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The UTC day rolled over again before I got to use up all my votes.
I should ask on Meta to make the day longer than 24 hours
@Dharman Settle on Mars. You'll get another 39 min every day.
I just found a user answering multiple questions with the exact same answer. I can't remember if I should flag it or just ask the user to stop.
@Scratte You should flag it. Let moderators moderate.
@Scratte I think there's automatic flag for that, but it often goes unnoticed. You can mod-flag or simply NAA+comment.
@CodyGray Ok. I flag one of the answers and link to the others in that one flag?
There's an automatic flag, yes, but it's trivial to work around it with a minor change. Flagging one of the answers is sufficient, yes. Include links to the others in the flag message.
@CodyGray Just to be clear. You're talking about a custom flag, right?
Yes, definitely a custom flag. Don't abuse NAA or VLQ for this. It isn't obvious what the problem is. Such flags on answers are evaluated in isolation. You want this flag evaluated with reference to other duplicate answers.
@CodyGray Done.
@Dharman Do you normally just ask them to improve their answers? Or?
@Scratte No, I meant point out in the comments that this is a duplicate answer and ideally link to the original. Custom mod-flag is generally better.
@Dharman Oh. Then the user can read the comment in their own time?
@Scratte The comment is more for the reviewers. If you only flag as NAA then people might miss that it's a duplicate.
@Dharman Ok. I just put the entire message in the custom flag. As short as I could :) No emoticons :D
Perfect. Now, just wait 6-8 weeks for your custom flag to be handled.
@CodyGray Is there some kind of SLA?
@CodyGray My other ones were 2 weeks. I'm not fussed. At least the longer it takes, the less likely I am to get flag banned when it's declined ;)
I think this user is very confused. I almost want to edit their answer into the question.
Yeah, I figure that if we close the question at least that'll force them to edit rather than adding more answers.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica What's a SLA? Sloth Liberation Army? Yeah, that probably exists.
@CodyGray Service-Level Agreement - basically, it's a part of a contract with a vendor that specifies stuff about the minimum quality of their service (e.g. how quickly they'll ship parts, what kind of uptime they'll have, how quickly bugs will be fixed, etc.)
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Are you asking if you, as a regular user, have one of those with Stack Exchange regarding moderator flag turnaround time? Haha. Absolutely not.
There's a pretty strong, albeit implicit, guarantee that an actual human will look at your moderator flags at some point. But satisfaction is not guaranteed, nor any particular timeframe.
To apply for a refund, see stackoverflow.com/contact
@U10-Forward Yup.
@CodyGray Oof if you deleted few seconds later i could maybe flag it and get one more flag :P lol
@U10-Forward I optimized out one layer of indirection.
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
Thanks for it .Could you please answer it . — Arbu 3 mins ago
(the answer would/should be no)
1 hour later…
Two spams from the same company, only seconds apart. New storm brewing?
I see users are forgetful when posting SQL questions as to their DBMS. Does anyone know if tagging a Question with ansi-sql would calm the comment section?
I know everyone who's looked at H&I knows it's a dumpster fire, but has the idea of a 'Terrible Review' flag ever been mooted? Or a "Please select in which way you think editing will actually improve this question?" box after Triage? I'm genuinely baffled how anyone, however inexperienced, things half of the questions in H&I shouldn't just be flagged for closure. stackoverflow.com/review/triage/25516658 and stackoverflow.com/review/triage/25517682 for example.
Added more review ban stats, update for 4th March-

Currently, there are 1215 banned reviewers, out of which:
- 1078 (88.7%) users are banned for Triage reviews in one way or another
- 906 (74.6%) users are banned for selecting "Requires Editing" in Triage when the question was unsalvagable
- 113 (9.3%) users are automatically banned for failing multiple review audits
- 300 (24.7%) users are banned for the first time
- 342 (28.1%) users have at least five review bans
- 84 (6.9%) users have a duration of at least 100 days, of which 18 users are perma-banned
@SamuelLiew hm, reads like you need permanent reviewers of triage's review, and automatically perma-ban everyone with 5 or more review bans.
@DavidBuck perhaps I can set up a room where approved users can report bad Triage reviews throughout the day, and then I can process them in batches?
@Adriaan I already brought this up to a CM, and was handed off to a dev to investigate further
@SamuelLiew Perhaps so. It would be a busy room!
wow, there was a revamp to the queue?
ahh, no wait it's just Sam's script
@Scratte No. Vote as unclear.
@Dharman Ok. I would have thought there was a tag to match some sort of ansi SQL. Most DBMS accept queries that comply with it. However flagging unclear would probably have to be done to 50% of the questions then, which I find to be slightly unreasonable, given my first sentence.
@Scratte The only unreasonable thing about it is you have only 50 CV per day.
@Dharman Well.. I don't even have one ;)
OP should give all the details to reproduce the issue. If the question is rdbms-agnostic then you can stick with only sql tag, but most of the time you need to know which SQL flavour is used.
@Dharman Ok. Using both Oracle and ansi-sql could also be compliant with Quesion-quality, I assume.
@Scratte Oracle is a type of RDBMS, so it can stand even on its own
@Dharman I'm aware of that. I'm just trying to isolate the solution. a sql tag with explicit mentioning of rdbms-neutral / rdbms-agnostic. Or tagging both a rdbms and using the ansi-sql tag, whereby any answer could easily to used/modified on multiple databases.
I believe Oracle has a lot of stuff that exceeds standard sql.
What do you think of this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/60472981/… ?
Please close the page, people are posting answers to this unanswerable question.
@mickmackusa please don't bump; this is already implied when you post a cv-pls
Roger that @trip
@DavidBuck Okay, report links to bad reviews in my new room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/208985/bad-stack-overflow-reviews
@SamuelLiew Fast work, thanks. I'll try to keep you busy...
@mickmackusa It's already on track to caught by roomba.
@SamuelLiew Can we add our own Close Vote to qualify for your new room, then immediately post it in there?
... 'cos I have one already, if that's the case! :)
@SamuelLiew As a mere 2000 repper, is there any easy way I can see if an H&I post has at least one Close Vote? The only way I know is to raise a cv-pls and the script will show me.
@AdrianMole yes, I encourage you to do so
Cheers! I think I just lost the one I was thinking of ... oof!
@DavidBuck middle-click the question to open in a new tab and check?
@SamuelLiew he can't; you need 3k rep to see close votes. That's his problem.
that's too bad then, get 3k rep first or just add your own CV
First (in the new room >.>)
@SamuelLiew I guess it'll have to wait as I can't CV either. At least it prompts me that I should spend more time answering questions than reviewing.
@yivi but if the OP accepts then the roomba won't work, right?
@mickmackusa and if that happens, one can raise a del-pls in a couple of days. Right now the question is closed and can be edited into shape by the question author.
@mickmackusa deleting a question because it gets answers is pretty wicked, all things counted. We all agree that low-quality stuff needs to be closed but we really do want to give people a chance to fix their attempt after it's closed unless it's particularly egregious (spam, hate speech, etc)
@tripleee Well, delboy seems to be resisting the downvotes and holding out for the green tick. I am more disappointed by the answerer who knows he is chasing rep rather than helping SO to curate good content. I assume the OP doesn't know better and this is forgivable.
Do you think this question is too broad and should be closed? How can I determine whether a 2D Point is within a Polygon?
I'm fine with it
@Georgy I think it's a useful question even if it might be too broad, I see no benefit in closing it either way
@Nick Should I then close questions like this as a duplicate of that one?
@Georgy Well that's a debugging question rather than a question recommending an algorithm, so no ^^". Despite that, I'd sooner recommend that focus is put more on recent and bad questions rather than inactive questions (the only activity on that post in the last 3 years that I can see was your edit earlier today)
@Nick I'm really confused about what to do with such questions. For example, today somebody posted an answer to this related question: Deciding if a Point is Inside a Polygon. By seeing only the title I'd say that it is a duplicate of that broad question I've asked about initially. But when I look at the body, I see a "debug my code" request. And I really don't know what to do...
...Should I edit the title to something less broad like "My function for point-in-polygon check fails for some cases"? Or, maybe, I should vote to close it as off-topic since the OP failed to locate the minimal piece of code which doesn't work as expected? Or, maybe, I should edit the question and remove the code from it, since all the people that visit that page just want to find a short code snippet to copy and paste, and don't care about the OP's attempt.
@Georgy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I'm not the person to ask, I mostly review edits
@jps eh, I could read it as a howto question
@JohnDvorak open to interpretation, but then it would be too broad ;-)
Because it's composed of two actions?
Is this spam, VLQ, in need of a close-vote or something else? stackoverflow.com/q/60529278/10871073
@AdrianMole Voted to close. It could be a spam seed, but hard to say, since it's just a list of possible stuff
@JohnDvorak I'm still considering ot OT, too broad on the base of asking how to without showing any effort on a simple problem.
So what would a VLQ flag on a question like that?
@AdrianMole VLQ is just another close flag at that point
OK - I gave VLQ a try (feeling brave, today, and I haven't had a decline flag for a while).
@AdrianMole I CV'ed as opinion based ("what is the best...")
@PetterFriberg did you see? Björklöven won the regular season in the Allsvenskan! That'd be something, if they manage to also win the final: a possible return to the elitserien! (I fully support that, less travel for Luleå)
@SamuelLiew It wouldn't be that hard to have a userscript which identified all completed Triage reviews with "Requires Editing" and/or "Looks OK" individual responses where the question was closed within N days. Extending that to identify only users who have given those responses on more than one review wouldn't be that much additional work. You could even exclude those questions/reviews where the question was closed as a duplicate and the first CV was after the Triage review was complete.
Excluding dup-closed because it's not necessarily reasonable to expect users in Triage to identify esoteric duplicates, unless there's already some indication that at least one other person thinks the question is a dup.
@TylerH Did you get your tech?
@AdrianMole IMO, a VLQ flag on a question is mostly a cop-out. By raising a VLQ flag you're putting the question in Triage, where at least three other users must deal with it and identify it as "Unsalvageable", "Requires Editing", or "Looks OK". For the "Unsalvageable" questions, just casting a CV or raising a close-flag will get it into the CV queue instead. For "Requires Editing", you could just edit it yourself, unless you don't feel you have the ability to do so.
So, a VLQ flag on a question is requiring at least 4 other people (3 in Triage and 1 in H&I) to deal with the question (assuming it's not "Looks OK"; presumably, you wouldn't flag the question if you thought it was "Looks OK").
I guess it might be reasonable, if you felt that it needed editing, but that you just didn't have the time to do it right then.
@Makyen OK, thanks for the explanation. I'll avoid the VLQ on Qs in future. As it happens, that one has been 'handled' and marked as helpful.
@AdrianMole OK. np. Unfortunately, it's not something that's made clear, other than by looking at the interactions between the flags and review queues.
As to the flag being helpful: If the question is bad, then the flag is likely to be marked as helpful. That would be the case for any question which obviously should be closed, deleted, or edited. If the goal is to rack up helpful flags, then it would be possible to just VLQ flag a bunch of questions in the CV queue, or almost all the questions that have a cv-pls posted in this room. However, it wouldn't do anything that's actually beneficial to the site, and would expend other people's time.
@Scratte Hm?
I'm missing a close reason "OT/SO is not a codewriting service" : stackoverflow.com/questions/60530575/…
@Makyen My over-riding 'goal' is always to be as helpful as possible (though I don't always get things right). But I read on Meta somewhere (a post by gnat, IIRC) 'sort of encouraging' more use of VLQ on questions. I'll see if I can dig it up later (must dash, now).
@TylerH Since you kept your head on Monday, you may have lost your tech on the way.
I dunno what tech you're talking about
@AdrianMole I didn't mean to imply you were intentionally being less than helpful. I was merely trying to communicate what happens with that flag. Re-reading what I wrote, I see that I went on too far with exploring a hypothetical situation and at least implied that you might be intentionally going there. I'm sorry about that. I sometimes explore hypotheticals a bit too thoroughly (and should edit such out). It wasn't my intent to imply that you were doing so, just that it was possible.
@TylerH Never mind. I may be going senile..
@Makyen Your comments did not offend me in the least! Although I do sometimes go into "rack up helpful flags" mode, I do so on NAA targets from Natty, rather than in the CV queue or on requests made here.
Is triage invalidated once question is closed?
@Dharman Yes. it takes a few mins for it to reflect, however
Unless you were also Unsalvagable #3
How long does it take? Is there a fixed amount of time I need to wait
I am trying to scrape it.
Took a couple of mins this morning after I hammered a question
Sorry I can't be more specific there. Was looking for bad reviews
Why are reviews so difficult to scrape... Sigh
@Machavity Presumably 3 x Unsalvagable at Triage just puts it into the close queue which then might not get processed at all as the queue is so long? That would explain something like stackoverflow.com/posts/60429798/timeline
You can try it for yourself. 1. Open Triage 2. Unsalvagable > Close (final CV but not final review) 3. Hit the back button. You'll note it still tells you it needs more reviewers for a few minutes
Eventually it becomes this
(Or it'll become no longer reviewable but not closed, if it gets edited outside of queue)
@Dharman The last I checked, the job that put things into and out of the CV queue ran every 5 minutes on SO (less often on other sites; up to 15 minutes or 1/2 hour, IIRC). I don't recall regarding the other queues. So, waiting ~6 or 7 minutes would probably work.
I am trying to come with some design for a bot. I can easily write a scraper for timeline and triage, but I am lost in the time
@DavidBuck Yes, unfortunately, that's not an atypical outcome. However, the timeline you linked is for a question that probably entered the CV queue, but has not yet exited. Non-moderators can't see that something is actively in a review queue based on the timeline. An entry in the timeline is only visible once the post exits the review queue. That question, given that it has < 100 views, will be in the CV queue for at least 14 days, if it's not closed sooner.
And assuming someone doesn't give an "Edit" review action.
@Makyen would you bin this? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/41570?m=48748667 OP edited
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
How many messages did we just move?
@rene Two.
1 message + 1 message = CC 4.0. I think that's how it works anwyays
You speak to my lawyer ...
@M-- No, it's asking explicitly about the spec
@M-- Could stand an edit to the title to replace the word "good" with something less...squishy. But I agree with @Nick that it's not primarily opinion-based and doesn't need to be closed on that basis.
Did MS not catch those spam posts, @Machavity?
Links that contain "free movies" should be easy pickins... :-)
@CodyGray It did, but they were low score (new domains caught for other bad keywords). When it's blatant I repost in here
Get your spinach off my waffles!
it's good for you
Here's a MS report. Caught for keywords, but they may not always be spam. Anything moved to the hard blacklist has to be spam like 97.5% of the time
I guess my question was, why the MS report didn't appear in here. Presumably that's because it was below the score threshold for appearing here. But...https://myiptvchannel.com/xmovies8-watch-free-movies/ shouldn't be below the spam score threshold for appearing in here.
@CodyGray Would be a question for Charcoal. I only know the general rules behind the blacklist process
@CodyGray SD/MS has several detections reasons which are considered "experimental". That includes the watchlist. At the moment, the setting to enable "experimental" reasons for being reported into a chat room is all-or-nothing (i.e. if enabled, the room gets everything that's reported for only experimental reasons on all SE sites). It's on the list of things to do to make that setting affect only experimental detections which are for posts on sites which the room would otherwise get.
Had the strike not been postponed, then it would have been a high priority, as it's functionality which would have been needed for the strike.
That URL needs to be explicitly watchlisted in order to be caught?
(I still really struggle with the terminology surrounding this. I'm not sure why, but I still never understand the explanations.)
Or at least protect it
@Makyen I just got news: The strike is on in 6 to 8. So get it done ;)
@rene :)
Thanks for getting your priorities right ;)
@CodyGray To always detect a specific domain, yes, it needs to be individually added to first the watchlist, and moved to the website blacklist once it's demonstrated that it's consistently used in spam. That post was detected due to a watchlist entry which detects wording which looks like it's for a "watch TV/video/movies" site along with a detection which looks for the NS configuration of IP addresses being set up in a way that tends to be associated with spam domains.
Both of those detections are considered "experimental" reasons.
@Das_Geek Protection is automatic when enough answers are nuked as spam/abusive. There's almost never a need to manually protect anymore.
OMG Discord is creating discord!
Looks like they've added rate-limiting to account destruction. Just hit that multiple times...
"You may only destroy a user once every 5 seconds. Have a nice day!"
Is 3 out of 3 answer with links to own libraries overly self-promoting?
Do they disclose that it is their own library, and are the libraries in your judgment relevant to the question?
Yes, they do. No clue :) But I'm assuming so, as one of them is voted up
@Scratte If those conditions are met, it's a judgment call. I agree it's a troubling pattern, but I wouldn't delete the answers. Maybe worth reaching out to the user just to make our expectations clearer.
@CodyGray Thank you :) I will then. Now it's even only 2 out of 2 as they seem to have deleted the down voted answer.
Philosophical question: if I find a badly spelled and sloppy question but I repair it so it is readable, on-topic and focussed, should I upvote it? It is now answerable, and arguably deserves an audience, but I am not sure I want to reward the OP for its initial state...
@halfer If you had found the question in the improved state to begin with, would you up vote it? If yes then yes.
@Scratte Ah... Oops. When I said "reaching out", I was thinking of a moderator doing it. Not a regular user.
@halfer What would be the alternative? Create a sockpuppet account to upvote one of your own answers as a "thank you"? ;-)
@NathanOliver Heh, if I found that it was provided in that state, I would upvote it, but if I found that it needed to be repaired, I probably would not
@CodyGray Ooh, good idea...
halfer to Meta community: my voting sockpuppet has been authorised by a mod!
@halfer Not sure I like that but it's your up vote. Personally if the Q is good, and is useful, I up vote. Doesn't matter to me what state it was in to begin with.
I have to agree with Nathan. I've had the same reservations as halfer before, but that kind of thinking just doesn't scale. What if someone else had updated it before you saw it? Would you have to look at the revision history to see how to vote?
@NathanOliver I am open to ideas - and maybe I need to be fairer to OPs. Perhaps as an editor I am unreasonably frustrated with people's writing/formatting standards.
Also, remember the fundamental rule that votes are on content, not on users. So it doesn't matter who edited the post into shape. What matters is that the content itself is now interesting, useful, relevant, etc.
If there's a user problem (e.g., someone repeatedly posts trash that others have to clean up, with no evidence of trying to improve), then that's something for moderators to deal with, not up/downvotes.
@CodyGray Oops. I just left a comment on their post :(
@Scratte No big issue. But sometimes it's best to let a moderator do things like that. It increases the impact (because it looks official), and it saves you from any possible backlash.
@halfer Some people just have a hard time communicating. Some (a lot of) people aren't great with English. So the initial state of the Q isn't a biggie for me. As long as they are willing to help get the Q into good shape (or maybe they aren't needed because it just needs some copy editing) then I don't see a reason to withhold an up vote. I want to signal that the Q is good now, not that it was good when it was first posted.
@NathanOliver I think I am persuaded; thanks to you and Cody. I shall give that voting policy a go.
I have a hypothetical question about the dreaded meta-effect.
Hey y'all. :)
Hey Catija
@Scratte It works better if you just ask the question directly, rather than giving an ominous warning :-)
Assuming I posted an unpopular post on meta and one of my non-meta posts, that had otherwise been sitting action free for a long time, suddenly got down voted. I'm assuming this is the meta-effect. Am I right in assuming that there's noway to deal with this? It could be a Question with +23 votes on day one and +23/-74 votes 10 hours after the post on meta, but no user down voted any of my posts more than once.
@CodyGray Sorry, I'm a slow writer.. and reader.. and thinker. But I hide fast :)
So... do y'all have any MSE/MSO posts (FRs) that you like that relate to filtering in the queues?
@Scratte Don't start your Meta question with I am new here and I am a junior programmer from Outer Elbonia and I have searched the whole of Googley Eyes before asking this question and I know some of you meanies are going to downvote me anyway but here goes...
@Scratte The Meta effect is when you attract attention to one of your posts on the main site by referring to it on Meta. The attention can be positive or negative. What you’re describing sounds like a revenge downvote. Not much that can be done about a single one. If there’s a pattern, a script will auto reverse them.
I'm aware of the need not to target users, but a single user seems to be actively serially posting link only answers that are showing up in the LA queue. Do I just flag them all as LQ as they pop up?
@CodyGray Right. But that's when the same user votes on multiple posts by another user, right? Not when multiple users each vote just once on a post. Or did I miss anything?
@DavidBuck Yes, you should flag each answer independently. You may also want to raise a custom mod flag on one of the answer and provide this extra contextual information regarding a pattern.
@Scratte By “that”, do you mean the invalidation script? Generally, yes. How did you manage to piss off multiple different users?
@CodyGray I'm not sure what the name of it is. I thought is was the "reputation reversal script". Is that the same as the "invalidation script"?
@Scratte It doesn’t have a proper name
Everyone calls it something different
@CodyGray So "that" is just fine :D
Its purpose is to invalidate targeted voting based on suspicious patterns.
It's proper name is See Hurtful Overvoting Gone (version 9.0)
@CodyGray Ok. I would suspect an old post to get a lot of sudden votes to be suspicious even if it involves as many users as votes. It's hypothetical. I didn't actually anger any users enough to do that.. yet, anyway.
@Scratte That isn’t necessarily suspicious. Say I answer a new question, with a link back to your own old answer. Now it’s getting attention, and if it’s wrong or unclear, may get downvotes.
@Machavity I fixed mine. But I believe it may now be too late for you to fix your improper contraction. :-)
@CodyGray Indeed. I sometimes type without that little college grammar teacher in my head
@Machavity Autocorrect on mobile is what foils me. I can’t get the high school grammar lessons out of my head. So I share them with others.
I was oversold one. College teacher hands out an assignment with broken sentences. Nobody in class could figure out the last one, which was so arcane most of us had never heard of it
I’m shocked you were taught grammar in college. That’s unusual in my experience, unless maybe you’re studying to yourself be an English teacher.
I like write broken sentences.
Communication is always someone else’s problem, right?
Of course. Wouldn't have anything to do with my end :D
@CodyGray - if you like being shocked: 80% of the English native speakers here don't use adverbs where they should, and 95% don't know what an adverb is :D (figures are rough estimates based on my personal experience from almost 20 years).
@tink Oh, I know.
@tink I'd like to compare that to the number of foreign native speakers/writers.
@CodyGray I had a couple of solid private school grammar teachers and the one in college was a serious English major
@Scratte ... depends on whether they were schooled here or overseas. Many, like myself, who learnt English in school long time ago, do the right thing. First generation immigrants who went through the local school-system and learn English from their peers make the same mistakes as the locals.
Can't give you proper figures for each of those groups =}
Where is “here”, @tink?
Ah. Yeah, in my admittedly limited experience, English illiteracy among native speakers is surprisingly high down in your neck of the woods.
Meanwhile, chat illiteracy in my world...
@tink Maybe that's because you live in a English speaking country. Not knowing the grammar rules are not that uncommon. I speak my native language correctly, but I have to look things up to identify the rules that I'm using.
I'm daily appalled by the poor grammar. And NZ wasn't even primarily settled by convicts =D
@Scratte Yeah, native speakers often don’t know why or what the rules are. They just do what sounds right. This works well, unless what you learned sounds right is actually wrong.
@Scratte ... that's the thing, though. They don't speak it correctly; they use "good" instead of "well", they say "quick" where it should be "quickly", "safe" where it should be "safely" ...
@tink Use earplugs! They work every time :)
Imma fix dat up right quick.
I intentionally use bad grammar and idiosyncratic vernacular sometimes as a joke. It amuses me, because I know it’s wrong. But lately… the number of people who recognize the intentional misuse is dwindling.
Let's form a bastion of proper English =}
But once a person realizes that they're using words wrong, they have a choice to fix it. If they don't, one can just choose to stop listening.
I’ve been leading that coalition for years.
@Scratte Choices are limited because the real word is sadly lacking in downvote buttons.
@CodyGray True. I get letters from the city with obvious errors sometimes. I don't think not reacting to them "due to grammar" would be in my best interest.
No, what you do is you take a red pen, you correct the mistakes, and then you send them back.
@CodyGray I could, but then I'd also risk angering a person that has the power to make a situation bad for me. It would be kind of like messing with a moderator. Ermm.. assuming they're fallible, of course :)
When correcting moderators, you need red freehand circles.
lol! I've seen that on multiple posts on meta. How did that even start?
What you should not do is raise multiple flags for the same thing, complaining that some dumb mod should have contacted you first before defining your previous flag(s)...
Uh, yeah, RFC is a long-standing meme. Arose out of practicality. It’s the easiest way to mark up an image in a paint program before posting, and folks would demand it because sometimes it really just isn’t clear what you’re referring to otherwise.
@Scratte Yes. Can I replace my phone’s autocorrect with your services?
@CodyGray I don't get it. Most paint programs can draw perfect circles. Why does it have to be freehand?
@Scratte - the thing is "peer pressure". One would have to be rather tenacious to use proper English if everyone in your environment is doing it wrong.
They can draw perfect circles. They can also add drop shadows and lens flares. But it’s not the easiest or the default option.
(Actually, I bet there’s some photo editing program where adding a lens flare is the default option, and requires only a single click. But I’ll ignore that for now.)
A perfect circle is, after all, just a square with big, rounded corners.
People sometimes call me a "square" - but I've been around.
A perfect circle is, after all, just a freehand circle drawn by someone with a really steady mouse hand.
@tink Yeah. I don't get it though. It doesn't make for good things when people don't make their own decisions.
@CodyGray Drawing a perfect circle is also just one click away. So I guess you could argue that it in fact is the same as lens flares.
My biggest problem with 'bad English' on SO posts doesn't come from non-native speakers, but from those who like to use "text-style" slang: "You guys gonna help me," or "ur kool bro'" This is supposed to be a repository of high-quality, canonical Q/As! Good use of language/grammar is important (IMHO) to those who may happen to stumble upon the site.
BTW, such stuff is fine in chat - just not on full posts!
@AdrianMole I don't agree that it's fine in chat. Or in test messages on the phone.
Yeah - it can cause confusion, but chat is not in any way as formal as posting a question or answer on the main site(s).
Y u be hatin? Ill be ur bff if u halp me!
C U Big 'un - U forgets PLZ.
I left a post once after a message like that (to me directly). I just can't deal with it.
A number of people are too selfish to care about this site being a high-quality repository of Q&A. They just want a solution to their problem. Compounding issues further, the site does a really poor job of communicating this goal to users.
UR OK, M8.
A serious point, Cody! But I'm still not sure when (or how) to give OPs comments when they, say, use txt-slang (or, even worse, add 100s of emojis in their post). I will happily edit such away, but 'silently', in general.
Incidentally, has no-one told our Fuzzy Flower about Sam's new Room? I was expecting to see some serious activity...
@AdrianMole Maybe it needs some time to grow?
It takes time for seeds to germinate
@Scratte More likely going on a hunt for corner-cases, just because...
@AdrianMole Not sure that would be very constructive.
'Twas a joke!
I'm not sure what Sam's plan is, as there's nothing special that moderators can do about bad audits that normal users can't do .
@AdrianMole Yeah, silently translating is all you can do. Remove the emojis, translate the txt-speak into English...
@CodyGray Normal users can't ban other users.
My understanding is that he's looking for ways to (maybe) lighten the burden involved in scanning the review queues for bad usage of the Requires Editing option.
... and I would have thought (or "would of," if you like bad grandmas) rene would be more than ready to help.
No judgement, of course! Just that rene 'engaged' me in my first comment on Meta about the H&I problem.
Oh, I guess I misunderstood. I thought he was looking for bad audits, not to crowdsource his banning of folks who choose "Requires Editing".
@Cody Misunderstandings are possibly the current currency (is that tautological?). But I got the impression (from you, as it happens) that he's taken on the burden of trying to 'fix' the H&I problem, which has been a source of complaint from reviewers since before I was here.
@CodyGray He was lamenting the number of bad Requires Edit reviews that currently slip through his fingers
Yes, Sam has definitely taken on the burden of being a source of complaint for reviewers. See, e.g., recent Meta questions a and b.
hehe That's a deliberate misunderstanding! (I think - never quite sure with you, as you do it so goodly.)
@halfer They seem to have added the code and error as text in a later revision.
@CodyGray Good spot, I will remove the images
Would a RO remove my request above? "No MCVE (code an error as images)"
Oops. Wrong room.
Or, maybe not? Are manually binned requests moved to the graveyard or to /dev/null?
If only there were a FAQ on this somewhere...
Heh, no matter :-)
Still nicely toasted.
if handled to graveyard. if not closed then to null
Okay. That makes sense. My fingers did it right, even if my brain couldn't keep up with the logic.
@CodyGray =D
@Dharman judging by the last comment the 2nd to last comment provided a solution?
@tink Yes, but that is a comment not an answer. It also looks like it got the OP on the right track, but OP solved it some other way. Unless I am misunderstanding.
That's true - but to me it implies that it's "answerable", which was your question, right?
Yes, thanks. I will leave it open then.
Hi, stumbled upon this: stackoverflow.com/questions/60533655/regex-for-hhmm-and-hmm - SO should provide a regex to pass a list of undisclosed 'tests'. It feels like it is homework and needs more details.
These are c questions: Is this a duplicate of this ?
Don't think so. The second question is about debugging some code, that is a solution to the first question, but the first question is about getting a (the best?) solution to the problem. The accepted answer of the first question would be no answer to the second question.
@derM Thank you :)

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