New phone, tickets to see Rammstein at Coventry next year, trip to Brighton to see friends, sunshine, pumpkins are growing nicely and England won the Cricket world cup. It's been a good weekend.
@NickA It was a very nail-biting game, it was NZ's game until a couple of very late flukes. Scores were tied in both the main innings (241-8 vs. 241-ao) and the tiebraker (15 vs 15). England won on boundaries
I flagged an answer which points out a typo that is not a solution. The questions asks how to do, not where is the bug. In the comment, the OP says that was just a typo, but it's not the solution. Could it still be considered as an answer? My flag was declined, the reason being I should have closed the question as "no repro" which is not the case
That's good I guess. The problem with questions like that is that imo they're not really closeworthy, just poorly researched. It's not that broad. Ideally, I'd have a dupe, but since the Access + PHP combination is awful and no-one uses it I don't. The only helpful answer to an Access + PHP question is Stop it, get some help
@rene well, I didn't realise that me doing a close-vote would trigger the "this question solved my question" dialogue, but once I saw that, I just self-closed. The above req. is kinda redundant, now that I know that I can close my own questions, I won't post here :)
@JohnDvorak Yes, after an incorrect comment added by me. Having tested I now see I made a mistake and my comment probably friegtened the OP off in case I was also going to downvote.
Under the RemoveAbandonedClosed function, closed questions will Roomba after 9 days if they don't have an answer with a score greater than 0.
Assuming you downvoted the answer before you posted the request, then it would have Roomba'd already. Assuming you hadn't, a downvote on the answer would be all it would take to make it qualify.
@StephenKennedy Sure, but we can't try to guess what future actions might happen. Per Shog we should act on the state of the question as it currently is
@halfer There are several hits on SO for "HTTP response code 0" and the OP does not seem to have read any of them. Since the error start occurring in working code, it's likely a network problem and a lot more troubleshooting is called for. I believe the question should remain on hold.
Hi. A while back I asked some questions regarding what to do about close flags that had aged away. The guidance from @TylerH was to wait and reflag. I'm here today because I'm starting to see 2 flags age away on a post. How many times should I let the same flag age away before bringing up posts in here (in the proper format)?
For context, after watching all the Meta conversations in the recent months, I've focused more on curation and quality.
@rene Thank you! After the edit is still unclear for me. Also, it's very confusing with all the references to other posts that don't matter. There is no MCVE, it misses HTML part
@SecretAgentMan Yep, as double-beep said, reflagging/re-voting is about the most you can do. This room is not designed as a 'gotta close 'em all' room, but rather a triage room -- we focus on recent stuff or really bad stuff, to ease the process of closing for everyone else.
@TylerH +1 . Additionally, the room is a nice social outlet for people who would otherwise be doing site cleanup on their own. I find that part just as important, personally.
@StephenKennedy Me too, I tried. But I didn't like it :( it had kind of a industrial taste. I have to retry it here (I am back to home for a couple of weeks)
@SecretAgentMan H&I is Help & Improvement queue meant for editing posts. In reality it is where you close vote all questions because they should never have passed triage.
@StephenKennedy I believe it. I think if there was 9th badge for using the skip button, I'd have earned it. I don't have access to H&I yet but it sounds like the Upside-Down.
Semi related to CV: The following question has been deleted (Hidden Features and Dark Corners of STL?) while the following question has not (Hidden Features of C++?) While I do recognize that both questions are not really perfect questions, they are from a previous era. I do however think that both questions contain interesting information. Should the first not be "undeleted" (current vote count is 6)
@kvantour If you feel it should be visible/undeleted, then it's likely something that should have a historical lock. In which case, you should consider raising a custom mod-flag detailing why you feel it should be undeleted and locked. I'd also note that the number of views it had in the <4 years it was visible also argue that it might be of interest.