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@Makyen ikr!
@Machavity the calamity!
@rene "add" rolling eyeballs :D
@gunr2171 I just saw that LOL
I haven't rage quit this room for ages
3 hours later…
10k user, silver-badge holder asking a question in about a blatant duplicate for which just using the title one can find a load of duplicates with up to 100 upvotes in google in 20 seconds, and 60k user answering them, 4 upvotes to both.
1 hour later…
@AnttiHaapala there must be some law of economics that will learn us that there is a cut-off point somewhere that makes searching for an answer more time efficient then posting a question. I sure can write a crappy question in under 20 seconds, right?
Shameless self promotion
@rene that one did take more than 20 seconds to write though :/ which makes me wonder.
@SmokeDetector really :p?
@AnttiHaapala maybe we have to conclude that efficiency is not seen as important by most SO users? Something for the developer survey maybe?
@Steve being coherent is important
Hopefully he will fix two errors with a single question
it is now deleted, so we assume they found it
2 hours later…
that graph doesnt look good..
@SurajRao Yeah, I'm slacking
1 hour later…
@Jean-FrançoisFabre note : >20k
@SurajRao isn't it possible with 10k already?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre no.. not for 2 days. 20k > rep can vote to del immediately
@SurajRao I don't remember, it was several ... months ago :)
thanks for the info
now I understand why I have to add that in SOCVR (when the question is new)
@HovercraftFullOfEels I suppose 'petty' is better than 'fascist mobs of trolling, downvoting jerks'. The standard of entitled indignation is improving.
@MartinJames: where are you seeing that?
Ah yes, the WordPress question.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Nowhere specific. I just trotted out the more usual terms used by outraged OP's and meta-moaners when their grossly off-topic Q's get heavily downvoted and/or closed:) 'Petty' is rather tame:)
Indeed. We've both weathered much worse.
I saw a user complaining about high blood pressure due to downvotes.
New FF rocks btw. At least on Win 7.
@Ron Should maybe interact with a help-vampire; that should reduce blood pressure a lot.
@Martin pressure seems redundant there :)
@MartinJames Might have been a vampire himself. Maybe overeaten on cucumbers?
@YvetteColomb Let's talk about gender equality then...
@PaulStenne Australians have gender?
@MartinJames Well yes. There's the black poisonous one, the three-fanged one, that one which makes huge webs strong enough to catch small birds, ...
Does mass-answering old questions in a style of "OP found answer...." and then quoting part of an edit that the OP made in their question (Stating that they solved they issue), or quoting another user's comment on the question that helped the OP, is allowed? It's like self-answering on behalf of the OP, and it's a bit weird
@MartinJames Lol, indeed.
@AlonEitan it kind of is, but the few times I did that the OP was no longer there, the question abandoned , the answer was worth keeping and I made the answer CW to prevent being called out for cucumbering (and give credit where credits are due)
So that could be a valid reason. They did give credit so no problem with that either. Thanks
^ also kinda creepy
@PaulRoub Ugh, that terrible answer got an upvote
How can we deal with that user? - stackoverflow.com/questions/47370087/…
Posting multiple questions on the same topic
@Sami as long as they're not duplicate, you can only vote to close & downvote. After a while the user will be question-banned.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Thanks
@Jean-FrançoisFabre They're not dupes, just rubbish. Unclear, too broad, no effort.
I hate it when I know that the Q is crap, but I have to waste mental effort on thinking of some reason to close it:(
@MartinJames I have some C & Python bookmarks that I use to close frequent dupes and sometimes also unclear/too broad which are solved by those. I can't stand someone getting rep for answering the same basic question over and over (look at the upvotes in the Java field!!)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre None of the answers have been up-voted or accepted, and so as it stands, this question will be deleted automatically by Roomba in a few days. You should not be asking for delete votes in this situation, but rather you should wait for questions that are truly not going to be cleaned by Roomba.
@HovercraftFullOfEels how can you be sure that some answer won't be upvoted/accepted? Accepted is likely. There are 3 answers. Should I waste 3 points & downvote?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre You can't. Mark the question as a "favorite" and follow it, but again, avoid asking to delete it unless it won't be captured by roomba.
I'll track it down by downvoting the answers... if I don't get my points, I'll ask again :)
That can sometimes backfire, resulting in sympathy up-votes.
@HovercraftFullOfEels yes, you're right. I usually don't do it. But I'll try it for that time only.
I've noticed the close vote userscript doesn't work with Greasemonkey 4. Is that worth reporting?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre & @HovercraftFullOfEels That question resulted in my adding a feature to the next version of the request generator to have it be able to open the question for you in 11 days to verify that it was actually deleted by Roomba, at which point you can file a del-pls if it's not deleted.
@ErikvonAsmuth Yes, we want it reported. Which userscript exactly? If you mean the close-vote request generator, it was updated for, and tested in, FF57/GM4. There is some instability in GM4 which can cause userscripts which use @require to not function. The only solution is to re-install the script. To do so, you will need to use a hack to permit GM4 to install from GitHub.
@Makyen thanks. sounds good.
@Makyen This one. Thanks for the info, will try that reinstall, and else report it. Honestly, I tried that at first, discovered that you can't add own scripts in GM4, and switched to Violentmonkey, so I got it working that way.
@Makyen Ah, you were totally right. The fault is GM4s, and not caused by the script. Thanks!
@ErikvonAsmuth Yeah, that's the one we're both talking about. When updating it/testing in FF57/GM4, I didn't know about the hack either. So, I ended up downgrading that profile to FF56, twice, in order to re-install the script. With respect to FF57/GM4, I strongly recommend switching to Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. GM4 just isn't ready yet.
Firefox 57/Greasemonkey 4 (GM4) users: There's an instability in GM4 which can cause the CV Request Generator to not function. The solution is to reinstall the script using a hack. For now, I recommend switching to Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey.
Out of close votes
This s a new way to cv stackoverflow.com/a/47370719/5292302 :D, even without cv
@Jean-FrançoisFabre That's the result when people don't understand not even the most basic concepts of programming resp. a language, just copy a pattern and get totally lost when even a single letter changes.
just depressing...
"“I wanted to swap two variables”, said Bhargav, “but man it turned to be a daunting task! I’m not kidding, I’m a senior software developer here but we are all so accustomed to StackOverflow that we hardly write code without copy-pasting snippets from there. But I didn’t know what to do when I found that it was blocked!”
"“I thought I’ll ask my overseas friends who could open StackOverflow from there and let me know the code but it was night there and they were all asleep,” Bhargav added. “I had no option but to go to our tech lead and ask for some help. But since he couldn’t figure out the answer either without StackOverflow, he tried to confuse me by asking whether I wanted it with or without using temporary variable! I told him to use his best judgement but he rebutted saying I didn’t know what I was doing.”
“I finally dug deep inside one of my earlier projects, searched for some comments that hinted at possible swapping of variables and tried it. Gave a sigh of relief as it worked like a charm, probably I had copied that from StackOverflow back then”, he confessed.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre "I’m a senior software developer here but we are all so accustomed to StackOverflow that we hardly write code without copy-pasting snippets from there" - WTF??? What do the juniors? Clean the toilets monitors?
yeah! I got a trainee that copies a lot of stuff from SO... he's lost without google, but he's pretty efficient with google. So I'm using him where I think he can make me save time. Most depressing part is that he's not stupid. Just the way some newcomers tackle the job.
I put him on an emulation project he just died :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Well, I know it is satire, but I've just seen similar things once to many to find it really funny.
On my last gig only one person knew what SO is.
ah now I get it: probably urban legend.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Sorry, but that's something I would not accept as a general attitude. Not that I'm not fine when SO is used for real problems.
@Ron: no need to know SO: just ask google, you get an SO link.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Nope, read the homepage. Sure, no one will confess being that dumb, but that behaviour is quite common.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre You would be amazed what passes for developer in my part of the globe. Nothing short of crime.
@Ron: first requirement: you must know how to breathe. second requirement: there's no second requirement.
@Ron Just check where the SO users come from and you know why.
@Olaf: sometimes I'm too lazy to tune some algorithm, I just pick one on SO (and change the code). Like LRU or stuff like that.
I felt like in prison on my last gig. People were delighted there was multiple inheritance and using namespace std was a must.
@Ron I should move to your part of the globe then. Most what I see here is plain frustrating. Definitively not amazing.
@Olaf Let me talk you out of it.
@Ron Oh, no worries. I don't intend to move further east than Austria. And not even that one is on my list of favoirite countries.
@Ron everytime I used multiple inheritance, I rolled back (well 2 parents are sometimes okay, put 3 parents and prepare to undo all your changes after 2 days of non-working code)
@Olaf Haha.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre My thoughts exactly.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Multiple inheritance from classes is just a bad idea. Things become different if you inherit multiple interfaces, of course.
Where I sit it's maintenance only. Prison of mind.
@Ron How about Prison Break? Started tatooing yourself already?
@Olaf Working on it. Despite the late blooming + need for a work permit.
The latter seems to be the bigger problem.
Hi all! o/
@BaummitAugen o/
Sup tree?
@LW001 Not about programming as meant by the site. That's more hardware related. Or yould you consider burning a DVD programming-related?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre He tried again, but in the mean time got promoted from a snot nosed student to professor stackoverflow.com/q/47371544/861716
oh look its the same guy
second account got nuked this time
@LW001 Used even the same name. Stupid. If only he would ask a decent question. See when he pops up again.
He won't pop up in at leats a day probably
And then it's too late. BTW the words "snot nosed student" were his in a now deleted comment. He asked people to show some respect because he wasn't a, well, that. lol
@GertArnold Yeah I saw the comment
Was how I found the question in the first place
Wut? At least SO is not alone with nonsense in the HNQ. XD
@PaulStenne LOL you know me well. Or we can discuss how the default for an unknown gender should be "he" or "their" - Let's not!
@MartinJames it's been rumoured, but there's no proof of concept
@BaummitAugen then there's this
@YvetteColomb :/
At times like this I feel like letting people vote with their affiliation rep is a bad idea.

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