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12:02 AM
@ArtOfCode Thanks for the heads up
12:51 AM
oops. did not realize my last request was there before.
2 hours later…
2:44 AM
5 hours later…
7:54 AM
Hi, I have a question, I just got banned from SO because of this Question: stackoverflow.com/questions/58613603/… Is it really that bad? How can I improve the question?
@YoKoGFX FYI: you're not (question?) banned because of one bad question, people get banned for a pattern of bad questions. Thus, most likely it is not only this one, but other recent questions you asked as well.
As to the question itself: "I am very sorry, if this is a easy question for a person that has experience in JavaScript but I am just a beginner that tries to lern." is a magnet for downvotes. Don't mention such things. Limit the scope of the question to the actual problem, and leave irrelevancies out of it.
@Adriaan okay, thanks for the advice. Almost all my bad questions were, when I started programming. Should I remove my very bad questions, or leave them on the site?
8:52 AM
@YoKoGFX you should edit them to improve them as best as you can. The only way to get around a question ban is to get upvotes on your question, thus through editing them to be better. Deleting your bad questions doesn't help, the ban will just remain in place. See stackoverflow.com/help/question-bans
@YoKoGFX (to clarify on Adriaan's last msg, deleted questions still count wheen determining if a question ban should be imposed, hence why they should be improved instead)
@YoKoGFX you did read this FAQ? It does say that deleting bad posts won't help, as a matter of fact it says do not delete your downvoted posts. Go read that FAQ and apply all guidance you find there to your posts.
Oh nice, they updated the typo close reason to include typo again
@NickAthePopcornKing was it a typo?
@Georgy please leave out info on how many votes are necessary to close a question. It's cv-please, not cv-or I'll stab you
9:00 AM
@rene No status-complete comment like on the other ones, lets assume it was :)
1 hour later…
10:25 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels that will roomba, if the answer won't be accepted that is
11:14 AM
What did I mess up with my request? Why is it showing as invalid? ohh wait nevermind it refreshed
12:01 PM
@halfer in my organization initiatives like these always devolved into "this seems complex -- let's just use this as a forum" then "I can't find anything because it's full of junk" then abandon effort
see Splunk Answers for a live public example (not my org of course)
12:21 PM
^is double dupe me thinks - needs an almighty hammer
@treyBake self-hammer is also good (-:
@tripleee I wish I could haha
I thought asking for use cases was POB as different people will use different things in different places (not sure though)
12:35 PM
POB would also work me thinks.
Looks fine to me: The question is open-ended but you probably don't have dozens of new features enabled by this
ugh, they still havent fixed the auto comment bug
1:27 PM
@RiggsFolly lack of effort is a downvote reason, not a close reason, FYI.
@double-beep Is that last smokey report really that bad. Looks like a legit question. Poor, but legit.
blacklisted user I'm guessing more than the question^ I'd say fp but question is fine - low quality but not spam/offensive etc.
see my comments on both of those ^ (Same user, same site)
1:40 PM
@double-beep Still not seeing how that justifies the Q as being spam. None of those post were actually nuked and the mod handling the clean up didn't suspend them
@Machavity I love the accepted answer ;)
1:53 PM
@Machavity isn't the second answer any good though?
2:18 PM
@Adriaan Heh. Good catch. Turns out to be plagiarized tho
@Machavity also from codepen.io/whqet/pen/Auzch but that codepen is probably copied from flukeout's GH, I'm sure
You know what makes me happy? When sock puppet masters upvote their question multiple times within a minute. Nothing can give it away more quickly than that
@SotiriosDelimanolis Like a red dot appearing on their forehead
@Machavity should we still modflag, even though it is deleted?
@Adriaan I mod flagged it
2:32 PM
@treyBake there are lots of ways you can't fix that...
@Adriaan oh my, didn't even spot that... that's hilarious xD
@HovercraftFullOfEels Can you please review the closing, reopening, reclosing, and reopening of this post please?
3:09 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier That post was last active 3.75 years ago, why re-open it?
@SotiriosDelimanolis ..and asking basically the same questions with the different account. The Deja vu when reading some questions make me do double takes. It is like they forgot which account ask this question previously
@Nkosi I can't remember when I started if I thought SO was so big that no one would notice.
As fast as you down vote, they switch to another and vote it back up. I keep a spead sheet of a few of them to have a history when mod flagging
Last one I flagged and was handled, I never saw the puppet accounts but it's satisfying to see ban and poor question counts reset to 0 or negative.
@NickAthePopcornKing no idea. it came up in the reopen review queue. why not reopen it?
3:15 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no idea ^^
I should've said, why re-open it from here
:P by virtue of simply being not closed targetting a valid duplicate
there's no case against reopening it, so let's, I say
That said our rule for recent activity applies to cv-pls requests, not sure about how that could apply to re-opens (as they don't have the same ability to be answered, only edited or suggested edited)
oh you meant from here the room
Yes, I should've been cleared :)
er I might not be totally aware of that active rule, sorry about that
3:17 PM
here, although again, it seems unfair to apply the same rule to reopen-pls requests as they can't be made active the same way
Any ROs to weigh in on this (@TylerH ?)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier No worries -- as it's a first-time thing and you may not be aware of it, and the fact that we specify cv-pls rather than explicitly including reopen-pls, it's not an issue this time for sure.
However, if something is already in the reopen queue, it probably doesn't need attention from us, as the reopen queue rarely gets into mid-to-high triple digits.
@TylerH Wait, we only limit cv-pls. If an old question should be open we allow that
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica That's not clear in the FAQ, may be worth adding
The exception to reopen-queue Qs is if there is a question that was closed by us here in the room - we definitely want to know if we closed something incorrectly.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica yep, I'm OK with allowing reopen-pls that are old (it's an order of magnitude or two harder to reopen a closed question and 'save' it than it is to get it closed, after all).
@NickAthePopcornKing What's not clear? The rule is only under cv-pls. That means it does not apply to the other requests
3:23 PM
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica The fact we only really have rules for cv-pls requests ^^ there are very few things specified for any other requests besides formatting them and their purpose
I read this section as applying to all rules (cv-pls, del-pls, etc. as it says, to me this implies reopen-pls included) which requires recent activity
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Only applies to CVs. Reopens and deletes are not covered by that so you're good. I also edited the title so it's clear that's not a dupe
@NickAthePopcornKing Do you have any suggestions? The cv-pls: Don't make it an instinct to fast-track every eligible post to the front of the closure system; cv-pls is for questions that: Specifically identifies that the bullet point, and it's sub bullets only pertain to cv-pls. Maybe this is my language lawyer side showing.
Nope, it's fine now that I know to read it like that ^^ thanks
In fact, I can tell you what the problem is, in chrome's forced dark mode it doesn't handle the bullets particularly well so the whole section kind of just blends together, it's more clear with dark mode turned off, apologies ^^ (see here what it looks like)
3:36 PM
That last SD report is spam. Copied content
@Machavity ta, couldn't find a source meself.
@Adriaan At least some came from here
@Machavity same style as their previous spam posts; bunch of copied code-content, and put "alternatively, use <link>" at the bottom
@NickAthePopcornKing another reason to switch to Firefox! :-D
3:53 PM
@Dharman rene?
Can we close rene with the reason Needs more focus?
I hate this new reasons ...
What if rene is actually the grass in the background that is in focus, the flower just got in the way
@rene Are they too focused for you?
@Dharman yes, yes and the profile image as Needs details or clarity.
3:58 PM
@ColumbiasaysReinstateMonica Bold of you to close a Haskell question :-P
... anyone need a 3% shareholder? xD
@treyBake right?!
@treyBake nullified yours as it's a dupe of Riggs' request above
4:14 PM
Damn I've been ninja'd! :p
New close reason "It's seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. This question is likely to lead to opinion-based answers." How is that verbiage all that different from "opinion based"? These new reasons are definitely less concise.
It's only a matter of time until a fresh set of abbreviations pops up
They're basically a done deal right? That meta post was telling us, not asking for feedback, yes?
@Chipster Yeah I miss the explicit mention of "off-site"
Remember that post that wasn't asking for feedback, got feedback anyways (-2k), and the feedback got incorporated?
4:26 PM
@JohnDvorak Maybe that's why they don't post on meta as much any more. They realize they're going to get feedback that they don't want.
@JohnDvorak R4BTSl+?
rec-tool will do
recreational tools? Sounds fun
@JohnDvorak That's what I didn't like about one of the apology posts for how they treated Monica. It basically said "we messed up, but we're going to do it anyway." They seem to have a habit now of just charging forward anyway.
hence the litigation.
4:29 PM
There's litigation now? Or was that rhetorical?
If you would like to discuss Meta events, please take it to The Meta Room.
@TylerH I think you can go here for the meta too :p
There's also Tavern as well
@TylerH Sorry. Will do.
5:04 PM
5:36 PM
5:59 PM
@Makyen the Roomba table appears twice sometimes, see this image, taken from this question. Using v2.2.1 of the script.
6:11 PM
Those questions Roomba twice as fast ...
@double-beep Thanks for the report. I have not been able to duplicate the issue. If you could try to figure out more information about how to duplicate the issue, I'd appreciate it.
From the image, I assume you're running:
Stack Sidebar Question Stats (GitHub) (install) has a new official GitHub repository. If you haven't installed from the new official location, you should do so. The current version is 1.32.0. You will also need to uninstall/delete the old version.
Some of the identifying information has changed in the script, so userscript managers will see it as a new and different script to the old version. That's why you will need to also uninstall/delete the old version from your userscript manager.
6:33 PM
@Makyen ok, that fixed the problem
I was getting some console errors, but now I don't
I am also not sure if they were from Roomba Forecaster
@double-beep OK. If you see the problem again, or other errors, please keep me informed. Thanks.
BTW, what was wrong with scraping?
They probably clobbered the html/css to heck to do the new banners
^ that
@double-beep A lot of things were broken recently, especially with the A/B closure test
6:48 PM
@double-beep I intend to re-write the scraping, as the needed information appears to still be in the page, but until they finalize it, I don't want to do work just to have to re-do it multiple times as they refine/figure out what they really want the HTML to look like. In addition, it's easier to not have to support two different layouts, so I'll probably wait until they deploy it to all sites.
hmmm... L50-52 outdated as per this commit, right?
@double-beep Yep. I didn't do a thorough job of cleaning everything up when switching over to always showing the scraping/API option. I still haven't decided if I'm going to leave the option always exposed, but probably will, given that it's been desirable to have it easily available a couple of times now in order to adjust to changes/experiments by SE.
7:19 PM
@TylerH Most likely "service" without any exclusions for known non-spam domains.
seems a bit trigger happy...
@TylerH Yes, having an domain whitelist would be good. OTOH, the reason is getting 97% TP without a whitelist.
7:56 PM
@Machavity What exactly is spam? I can't tell.
@Chipster The post is deleted already, so you can't see it
deleted posts are visible only to users with 10k reputation or more
@Chipster It's gone now. Here's the Metasmoke report
@TylerH Oh. Lol. That's why I didn't see it.
@Chipster If a post doesn't look like spam but a link redirects to it, check the URL. It contains a /a/ part, which means it redirects to an answer. The full redirect contains a part with a # (58632578#58632578) which also indicates an answer. If yo udon't see an answer, it's been nuked
@TylerH Yeah, I know. I was just confused because I didn't realize it was already gone.
7:59 PM
@Zoethetransgirl I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
@Machavity Ah. Again, thanks.
@BaummitAugen pinging you here because you are not pingable in SOBotics. Housekeepin notepad and reports need a restart; currently only juker is alive.
@double-beep Just FYI: If the user has ever posted in a room, you can always ping them in that room by creating an actual reply to one of their messages.
8:59 PM
@Makyen Why does the request generator tell me that "Questions must be closed prior to deleting." when I want to ask for del-pls on a closed as duplicate post? e.g stackoverflow.com/questions/58465078/…
9:10 PM
maybe it looks for the post notice that is now gone / moved / became welcoming?
@Dharman Basically, what @rene said. I'll work on it in a few minutes.
10:01 PM
2 hours later…
11:43 PM
20k issue: For some reason I'm not seeing a "delete" button on negatively scored answers on Meta SO. Did something change? I still see "undelete" buttons for deleted answers, but not any "delete" buttons.

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