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2 hours later…
@Makyen Some more info for your report, if you're interested. It seems like the first delete cause – e.g., "deleted from review" – is the one that shows in the banner, but the time is from the most recent delete. Here's an answer deleted then undeleted by the author. The question's OP then deleted the whole shebang, but the banner on the answer reads as the answerer deleting their own post, and gives the time as that of the question's deletion.
That's consistent with how it shows on the answer that brought about this discussion. Seems like they just got their queries mixed up.
3 hours later…
^ Don't want edit war. Who answer the question edit the question and made my workable snippet unworkable :(. weird situation. Don't know what to do.
Why Community approved this edit?
@Vega weird; but it was apparently reverted
@Vega I would guess that it shows Community as having approved the edit when the OP selects "Improve edit", or whatever they see. Notice how the OP has an edit at the same time.
@MikeM. Clear, thank you! I didn't suppose that the OP could have approved that edit. I thought they just edited back. I think I will flag the reviewer approval thou
and the suggestion as vandalisme
@tripleee yes, weird :(
@Shree I would rollback (it was not a good edit) and leave it to mods if they edit itback :)
@Vega Yeah, that Community♦ person really shouldn't have approved it. :-) They even have almost 2x the approvals as they have rejections. :-)
Seriously though, I wonder how Community♦ got "improved 4972 edit suggestions".
@Makyen :D
@Makyen probably at the same day it managed to get the "not a robot" tag. It must have escaped from the server room.
@rene Ahh.. that's a good point. At least it was conscientious enough to go around improving things. :-)
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Undel? Why should it be undeleted?
@Dharman The user trashed their content and deleted it. It's self-vandalism. I forgot to mention in the request that it was an SD report.
Yes, but how would we undelete it or why? I see no original content in the revision history.
@JL2210 That answer was deleted by Community♦ as spam or rude/abusive. It's locked. There's nothing regular users can do with it in response to your request. The only way to affect that post is to flag for moderator attention. As such, I'm moving this request out. However, I'd second what @Dharman has said: The revision history shows no actual content. If there was ever actual content there, then the user trashed the content in a grace period edit.
The SE system keeps no record of post contents which are replaced with a grace period edit. What's been said on Meta that happens is that the the new grace period edit content directly replaces the old content in the database. Thus, nobody can recover that content, not moderators, not employees. As a result, even flagging it for moderator attention will be ineffective.
Given that SD does not check for grace period edits (a known area where we need to do development work), it may be that your belief that there was at some point valid original content is mistaken. In other words, there is only a very short period during which there might have been valid content, which was replaced prior to SD originally scanning the post (i.e. the timing makes it quite unlikely there was valid content).
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, locked post: not possible to fulfill request
So are all the Americans sick of turkey yet?
We sized the turkey too well -- insufficient leftovers.
@Machavity we are never sick of Turkey
just look at our financial contributions to it as a govt...
oh wait, different turkey...
well, same answer for the food. We love turkey year-round. Though maybe not the same portions...
Turkey sandwiches are AWESOMWE
Whenever I get a sub sandwich I usually get turkey
I used to get ham (which I personally find tastier) but turkey is mildly less unhealthy so I switched to that
I smoked 2 of em on Thursday. I still like roasted for the gravy, tho.
@Machavity Yeah, there's no good substitute for the Maillard reaction products that are left in the pan.
@Machavity not completely--yet.
There's nothing like someone downvoting and leaving a vauge comment as to why
@Makyen I was actually considering bringing up the fact that community only has 1 rep on meta and demand they be treated fairly and be given rep for all their suggested edits--but on a day when such a joke would be appreciated, of course--if there ever was such a day.
@Chipster 4/1/2020?
So I built a new computer last week. i9-9900KS, 64GB Ram, 2080ti FTW3 Ultra Gamming, 1TB 970 pro NVME SSD. The performance is "acceptable" ;)
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica The day Monica gets reinstated?
I would hope they don't pick april fools day for that.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Does it get 120 FPS in 4k? If not, throw that junk away and get a real computer :P
:p I built it for 144 FPS 2K. Borderlands 3 does 90 FPS in ultra and I'm okay with that. I scored in the 98th percentile in 3DMARK so I'm happy with it.
In his spare time, Nathan likes to calculate pi to the 8793rd position
read my comment, OP forgot to plot their output.
@Makyen Oh, sorry. I thought it was another case of self-vandalism, as I can't see the revision history. Thank you for clarifying.
@JL2210 np. It's often difficult to distinguish the two cases and sometimes impossible without seeing deleted posts. In this instance, a custom moderator flag was reasonable to ask for the removal of the -100 penalty applied for an R/A post. The user had some other contributions. In general, we usually don't red-flag delete gibberish posts by users who have any other positive contributions.
A moderator did subsequently clear the spam and R/A flags, undeleting and normal-deleting the answer (and left a comment for the user to not vandalize/post gibberish).
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica nice! I ordered a Ryzen 5 3600X last week that should arrive some time this week. It'll be a very nice upgrade from my current Ryzen 3 1300X
that'll be paired with my 32GB of RAM (only 1866 -- I wish DDR4 had a 1600 option tbh), GeForce 1060 6GB, and a 970 Pro NVME M.2 SSD
Mostly I bought the new CPU for late-game Stellaris
That is a solid processor. I actually suggested this to a friend that wants to update his girlfriends 8 year old PC.
@TylerH FWIW ryzen 2nd generation really likes 3600 Ram as it is a perfect double of the infinity fabric clock. 3200 also runs quite nice.
I'm upgrading from 1st gen to 3rd gen
spent a day last week flashing my BIOS firmware -- had to step through a few specific revisions before getting to the a Ryzen 3rd gen compatible state
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica that's a link to a blank wishlist?
It's set to public..
maybe because I'm not logged in, I can only see the "unpurchased" filter view
and I'm guessing it has been purchased
I think he purchased it already so that could do it.
it's weird that it doesn't show me an "all" option in the filter list
when I'm logged in at home I can usually view several options aside from "unpurchased"
I have a purchased and unpurchased option in the filter. That would be "all"
Welp: MB, Ram, CPU
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica yup. That was sort of the idea.
What should be done with a throll answer? In other words, an answer that clearly has nothing to do with the question such as: stackoverflow.com/a/59144039/6622587
@TylerH would you nullify this? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47995408#47995408 just to be safe, note that it's not my very last req
Hate it when I read back my flag text after submitting only to find a crucial word missing ...
Let's call it a test for the mods blurry language interpretation skills ...
Good moaning all ... /o
@rene if only you could edit flag messages
add it to the list of features SO will likely never see :-(
@TylerH Or worse, they do that and say "See? We do listen!" and ignore the rest of the list
@Machavity I think I am going to disagree on this one. While the reason for question might be SEO, the question is about htaccess which is on topic
@Dharman Fair enough. I'll withdraw
1 hour later…
What can I do when my question is reported as duplicated when it's not
@AllanRaquin Edit it to explain how it's different. Then the decision will be reviewed.
(Which might take a bit, depending on the state of the queue.)
@Dharman No, just NAA
@BaummitAugen Thanks for your anwser
But it really looks like someone read my post as fast as he can, no effort to understand why my question is different, just to earn point :(
That's so frustrating, but anyway
People don't earn points for closing posts.
@AllanRaquin This happens, but if you are referring to your most recent post from 3 hours ago, it is too-broad as of now. You should edit it preferably with some code to show us what you have tried until now.
@Dharman I understand your point of view, I will update it to be more precise. I would have prefer the guys who closed it to just comment it, telling me what you just told me.
@AllanRaquin But is is awesome that you have reached out to the community to ask how you can improve your question. That is really appreciated.
Just ftr, this stuff is also explained in the help center. stackoverflow.com/help/closed-questions

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