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2 hours later…
2 hours later…
4:44 AM
@EJoshuaS that's not asking for an off-site resource, is it?
@tripleee To be fair, I removed the paragraph which was asking for external resources.
1 hour later…
6:17 AM
@Makyen hmmmm, so should the cv-pls be removed?
@MadhurBhaiya the code was in the question, the OP had just hidden it inside unescaped <!php> tags
6:31 AM
7:07 AM
A duplicate of my question that I asked. stackoverflow.com/questions/57626676/…
@TaseerAhmad you mean it's a duplicate of this: stackoverflow.com/questions/57589248/… ?
@TaseerAhmad Hi, you need to prepend your requests with [tag:cv-pls]. Second, you can't make requests based on questions you have an involvement with (and as far as I'm aware that includes dupe targets)
Please have a quick look at the FAQ at socvr.org if you haven't done so alraedy
@TaseerAhmad No worries, I might be wrong about the dupe target bit, but it's better to be safe. It's just to prevent any potential conflicts of interest
Its partially copy-pasted from Taseers' question tho
7:19 AM
@Selaron It's been mjollnir'd now
@Selaron Though I see what you mean. Possibly worth mod-flagging for plagiarism?
@MichaelDodd what does mjollnir'd mean? :D
@Selaron Mjollnir = Thor's hammer. It's slang on here for a gold badge holder closing a question as a duplicate.
Ah, didn't know the hammer's name up to now (or just forgot about it) ^^
Yeah that question is a franken-copy-paste of bit of the dupe's question and one of the answers. I'm modflagging it
@MichaelDodd @TaseerAhmad Making a request where the dup-target is a question you have asked or answered is explicitly permitted. What's not permitted is making a request where the question you are asking to have closed is one you've asked or answered. More detailed information is available in #15 in our FAQ.
7:24 AM
@Makyen I stand corrected, thank you for clarifying. My apologies to @TaseerAhmad
Yes, I am reading FAQs, thank you for pointing out
Has the CSS for the edit/close/flag bar just changed for questions?
@MichaelDodd He also copied what -r and -t means from one of a comment from the original question lol
Basically, if you are active in a tag, particularly low volume tags, it is expected that there will questions which you've asked or answered which end up being the
@MichaelDodd Yes.
@MichaelDodd It's changed for both questions and answers.
@Makyen didn't you finish your sentence?
7:30 AM
@Selaron That's weird. I thought I had.
@Makyen [Let's try that again...] Basically, if you're active in a tag, particularly a low volume tag, it is likely that there will be questions which you've asked or answered which end up being the dup-target for some duplicate questions. That's normal and expected.
@Makyen Michael did non let you talk out.
@Makyen btw thanks for the Roomba forcast script.
@Selaron I always make sure to finish my
@Selaron np. I'm glad that it's helpful.
@MichaelDodd Yes , you
8:00 AM
@MichaelDodd It was both CSS and HTML changes, but it looks like the change has been reverted now.
8:19 AM
stackoverflow.com/posts/57918982/timeline Is this spam/rude or just NAA? Random text from somewhere copy-pasted into the answer box
got an upvote for some odd reason though...
8:48 AM
@tripleee Geeeez, you think that was worth approving?
@NickA I had it open with "no improvement whatsoever" but that didn't feel right either
leaving it unreviewed felt like a bigger crime
@tripleee pointless formatting counts as "no improvement" for me
in the grand scheme of gratuitous code tags at least this felt harmless
changed from code formatting to italicised, and stuck a dot in front of them too to make the fact they're file names clearer, code formatting was garbage though imho
9:24 AM
@MichaelDodd There is a third variant of that question: stackoverflow.com/questions/57620645/…
posted by a second variant of 'Suyog Dorlikar'...
@Selaron Good catch, I'll flag for sock-puppeting then. Still waiting on the first flag from earlier...
I'm getting nodes in my head -.-
@MichaelDodd I just got back to that post and was wandering about the edit by a user with the same name.
@Selaron I think that's probably enough info to be part of the no targeting rule
@PaulStenne can you bin this request. Op edit and add code.
@NickA ok, srorry.
9:36 AM
@Selaron Might not, but probably getting close, RO would need to weigh in :)
Oh, essay writing site spam is back for the year... great...
They even cocked up their link, so you can't even click and follow
@Selaron I reckon it's the same guy. Because the other 'user' also made an exact copy of my queston all for you know...rep farming
9:52 AM
FWIW both my flags are still pending
1 hour later…
10:54 AM
@PaulStenne ^^
Yesh yesh
I don't have the script installed
Let me check
Ohhh. Ok thanks. Sorry for multi-pal ping .
Let me see if I remember how to do this
proceeds to put the room on indefinite timeout
that should have been moved to /dev/null, right?
@double-beep IIRC: Mistakes to /dev/null, solved situations to the Graveyard (request was correct at time of posting).
12:07 PM
Is this question reopenable now? OP deleted most of the wall of code
@Adriaan Yep. I think so. Op show effort and focus on specific problem with all necessary code to reproduce .
@Shree still looks like a ridiculous amount of code for such a simple sounding issue, but then I don't know anything about android
12:22 PM
At least follow the comment and try . I think question deserve 1 chance. C# code is fine. But I am not familiar with android.
o/ Evening
It's Night somewhere
12:28 PM
It's beer:30 somewhere as well
@NathanOliver Almost vrijmibo
12:48 PM
Looks more to me like they just don't have a clue
I modflagged, let them take it from here
@Machavity other answer there as well
@Machavity Best to protect the question I think
never mind, done by community
There's a third NAA that doesn't quite cross the R/A line for me
NAA is now gone, second R/A still there
@MichaelDodd Yeah, that one just went
Four abusive answers there
@MichaelDodd Community did it
4 different accounts to post rude stuff. Wow
1:55 PM
some people need to learn to just walk away :/
@Machavity I mod-flagged the self-deleted one to avoid self-undeletion when we're not looking
As did I
Mods nuking accounts now
Oh ^^"
yep, all gone
3:00 PM
That's spam btw. I remember that user
the site is linked in their account
Is this spam?
Yes, he's the only contributor to it
same user as who posted it
Out of curiosity, how does getting a hard spam flag impact question bans? Not that it matters mush since most spam is posted by troll accounts anyway, but just curious.
@EJoshuaS AFAIK nothing more than the associated downvotes and deletion
3:40 PM
@EJoshuaS A sustained red flag means you get reviewed by a mod as well
Probably as much as being closed and manually deleted. They also have to worry about getting IP banned, but I think that requires multiple spam posts.
Apparently "There is a spam-detection system that blocks posts which have a very high similarity to posts previously detected as spam.", I wasn't aware of that
I'm still surprised they haven't integrated smokey yet. He could feed their spam detection and triage quite well.
@NickA SO has their own spam detection. It's... well, let's just say it doesn't seem to do much
Yeah, I found Shog mention it here
3:46 PM
@NathanOliver Yeah, I am not surprised they didn't integrate it in the past, but now it is quite well-trained
they could even increase the thresholds to be a bit more restrained if they wanted, and it'd still be like a 10-fold improvement
The biggest concern I have noticed would be people forgetting to wrap code in syntax highlighting/fencing where that code includes a URL that, if outside code, is considered spammy
Yep. They don't need everything. I haven't seen a false positive on an auto flag yet.
@Machavity I don't think that's true. One of the things that's previously been mentioned is that posts that are deleted by 6 red-flags don't get reviewed by moderators, which also implies the user account doesn't get reviewed.
@NathanOliver Yeah but then the auto-flags are more conservative on purpose for that reason aren't they?
@Makyen Hrm. Thought there was a mod flag raised as well. Will have to look later
@Machavity Stuff that gets 6 spam (not red in general) flags, can be chosen for an audit, that's all I found on it
3:50 PM
@NickA They are, but the fact that we have a trained robot doing this successfully means they could at least add that part of smokey in. It would mean we don't need to waste flags one those anymore.
@NathanOliver There are a moderate number of false positives on autoflagged posts. However, you can set the thresholds to the point where that doesn't happen. User's are permitted to set their flagging conditions down to 99.75% accuracy, which does mean there will be some FP.
@NathanOliver True
@Makyen No more than if a person was doing it though tbf
@NathanOliver At least adopt the known bad stuff. The general "might be bad" list is 13k items on top of that
@Makyen I'd like to see what the FP's were. If they were still bad posts, I'd be okay with them getting blocked even if they aren't true spam. It'll help triage :)
3:59 PM
^ Looking at the ones on SO, most of the ones I clicked had since been deleted (some still within a minute of posting), I even remembered one of them being posted :P
@Makyen and a 99.8% accuracy rate on 56k flags is a pretty good
o/ have a good weekend all
4:18 PM
@NathanOliver You like to... move it?
@NathanOliver We know you do ;)
4:52 PM
@TylerH True (Although, I calculate 99.5% TP :-) ). If there is a desire to have it even more accurate, they could just choose to use flagging conditions which are more stringent.
@Makyen So far every FP I've seen in the list for SO has been closed and deleted so I wouldn't mind if those posts couldn't be posted.
5:59 PM
@Makyen I just removed the FPs, since I would consider NAA to be flag-worthy
or, apparently I didn't. I don't know how I got the 99.8% number
though I do still think the success rate should be the TPs and the NAAs
which would be 99.7%
the number I calculated before was 99.82-something %, weird
@TylerH Yeah, I'd kind-of assumed that it was something close to that, but I, also, didn't find the exact number when trying to reverse engineer it. :-)
From SmokeDetector's/metasmoke's point of view NAA == FP. The project is intended to be just detecting spam or R/A posts. NAA posts are something of a side issue/bonus. It might be reasonable to have NAA posts also be blocked at the system level (and even some of the FP: @NathanOliver :-; ), but the focus for SD/MS is strongly on just spam/R/A.
1 hour later…
7:45 PM
@Machavity While I agree that it should be closed, I disagree that it is SEO. SEO questions are things like "is it better for SEO if I ...", or "what should I do to make Google do X". Questions that explicitly define the actual thing they want to do are OK (i.e. the explicit thing they want to do, not the effect they want wrt. SEO/on Google). However, for this question, it's a networking/server issue, not a programming issue.
@Makyen Fair enough
1 hour later…
10:32 PM

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