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2 hours later…
Any zero-effort homework dumps, sock puppetry, spam, or trolling for me to flag?
@EJoshuaS Flag or close-vote?
@Makyen Either works.
@EJoshuaS Well, for close-votes, there's always the currently open cv-pls requests. The burnination could use some more reviews in the Close Vote Review Queue. OTOH, there are currently only 18 questions with close-votes (17 with >100 views, so the CVs expire faster). I'm sure someone will seed more into the queue, or you could (it's more work).
@EJoshuaS For flags, SOBotics is a good place to hang out to find things to flag. If you want to flag things across the SE network, then Charcoal HQ is a good place to hang out. There's also SEBotics, but that appears to have less traffic (not sure, I haven't really been in there).
@EJoshuaS If you're wanting to just blow off some close-votes, then there are a variety of searches that produce large quantities of questions that can be closed. For instance, there's looking for a plugin (etc.), or just the generic looking for a/an.
While most/many of the questions in those searches should be closed, I generally prefer to target things a bit more directly, as it often ends up that casting a lone close-vote on an old question will end up with the CV aging away, which really isn't all that beneficial, overall. OTOH, a reasonable number of the questions I've CVed off searches like that do get closed.
@MikeM. The highest scoring answer to Are research survey questions expected to be handled with close votes? argues that they are spam. The other answer to the same question, with 1/2 the votes, argues that they are not spam and should be closed.
@MikeM. Looks like it was deleted by a moderator as spam.
@Makyen Well, that was easy. :-) Thanks for the info. I didn't even think to check meta.
@MikeM. np. Yep. It was easy. :-) Yeah, it's one of those I have bookmarked, so I just searched my bookmarks. It comes up every once in a while.
@TetsuyaYamamoto No need to report it. Smoke Detector reported it
Just flag it as spam
1 hour later…
What's worse than attaching images of code? Forgetting to attach images of code.
@AnttiHaapala is a typo actually (return inside loop)
the question is rather dubious too ^
1 hour later…
Actually, it's spam
The post deleted by owner before spam flag/CV reached deletion/closure threshold.
Morning all
@E_net4 What self-answer?
@E_net4 neither of those answers are self-answers, but both point to the same issue: the number of their app not matching the number of the app in the AppStore. Typo it is
@SmokeDetector k - Direct plagiarism of the accepted answer
With spam link added
@HovercraftFullOfEels Agreed, I was sitting on the fence before I saw the plagiarism
Also o/
Morning \o
o/ night
and an NAA too (flagged, no further action needed)
@FireAlarm That troll answer is great :'D
What troll answer? ;)
@NathanOliver The troll answer that's now behind a 10k wall ;)
@SmokeDetector rude, especially given all his comments
@EJoshuaS I've flagged R/A, definitely a troll answer, especially with self-comments
@MichaelDodd It's borderline - if it was a comment I probably would've flagged as unfriendly/unkind
@EJoshuaS I would have kept it to NAA were it not for the self-comments
User "googleit" answering "Google it"? 100% trolling.
FWIW their other answer is also NAA, but that's all I'll say on the matter - "Play the ball, not the man"
@NathanOliver Does this question look like it's worth keeping?
@Machavity On the same subject, OP of this question was unhappy at its mod-closure, and currently has one re-open vote. I've added my thoughts as a comment, but wonder if it's best to edit the tag out and leave the post alive in a closed state.
I agree with the closure, mind, but don't necessarily think it should be deleted
@MichaelDodd It was closed 2 years ago and has been through a reopen review stackoverflow.com/review/reopen/21332830
@Machavity I'm not sure. I like the answer but I'm not sure if anyone is ever going to find it with that Q.
Heh, I blame Monday morning. Can't believe I've missed the date on that
@MichaelDodd See if Yvette thinks it could be historically locked (in the burn room tho). I voted to delete (Q has no language tag, is more a concept Q)
@MichaelDodd I'm not taking a stance on whether it should stay or not, just pointing out it was closed well before the burn started :)
@StephenKennedy Agreed, the closure is correct
@NathanOliver Will just retag then. Thanks
This meta request is great. Isn't there already some other request for somehow detecting/asking for the language of the OP? To prevent every language conceivable being wrapped in a runnable JS snippet, which obviously errors
@Adriaan I'm not sure that is what the Q is asking for. To me t looks like a request to leverage the stack snippet editor to auto format code for languages where a stack snippet is appropriate. Basically turn the code format button into something actual useful ;)
@NathanOliver yes; but the request I'm thinking of is at least tangentially related (let everyone push their code through the GUI, then determine the language, and if poo, use indentation instead of snippet)
@EJoshuaS please use a real reason
@NathanOliver ok
@ErikvonAsmuth Just a quick query as to our difference of opinion in this review - IMO it doesn't address the question and is little more than advertisement.
What is world coming to when this guy can't get into the building:
So you are saying a smoking clown with with a fire axe on his back and a police cap on the head hodling 6 packages with a cliboard lying on top demanding to enter the building to check on his elderly mother because he is worried that there is a gas leak would not work? I guess, I'll have to send everything back then. — problemofficer Nov 15 at 15:08
@NathanOliver Ah, so that's why it's called "world building".
@MichaelDodd Was doubting on that one. It's not spam, just a software recommendation to an off-topic question. If the question would've been on-topic, the answer might've been valid
I can remember a shog post stating not to flag these. Anyway, the Q should just get deleted and the answer with it
It's crazy how fast 50 flags go away when you go on the Close queue...
@ErikvonAsmuth Q and one of the A's have positive scores so would've taken a number of del votes to clear, so easier to deal with that one answer for now, especially as it was self-promotion
disclosed self-promotion is allowed, it quite possibly was the best answer on that Q&A (free product, actually solved the issue). I feel silly deleting the best answer on a Q while leaving the others be, and there's clear guidance to not flag NAA on closed questions
close vote, close vote, wherefore art thou close vote?
where were you during the great Close Vote drought of late 2018?
@NathanOliver I remember that one. The two lovers delete their accounts at the end, right?
@NathanOliver What should we do about that weird union question? I believe it's totally off the grounds.
There isn't a close reason for that.
@NathanOliver Unclear may be. I don't see how that could be reasonably used. The std::array indices won't properly map to the other union members.
Meh. I see what they want and why they want it. I just don't know what solution I would actually suggest as an answer. If I suggest reference members then that breaks the assignment operator. To bad we can't have anonymous structs. That would fix it.
@NathanOliver Even with an anonymous struct, the OP would still end up with UB using the std::array and the struct members interchangeably, no?
@πάνταῥεῖ Technically yes. Realistically though a couple assets and you'll be fine. No sane compiler will break this on you. If it does, just through it a way and get a better one.
@SotiriosDelimanolis Has a significant edit
@SmokeDetector getting stupid
I guess that got auto mod flagged
@πάνταῥεῖ It should be off the homepage as soon as it's at score <= -3, which it already is.
@πάνταῥεῖ It already is. No need to fast track deletion there.
@Adriaan It's a horrible question and awful self-answer. He is using the wrong terms for what he is trying to do and giving misleading examples.
@NathanOliver Well, it's [on hold] and since my HP is newest tagged questions, it still stays pretty much at top.
@πάνταῥεῖ Care to review stackoverflow.com/a/53380533/3975177 if i made stupid mistakes? I'd like to reuse the answer for future q about slingly linked lists.
@πάνταῥεῖ I knew you were on ;p youtube.com/watch?v=nrLu1DOc1lE
Hi room, btw
@Swordfish Hmm, provide an online compilable and runnable link?
@Swordfish Nice to see you've not been kicked for a longer period of time :3
Don't feel encouraged to explore the borders again.
The OP just duplicate the accepted answer
@Sami Certainly not NAA, it's an attempt whatsoever.
It's just a useless answer. Vote accordingly. :)
VLQ might be appropriate, unlikely to be salvaged because it doesn't add anything
Though VLQ is always a risk
@Sami I'd mod flag and explain they took the accepted answer and filled in their own specific names. It adds nothing new and is kind of plagiarism.
Not plagiarism imo, provides a little attribution, probably enough since it's on the same page
@πάνταῥεῖ Huh? i haven't been kicked.
@πάνταῥεῖ onlinegdb.com/SJWdPceA7
@Swordfish Oh, I thought you were prone to :3
@πάνταῥεῖ Ha-ha.
@πάνταῥεῖ very funny.
I'd really like to see your reaction if we're meeting at a side walk ;)
@πάνταῥεῖ because you are a bearded big guy? ._.
. o O ( πάντα ῥεῖ just can't live with my hader immitation will always beat his ;p )
@Swordfish Tall, man I am tall :3 (and grey bearded yes)
@Swordfish No one boxes (boxers) here pls!
@NathanOliver No, I am definitely following the dark force :3
@πάνταῥεῖ I am your father!
@πάνταῥεῖ How are you allowed to post utube links and i am not!? *grrrr*
@Swordfish Certainly not. R.I.P. Mr. Kilmister BTW.
@Swordfish Add a character in front of the link so it doesn't one-box. We're not against YouTube links per se
@πάνταῥεῖ Mr. Kilmister? Thou art talking in riddles!?
@Swordfish There's a difference between links and oneboxes you should notice.
@Swordfish Look about The Rainbow Pub
@πάνταῥεῖ did you have a look at my code?
@πάνταῥεῖ I like irish pubs better ^^
@Swordfish I had. And as mentioned you should provide something that can be compiled and executed online ideally.
@Swordfish Yeah, me too generally. Mr. Kilmister liked bourbon with cola, but that's not really my taste. I love their music a lot though.
@πάνταῥεῖ "liked bourbon with cola" yuck!
@Swordfish As the genius he was, he was free for any choice :3
@πάνταῥεῖ will take me some time to rate their music, though
@πάνταῥεῖ generally i'm into metal
@πάνταῥεῖ black & death
Ace of Spades for starters.
@Swordfish I am generally for anything ranging from Beethoven to PIL.
@πάνταῥεῖ "I am generally for anything ranging from Beethoven to PIL." (y)
@πάνταῥεῖ Is Python Imaging Library also a band?
@E_net4iskindandwelcoming Huh??
@πάνταῥεῖ Aces of Spades is a Motörheads song, is it not?
@Swordfish It's a long player vinyl and a particular song yes.
@Swordfish Gotta appreciate the creativity of Motörhead's Overkill.
@πάνταῥεῖ will listen to it once i find out how to shove vinyls into my bd-drive
@E_net4iskindandwelcoming Public Image Ltd "Johnny Rotten": This is not a love song
@Swordfish Yeah, my descendants are facing similar problems :3
@πάνταῥεῖ Your descendants? You did procreate ... there are more like you!?
@πάνταῥεῖ Haha
seen both Motorhead and PiL live :)
Whats a roomba?
roomba is the automatic deletion when there's no answer on closed question.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre thanks
@Jean-FrançoisFabre no (accepted or positively scored)* answer
@SardarUsama You're right. I never remember the exact details. But I've got Maken roomba indicator running, so I don't care.
@Swordfish before you ask, "Chameleoned" is when you answer and someone changes the question, making your answer invalid
When a question marked as a duplicate, can we answer it?
no you can't. but that was answered before I closed as dupe
Why because there is no way to do it?
when it's closed, you can't answer it. There is a grace period of 4 hours where some hacks allow to answer. Stupid feature.
That mean if the question marked as dup at 08:00:00 I can answer it withing 4 hours later (12:00:00)?
yes, but not with a normal browser. It rarely happens. What happens is that people answer a few minutes after closure.
Thanks @Jean-FrançoisFabre
it happen even after a few mns
if you want deletion of those dupes, you can bring them here. It's better to have delv privileges to do so, but you can slip in a few without being bashed.
Q: Shall we delete the [pp] tag?

public static void mainI've recently found the pp tag on Stack Overflow. It has no tag wiki, and the questions tagged "pp" all use it differently. Additionally, it only has 35 questions, the earliest of which was asked almost 10 years ago, meaning that, on average, there are only about 4 questions a year asked in this...

this is a preemptive lets not be juvenile.
Why do we want to burninate our- oh.
It's a first for me! One of my answers is being used as an answer for a dupe question! Yaaaay!
hears a loud purring noise
That's not me, that's the lawnmower :O
@Compass Lawnmowers for the final victory. Yeah!
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Well, it happen here - stackoverflow.com/q/53381969/6426692
and the question seems not an exact dup for me
cause the OP not looking for remove one char
while in the opther question the OP looking to remove a char
not a set of characters at once
still Tab Alleman mark it as a dup
@Sami You can ping the close voter and explain why you feel it is not a dupe.
Thanks @NathanOliver :)
@MikeM. Could be a dupe, but it's not "a simple typographical error".
@gparyani It's super-basic syntax errors, and is "resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers". I understand if you disagree. Do you know of a fitting duplicate?
Good night 0/

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