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I like this question, but am afraid it's OT (too broad) ... is that a fair assessment? stackoverflow.com/questions/54916668/…
1 hour later…
@Zoe it's a lesser known meme. I know a lot of them but not that one, thanks. Probably gets me on the top of the candidates now :)
okay but still it's fp
Always get the last word, even against a bot.
2 hours later…
@RobertColumbia the heck?
beat you to it
@Undo Yes, that was the actual question title.
it worked for getting my attention
@Jean-FrançoisFabre ^^"
@Jean-FrançoisFabre not for long >:D
(see OP's self-answer)
Does anyone have a link to that meta post on code formatting? Specifically the inline one
@Zoe not sure what you mean, this one? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/345105/…
No, not that one. There's one somewhere on when you should and shouldn't use inline code blocks. I thought I favorited it, bu apparently not :/
Nope. Code blocks is actually the wrong word (looks like I didn't turn my brain on this morning xD). I mean the single-backtick formatting in a sentence
@Machavity good luck. You're running against me you know 😀
That said, it might be on MSE
@tripleee you can"t request that, question has > -3 / too new
but yes, it's bad... homework dump without research
@Jean-FrançoisFabre oops, right
@JonClements rematch at a later time? We could use a third player as well! And my laptop does seem to cope with every other program closed and the lowest visual settings. I'll bring my headset home
@Adriaan The link was already there 😉 It was removed quickly for whatever reason.
MS still captured it
ah, I see. thanks
Still correct @Adriaan O-O
Morning all \o
Henlo :)
Is there a plugin or something that makes mobile chat less... Well, horrible?
Not spam
Just close and delete
@NileshRathod that's not spam
Ninja'd xd
@BhargavRao thanks searching for the duplicate
@BhargavRao i found duplicate target for that question can u please mark that question as duplicate with stackoverflow.com/questions/13941093/…
There is no need to reopen bad questions just to mark them as duplicates.
Duplicates should be good sign posts to the target question.
The only good duplicates are closed duplicates
@Zoe A browser that is set to always load the desktop version?
Or, more specifically, Firefox, so you can have userscripts.
@Makyen meh, on an actual phone it's a PITA to use the desktop version
The responsive design fixed some issues though
@Zoe Not in my opinion. I always use the desktop version on my phone (either directly, or using my phone to control my desktop computer). But, I do understand that it's a personal preference.
@Makyen eh, it just requires a bunch of zooming and the keyboard popping up changes the zoom level...
@Adriaan sure... I've still got two copies of it to give away if someone wants to join but doesn't have a copy :)
Also makes everything reeeally tiny
@Zoe At least for me it's readable. Admittedly, sometimes it is necessary to zoom in order to click the correct button, but quite a bit can be done without zooming around.
@Makyen yeah, just noticed. Works a lot better when using the "full site" button rather than the "use desktop version" setting in FF :*
I'm not seeing much difference between those two settings.
^ left a comment for now, if they don't respond I'll flag later
I flagged. Maybe it's too harsh. We'll see. I don't like those NATOs with links in it. Looks like poster finds a target they can paste the blurb + link
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I don't see plagiarism, and it's their first post. If it becomes a habit I'll flag.
too borderline for me to flag as it stands
plagiarism no, self-promotion of a vague website, yes.
with your warning: a touch of class before the blast.
@JonClements Did I hear free stuff? c:
@tripleee Doesn't seem very broad. Both answers are 1 line of code.
@StephenKennedy one of them explicitly mentions it makes additional assumptions. I think the too-broad part there is that they need to list the additional constrains on their problem. Both one liners look completely different to my inexperienced eye
@StephenKennedy "too broad" is also applicable when there is no attempt by the OP and the post is rather unspecific anyway, so I can't tell if those answers actually answer the question
@Adriaan Did you find your 3rd player? If not see chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/45491168#45491168
@StephenKennedy the puppy is doing the giveaway; I didn't look for a third yet
@Zlytherin I think your comment on that question oversteps the mark a bit
@MichaelDodd I think the Build never finishes, because if it is being building then there must be a note at the bottom.
like Gradle Build Running.
@MichaelDodd Does red text in that IDE indicate a problem?
An Error
@StephenKennedy Yes, was after the tooltip that pops up when you mouse over it
This is the Build that never ends, it churns on and on my friends, someone started compiling it, not knowing what it was, and they'll go on building it for ever just because....
I have a feeling that it's configured as a Java project and not using the Android framework
le sigh :)
we got there in the end
@Nkosi I'd have thought you're more than qualified to be SD priveledged. Why not put in a request with the ROs?
1 1 6 . 6 k
@geisterfurz007 It's good but it's not quite Jon Skeet :)
its more like 0.01 Skeet
@geisterfurz007 6k helpful flags is more relevant to SD, I'd have thought (and that's an impressive number too)
Meh. Jon Skeet only has 642 helpful flags.
@StephenKennedy I tend to miss most of the SD reports.
only on some off chances I happen to be here when some of them come in
so? there's no minimum activity requirement :)
@StephenKennedy Mister Atwood only has 55 :)
I'm not sure but isn't this question off-topic?
@geisterfurz007 You're SD priveledged aren't you? In SOBotics at least?
@Zlytherin looks like general computing to me
but yeah looks OT
See, they don't set the bar very high!
@Zlytherin sounds like it, probably the appropriate reason would be other -> customer support
Or what Nkosi said :)
ohhk then, thanks
Well, where's customer support flag?
@geisterfurz007 that's for stealing my stars :)
Oh, you don't have 3K yet I see. Then you can't use custom flags. Just flag as blatantly off-topic, that's appropriate for any off-topic reason
@StephenKennedy I shall have my revenge. Maybe.
Ohh that's only 3k, I see
bread is like chocolate. Is it really?
they are clearly trolling
@Jean-FrançoisFabre 2 spots open ;)
You might both be running against Makyen yet
oh its that time of year again so soon?
Let the games begin.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
@Zlytherin I thought mama said life was like a box of chocolate? :P
@Machavity it will be an honor working with you then :)
@Zlytherin You might want to slow down a little bit on the requests, especially as you're not yet able to close vote yourself
That would not be too far. ;)
@NathanOliver Would you mind having a look at this C++ q and determining if it should be closed? (see self answer and deleted NATO) stackoverflow.com/questions/26483953/…
@StephenKennedy looks like lacks mcve to me but there is 8.0 and 8.1 in the error message so I'll leave it alone.
@NathanOliver ty
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I don't believe so. They are looking for an API in the Vsphere SDK that lets them run a backup.
@NathanOliver okay, wrong reason, still too broad right?
I don't think so. We get questions all the time in C++ asking if foo functionality exists in bar library and those get answered and stay open.
The question is constrained to the SDK so it's not like they are asking for any possible solution, just one using the SDK
stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/22335093 looks like a formatting bug to me: check the original question it has no code formatting.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre What looks like a bug?
the formatting in the edit boxes make it look like it is code (fixed font) when the question isn't rendered like that
@Jean-FrançoisFabre that's how markdown view works. If you switch to rendered view you see it "correctly".
Busy afternoon today. It's all work work work.
@HovercraftFullOfEels I would have let it rot and accumulate downvotes until roomba... but I've got some votes left, so ...
@Jean-FrançoisFabre He's an relative newbie and doesn't know any better. So if only for his benefit, I'd say delete so that it didn't accumulate too many more DV's
It wasn't a malicious or lazy question either, just not site-appropriate
Better to put it out of it's misery then let it get down voted into oblivion.
@HovercraftFullOfEels I hesitated so I did both: downvote then delete
@NathanOliver but I don't want to be put down yet! :*(
so I refuse to go see the doggy doctor!
My dog likes going to the vet. He's not so fond of having his temperature taken but after that he gets a treat and all the nurses love him so he gets really excited with all the attention.
Hey you often walk out the doctor's office alive.
@NathanOliver My previous cat hated going to the vet, especially the car ride. Current one hasn't been for a visit yet but I imagine it'll be much of the same
@Jean-FrançoisFabre not if their last name is Shipton...
@MichaelDodd Yeah. All my cats are that way. They HATE going for a car ride.
I wonder if it's because mostly they don't like being put in a basket...
Well they like boxes and other tight places. I think it is more that they don't like the place moving around on them.
@JonClements well, not going to the doctor isn't going to save you either
I recommend a plastic bag, hoping Yvette isn't online.
I bring my cat to the vet using my big fat Dutch Bakfiets bike
It doesn't stop the meowing, though
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Wouldn't want to take the risk of runaway cat if some idiot clips me. Been cycling a lot more recently, most drivers ok but always get one idiot that does a close pass
You need to get a hello kitty bike for when you take it to the vet. Then people will just think the bike comes with sound effects :)
luckily today's close pass was next to the hospital, just in case I needed it
@MichaelDodd I put the cat in the basket, forgot to add.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre No worries, just worried about cat escaping said basket when that one idiot knocks us off
And the vet is really close, without too many risks, like motorways, atomic test sites...
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Not too far for me either (I cycle that way every Saturday morning), but a few too many on-road sections for me to be comfortable carrying a passenger
@NathanOliver Well, if you would stop making them ride in there with the dog... :P
My bike is a special carrier bike like this: velobac.be/triporteur-famille/…
you can put children in it. Obviously not in a box
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Nice, we don't get them at all over here. Infrastructure is nowhere near good enough for them
still a curiosity where I live. Half bike half ... whatever.
My local council is starting to do a decent job with creating segregated cycleways like London, but it's very early days on their plan
ride in the middle of the road then
Anyone here good with PowerShell?
No. Why do you ask?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I like that even the wrong-language site image has the Dutch link plastered on the bicycle
our bike rental in Holland had a weatherproof trailer for the child. I suppose you could transport a cat in one of those.
@TylerH what is POB?
@Adriaan that's because those are exclusive Dutch bikes.
@Vakore Primarily Opinion Based
@StephenKennedy those bikes are better than trailers. You have the load at the front.
POB = Primarily Opinion Based, TB = Too Broad, NATO = new answer to old (question)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre We've got all the bikes. The greatest bikes. The best in the world.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre How is that better?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Wow, proflie picture change. This whole time I thought you were like 17 years old
@Adriaan And next year, you're getting gears! :)
the photoshop effect really messed with my perception!
@TylerH You have his campaign manager to thank for that ;)
@TylerH and now you see I'm actually 22
Photoshop didn't exist when the old photo was taken :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre as long as you're old enough to drink :-P
@StephenKennedy better because the carrier is part of the bike.
@TylerH just barely.
we're allowed to drink @ 18 here in the UK ;)
I think even 16 with adult supervision
same here in France.
and 14 inside our own family houses with parents permission (that one may need checking) - but drinking is gross, so I never took advantage of that loose rule
We'll never see a sub-21 drinking age here in the states until either self-driving cars are the norm or we get decent public transportation infrastructure... so probably not until self-driving cars are the norm
@TylerH umm... I thought there was one state that is/was 18 for drinking?
@JonClements New Orleans was 18 when I was there (1990s)
@Adriaan bought it in 2013 (for my 16th birthday, so). Now many chinese brands came out. Dutch ones still rule.
@treyBake according to the BBC the cutoff is either 4 or 5yo :D news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6598867.stm
@Stephen en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… has some pretty pictures...
@StephenKennedy ah that's good to know! When I have kids, as soon as they turn 6 I'll keep 'em drunk so they sleep early
but they'll wake up early to ask for more booze
Is this too broad?
ah that's a good point, I'll have to find something for the morning period
@treyBake some of Rene's special brownies should do the job
@StephenKennedy well, if that's the case, I'd have to order some for me .. I am treybake(d) after all
Yeah I saw but still... better to custom mod flag that, user is eager to post the answer.
the linked blog is in Chinese, btw
@Zoe nope, not nuked as spam, just deleted otherwise you would not see the mods name
Meh, still contains the spam thingy
:), for sure it should be deleted and probably also that new user account should be nuked, but spam flag feels wrong... better with a custom one.
Oh there was one more.. I mod flagged stackoverflow.com/a/54929991/4826457
I once spammed a broken chat room with a script that plays a ton of sounds using oscillator. Not sure if I should be ashamed or glad I learnt something new.
@Vakore then you might like this from 1968 (the audio, not the video)
@Stephen not that kind of oscillator, I meant the oscillator function is javascript. It used square, triangle, and sawtooth sound waves and sounded like your computer was breaking.
@treyBake ah and it was you (amongst others) I had that long chat abt music with. I think we can get along :)
@StephenKennedy hells yeah we can! :D
You guys like Smashsmouth?
Really the only song I know of theirs is allstar and that is because of mystery men.
The Who ^^ first album is amazing, their cover of I Don't Mind is ... the best
You guys like Christopher Larkin's soundtrack?(You see, I'm creating a long conversation about music)
I want to play Hollow Knight .. I've heard the music in it is really amazing
It is, and mastapeece. This one is just the title screen: youtube.com/watch?v=2INO6ygetos
O_O I just found more Frigga stuff on Spotify :D
@Vakore haha that's hilarious xD
HK was the only game that could get my older brother away from Fortnite.
urgh, battle royale, the most played out format ... and that's including zombies
all about the good quali games.. Fable, ESIV, Witcher, CS:GO (though it's BS at times), AoE2
so many great games, and people are stuck on battle royale
eh, it's just horribly boring if you get killed in the first 5 minutes of the match xd
@treyBake Age of Empires 2?
@Zoe hells yeah
the one RTS to rule them all
well that and Civ V
It was one of the first games I played. Back in '07 or '08 I think
@treyBake I've only played the original starcraft.
@Vakore yet to check out the *craft games, Warcraft III catches my eye the most out of them
and dayum, think my first game was ... I honestly don't remember, erm .. maybe Tomb Raider in 2000?
1. Of all the games I've played, Tree Dude is probably the most innovative FPS I've played in year. 2. First game I ever played was either Oddworld or Tombraider, I forget which.
This was one of my early favourites
@treyBake yeah, but there weren't that many games back before 2000 IIRC
@Zoe nah, late-90s was ripe with great titles
Doom, Pokemon, Mario, Sonic, Tomb Raider
Though I wouldn't know fully, born 97 xD
You also had Y2K going for ya :p
@StephenKennedy that looks quite cool! I like the colour scheme haha
@Zoe there were literally thousands of games for the ZX Spectrum alone in the 1980s
The what?
Old computer.
and the Nintendo Gameboy came out in 1989
But it's a keyboard
I think it had to be hooked to a monitor.
I remember getting my Gameboy Colo(damn Americans missing a U)r .. how amazing that thing was. So many hours spent in Link's Awakening .. Pokemon ofc and Paperboy
@Zoe the powerful Z80 CPU and the 16-48k RAM is inside the 'keyboard'. And you hooked it up to a TV and... wait for it... a cassette player to load your programs :)
If they'd used an external keyboard instead, they could've had a whopping 256 KB storage! That's more than I need at least!
I played lots of Mario Deluxe and Metroid 2 on that.
ah Metroid!!! what a game ... #TheOGDarkSouls
Ironically I enjoy Metroidvanias like Hollow Knight and Axiom Verge, but don't really like Metroid because of how cryptic it can be.
cryptic is an understatement ... the amount of unclear-bs you have to figure out and guess to actually progress is a nightmare
My older brother was somehow able to trudge through and figure everything out without any guides. In retrospect that is quite the feat.
Tomorrow on SOCVR, @Zoe reveals that rock music was invented in 2009
@Stephen Actually June 1948
that is damn impressive .. o.O I don't think I even finished the game, was too young to be as stubborn as I've become, maybe it's time to revisit some retro games and put their difficulty to the test .. you ever play the original Super Mario Bros: 2 (think US/UK release is called the lost levels)? That game .. xD
@StephenKennedy Pff, everyone knows rock music is fake and created by conspiracy theorists to push their agendas!! :p
I actually was playing the lost levels the other day on Virtual Console. The world's first troll game xD
cough seriously though, I know it started in the 50's or something like that @StephenKennedy
it really is xD you should watch videogamedunkey's video on it haha tis hilarious, love that guy xD
well .. ish rock n roll - which pre-dates rock - I'd say early 60s was the real birth of rock (but that's my subjective opinion)
Retry the game on hard mode to save peach. - Ghosts n' Goblins, Super Mario bros. edition
@Zoe Hard to say really as it depends how you define rock, but 50s is a reasonable shout, as that was the decade of Elvis (the early years) and Buddy Holly, Bill Haley etc. and it was a sea-change in the music from the 1940s.
xD the humour in that game, the amount of TV sets and controllers that game must have broke is hilarious xD
@StephenKennedy I just remember some stuff from a presentation I made in music in 10th grade.
@treyBake But then, you know, Lemmy always insisted that Motorhead was a rock and roll band. To him at least rock and roll IS rock, and who are we to argue with the great man? :)
@StephenKennedy huh, never knew that he considered that! I mean tbf, it pretty much is fast rock n roll with heavy distortion, which, funnily enough is how punk started. So many cool roads to follow using blues as a root. The evolution of rock is one of the most interesting in music
@StephenKennedy I love their Doctor
@treyBake "For those of you don't know who we are, we're Motorhead and we play rock and roll". That's what he said when I saw them; and I've seen him say the same thing in interviews. Btw, do you happen to know who Lemmy's favourite band was?
@Stephen you may like this then(the audio, not the video) youtube.com/watch?v=sswoj3Cw_ZA
@treyBake The Sex Pistols first album is just Chuck Berry riffs and some clever shouty lyrics
@StephenKennedy my brain must have cache somewhere, I read that automatically as "For those of you about to rock..." xD and I don't .. I'll guess The Beatles? and yeah that's true, and The Damned New Rose (considered first recorded punk record) is pretty much rock n roll sped up ... though I like The Clash for my punk fixes. To me they're the only band that matters ;)
@treyBake Yes the Beatles - and amazingly he saw them play in the Cavern which is like, idk, being in Steve Wozniak's garage when he built his first computer :)
@JonClements IIRC it was South Carolina until around 2000 - there is no federal law setting age in the states as it's solidly a states rights issue, but the federal govt gets around that by withholding federal funds for things like highway construction. E.g. "you can set it to whatever you want, but if you don't set it to 21, we won't give you this $3 billion annually to fix your roads"
this is all foggy recollection though
@TylerH I thought that was Louisiana
It well could be... I just remember it being SC for some reason. I have no evidence
well, the roads in Louisiana are terrible either way
though I bet Pennsylvania takes the cake
Louisiana was 18 when I was there in 1996 (and consequently full of students)
anyway the issue is we don't have things like tightly-clustered cities or reliable public transportation to and from every town with lots of bus stops and pedestrian paths everywhere... so folks pretty much have to drive, otherwise they will have to allot several hours of travel time
the surface issue is religion, so I won't get into that here...
Yeah, it's one of those rare areas where Liberals get more gov control and Conservatives get a moral issue
@Machavity Could you please expand on that? I don't understand
@Machavity I'd say that's a common thing pre 2008
@StephenKennedy Liberals (political philosophy) tend to want more government control over things. Conservatives (more religious) tend to favor it, but only for things they view as immoral. So a national minimum drinking age hits that overlap
@StephenKennedy See also Prohibition
@TylerH Yeah, not so likely to get done today
@Machavity The raised-in-Georgia part of me would suggest it's more that liberals want better government regulation over things rather than "more government control"
@Machavity Interesting. That's quite the opposite of Liberal here (classic liberalism you might call it). I consider myself "Liberal" because I believe in freedom and civil liberties. So, aside from protecting the vulnerable, that really means less government, not more.
@StephenKennedy Yeah, it can be confusing on the terminology. I'm not sure the more modern term Progressive applies here, tho
Bad keyword in answer - Position 233-243: ultraBoost. Anyone know what's bad abt that?
Also says "Do not share this content."
@StephenKennedy prob. ultraBoost vitamins ...
fertilizer ...
@rene Oh I just noticed that the 'answerer' is the OP. That should probably be an edit to the question. Prompted by this NAA I guess: stackoverflow.com/a/54928700/397817
what a mess
@StephenKennedy There's a similar one about "keto". It's a hot diet fad in the US, but it's also a legit science term
@Machavity good old "generate ketosis it's a way to trick your bodies doctors hate it!"
all these diet fads (keto/atkins/ww/paleo) are just cutting out the crappy stuff you would eat when not on a restriction-based diet
... why on earth does a title edit while editing require discarding the entire edit to actually submit it? xd
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