@PaulStenne that would be a great idea but one thing though: Can you speak your friend comprehensively on the radio? One of our friend was mentionning Patrick Modiano who got the litterature Nobel prize but can barely must two words when interviewed on radio or tv
@AndyK Yeah he's used to teaching and doing client presentations and stuff. I don't believe he was interviewed before but I don't see a reason he couldn't pull it off
To clarify, answers which have bodies similar to "asasd asdasd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a" are considered abusive of SO's Q&A nature aren't they?
I could say now "I told you before". But I'm kind, so I don't. Just get a hotel for the days. And if your employer is ok, they should provide some compensation or at least support to find a flat or hotel.
@MichaelDodd Do people sell their Stack Overflow accounts or something like that? I've not heard of it, but I could see why some people would - it's like buying a nice CV/resume.
@halfer No idea, though with the enhansed privileges available to higher-rep users I can't see it being completely out of the question
@halfer But this particular incident was a post you'd expect from a 1-rep user, not someone who's been here for many years and has a few 25+ score questions under their belt
Extremely suspicious either way, flag was marked helpful though I don't know what action (if any) was taken.
@PaulStenne I wish I could be more open, but the "unwelcomeness" towards curators is real. It can get worse from high reputation users, because those will think they're right and have the privileges to attack back.