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Oops.. nope. It's enqueued in Triage at the same time it's asked.
Hah! Three review queues having a mutual bashing spree.
Not all First Posts go automatically into Triage. The system has a secret assessment mechanism. But I'm sure a flag would send it.
I'm looking at the timeline. It's asked and put into Triage at 20:32. It's put into First Posts at 20:42. I review it with a flag at 20:43
OK, you win (this time)!
... that's now in my Grudge Bank. ;-)
@AdrianMole I'm guessing it's there along with how I pronounce "ø" :)
Don't worry: sizeof(Grudge_Bank) < 1 evaluates to true.
BTW, at what rep threshold do user questions stop being put in Triage queue?
@Scratte When you ask a question like this, please be explicit as to which flag you raised. With what you stated here, we have to guess. From your later statements, it sounds like you raised a VLQ flag. If you don't feel it's answerable and should be closed, why did you raise a VLQ flag instead of a close-flag?
@Makyen I'm sorry. I raised a "Needs details or clarity" close flag.
@Makyen That looks like a minor system bug. Close flags show as "Disputed" when raised organically and the CV queue chooses not to close. But this case looks a bit more discombobulated.
@bad_coder I don't believe I've ever seen that stated. All that's stated is that it gets a "quality score" based on unspecified criteria. Please see the answer to "Question flags, queues, edits, roomba, community♦, how does this actually work?" for more information.
@AdrianMole I think the Close Vote queue actually can decline a flag. The dispute is only from Triage.
@Makyen thank you, I'll take a good look at the post and keep it in my SO bookmarks.
@Scratte I think it is also possible a mod disputed the flag
@Scratte I believe it's declined from the CV queue if all responses are "Leave Open". It's helpful if the question is closed. If the response is other than that, the flag remains active until it ages away. (I think.)
@Scratte I think the CV queue will show your flag as declined if the review goes against it unanimously but disputed if there's a split vote.
@bad_coder np. It's definitely one I have bookmarked, as it's the most complete explanation I've seen, even if there are some nuances which are not included.
@Makyen Yes, I have a lot of flags that have aged away long after a Question has been invalidated in the Close Vote queue from the 4 days expiry.
@Dharman That would be very odd if that happened with this one though :)
@AdrianMole If I ever get a disputed one from the Close Vote queue, I'll certainly notice :)
@IanCampbell You may want to try this in a room with more R experts, or contact the gold badge holder directly. It doesn't look like there's the expertise in this room to properly evaluate this question.
Does the second sentence have enough info for this to be an answer? stackoverflow.com/a/62506348/3744182 I am having the same problem. Maybey it has something to do with youtube's quest to cull off all of the truth channels, and messages of those who often comment on them?
@dbc Deleted by moderator, so I think that makes it clear: it's a "no". :)
Good to know :)
@dbc I'd certainly feel that the answer needs expanding as to whose definition of "truth" they were referring to.
@dbc sigh The question has 460+ views. It went through First Posts with "No Action Needed". It's gotten not a single downvote or close-vote out of 458 views.
Oy, one of those views is mine. At least I voted to close.
That's why I prefer youtube-api rather than simply youtube :D
@Dharman Props for grabbing the third rail of SO and holding on for dear life.
And youtube-channels shouldn't exist.
When I ran for mod, I had someone swamp my entry with lots of comments about how much I had downvoted. As in, I had "clearly downvoted too much" since I downvoted more than upvoted
It got deleted, but there was a strong contingent of commenters who believe downvotes should rarely, if ever, be used
And that's how, you now know, we select politicians.
@Machavity I don't see the nomination? Caching?
@Braiam This was last year. Cody nuked the whole section because a mod nomination is not a place to hold a debate about downvotes
@Makyen Thanks Makyen. Today's my birthday, so you were actually a day early ;)
@BhargavRao Happy birthday Bhargav
^ +1 :-)
Thanks! :D
@Machavity I mean Dharman's
@BhargavRao It was today somewhere in the world. :D
@Braiam Oh, I meant the featured Meta post
I mean this downvoted answer typifies the sentiment
@Braiam Or we can just say that Mak was 364 days late. :D
@BhargavRao Cool. I had it down as a day before Paul's, but that's clearly an error on my part. :; Happy Birthday, today!
Thanks :D ... it's a day after his.
Yeah, the error was a failure on my part at least a year ago when looking at the chat transcripts (& links). It's really clear when reading them now. I'm not sure how the error crept in. :;
Lol, it's all good. Happens.
@JohnDvorak Talking about the title?
Google Translate has no clue except what language it is.
I've tried Google translate and it's not working for me.
Yeah, it claims it's Vietnamese, but doesn't exactly tell me what it says. Though, apparently if I type [closed] after the title, it seems to suddenly like it.
Google shows it as an address and gives it a specific map location.
that was my idea too. Private housing, or a business?
It's a business.
So then it's spam?
The code snippet certainly doesn't appear to be asking anything useful.
// I can finally start writing code here
// Code inside of a method
Given that the there is no other text that could possibly be explaining what is going on other than the title, I'm leaning towards spam.
I translated this and I think it's rude: stackoverflow.com/a/62507290/5468463
@Vega not sure, it could be meant to be a "what have you tried" comment? I haven't flagged but did vote to delete...
Thank you. There were two words, that translator could not translate. They looked like an insult
Is this question reopen worthy? It seems maybe a bit broad to me but it's otherwise clearly defined and definitely not opinion based. It has 2 reopen votes already but I'm split on it.
@VLAZ personally I'm more in favour of delete (which it has 1 vote for as well) than reopen. "if they actually improved what it supports" Support for what? I think that's hopelessly broad
@VLAZ I'm with @Nick on that one, and voted accordingly.
That is acceptable. That's why I posted it here, since I didn't know what to do with it.
Incidentally, what happens if it gets another reopen vote? I just half-tested, and I get to the confirmation pop-up ... or is that just teasing me?
Do you want me to try?
Well, in the name of purely scientific research? But there could be consequences, you understand.
I'd rather find a deleted question with 0-1 reopen votes and see if another one would be recorded.
Probably safer! The only others in the 'top list' of recently deleted are both mod-nuked, so they won't work.
how do you get deleted posts in SEDE? I tried DeletionDate is not null but it doesn't return anything
I don't (yet) do SEDE. On my list of things to learn.
SELECT DISTINCT DeletionDate FROM Posts yields nothing. Well, one value which is empty. Perhaps deleted posts are not exposed in SEDE?
@VLAZ That's also a mighty big query :)
OK, found a question. I voted to reopen and the count went from zero to 1. So, the reopen vote is counted.
That's actually really weird. So, we could reopen a question without undeleting it. Possible bug report?
Also, There is a table called PostsWithDeleted. But it doesn't contain all deleted questions. Not sure what the deal is there - this is the most recent question in that table (sorted by CreationDate). Perhaps it has a delete vote against it?
It's otherwise open.
What do you mean by "otherwise open" - it's closed?
The DeletionDate makes sense if a question has been deleted, but is now undeleted.
Yes, sorry, I meant it's closed but otherwise not deleted.
And also not (yet) delible by <20Kers.
Yes, that could also be it.
@Scratte But the question I linked to which is deleted doesn't have a DeletionDate in SEDE. Although that's perhaps that might be updated more rarely - once a day or something.
@VLAZ use PostsWithDeleted as table but you won't get title and body, owneruserid as those are cleared.
@rene thank you :) Can you shed light on why the DeletionDate is null even though a post was deleted? I assume it's just not populated in realtime.
No, it is done on Sunday, 03:00 UTC but SO starts a bit later.
Is it weekly or just every 24 hours?
Ah, that explains things. I noticed a lot were missing the deletion date (from the most recent posts).
Thanks again. If only there was some way I could press a button in the UI to expess my appreciation. :P
@rene But, to the initial question, do you have an answer? That is, what happens if the Community "Votes to Reopen" a deleted post?
@AdrianMole then a record will show up in PostHistory, PostHistoryTypeId = 11
^ Sorry, that sound a bit like Yoda language.
PostHistoryTypeId = 11 is "Post Reopened"
Not so much on the SEDE front. Can the post be reopened yet still remain deleted? It would then look like the post was deleted but not closed - which is an impossible action (without moderator involvement).
And the delete will show as well. But you only have records in PostHistory for Posts that are NOT Deleted. Bit the posthistory is kept up to date while the post is deleted (that is why 10K-ers have a useful timeline on deleted posts) and once a post gets undeleted, all of the posthistory wil show up again.
@Vega Maybe it's not? The question is about Twitter embedding, this might be an attempt to show it off. But I really cannot say for sure.
We need one of our Beloved Lurkers around to approve/oversee/fix our experiment.
Let's shine the 💎 signal in the sky.
@VLAZ I have a SEDE status query here: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1239509/… that should tell if all databases are refreshed properly.
Anyone got a Super-Ping-Fake script?
@VLAZ I really hope you are joking
@Vega It's a question about embedding tweets and the answer contains markup that seems to be from a tweet. However, as I said, I can't tell if it's supposed to be answering the question or not.
@Vega If it's not spam, it's certainly NAA as there is nothing in it that actually resembles an answer to the question. Amazingly someone has actually upvoted it...
@Vega I agree it is spam
@rene Does your edit, re-doing the un-done earlier edit, not make it look less spammy, though? But I'm not going to start a rollback war with you! :-)
... matters not a jot, now!
Rules when it comes to armed conflict: 1. Don't start a land war in Asia. 2. Don't invade Russia in the winter. 3. Don't start a rollback war with rene.
@AdrianMole well, I looked at it and saw that an edit was overruled by the OP and on first sight that edit seemed to make it better but when I rolled back I was utterly disappointed. So given the spasm flag and the don't edit spam I decided to go back to 1st revision.
Need coffee
!!/coffee rene
@AdrianMole brews a cup of Mocha for @rene
"Spasm" flag made my day :)
I found the tag which is super broad and imprecise. I found there is a burnination request for it as well. Is there any way I can help the request other than upvoting it?
@Scratte glad I made that typo then ;)
@AdrianMole But I didn't downvote it! :D I even have proof ;)
@Scratte I know you didn't (the downvote came just after I posted it). I just used you as a stooge for my attempt at humour.
Oh.. fine then. I don't mind :)
But that cv-pls I just put in is a classic case of a Category 6. The answerer has a C++ gold-tag and must know it's a dupe.
@AdrianMole But it's not going away. And I suppose my opinion is that if it's good then what's the point of making the post look like it's bad?
Nothing wrong with folks asking duplicate questions (especially newcomers); I don't even think that should ever count against them in terms of Q-bans. Answering dupes is the problem.
@AdrianMole I was referring to the Answer :)
@AdrianMole agree. Even 500K+ users do that
It drives me nuts
... a brief comment outlining the issue, plus a link to the duplicate is what should be done. Even an upvote for the question, if it's nicely presented.
@oguzismail Those folks probably have most of their 500K from answering dupes: they're easy to answer! ;)
!! A mod may want to check these two posts: one and two seems like the exact same question posted by 2 separate accounts...Something strange about it.
@Scratte I'm forbidden from even advising you what to do about that answer.
@bad_coder I think it's better you mod-flag them as per socvr.org/faq#GEfM-no-mod-ping
@AdrianMole yes. the reputation gain should be removed when a question is closed as a duplicate. Or answers to duplicate questions should be eligible for delete votes regardless of their score
But if enough people follow the advice that I don't give them, then maybe we'll see less duplicates being answered?
@AdrianMole It's not my tag anyway. Think of it as a hypothetical situation. I don't care for the reputation of the poster. I just look at the post and if I find it's a good post even on a bad or duplicate Question, then I can't make myself to downvote it.
@Vega just remembered about that...My bad, had the chat open and didn't think twice...
I know. It's a dilemma I have faced on many occasions. But, as my experience here lengthens and I see more and more and more and more ...
@bad_coder np :)
@AdrianMole That's probably just because you build up a lower tolerance. Which is on you, not the post :)
I also think that reputation should be awarded to the OP if they "Accept" the duplicate proposal (+2). And then disable the actual "Accept" button on any answers already there.
That's even a better idea
@AdrianMole That should be feature-request, but I see a lot of room for abuse.
Though of course they just keep their +2 in that scenario.
I'll think about composing a Meta post about it. Or maybe just an answer to the big one already there.
How did that question get 2 upvotes? It's a prime example of why I think downvotes should have the same penalty as the reward from upvotes. OP has +16 rep from what is in no way a good question.
@Nick :(
Interesting suggestion: stackoverflow.com/a/62509843/5468463
@Nick I didn't want to bring it up to not weight up in my cv-pls, but it was definitely questionable
@Vega after following that suggestion you might say OPs name a few times!
@Nick @Vega heck, I didn't even notice that! :D
@Nick :D
I think perhaps it's easier to keep sane if one doesn't focus too much on how users got their reputation the "wrong" way. Except to bust fraud.
But we are all jealous of them and trying to understand how to have the same ;)
Your are completely right, and most of the time we don't bring that here
That is one of those things that we just have to deal with ;) There's also the fact that if one had posted the same good post 10 years ago, it would probably have an insane amount of votes compared to it posted 2 months ago. But the post is the same, so the quality of the post is the same.
It got in laps of <15min
@Scratte hopefully in 10 years the post made 2 months ago will have the same number of votes as the other does now...
@Scratte Sorry, I hope we are talking about the same post. I was about a post that had 2 upvotes in less than 15min and was clearly unclear
@Scratte "keep sane" that ship has sailed...
@Nick I think that is unfortunately very unlikely. Since the amount of posts is far greater now, so it's exposure will probably be much less in the next 10 years, than it would have had in the previous 10 years.
@Scratte if we keep up the good work there'll be hardly any posts left in 10 years! :)
@Vega Yes, I noticed. I have noticed those things before, but I don't really have a lot of feelings about it. I see far more with no votes or all downs. It's kind of like a fluke. I also find the 7-word post that got 900+ upvotes sort of amusing. I could go insane out of jealously or in an attempt to construct another 7-word post, but I think it'll just make be bitter and grumpy and unfit to socialize :)
@Scratte Ha - done! I even included a poem.
@AdrianMole There's nothing wrong with presenting it on Yaakov's competition, even if it doesn't qualify :)
@Scratte I have seen a lot too ( who doesn't, haha ). At first I say: hmmm...., then: oh, well. I believe I almost never down voted if it is not for the actual quality
@Scratte Whenever I try to post a comprehensive answer it barely gets any upvotes. My most upvoted answer has a score larger than the next 10 highest scored posts of mine. And it's something and banged within about 5 minutes. I remember I checked very quickly for dupes, didn't a good one (at the time) and just wrote that.
What this tells me is people prefer brevity.
@VLAZ It's the same for Questions :) I think it's just that longer posts requires more commitment.
Does anyone understand this edit? Looks to me like someone edited it and ask a different question. Maybe someone with two account providing more feedback to the question?
@bradbury9 I think it's an edit from the same person who mistakenly made a second account.
So much content different, I voted for rejection. But the username made me doubt
@bradbury9 There is an answer with the same content, now deleted
because it could be same person with two accounts
Yeah. Username and join dates are two days apart. Happens often enough - a new user makes an account then makes another by accident. Either they forget the password and just sign up again or log in using a different method or something.
Thanks for the clarification
Can I rollback my vote?
I'm saying it's possible and I think fairly likely based on the language in the edit and the removed post. However, I'm not 100% sure. At any rate, it's too late - the edit was rejected.
@bradbury9 no. I left a clarification comment on the question and hope the OP will simply edit it using their main account
plop @Kyll
@BhargavRao Thanks =D
Plop humans and Adriaan
@Kyll you had a birthday? You became what, four years old?
@Adriaan Yeah, getting old fast
Not sure you should be in this room, then. Are you even allowed to vote :P
Anyway, congratulations on age++
Any idea how listen for downvotes on a page? Is it enough to attach a click handler to the downvote button (I'll need to check its state afterwards) or is there something better?
@Adriaan doesn't matter, they've died with the answer.
If someone earns enough reputation to comment everywhere, then spams on someone else's post, that would be notable enough to warrant a mod action.
IMHO it depends on the volume of cases.
Low amount of spammers: Sure thing, warn mods
High amount of spammers: Do not warn mods, because in fact "comment evywhere" privilege should be reviewed
Obviously I got no analytics to give informed opinion, I am just a regular guy
I don't have any Rancher experience - does anyone think this is answerable after the OP's edit? stackoverflow.com/posts/62386483/revisions
Happy birthday @Kyll ... I always think it's a squirrel with a paintbrush :=)
@bradbury9 or rather: high amount of spammers -> alert mods and post on MSE
@Dharman do you know why meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/398537/… is locked?
oh, it's just a comment lock
14 days seems a bit much though
Too many comments. People started arguing whether the premise of the questions was valid or not
wish we could still vote on comments under a lock
That one I read, but I hadn't realized by then that it's just a comment lock. Plus 2 weeks is still a lot.
beats the month the thanks "feature" announcement got slapped with
If downvotes on low rep users like me would penalize a bit lower, I would use them more
@Dharman I'm OK with locking for too many comments. In fact, it might be good if there was an automatic lock functionality on getting too many comments. If there are 60+ comments received relatively short after posting, then either the question should be closed or people should be answering. Long discussions in comments are unscalable.
@Zoe but there I know why
comments under a company announcement with -600 score are pointless
So far it looks like there are very opposing views in regards to downvoting.
community posts with community support have a much higher tendency to accumulate useful comments
@Dharman I suspect there's consensus regarding the problem, just not regarding the solution
Do you think it would be a good idea to make a community answer with to;dr and accept it as a summary?
I'd much prefer -10 rep for getting a downvote to -0 rep for casting a downvote, for exactly revenge voting which is a larger problem than most people probably think.
@Dharman I don't think so, that's what the answers are for.
-10 rep for a downvote would mean that someone with +2/-3 would probably delete their answer
Not that it would ever happen. At best the company will add a new reaction to posts: sad smiley face :(
@AndrasDeak It would also mean people knew about higher penalty and would stop downvoting at -1
it means "your answer is dangerously wrong and/or completely off the mark"
@Dharman meh
my experience is that people vote on content, not on rep
if people "price" a given answer at -5 they'd probably do the same thing with different rep rules
We need some sort of "super downvote". Not sure how to call it but there are popular answers with dozens, sometimes hundreds of upvotes and the answer are wrong. A single downvote or even ten will not even move the post from the top place in an answer. There was a suggestion for a "negative" bounty that might be a start for such a feature.
@VLAZ way too easy to abuse. The only way out from that would be to have "domain expert moderators" who can estimate technical problems in a given field.
exception handlers as mods, but for technically wrong things
they'd have to be curated very carefully to make sure they only remove what's truly bad or harmful and leave most things (and opinionated things) alone
@AndrasDeak Samuel is quite active in locking meta posts from being commented on
@Adriaan that's not an answer to "why"...
@AndrasDeak hence why I said it's a start. I also don't know how to make it non-abusable but historic inertia is too strong for some wrong answers. That's a problem in my view
"because Samuel does that" is the worst reason :P
@VLAZ the company has been claiming for a long time that they are working on the problem of obsoletion (which is the more common variant of this problem)
An Oracle expert friend of mine asked me to edit a typo in an answer he gave and comment on a wrong answer to the same question. I did it told him "you owe me some rep!" after downvoting the wrong anwser.

My point is: There may be some users that value too much the rep, maybe because they are not very active and dislike the rep loss of downvoting. I would not suggest setting it to 0, mut somehow mitigate its impact on low rep accounts
of course a few things have happened since :P
@bradbury9 low-rep accounts are especially dangerous from a revenge voting aspect
if you have that few rep: go make 3 good edit suggestions and forget about the -1 rep
anyone above 1k rep who worries about -1 has other problems, and reducing the rep cost of casting a downvote won't change that
@AndrasDeak It's not even obsolition what I'm talking about. It's answers that were wrong even at the time of posting them but people who (presumably) didn't understand the implications just upvoted them. Have a look at some of the highest voted regex answers. Especially when it comes to email validation. Some are dangerously wrong.
@VLAZ yes, that happens, but I'm pretty sure that most upvoted-but-bad answers are merely obsolete, not flat-out wrong from the start
the amount of answers that have gained traction despite being blatantly wrong probalby have zero measure in the grand scheme of things
(And honestly whoever is looking at has it coming)
the RFC email regex is a few thousand characters long I think, so anything in that regard will probably be wrong on SO
@AndrasDeak You are right, but if downvote privilege is at 125, losing some rep could make them not to cast downvotes
just like how half the + laguage tag posts have injection vulnerabilities, this is another issue I think
@AndrasDeak I disagree. A lot of those answers are the go-to copy/paste for clueless developers. I have no doubt that one of those snippets has denied me the ability to sign up at least once.
@bradbury9 yes, but we're not missing the downvotes from the 125-rep users. If only the users above 2k started to downvote regularly we'd see a different picture
Is not the same 1k or 2k rep vs. 125 rep
@VLAZ I mean zero measure on SO. There's no protection against idiots writing code.
anyway, this is getting really off-topic here, apologies
So the problem is on the 1k+ rep not casting downvotes right?
@AndrasDeak but aren't we a repository of supposedly canonical answers? Why keep literally wrong answers for reference and mark them as good?
@bradbury9 I know you posted it as an example, but I believe this breaks the rules of this room. You are telling other people how to vote, which we are not allowed to do. Even if the answer deserves downvotes and you are not asking people to cast any this message might still send mixed signals.
That ^
Sorry, you are indeed right
ty rene
@VLAZ Doesn't compute. Can't find the meaning in the canonical..
@Dharman you beat me by a few seconds on this :)
@VLAZ On main, sure. On Meta, that would kinda defeat the purpose
@Machavity I'm not sure main really gets as much comments as meta in a short amount of time.
But yes, I was picturing meta there.
Meta has much looser rules for comments, and necessarily so. In some cases, long comment chains are necessary
@VLAZ In the past 30days the most commented post is this stackoverflow.com/questions/62144477/… but I am sure there were longer chains it's just that mods delete them if they get over certain number
Why can I protect closed questions?
Protection is supposed to stop answers. If it is closed, there is no need to protect
@NathanOliver Liar, it is afternoon:-P
@Dharman Closed questions can be fixed, things that cause that protection should be applied can not.
@VLAZ "Especially when it comes to email validation" The only way to validate an email is to send one.
I don't get why developers don't understand that.
@Braiam No idea, either. They want to make sure the email address is really real, and you aren't trying to lie to them or anything. And then the validation doesn't allow +, for example.
Which is a really real part of email addresses.
No wait, that was before there was input type email developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/email
@Machavity The script covers those?
Yep. That and [tag:spam]
Cleanup I mean
Is this focused enough for SO?
@E_net4likesdownvotes It is seriously overformatted, but I think I would leave it be. Effort counts for a lot, IMO.
And the size of that answer...
@E_net4likesdownvotes Urgh
That's nearly a reason to close...
Interesting take on "Mostly" ?
@JonClements Seems to be counting the unique characters from the string "Post contains 11 marks of '.;()' out of 26 characters"
Someone either escaped from a meeting or is bored in a meeting ....
well, we know that gunr covers the later part :p
@SmokeDetector That is a copy of another answer from 6 years earlier.
Sorry Smokey, I didn't mean to address you directly.
@Scratte What answer? I'm not keen on "Me too" answers but nobody gives that code snippet
@Machavity The one right above it. It just didn't use the upper part of what to replace. Sorry.. "right above it is relative.."
I still don't see it but I'm not a Java guy
This part SimpleDateFormat dt1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd"); is the solution :) It's even part of the solution in a third answer. I mean it's not copy'n'paste, it's sort of selective copy'n'paste
@VLAZ It depends on what you're actually wanting to listen for. Are you wanting to know about any downvotes that occur, or just ones made by the person currently viewing the page in the browser in which your JavaScript code is running?
@Makyen Any downvotes from the current page. As in, I want to react with something when the current user downvotes.
@VLAZ Then, yes, you can listen for click events on the downvote buttons.
@Makyen Oh, OK. I thought there was something more sophisticated and could listen for downvotes directly. Seems I was overthinking it.
@VLAZ If you want to, you can listen for the AJAX call which the page uses to transmit the vote to the backend, or even intercept that AJAX call. It really depends on what you're wanting to do with the information that the user has indicated they want to downvote.
@Makyen I was hoping to filter out (or differentiate) un-downvotes. But I guess I could just look at the state of the button.
Could a 10ker who can see it tell me if I got this NAA wrong? I can't remember, or see, what it said but I'm confused as the post has been deleted because of moderation, but my NAA was declined.
@DavidBuck Deleted with the Q, but it's not NAA, just not terribly descriptive either
@DavidBuck here you go. The whole question was deleted.
@DavidBuck the question was deleted by a mod, which deleted the answer
@VLAZ You could do that either by checking the state of the button, or by watching for the AJAX call which indicates a downvote, as opposed to the one which indicates an un-vote (removing an upvote and removing a downvote use the same route). Most people are more comfortable listening to click events.
I see. Thanks for the information.
Thanks all. Fair enough, my mistake.
@DavidBuck that new answer is spam as well
@TylerH Is it? I flagged it NAA as a link only answer. There is attribution of the link.
Cesar has replied to the deletion. meta.stackoverflow.com/a/398637/1839439
@Dharman Ah, I missed the "my story"
re-flagged as NAA. Still, not a particularly useful response
"build your own app" kewl thx
@TylerH What do you mean "my story"?
@Dharman the OP's attribution
that's the phrase that counts as attribution for the link, if anything would
Now, I am even more confused
I replied to the wrong message, that's why X-D
cc @DavidBuck
Is this question on topic in your opinion?
@Vega it is on-topic.
whether it needs focus needs to be seen
@rene Thank you !
Heh - rene isn't so good on issues of focus.
@AdrianMole cv-pls No focus stackoverflow.com/users/578411/rene :P
@Vega But please do something about the "Dear experts" bit.
@VLAZ I think a del-pls, or even a mod-flag?
@AdrianMole Haha, done?
@AdrianMole don't be so mean to the flower... that's my job :)
Sorry. It's a bad habit I picked up in an especially dodgy chat-room.
I see what you did there @jps :p
@AdrianMole Deer Experts ... done
In Scotland, we have Deer Excerpts. The relevant noun is "Haggis."
Yes! Let's have that
I think I'll create a programming language called Haggis. Made from a hotch-potch of all the worst bits of many others.
you can only design and write it while seriously wobbly on scotch though :)
And I shall follow in Mr Skeet's footsteps by publishing a minimalistic example program. Maybe I'll even get 400+ upvotes. :-)
@AdrianMole About the dispute/declined on mixed response in the close vote queue. An almost tie will make a flag declined, not disputed, as per Declined flag after edit needs to be fixed for ever
@AdrianMole I'm not sure I have the stomach for that...
@AdrianMole You know it was deleted, right? :)
@Scratte Yes, but it was 'open' long enough (> 60 days) for the reputation he gleaned to be retained.
@AdrianMole I thought you were doing this for future readers ;)
@Scratte Never! I don't give a deep-fried cornflake for future readers. I just want lots and lots of lovely Rhinoceros points.
That reminds me.. I haven't gone through all my answers to count my Thanks™ today.
@Scratte count your blessings :D
From Stack Overflow Jobs. "You may be interested in these jobs: プログラミングインターン質問対応スタッフヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート (ソフトウェア会社でのお仕事です ) PHP"
Where do I sign up? :=)
@Dharman FWIW, you can use unclear instead of a custom close reason for non-English posts.
I know, thanks. I feel like we are all telling this to each other in this room.
@halfer I recall we have had spam on Jobs as well. Are you sure that one is legit?
If a gold badge would allow you to use the hammer to close question as other than dupilcate, I would try to get the badge on as many OS tags I could.
@Braiam be quite a challenge what with a good chunk of those probably ending up closed/deleted or roomba'd :)
It would be nice if they at least extended the hammer to the lacks mre close reason. If we trust SME's to know it is a dupe, we should also trust that they know there is not enough information to give an answer.
Don't get greedy - they changed from 5 votes to 3 - give it a decade or so :p
...on Neptune maybe?
@rene I've no idea, how's your Japanese? :-) It says "PHP" in it, so I guess it could be OK.
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