eurasian red squirrel. You really shouldn't reveal so much personal information on the Internet. There are some untrustworthy people out there!
@Vega I don't think coffee would have worked on my as a child. It didn't all through my teenage years nor my twenties. I used to be able to have it right before bedtime with no effects on my sleep.
For example, I found this more recent picture that shows you've really been packing on the pounds!
@CodyGray youch... should have tried coffee :p
@CodyGray Hrmf!.. that was before I started morning yoga.
also... isn't caffeine supposed to have some positive effect (even if temporary or in a placebo-esque kind of way) on memory and cognitive ability? Could help one remember where the acorns are buried :p
He doesn't seem to need any help...
@JonClements I didn't have to think about that when I was tiny. It's an adult problem. The neighbor usually steals them though. I just go and and steal them back. No idea how old they are anymore, since the neighbor has a bad habit of mixing the new one with the old..
@CodyGray indeed... from the last photo evidence - it appears they don't last long enough to get around to being hidden :p
You should borrow a technique from your gray-colored cousins: "deceptive caching", where you dig a hole, pretend to bury an acorn (while actually holding it in your mouth), then cover up the empty hole and run off to another place. Should fool the neighbor nicely, in case he's watching.
although to be fair - just eating the thing avoids all that hassle :p
Eastern gray squirrels also are known to sort their nuts by quality, and bury the best ones in open areas where other squirrels are less likely to pilfer (although predation risks are higher when you do decide to go back).
See "Grey Squirrels Remember the Locations of Buried Nuts" in Animal Behavior, 2008
I invented the nut-scrambler.. it makes a small hole, puts in a probe that cuts the inside into small pieces that can easily be taken out. Then leaves the shell looking nice. I stopped using it since the actual nut in pieces were ripe for mixing until the consistency of nutella, and the result was.. me before I started doing yoga.
@CodyGray So.. basically squirrels have better memory than humans ;) "Wait.. why did I go to the kitchen?!?"
Have you tried that freshly-ground nut butter? They make it with either almonds or peanuts. It is so much better than the heavily processed sugary stuff that they normally sell in stores.
I like peanutbutter.. in small quantities. I tend to need a longer break from it after about 3 big spoons.
I like how the first feature bullet point is "Nullify"
I think we call almond butter: Marzipan.
No. Marzipan is something else.
What I mean is exactly the same stuff as peanut butter, but made with almonds.
Never tried that.. But if sugar is added, it would become marzipan, right?
No, that's still something different. At the very least, it's a different process.
Do you not have peanut butter with sugar added in Denmark? It's still peanut butter, just sweeter.
@CodyGray I've only been there a couple of times, and I didn't go shopping for peanut butter, to be honest :D But yes, we do have that. I just prefer actual peanuts and real almonds, unless it's marzipan <-- yummi :)
Hmm.. waffled! :D
Yeah, I figure if you go to the Netherlands, you would rather pick flowers
We don't do much marzipan in the US. Or at least, I hardly ever see it.
@CodyGray I heard Tulips were popular...
I always pick daisies. The blurrier the better.
@JonClements You mean like "the Viceroy"?
I like dandylions, but they're only plentiful during early summer and I've never seen them sold
Oh...missed that reference. Yeah, that's probably what @JonClements means. Good one.
This perhaps won't surprise anyone, but I like thistles.
@CodyGray You can get marzipan here all year round. It's everywhere around Christmas thought, and I usually get mine in January for almost nothing.
1630's ish? I have a feeling my history isn't as good as Cody's... it was never a favourite subject...
Never had great luck with teaching dogs history
or new tricks?
This question about the meaning of words with the prefix "co" is surely off topic, isn't it?
@JeanneDark Yes, if for no other reason than it's too broad.
More concrete questions about the definitions of programming terms might be on-topic, but that one isn't.
@JonClements Nah, all that requires is treats.
@CodyGray Yes, those are very beautiful too. I understand how a farmer doesn't want their land covered with them, but I never understood why normal people have to prune their gardens and remove all the naturally beautiful flowers. I've got dandelions and other "weeds" on my balcony. They don't even need tending.
I inspired myself to have toast with almond butter. And bananas. Mmm.
I wonder if it might help to link to the help center pages about what's on (and off) topic on SO in the Ask a Question UI. In the "Asking a good question" dialogue I'm told to search the site, but a link to [What topics can I ask about here? ](stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic) at least could prove helpful without cluttering it up.
I'd have to create a second account to remind myself what new users actually see. Is there really not a link to any information about what is on-topic here? That does seem like an oversight...
There are two dropdown menus in the right lower corner, one with links to to SuperUser etc. and the one below with a link to "How to Ask" and the help center.
@CodyGray and here I thought "deceptive caching" was a type of software bug...
@RyanM It surely is now that squirrels have started writing software.
But when you want to guide new users asking their first question(s), a more prominent link to documentation about what's on and off topic would make sense.
@JeanneDark Ah, so I guess it looks the same as it does for me then. The same links that aren't even properly capitalized to reflect the proper names of the sites... :-( Mine aren't expanded by default. I assume they are for new users.
@JeanneDark I think they are linked to the tour. At least, they used to be. To me, that's a better introduction than the "Ask a Question" page.
Yeah... was just wondering if the tour came in somewhere... I thought at one point it was too "in your face" and got changed with the new user and ask a question wizard stuff?
The tour is suggested when you create your account but this might be some time before you start asking questions.
It's not even mandatory but when you scroll down the tour, you get the Informed badge.
huh, well at least it points out extremely bad titles...
We should make some tweaks to the tour and make it mandatory.
I'll award Informed badges manually...
Wow. I asked it years ago, and Shog bumped it up some already, but I feel like it should be even tighter. That title is terrible, and that wall of unformatted text shouldn't have been allowed to be submitted.
@JeanneDark Oh, but it does. People just ignore them.
@RyanM You don't know. They might have "considered" it" but then decided not to.
When do you get that warning? I just tried with "plz help me" and I didn't get any warnings.
@Scratte I guess when it finds enough questions with similar enough titles
Hmm.. do I need to press the "Review your Question"?
@Scratte You don't get it because you get stuck on the "title must be 15 characters" warning.
No, but the title needs to be longer
@CodyGray I don't even get that..
Tab away from the field...
@Makyen Thanks. I’ll do a better job next time. @CodyGray I thought I was getting rid of fluff, but ok.
It does work. Even suggests an obviously related question. :-)
@CodyGray I did.. it's really not giving me any warnings.
Wow. That's super odd. Something is perhaps blocking the JavaScript?
Also, I think your question is a duplicate of one that I closed earlier today
I think the titles endpoint dislikes something about that: stackoverflow.com/search/titles?title=plz+help+me%2C
Ah yeah. I bet it's blacklisted.
I don't know why that would affect search, though...
:49895560 👀
Why are you giving me googly eyes?
It's even worse on meta. I'm not even allowed to go back to the title field wait.. now I am. It took 5 minutes for me to be able to edit the title.. ?!?
I caught a fleeting glimpse of a regex
Regexes make you googly eyed? takes notes
The regex is not really a secret, but if it is shared, it would make it easier to bypass our quality filters, so...
Feeble as they are, I guess we ought to keep 'em
Can mods control those, or just see them?
Requires developer access to control them. Shog9 was the only one who ever maintained it. So, basically, it's read-only at this point.
I had secretly (it's out now) hoped that Shog9 would have nominated in this election.
I get the feeling Shog9 was not a typical CM by any stretch of the imagination
@Scratte Ha, that would have been a cheeky move
And I mean that beyond his obvious talents for community management itself.
We ask ourselves, WWS9D?
@halfer But still.. being an elected moderator would not have provided with the same amount of privileges.
@Scratte Well, a salary is a pretty good privilege, yeah ;=)
@halfer I meant in terms of access to the system ;) But yes, being paid does make way for spending more time on the site.
@DalijaPrasnikar Ooh, don't we have a guideline about getting involved in reopened posts?
@halfer I believe it's only if we closed it
@RyanM Ah, fair enough - it is POB definitely
but I'm unable to find either the rule or any source for that exception...
That question has been in the close vote queue twice.. and the reopen queue 10 times!
Urgh, yeah, I bet that's the OP trying every month or so
What a waste of energy
@RyanM If I remember correctly, the room does not re-open or re-close a question twice.
"most seem to agree with that, except a few who want to collect moderator points"
where do I get these moderator points? Can I redeem them?
@RyanM No. You get a badge. It's shiny and you can brag about it :)
That darn three reopen votes...
@RyanM You get them here. Not redeemable for cash prizes.
@RyanM Not in the least. Was it not you that I was telling this to the other day? When he was hired in the early days, being a software developer himself (albeit a desktop dev, like me, not a web dev), he was given developer access. So he could do and regularly did things that no other CM can do.
I don't believe that was me. I did notice that he seemed to occasionally do development, to the point that at first when I saw the mix of his posts between having implemented changes and advice, I hadn't realized he was actually not hired as a developer and just so happened to be gifted at community management as well.
He had developer access, but didn't really roll out features or do anything to the core code base. Most of his stuff was just tweaking knobs that only developers had access to, or maybe going so far as to write a script that would poke in on top (like the regex-based blacklist).
I pick Blatantly or Needs more focus
Since when SO logo lost its orange color? I saw it just now. Was that mentioned somewhere?
@Vega 1. Are you using dark mode? 2. Where did it lose it's colour? (closing as Needs more details ;)
probably on meta. no repro
The logo was always (since I've had an account) colourless on meta
@Scratte 1. Yes 2. The logo at the top left on the main site. The tab logo has its orange. PLZ DON'T CLOSE IT!!! ;)
@Vega Ah.. hold on while I find the post about it (yes, it was mentioned :) There :)
@Scratte It is still 'anthracite grey' on meta
@Scratte I found a post about 5 ago about changing colors to rainbow
@Vega 5 what ago? minutes? decades? Are you lacking coffee? :)
Hahah, sorry 5 years! I am trying to cut on coffee
@Vega I don't know about the rainbow. But 5 years ago sounds like the same time that rainbows went into fashion from events in the US about same gender marriages. I would expect the rainbow to have been a temporary thing in order to support those minorities.
Not the same theme though
I can repro with dark mode
@Vega I cheated when I updated my earlier message to your here.. see the link I gave you. It's a dark mode issue. A feature-request to add the orange back was proposed by TylerH :) It's in now.
I switched to light mode, it's orange. Maybe its there for a while and I didn't realise
@Scratte Oops, I missed that, thank you very much!
It's been orange on main for as long as I've had an account here. And always gray on meta.
Olala, it's from March 30th. There was I? :/
Busy reviewing the Help & Improvement queue? :D
Ah, I miss that queue, but will leave a few good to be edited posts to others :)
@Vega That is very kind of you. Other users should have a chance for the Steward badge there too ;)
I'm out of flags but I have the feeling that I accept the fact that I am a newbie but, please, what am I do wrong here? should be closed, perhaps needs more details and clarity, or perhaps typo or debugging details.
This is too broad, right? stackoverflow.com/q/62777567/7395227
That last one should just be downvoted, @JeanneDark
@Andreas It doesn't meet the site standards: "3. Questions asking for homework help must include a summary of the work you've done so far to solve the problem, and a description of the difficulty you are having solving it."
@Vickel Asking for resources? I already cv-plsd it witg «Too Broad»
But they are just asking for us to write the program for them
@Andreas would need examples
And the answer was just accepted
I just noticed that "I will delete everything" is gone :O
mhm. Guess I didn’t read the questions carefully enough.
@Scratte But perhaps it a cunning move. Everyone who knows that everything doesn't mean everything noticed.. and the ones that do not know what it means are not lost during the election phase :)
I think a warning should be issued whenever somebody adds the PowerPoint tag into their question.
@Andreas Questions about programming (vba here) environment, software tools are on topic on SO
That got me thinking, doesn't the choice of an office chair also fit the description of "programming environment"?
You have spam post for the 'best office chair seller'?
@Vega Not really sure what you’re referring to. I’m going through the latest question tagged with «powerpoint», and there are lots of off-topic ones. The last one I linked to is not about programming.
You’re right.
I see it now.
That account posting the question SmokeDetector linked to should be nuked.
Are such accounts auto-nuked when their first question (only action) is taken down for spam?
Hmm. 13 upvotes for pointing out that length is spelt incorrectly! Is this typical in the pyhton tag? Such would be colsed quiklee in C+.
@AdrianMole Yes.
I need to go on a spell-check search. Get some quick rep!
@AdrianMole There are lots of them. Javascript also has quite a few. C has some that live on, but those usually attract downvotes.
I just wonder how much value it brings to the site though. I mean is it worth 130 reputation points of "trust"?
For what it's worth, I always spell length wrong in my code.. and I forget to omit the method reference for arrays sometimes, but I just don't see that pointing it out on someone else's post (when the compiler always eagerly tells me to fix it) is worth a from 1 to downvoting privileged..
have users ever proposed re-open votes here?
@AnnZen Yes :) There's a FAQ in the upper right corner with how to make proposals and all kinds of other rules :)
Fun. Just ran out of votes.
@AnnZen This is the direct link to the different ways it's normally done.
But to be honest. I do not think it's ready to reopen. There is code there, but no explanation of what the code is suppose to be doing. (a link to what the code should do it not enough. It should be here in the Question itself) There's also no actual question.
@AnnZen NiHao ^^
@AdrianMole give some.. is it ginger or chocolate or maybe Christmas spice with cardamom and cinnamon?
@Scratte I've noticed people using a different word when editing incorrectly posted messages. But that word struck me as being far too Dutch. So I used something else.
@AdrianMole There's nothing Dutch about "Oops". And making other people feel a sugar craving is almost inhuman :D
Lost my tools. Have you seen them?
@Scratte Well, with a small prefix and a bit of terminal pruning, "oops" becomes Stroop. And that's Dutch.
@AnnZen You don't have to write which is the duplicate target. Users will find it from the comment you left in the post you want to close :)
@AnnZen In the review menu. (Unless you're review banned.)
@Scratte: Here!
@AnnZen I don't understand. I find your question a little funny due to the phrasing, because it makes it sound a little like you lost your keys somewhere and are asking someone it they can see them :) What did you lose?
@AdrianMole That is not kind.. I'm off to find cookies now.
@Scratte My tools. I can't find them :(
You mean your 10K moderator tools?
Ahh.. I don't have those tools, never had. Sorry :)
Like I said, in the "Review" menu. Top line, right-hand side.
they left
Can you show us with a screen shot of the area (you don't have to make it a big screen)?
@AnnZen Try this direct link and let us know what happens.
you found them!
See - I'm not just even a cute teenager!
But why the link doesn't show on your Review menu is still a mystery.
@AdrianMole Heh.. silly me had to try that link
@AnnZen You are in a Review Ban. That disables the entire "Review" pop-up.
@AnnZen You appear to have been review-suspended. Try this stackoverflow.com/review
It's very annoying.
Banned, even when I'm really careful :(
Probably because you failed 2/3 audits recently. You can try appealing, or just wait out the time (probably not very long). Go to the link Scratte gave and click on one of the queues - that should tell you how long until you can review again.
@AnnZen How long are you suspended for?
2 months and 2 days
Have you been suspended before?
once, yes
Ok. That was for 32 days I suppose?
2 months! Wow - you must have upset a moderator. Try asking in Sam's Bad Review Room.
@Scratte cool, that's right
@AdrianMole The suspensions are doubled each time..
(Only joking about upsetting a Mod, though!)
So, if the first ban was a 1-month mod-given ban, then any automatic, audit-induced ban will then be double whatever that one was.
I think.
@AnnZen Ok. Did you fail an audit? Or was it a normal review? This current one, I mean, not the old one.
@Scratte does it make a difference?
Yes. In a way. If you failed an audit, the system may have given you the suspension. If it wasn't an audit, a moderator probably manually suspended you.
Manually, eh?
@ElectionBot - Is your master here?
Yes.. they look at reviews and when they see something that's not right, they suspend reviewers, so that they have time to read about how to be good reviewers :)
Well, it wasn't an audit. I learned how to be a good reviewer from the last ban.
I would do this: Look at the post you reviewed incorrectly, then find out what you should have done instead. Then go to the room that AdrianMole mentioned and explain what you learned. If you like, you can even ask if there are more reviews that you did wrong and learn from those. Maybe your suspension will be lifted early.
I also read the pages in the help center a few times about asking questions.. since I forget the details some times.
this says 'improved formatting' stackoverflow.com/questions/62861884/… is there something I didn't see?
@AnnZen Probably either non-English speaker doesn't really understand or a 'canned' response. The edit removes unnecessary fluff, but there is more that could/should be done, maybe.
@AdrianMole I thought the edit added fluff. If you don't know, I'm talking about the pending edit.
@AnnZen You're right - I misread the edit history. I would reject that.
You can use the [tag:review-pls] for such items. But I don't think we like too many of them (can check with a Room Owner).
@HovercraftFullOfEels What does the mean?
@AnnZen User will need at least 20,000 reputation points to give a del-vote for that question
@AnnZen Only 10k/20k users can vote to delete
@HovercraftFullOfEels Which means I can't? What's special about it?
@AnnZen: my second del-pls request is for a question closed over several days ago, and 10k rep is required. I don't know if you can. What is your rep score?
@AnnZen: freshly closed questions with -3 or lower score can only be closed by those with rep 20K or greater
@AnnZen You can since the question is over 2 days old. For more info see the deletion privilege
@Daniil Already have. Nothing in there mentioned 20,000.
@AnnZen You missed clicking on the "trusted user" link on that page
fp feedback on autoflagged post: Soru sorma hakkım varsa düzenlicem [MS]
Autoflagged FP: flagged by @SmokeDetector, @Floern, @Henders, @Stormblessed
@AnnZen Will this Question be on topic if they add more information?
@Scratte Oh, they changed it.
A heads up: to resolve the *-vba situation once and for all, I'm rolling out a bot that will add the tag to all questions tagged . The bot checks the title and body for unintended changes, and will terminate automatically if they occur, but if anyone sees oddities, please ping me asap
@AnnZen Yes, I noticed :) I think also the reason that you used is used only when it's really a typo or it can't be reproduced, because it's not reproducible at all. If the author just needs to add in information, the normal reasons are "Needs details or clarity" or "Needs debugging details".
@ErikA What if the question already has the maximum number (5?) of tags?
@Scratte The thing is, I used a dummy df, and got no error, so the error was non-reproducible.
@AnnZen If you think your request no longer applies, you can ask a Room Owner to remove your request. You should link to the chat message though, because asking them to remove your previous request can be somewhat confusing :)
@AdrianMole I've ran these with a SEDE query and retagged them manually. Because SEDE is not real-time, there might be exceptions, and the bot will catalogue and skip them.
@AnnZen I suppose I'm just fussing over details. Lots of my requests get closed for another reason that I picked.. tsk :)
@ErikA Good work.
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
that was actually funny!
Funny to some, maybe, but offensive to others.
@AnnZen Unfortunately, there's no way to ping all room owners with a single @ ping. It's helpful if you do ping one of us, as messages requesting removal of a request can be missed. You can find a list of room owners on the room's info page, which is linked just below the tags for the room in the right-sidbar (desktop version). For SOCVR, there's also a list of room owners in the FAQ.
@Makyen It's not? Oh, my bad!
@AnnZen np. I wish there was a generic way to ping the room owners. Unfortunately, SO/SE chat doesn't provide one.
@AnnZen So you know, we don't permit del-lps requests where the request isn't within 1 downvote of being able to be delete-voted. For more details, please see FAQ #11. For questions, that means the question needs to be at score <= -2 or have been closed for more than two days. For answers, they must be at score <=0. You are welcome to repost this request once the post meets these requirements.
AFK for 5 minutes, or so.
@Makyen 'k, sry.

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