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Question of the week: stackoverflow.com/q/44742121/5647260 (10k)
2 hours later…
Huh! @Derek's avatar looks a bt threatening, Wasn't it me, who's the President of the Shadow Government?
Lol it shouldn't seem tooo threatening
@Derek You're in my league?
^ Friendly aquisition!
What do you mean
@Derek I'm mainly an anarchist, but even anarchists can't act globally on their own. We should have strings and puppets at hand.
Ahhhh....or maybe I believe in/am affiliated to the real people pulling the strings? ;)
@Derek We'll take them over ;-)
1 hour later…
Hi. I might be missing the obvious, buit how can I report a user without going through a post? Or are user accounts like that ok?
@Olaf If the user has posts, flag them. If the user has no posts, can ping a mod (per mods)
@Machavity Thanks. I flagged a post. Just thought there was some "report/flag user" button I missed. Would have been more appropriate imo.
@Olaf There's no way to flag a user directly, sadly
@Machavity Good news is I did not overlook it. Maybe that's to reduce reports not related to a posting.
@PraveenKumar thank you!
hmm... too broad, I guess
6 hours later…
@YvetteColomb Welcome! :D
If there is someone here who programs on HTCs? And if so, can you please look at this comment on my burninate request for ? It asks whether there are any hardware-specifics on HTC phones which merit the existence of the tag.
I know I made a terrible suggestion for renaming it; in hindsight thinks like [htc-processor] or [htc-camera] or whatever component is the difficulty might be better.
As always I can be very helpful in these cases: I don't own an HTC nor did I ever program one ...
@Adriaan if there are specific hw related questions then that should stand out on the current questions in
@rene hmm, then I should read all that android poo? :(
well, yes or maybe someone should
Maybe ask in an android room?
this might qualify, but I don't understand a word of it
I'll go ask in the android room
urf, locked room, as in: only nominees can talk
@Adriaan hold on, let me ping someone
@FireAlarm unclear
@rene already in
someone with experience is writing up an answer
@Adriaan I develop Android apps, and to be honest, I've faced a brand-specific issue (looking at you, Samsung :/). Of course, this is just my 2 cents, not judging if the tag is needed or not.
@AndrewT. aight. Care to add that as a comment on the meta, for the benefit of everyone?
And well, that's the issue of Android fragmentation.
@Adriaan done
@AndrewT. looks like your specific problem would warrant a tag [samsung-TouchWiz], not an actual [samsung] tag; the same as the suggestion of the answer there to create [htc-opensense], instead of the meaningless manufacturer's name tag
@PraveenKumar I have a different vote in for it now ;)
@Fred-ii- Ha ha ha.. Del plz.
@PraveenKumar hehe ;) si si!
@PraveenKumar seems I'm asking to pull teeth in one question this morning lol!
@Jarrod Hi, nice to see you here! I believe I already VTC for POB, though answered.
@FireAlarm k
@Jarrod Okeh, okeh, I deleted my answer now.
Hi @王少卿 Spying out the hidden secrets of SO moderation?
^Interesting how he came here below 20 rep.
@πάνταῥεῖ you do realise he can't answer you?
@Adriaan Did so just now :-)
well, you can view any chatroom, regardless of reputation. You just need 20 rep to talk
Q: Apparently a vote to close request sent here can be deleted if I can't delete it?
@Fred-ii- a RO can move it to the sanitarium (or any other room they so desire). Actual deletion can only be done by you or a moderator.
@Adriaan the one in question is this one since there were more than one error in the OP's code. I had to take a closer look at their code where it failed on more than one level. I couldn't delete my request on time and I saw someone post something here not long ago where they requested to have it deleted.
@Fred-ii- ah, that means that they actually wanted a RO to move it to the sanitarium
@Adriaan Type of thing, yes :-) is it possible and how do I go about it? "They", that was "me" ;-)
@Fred-ii- well, ask either a present RO to move it, or "RO" in general.
@Adriaan ok thanks, cheers
@rene can this request be deleted please? I retracted my vote for it since there was more than one error in their code and sincerely doubt that they knew how to go about it, so I gave them a helping hand to fix it.
@Fred-ii- done
@rene Thank you Rene, cheers
@FireAlarm unclear
....waaaaaaaaaaaaay too broad ^
@JarrodRoberson Why not simply put those two comments into one? You have the character space for it, and you clutter the thread less that way
@Fred-ii- well, since it won't ever be reopened you might as well leave it to the roomba
@Adriaan You would be surprised as to how many votes to reopen a question like that that I've seen in the past 2 weeks. That's why I vote to delete those right away. But... if roomba takes it, more power to it ;-)
@Fred-ii- ah, well, I have no experience with reopening that kind of poo. Since I have no deletion votes, I can't say anything as to how badly they are needed either. (Still needs 500 rep...)
@Adriaan Those OP's (by my own experience) show a particular pattern that I strangely enough remember as did another member who posted a comment in the related question. Some get deleted by OP's, while others get deleted by members with the privilege to delete. It's all about helping those who help themselves and keeping Stack the success it is with quality posts ;-)
@FireAlarm unclear/TB/No MCVE
1 hour later…
@πάνταῥεῖ hmm, if you pres "edit" it is a figure
looks like the freemason symbol. Is that NAA, or spam/abuse?
@Adriaan Well, still not an answer, but a question, no?
I flagged as not an answer and voted to delete.
@πάνταῥεῖ considering the question is about drawing a pyramid made out of chars, I',m inclined towards NAA as well
it died.
@Adriaan Get off your geeky suit. "I'm inclined ..." That's NAA, period. :-P
@πάνταῥεῖ Right... - "period".
gotta wonder what happened to that band
@Fred-ii- << Blushes ;-)
@πάνταῥεῖ lol!! just a play on words ;-)
that song fits all coders, it even has the right brackets etc. lol!
@Adriaan No offense! It was just tempting ;-)
@FireAlarm unclear; TB might fit if you know what they're talking about, same goes for no MCVE
is having a double facepalm moment. (not on something I did, of course) lol!
Should we flag it for rude / abusive? stackoverflow.com/q/44749026
@PraveenKumar why?
@Fred-ii- Code is abusive... 😜 See the echo part...
@PraveenKumar and here I thought I was the only funny animal! haha!
@PraveenKumar Their issue is probably what I wrote in this comment.... They never said what was happening or not, but that's my take on it.
Lets just edit that part out?
@PraveenKumar Oh, I see what you probably meant earlier. Was it about the echo "P3N1S N1GGA"; ? I'd say it would and that was edited now stackoverflow.com/revisions/44749026/2 by someone else.
@PraveenKumar I added this comment in that question.
@PraveenKumar @AjayBrahmakshatriya, @Fred-ii-, There was a meta somewhat recently that basically resolved that we should edit such things out (i.e when they were unnecessary rude text/variables/etc. in code). I'll see if I can find it.
@Makyen Fine...
@Makyen I think edit is the best option, but either way the question seems to be of very low quality.
@Makyen agreed, however posting such nonsense as echo "P3N1S N1GGA"; is rather questionable. I don't think that question was a serious one at all. Plus, seeing their questions history, is also questionable. If anything, that question of theirs stackoverflow.com/q/44749026 should have immediately been flagged as rude/abusive as @PraveenKumar originally stated to me earlier. They're also not present in comments.
I also feel that the email address in the $to is probably targetting someone and have people email that person as malicious intent.
@Fred-ii- I don't have a problem with flagging it rude/abusive as an alternative to editing, in this instance. It's quite possible that the email is either intentionally or unintentionally targeting someone. We should probably edit it out so it's not live. I'd probably join you in voting to delete if I was able to do so.
Don't edit spam/abusive. It might confuse the mods and spamRam.
@Makyen If it gets flagged by you or anyone else in relation to the email address being edited out "after the fact", then the flag may not stand. Plus, in either case, a question like that has been asked countless times and still doesn't add value to the Stack Q&A. Edit: Just as @JanDvorak said in an above comment now.
"thousand-fold duplicate" !== "abuse" ;-)
there seems to be a moderator present in that question, since many comments were deleted.
@Fred-ii- Flags will be evaluated by a moderator based on the current version of the post, unless the mod takes extra effort to look further than the default view presented in their flag queue. The only way that flags are automatically invalidated is if the post is rolled back to a version prior to the flags being raised.
The original revision might warrant a custom-rude flag. A regular rude-flag isn't warranted by the post-edit revision.
@Makyen I think one of VLQ/NAA is also invalidated by forward edits, but I'm not entirely sure which one or if it got changed for some reason
@Makyen Indeed. Well, we'll just let nature take its own course. That was a bad question in more ways than one. It was also highly questionable.
@JanDvorak Hmm.. possible. I'd have to check the meta post again.
I don't know where to find the source either :-P
@JanDvorak The meta post I was thinking of very specifically is only about spam/rude flags. Thus, I'd have to look further for VLQ/NAA.
rene has started reviewing!
rene passed a audit!
Go go go .... !
I'm wondering - is there a userscript to tell how much you've closed from SOCVR vs. how much you've requested SOCVR to close?
to track one's 5x quota
@JanDvorak we need a Big Data solution for that ...
Are there any global stats available by chance?
From chat you have to scrape, and wrt succesful close votes you can do trickery with the posthistory table in SEDE (type=10) and then parse the text column
here is an example of such query from me: meta.stackexchange.com/a/234057/158100
I guess it would be easier to create a bot to monitor the situation forwards-only, then?
number of requests v. number of grave-trashes
i believe @gunr2171 already has something in place but I'm not sure if it will be publicly available
Well, forwards might not be easy either, actually.
Does anyone have the dupe for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/44749600/…
Not great but voted anyways, thanks. Adding to my dupe list.
I think you are a better JS dev then I am but thanks for trusting me ...
Worst case: four other people agree with me, OP shouts at me and I'll have disappeared in the void :P
In other news: year after the release of Pokemon GO, I have finally got a phone that can run it :-D
Happy hunting
Have you played it?
@rene yes, basically that. I wrote a program that gets all the chat messages from the 3 SOCVR rooms, and I can make those output (json) files available to anyone who wants those.
3 rooms?
SOCVR, graveyard, and trash
@JanDvorak Nope, I watched the horror unfolding on Kijkduin (sorry dutch only I think)
too dutch; didn't read?
Don't worry; I'll watch my step. This phone is too young to fall off a cliff :P
rene passed a audit!
I guess I should stay away from the cv queue, like I already do
@rene You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 40 minutes and 29 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute.
@JanDvorak You may want: Difference between variable declaration syntaxes in Javascript (including global variables)?. But, given the issue stated in the question (which appears to be that it's bad code: changing a global within the function as a substitute for returning a value), the dup-target that's being used is better. The question is really an XY problem/*no MCVE*, as the code doesn't actually duplicate the problem, but asks about the assumed issue.
Nice find, thanks
Latest edit introduces code, but still no-repro. Also, the syntax highligting is ruined by an (irrelevant) echo statement.
Random thought: if you created a script to open every new question in a new tab and ran it in ?tab=realtime, how long would your system remain usable for?
@JanDvorak IE11 would give up after 11
Not bad
I expect chrome to handle 50 tabs or so, if not more
At the speed we're opening them?
Speed of opening is not an issue. I open 30 housekeeping reports in one go
in Chrome that is
It might take a bit before they all load
Is your machine usable while they're loading?
including the browser
Yes, and this isn't an insane machine, just 4GB
AdrianHHH has started reviewing!
AdrianHHH passed a audit!
Evening all! o/
@rene Tried that with 100+ reports with FF, made the whole browser somewhat laggy for a few seconds.
I also got rate-limit banned by SO for that. =D
Nice. Thanks for the experiment.
Edit queue... :/
@BaummitAugen huh, weird. That answer has been deleted, so I shouldn't be able to see it
I guess you don't actually see the post itself, just two revisions which may both be out of date.
@TinyGiant my burninate request went to +20. Shouldn't it move into the next phase now?
@Adriaan burn burn, you should make a chat room and setup Burnaki, it's nice with some tracking and some graphs ;)
@Adriaan Use a custom moderator flag, remember to include a link to the answer for reference.
(to get the featured tag)
One of the weirder requests I have seen ^
"Open the program, go to said location, report with screenshot"
"Install this virus, then report back what it says on the blue screen that comes up"
@TinyGiant since they don't link to an actual website to download said program and the tag seems legit, I give them the benefit of the doubt. Needs to be closed and deleted nonetheless.
I was just being funny in a more general reductio ad absurdum kind of way.
@TinyGiant too tired to notice probably. At least we don;t have to take care of the deletion.
@NobodyNada o/
@Adriaan saw that
...and a repost from a deleted one ^ stackoverflow.com/q/44747263
...also applies to asking for 3rd party resources. ^

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