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4 hours later…
\o morning all
^ comments getting a bit heated
:/ socratic method fails for the C question above^
Indeed. So what is the use of head in the main function?! — Antti Haapala 1 hour ago
To declare it so that the Sort_list(head, arg) function can be called in the main function. Because the program was giving an error stating head and arg are uncdeclared first use in main function. — Moofi 55 mins ago
Or Request for Off-Site Resource ^^
@SmokeDetector Spanish spam (cursos = course)
1 hour later…
@Vega ninja'ed
@Adriaan Asking us to delete an answer on a question where you have also answered is a conflict of interest. While the wording of #15 doesn't make it clear that it covers this situation, the intent was to not permit requesting action in situations where you have a conflict of interest. This situation is a clear conflict of interest for you.
@Makyen makes sense, sorry for that.
@Makyen I think I posted the req before I answered, but that doesn't matter of course. The answer is weird though; the OP already states that trying to solve their first error, they did what was suggested in the error message (and this answer), which generated another error...
@Adriaan If it was in that order, then please ask us to remove the request when you're going to do something which could be perceived as a conflict of interest. Preferably, ask us to remove the request prior to creating the conflict of interest (in this case, answering). You don't necessarily need to wait for us to actually remove the request, but asking prior to answering makes it clear to everyone that you're trying to avoid a conflict of interest.
@Makyen I'll keep that in mind next time, thanks
( ^ That was posted to preserve content from a programming blog / site, who's author passed away )
1 hour later…
@Yam yeah OP added code in question
can an RO remove my request ?
@SurajRao I voted no MCVE after the edit, as it's a complete code dump. It's far from minimal imo
> You have a typo you havent specified the type for navParams in the constructor. public navParams:NavParams
ignore removal request. code dump with typo
@SurajRao out of curiosity: I though new users were prevented from using more than 2 links in their question? Or does that not hold for on site and stack.imgur links?
@Adriaan according to stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/new-user number is 8
@SurajRao oh wow, that's a lot higher than I though ... OP there used them all :p
@Adriaan heh they cant embed images though meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/303812/…
Hi. How are you all doin'?
@SurajRao no, that I knew, good thing :p
Hi @Ron. All quiet on the western front.
Good, good. Keep on rocking / close-voting in the free world.
@Ron You might have missesd the subtext. I'd recommend to wikipedia "All quiet on the western front"
Haha, this guy.
Right you are, @Olaf, I have missed the subtext.
@Adriaan Done any vrijdagmiddagborrel lately?
@Adriaan Last time I mentioned that it raised a few eyebrows.
@Ron hehehe, nice! Not last week, since it was Remembrance Day, although afterwards we did go to the pub. This week won't be one either, as Thursday is Ascension day, so everyone takes Friday off as well. Next week probably again
Very nice.
Blaast, I thought it was posted on SO.
A coffee is in order.
!!/coffee Ron
@SurajRao brews a cup of Mocha for @Ron
Many thanks.
@Ron Yeah, let's throw hot coffee at both accounts!
@Olaf mocha? thats a waste of some good chocolate !
@SurajRao Fine, hot water serves the same purpose.
I think we all knew this, but never wanted to admit it
@Nkosi Has an edit on it
Hey all. new week, new questions to close.
@Machavity it does not improve the question.
@Nkosi Well, yeah. It needs rejection. :P
I did
Someone is asking how to get the time zone from a timestamp.
As in the number?
Just o/
> How are you doing? There is not enough data.
Well, that's one way to meet minimum character requirements
@PetterFriberg around?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yeah I'm here
so... yeah. "this is ridiculous" made me jump a bit, because I was not thinking to be drawing conclusions.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it just seemed very unfair, the post already had its votes, why throw accusations?
I don't understand how this is an accusation? I'm saying that if people start to wonder about abusing a position, we should think about it. I agree that might not be the place to discuss it, but I'm not saying they are abusing, right now.
Or is saying it in itself some kind of commitment to the position?
everything got nuked, it seems :(
I hope I did not participate to that.
yeah that was good
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Look at the username of the answerer
oh wow, name changed 'n all
meta is continuing anyway.. this is bad
(Assuming you're looking at what I'm looking at)
yeah I think so Cerbrus
That surprises me.
Then we're looking at the same thing
... this is... concerning
discarding everything that have been said is... concerning.
Even mods are human, I guess it comes to a point when you had a enough.. this was also the reason why I started to comment
For what its worth I am with @PetterFriberg on this one.. Not the place or time to look into their agreement with meta views
Comments should be used for clarifications, random "attacks" that poster have hard time to answer are not constructive for anyone.
yeah, what you are saying is totally fair. I'm only... discombobulated that all comments were destroyed.
and that it even continues.
i made a panda mask
it is terrifying
@rene I just wanted to notify that there has been an ongoing discussion about a meta answer, If you need more info let me know.
@Compass good luck
@TylerH Dangit, closed quickly but still got two answers :-(
// ==UserScript==
// @name         SO User Alias
// @namespace    tampermonkey.net
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://*.stackoverflow.com/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    const map = {
        123456 : "Alias",
        789012 : "Alias2"

    for(let id in map){
        $(`a[href*="users/${id}"]`).each((i, e) => {
            const $elem = $(e);

Something I whipped up just now, so you can give an user an alias. This alias is added after their username: "username (alias)", on SO / meta
Numbers are user ids
that one code-box
@TylerH well where do they think they posted that question? :p
@TylerH wow
beats me
maybe that could get the point across
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Reminds me of
> I had a problem, so I used Java. Now I have a ProblemFactory.
Here's that userScript in a github link
@Cerbrus I just use CSS for that
.signature.user-4332216 .username:after {
    content: ' (Saitama)';
I'm guessing they're supposed to do the same, alias users that change their display names often?
I mean, mine is for chat, specifically
But it's not hard to fathom a similar solution for main
@MadaraUchiha well that's a lot easier o.O
Why didn't I think of that
Ok then
> why the down vote? please motivate
@Cerbrus The hive mind FTW
@Nkosi wut
:) never mind. If one has to explain a joke, it has already failed. :P
Agreed :P
@Cerbrus I'd tell Caprica to tell you why, but she isn't here.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier such.meta.much.wow.no.programming.stackexchange.com
@MadaraUchiha lol very good at that this particular user is
@PetterFriberg just disengage and/or move it to a different room. While we might be interested, we're not involved, right?
@rene no but we were talking about it here, it start here chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/42429130#42429130 and ends here chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/42429391#42429391. I just wanted to give you heads up.
feel free to move it all out of room, since not related to SOCVR
@mega6382 we do not moderate meta
hmmm, then why does the "CV Request Generator" adds the link there?
@mega6382 probably an oversight on @Makyen's part.
Cool, great, no problem. Didn't know. :)
An exhaustive list of all our norms and rules is available at socvr.org/faq#general-expectations-for-members if you have plenty of time :-)
@TylerH Will sure try to
@Nkosi I think it rather just belongs closed. What site is it appropriate to ask "what program does everyone use for X" on?
@TylerH Agreed
@mega6382 @TylerH Historically, the Request Generator used SOCVR as the default destination room for all sites. You can change the destination on a per site basis. The most recent update to the Request Generator changed it such that the default for SO main is SOCVR, for MSE it's the Tavern, for all other sites it's this room. However, that default won't override an already set room. Thus, many users will still have SOCVR as the default for various sites.
@Makyen OK, but which one is for MSO?
I don't use the request generator but based on what Makyen just said, this room: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11254
as it falls under "all other sites"
But MSO is sub-site of SO. So, shouldn't both these have the same room?
just saying.
Typically, yes, but because we're here in that site, and because we are tailored specifically for one site, the situation is a bit... meta (pardon the pun)
@TylerH However, you should be aware that room isn't heavily trafficked. For MSO, you might ask in the Tavern if it is an appropriate destination.
@mega6382 SOCVR is responsible to MSO. It does not moderate MSO. While the people involved here tend to be involved on MSO, this room isn't a good representative cross-section of those involved on MSO.
@Makyen OK, but what if the requests about MSO were tagged as such. That way only people who care to moderate the MSO will check those. hm?
@mega6382 No. SOCVR is not universally loved on Meta. Our attempting to take on some moderation of MSO would likely result in significant friction on MSO. We're not going to go there. It's not unreasonable to start a different room in order to handle such issues, although it's probably been tried.
hmm, ok, makes sense.
@Vega change reason to typo
@MunimMunna, Thank you. It was finally deleted. I think it could be also a dup?
Will a deleted answer prevent roomba?
@Cœur No.
@Vega Dup is only for questions that cannot be deleted because of some nice answers posted to it, if this is not the case, don't mark as dup, they should be deleted
@Makyen so, if I delete an answer on a more than 30-days old -1 score question, it will roomba within a few hours?
@Cœur The 30- and 365-day Roombas run weekly, not daily.
only crap questions in ... bored while waiting for my poudriere build :o
oh... that's why then... thank you.
@Cœur np. Roomba Forecaster, a userscript I wrote, should give you a reasonably accurate time-frame for when Roomba will delete the question and tell you why it won't be deleted, if it won't. However, it needs to be updated for a change to the Roomba criteria on Meta sites (i.e. that the 365-day Roomba no longer runs on Meta sites).
@MunimMunna, ok, thank you!
@MunimMunna cc @Vega If a question is a duplicate, vote to close it as a duplicate. That's the point of the reason. However, not all duplicates deserve to stick around. Some are esoteric, some are vague, some are just slight rehashing of other duplicates. If it doesn't have value as a signpost that others are likely to see, then you should delete it.
Don't close a duplicate question with some other, non-applicable reason just because you think it should be eventually deleted.
@TylerH, sure, thank you!
It was a "too broad" question, that lately was edited.
"thanks in advice."
crushes a soda can
Does AOL even exist still?
Yep. My grandpa still uses it (just for email, has comcast internet now.)
AOL and Yahoo merged together... they call it Oath.
@Cœur uhhhh .... we have a no-one-box policy in this room. Sorry.
see rule 7 in our FAQ: socvr.org/faq
@rene He one-boxed AOL as well. Violates rule 453: no AOL CDs allowed
@Yam Hmm, looks MCVE now
@Cœur For reference, there used to be a onebox to Oath Inc. on Wikipedia immediately after this post.
The following question stackoverflow.com/q/13265153/3924118 should definitely be re-opened. I have no idea why it was closed.
@nbro Hi! In the future try to specify any reopen requests with the tag [tag:reopen-pls] so that the scripts pick up on it and that we recognize it when scanning the room for active requests
Q: Let's remvoe the [jbdc] tag

pushkinI came across an edit that replaced the jbdc tag with the jdbc tag. I looked up jbdc thinking it may have some obscure meaning in the programming context, but it looks like it just stands for "Jamaica Business Development Corporation". There's only one question tagged with this at the moment, a...

@Machavity I think the remvoe was the joke :D
@MadaraUchiha Ah. I missed that
Can you tag that [status-completed]? We're trying to keep those organized
@Machavity It's completed?
Seems like it. Done.
@MadaraUchiha Was just a typo tag
@Machavity That's closed now but not going to be auto deleted :-(
Yeah. We're short on votes to 20k. Will have to wait 2 days I guess
@Machavity send them in, I got a few delvotes left.
sure it is
ah that one, already voted to delete.
(but it had a -2 score when I did, be careful about requesting 20k+ dels on Q > -3
@nbro Don't you think the question is Too Broad/ No MCVE/ Duplicate to the question in comments
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Hence why I waited
Luckily I figured it out myself from the recent transcript :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre It seems to have MCVE
Java is now Mos Eisley :|
@MunimMunna which one?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre this one
@MunimMunna I wouldn't call that minimal. Up to you :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Got it :)
Still not qualified for reopen IMO
RO, can you please trash this cv-pls? OP added MCVE
Thanks @NathanOliver

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