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4 hours later…
@KenWhite Code has miraculously appeared for this Q. Unfortunately, there is no problem described, so no reopen-pls from me:(
@MartinJames None from me either. Now it's an assignment dump with a code dump.
@KenWhite Wots the betting that OP will now describe some problem, but with no test details or info about debugging already done?
@MartinJames Not taking that bet. :-)
@KenWhite I mean, I did have a quick glance. There is an 'account' class, but OP does not seem to have instanciated one anywhere:(
@MartinJames I don't see an instance created either, although the code does call methods of that class a couple of times. Still no problem description (other than the assignment text dump that it started with).
@KenWhite I would have lost the bet - OP deleted Q ;(
@MartinJames Darn! I should have taken it. :-) My usual luck. Looking now at a How can I do this better? h/w post that has no effort to actually do what it asks and features about 30 lines of code that isn't anywhere close to compiling. I've pointed out that you can't do it better until you can do it in the first place.
@KenWhite I suspect that the OP could actually write C-like code OK, happy with loops/arrays/conditionals etc. but was struggling with the very basics of OO, ie. 'define/declare a class, construct an instance and only then then call methods on it'' :(
@MartinJames If you look at the assignment again, the OP didn't even follow directions. The first instruction says two constructors, but only one was written. It also defines deposit and withdraw as returning no values, but the written code shows withdraw returning a value while deposit does not. There's a transfer that wasn't even written.
@KenWhite Yeah - a loss all round. Oh well, onwards to the next bad h/w dump... :(
2 hours later…
@SmokeDetector lol, 'phone number' no. 'Bad expression detected in title'
4 hours later…
Hmm... I never realized the set of languages recognized by regular expressions is countable.
3 hours later…
Ahh...the joys of Sunday.....homework dumps galore. :)
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
Plop everyone!
@PaulStenne o/
Note that the answers are exactly the same, a copy/paste. Moderators have been flagged
@Paul How's serious life goin'?
1 hour later…
Waiting for the next troll post on meta... Lord
(sigh that coderredoc, the last time I saw them 3 days ago, they were below 10k :/)
@AnttiHaapala "I'm trying to create a stack of a struct, but I'm kinda stuck." guy is a rap artist after all.
Haven't answered a C question for days now. not a single one was worth it.
@AnttiHaapala this guy doesn't seem to care about the questions quality (just checked his profile)
I feel that they answer every single question they come across...
@AnttiHaapala another good candidate for your friend.
I know, I know. void main() should be int main(void). No? Too bad. — Antti Haapala 19 secs ago
@AnttiHaapala that confirms my belief from the very start that every question containing "student" should be closed & deleted immediately (specially if posted on a sunday night). Chew on this SmokeDetector :)
or "but it doesn't work" as the last words of the last non-code paragraph
Or "I get error (please help)?". That one is a classic as well.
"this is my code"
"for the life of me I wasn't able to sort it out"
@AnttiHaapala Well, that was one reason I don't check the C tag regularily anymore. I feel much better since I don't.
Like I said earlier when the room was quiet...the joys of Sunday....lol
I know 2 C specialists that are beginning to look at the python tag (well they're not too successful at first...)
@Olaf some python questions are terrible as well. But since it's not UB festival, I'm generally able to hammer them or find the issue in seconds. Not as annoying.
we should forbid scrollbars in the code snippet section.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Oh, it's not that the pure Python questions are much better. But the language is far more powerful, so there still might be questions not asked, yet. But a lot of Python questions are actually about some framework.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Looks like we had a race-condition here ;-)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Poor Assembler guys, though ;-)
yes, interesting questions about new 3.6 features, bugs/limitations on csv module, machine learning, numpy... Python is still moving.
@Olaf: I recently added "68000" to my fav. tags. Not a lot of traffic, unfortunately :)
And wait for the next generation of 100:1.5 Monitors which have 100000k pixels in 32 lines.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Hmm, that sounds cosy. It still is my favourite CPU. Although I like the Cortex-M4, too.
@Olaf: race condition? where?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre concurrent posting
All the 68000 questions are answered, some are only a few months old.
concurrent posting? where? (sorry to be so dumb)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre You should increase your clock. You have a looooooong delay line ;-).
5 mins ago, by Olaf
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Oh, it's not that the pure Python questions are much better. But the language is far more powerful, so there still might be questions not asked, yet. But a lot of Python questions are actually about some framework.
@Olaf I'm currently emulating a 68040 at work for some sort of simulated application we don't have the source code for (but we have the rights to do that). I know a lot of fellas at English Amiga Board which would be jealous...
It's not a race condition, it's just plagiarism by my end :)
7 mins ago, by Jean-François Fabre
@Olaf some python questions are terrible as well. But since it's not UB festival, I'm generally able to hammer them or find the issue in seconds. Not as annoying.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Yes, the 68040 was indeed a great thing. Unfortunately I never had my hands on it, except for using a NextStation (but not for programming). But I could always start a ColdFire project, I I really feel that nostalgic (or implement the 68K in an FPGA; I have a self-made micro-board here which should be sufficient to emulate a complete Atari-ST or maybe even Amiga (mabe even the larger 68Ks).
the problem with the Amiga is not the CPU but the custom chips. Atari is way easier :) and Amiga already has a lot of FPGA implems (Minimig, and others I forgot the names). Got a real 68060 on my machine. The price of the secondhand board is the same as the day I bought it in 1995 (around 800 euros)
I know both machines pretty well:-) Both can be integrated pretty easily in an FPGA. The Gatearrays of that time were not really that complicated. And the analog components of the sound system can be emulated by a combination of hardware and software in the companion MCU. Actually that is a Cortex-M4F at >160MHz; taht alone could emulate the 68000 in software.
And no, that were no FPGAs, but pretty simple and (from today's perspective) small Gatearrays. Also they were pretty slow; what was implemented in parallel hardware could be implemented today in sequencers running at higher clocks easily.
The 68060 is a bit tougher, although there is no problem implementing that one in a FPGA, too (just more complicated). FYI: CPU/MCU developers use FPGAs to emulate their designs since more than 2 decades already. I remember an article some years ago about Intel using a bunch of FPGAs to emulate their Pentium designs.
@Nkosi Edited with more code. Might be MCVE now
@Olaf 68060 isn't really useful for those machines mainly used for gaming. Even 68040 is too much because of the incompatibilities (cache, instructions...). We're waiting for your prototype then :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Oh, I thought about it, but I'm afraid I don't have the time. And - TBH - I'm fine with the CM4. All I have in my wishlist if I find the time (which means hardly ever) is a multi-layer display controller I have planned in most details already. But then the most complicated part is to write it all down in VHDL and test the stuff.
About CPU speed: it depends. Sure, if you have timing-loops with CPU instructions (the bad way), yyou are most likely lost. Even the 68010 3-word loop-cache for DBcc was a problem for a lot of games these days. I'm not even sure if my own game is free of them.
@Olaf "But then the most complicated part is to write it all down in VHDL and test the stuff." Nerdy Mc NerdFace ;-D ...
@user0042 Well , I have a bunch of paper(!) with the concepts, including a nice, basic 2D Blitter. If I only had the time …
@Olaf I'm curious if you catch the connection: youtube.com/watch?v=08083BNaYcA :-D
... we never care what your name is boy, we'll never send you away ...
@user0042 not really.
@Olaf Okeh! It's a bit hair fetched (if that's even a valid english term)
@HovercraftFullOfEels Stop boring us pls! :-D :-D :-D
@HovercraftFullOfEels Yes, every shitty piece of code becomes instantly valuable if you add a GUI.
@user0042: your statement is legally actionable. You will soon be hearing from my attorney.
@Olaf: yes, please help me attach a GUI to a program that is nothing more than a static main method.
@HovercraftFullOfEels XD
@user0042: that poor soul has issues, probably in the Cluster B spectrum, and I fed right into him, fool that I am.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Well, I'm not yiddisch, but that guy had a lot of chuzpe to start complaining at MSO at their very 1st day of subscription. I'd suspect at least a ranting sock puppet coming up.
@HovercraftFullOfEels So you call yourself a Java-expert and can't even attach a GUI to unrelated code? Bah!
@user0042: I'm sure that the mods are on to that possibility and are hopefully monitoring his internet address.
@Olaf: No, I'm merely a Java pawn in the game of life.
Aren't there 68000 emulators for Windows already?
@Ron has woken up :-) So what? MacOS even had one integrated to run 68K code on PPC. But you completely missed the point. where is the fun?
@Olaf I think MAME emulates that one.
MAME emulates some 68000 code (Outrun), yes. 68000 emulators, yes there are (Musashi, WinUAE core, WinFellow, StonX and a lot of ST emulators). Emulating a CPU isn't the main issue.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I didn't say it is. But designing/implementing a CPU is fun.
@AnttiHaapala Looks like he needs a hearing aid, too.
@Olaf ^that comment that you deleted is sadly true :F
@AnttiHaapala Sorry, it sounded funny when I typed it, but on a second read it wasn't that much. Luckily I noticed within the 2 minutes edit-time ;-)
omg and now an edit...
@KenWhite The edit made the post "unclear" now. Should we wait until the "no mcve" stage?
@Olaf Works for me.
@KenWhite Sorry, I wanted to add something (I forgot what), but pressed enter by accident. ctrl-V is way too close to the return-key.

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