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12:13 AM
I just realized I can see deleted posts! Finally!
@AndrewLi I see dead people.
@Olaf I am dead people.
spicy. KYM is oneboxed?
@AndrewLi Not on my side. It should be a normal text line.
12:18 AM
@Olaf Well I was wondering why you put the . there
@AndrewLi To avoid one-boxing. Worked until now.
I think there are still lots of questions in the queue
12:37 AM
@Olaf That's what I thought. So KYM is oneboxed?
@AndrewLi I don't think I understand what you mean. A link is not oneboxed, but it will be rendered here as one-box. I did not check if this particular site will be rendered like that. Would be quite nonsense to check every site. I just add the dot for any link; not really worth to care further.
But feel free to try.
@AndrewLi So does it one-box? :-)
@AndrewLi Why "darn" then? You were right. Still, I will be cautious not to aggravate our resident rodent.
Meme's are pretty cool
@AndrewLi Yes, but specific tgo a culture. I just understand a lot of US-memes because I know a lot of US movies, series and music. One just cannot expect everyone to know them. (Even translated, my mother would hardly understand any of them)
@HovercraftFullOfEels Looks like debugging request. I CVd as "no mcve, etc.".
1:08 AM
@Olaf: possibly true. My concern is that he doesn't explain his problem in the least, making the question unclear to me.
@HovercraftFullOfEels That's what I summarised with "etc" - the close-reason about debugging-aid is a bit difficult to get a short phrase like "unclear" or "too broad". I think the text summarises what you said, too. Anyway, I'm fine with "unclear" as well.
1:45 AM
@QPaysTaxes: I didn't this time for a reason. Shoot, if it is a duplicate, I can simply use Mjölnir and dup-hammer the question into oblivion.
No, I wasn't sure it it truly is a duplicate.
2:17 AM
Classic quote: " If anyone can help me to solve this question, because I can't think any way to do it. Have to see the final answer and learn from it as thats my learning style."
2:40 AM
> Uncaught ReferenceError: NotWorking is not defined
^ for every "but its not working" question out there
3:03 AM
Heyo NobodyNada!
Bye o/
Is it bad just to downvote because someone posted an answer to a duplicate?
@AndrewLi nope, it's advised
it's good to downvote people answering off topic questions.
And for obvious dupes it's advisable to encourage people to close it as a dupe, rather than answer it
3:14 AM
@AndrewLi Downvote answers only if they are not useful. If the answer doesn't add anything, it's not useful.
I guess so
Should I delete my answer then?
@AndrewLi Only if it doesn't add anything. If you went into detail that is specific to the question, I'd keep it
@4castle Pretty much the same thing. I'd say it's a bit more detailed and mentions something new but I don't know.
@AndrewLi Is it detailed in a way that would also make sense on the dupe? If so, you may want to answer the dupe also
3:25 AM
@YvetteColomb I would agree, but IIRC Shog said he didn't like people doing that
IIRC there's a post from shog saying NOT to
If you answer a dupe, you will be suspended for voting irregularities.
ok, well that's ok. I've found that my experience is, I've been treated harshly when answering dupes. I don't do it
^ Yeah
@LearnHowToBeTransparent huh?
3:36 AM
I got downvoted to oblivion on a correct answer, (-7 or something), because it was a common dupe. 'Twas when I was a noob
@LearnHowToBeTransparent ?
@AndrewLi yep. I hear ya
It's clearly correct! Why question marks? I am wrong?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent What do you mean by voting irregularities?
@AndrewLi I saw a user good at answering dupes and then suspended for voting irregularities
3:58 AM
@Machavity is SEO on a burn list?
@YvetteColomb Well they won't blacklist or burninate it. But right now am trying to burn down backlink
@Machavity ah ok
I figured you were up to soomething :D
I added an OpenSource and SEO custom close to the SOCVR autocloser list (once someone approves my pull request)
@Machavity it's not been approved?
4:04 AM
@YvetteColomb ah, those emails go to work. NM
It's approved
@Machavity ah k good o
@YvetteColomb Yep, there they are
4:56 AM
java is theft. relying on client resources. — Mario P. 3 mins ago
5:40 AM
@tunaki Dupe of how to microbenchmark?
@BhargavRao \o
6:09 AM
I have voted to close this as non-reproducible or lack of MCVE. — Yvette Colomb 7 secs ago
6:37 AM
It seems that this question is getting a bunch of free advertisement stackoverflow.com/questions/41561366/…
@YvetteColomb \o
7:36 AM
i.sstatic.net/6rwy4.png and I ninja'd Martijn \o/
@PetterFriberg Ninja'd... He was 7 mins late O_O
You didn't ninja Martijn, Martijn gave you the opportunity to ninja him.
no no no I clearly got him on that one... I did not even flag it... to see when he would arrive...
You trapped him!?
You monster!
Yeah he has been killing'em before I manage to add comment...
7:39 AM
I'm contemplating about asking my first question on SO... Scary stuff...
I'm ready with dv, cv and in a few days delv, so please do
Will be a short question, and will probably have a dupe somewhere
Haven't managed to find one yet though =/
Don't worry, just write a nice a question, SO is in desperate need of those... and remember to add "ITS URGENT, TANKS IN ADVANTAGE"
Dont think memes are appreciated in new questions :(
Otherwise I would probs :D
Will have to ask after I'm home, cannot open certain pages at work =/
7:56 AM
@SotiriosDelimanolis found ajhother one
Think of teh tunaz and teh tunaz appears
Yes I'd say :)
Actually w8, wouldn't VLQ be more suited?
It does "attempt" (meekly) to answer the question, but sucks at that.
MOrning \o
w8 m8 the f8 is l8 at the g8 on a d8 with h8 and poor r8
8:27 AM
> Set the timeout on the REST call to the Indigo server to a value that gives the cardholder enough time to insert/tap their card and for the actual transaction to happen.
How the heck do I do that?, if I set timeout to my client, the server will see that?????, msdn.microsoft.com/it-it/library/… c#
@PetterFriberg yeah, I see all the things. Just Do It ...
aaah so the server will see that setting, did not know that..
Morning \o
hmm, rene are you sure that I do not need add a request.Headers, trying to do the inverse search (How can a REST service get the timeout that a client has set)
8:53 AM
@Lankymart batch scripting 101 dealing with spaces in paths...sheesh!
@PetterFriberg I'm not sure what the API looks like but I expect it to be: 1) Heh, I'm going to do a transaction and I'll call complete within 30 seconds. Server: OK, use 42 as the transaction ID, see you within 30 seconds 2) Heh, for transaction ID 42, here is the result. Server: Sorry, you arrived here 15 seconds late, try again this time allowing for more time.
@rene it's an unattended payment terminal, hence I call it, it activates so you can insert card, it should shut down within the timeout (hence disable that you can insert card). Strangely I can't see any settings for this timeout (nor in header, nor in request), just that phrase and I can't really understand how it can see my connection timeout, which also seems incorrect (it needs to respond that call has timeout, terminal shutdown, non card inserted)
@PetterFriberg and it is an REST call over HTTP?
yeah, seems strange but it's a new terminal type..
wondering if there is a standard way to indicate timeout in REST calls or if it's better that I ask'em "How the heck do I set timout"
@PetterFriberg I'm pretty sure you can't on a rest call, at best you can kill the HTTP connection bit that is ... strange ... REST is not designed nor meant to deal with those technical implementation details.
9:06 AM
@rene ok thanks, yeah same feeling, but I'm always afraid that I'm missing something, I will ask them how exactly I set the exact time that terminal should have
@PetterFriberg it depends on how "RESTful" it is, some APIs claim to be RESTful but maintain a session state for example.
> The design of this interface is to use synchronous REST calls
> Set the timeout on the REST call to the Indigo server to a value that gives the cardholder enough
time to insert/tap their card and for the actual transaction to happen. Typically a value of more than
60 seconds on the REST timeout is recommended. If a customer does not present a card this will
eventually timeout and return control to the Integrator.
That's all info related to this implementation
"REST timeout"??
Are you expected to open an HTTP connection, keep it open for 60 seconds and send the REST call in that period?
That is the only thing I can imagine
But that is still client side
@rene sound like it to me.
I will open send my request and then wait for response, but I want to indicate that it should shut-down terminal in x seconds
9:09 AM
the server will not know how long you intend to keep that HTTP thingy going
hence if no card inserted within x seconds, I want it to respond "No card inserated"
Kinda, but I think it's the reverse, you open HTTP connection send timeout parameter as a meta header and wait until server replies or drops the connection
@kayess Yeah that is what I would expect a header or a property in call, but can't find nothing else than that in doc.
I would close that API as Unclear
anyway, thanks, I was afraid that I would ask a bad question to the devs of API...
9:11 AM
Closes @PetterFriberg as POB
9:54 AM
@kayess already on hold
@Lankymart After posted it here
Just spoke with them about the rest call "Hmm let me check the code.... aah no you can't set it, you need to do it server side in config"....
@kayess funny that I've posted at least three cv request this morning and not one has been touched
@Lankymart guess there's a lot of lurkers in
@PetterFriberg let me check the code is always an hopeful response ...
10:06 AM
:D, yeah documentation does not really count...
@Lankymart just seems a build my regex question of which there are hundreds
@Lankymart Did you just reply to yourself?
@MadaraUchiha I believe he did.
We only speak with our self here
@PetterFriberg How are you today?
@PetterFriberg I'm fine thanks and you?
@MadaraUchiha yes to maintain the chain, otherwise it becomes harder to follow...I was told to do that
@Lankymart Fair enough
It's a bit unusual, is all
You usually reply to someone else
10:14 AM
@MadaraUchiha Who said that? ô.ô
Who defined usual?
I think it's not unusual.
@Tunaki Well you're a bit weird also, eh?
@Tunaki Not weirder than you!
@MadaraUchiha I get that, but if you were adding extra information and no body had replied what do you do...someone showed me how to link based on the id of the permalink. Now I just use the chat mod userscript Ctrl + Up + R
@Sot Can you switch dupe targets here? This question is more complete dupe that the one I used (it is specific to the trickery of the Assembly Plugin).
10:37 AM
Randomly browsing jobs... Benefit: "Online Fitnessstudio"... What
Legit confused :L
Training my virtual biceps... >_>
11:18 AM
@Seth they train your brain
11:33 AM
(sorry if I'm spamming the room with q's about if a q should be closed or not)
You spammer ô.ô
Atleast you're not spamming oneboxes.
Too broad.
Np :)
11:56 AM
@Enzokie Or "No MCVE", that'd work as well.
Both work fine I think.
ok I see :)
@Enzokie That's quite a bold "do my job" request.
@Olaf true :)
@FireAlarm You're late.
12:20 PM
@QPaysTaxes Ew :S
@FireAlarm These questions always remind me of this for some reason.
@QPaysTaxes or go to bed at midnight, sleep until 12:45 :D
@QPaysTaxes I originally saw that as part of a "don't laugh challenge", and it crushed me to pieces.
@QPaysTaxes then there's for days to do that :D
12:28 PM
@NathanOliver I just got out of bed as well :D
Now it's hardcore physics for the rest of the day
two atoms walk into a bar and fuse...
@Adriaan To be fair, it's hardcore physics for all of us all day, every day.
@NathanOliver and then? :D I only know it as An electron and a positron see one another across the bar "Did you feel an instant attraction too?"
12:31 PM
@Cerbrus I think next time it is better you change your behavior, and lets people clear the doubts. I searched but for me, my question is more related to SAPUI5 and I wanted to know what is the reason that they do that. The best answer was provided by Martin. And it cleared for me why in WEB IDE it makes a warning when we use alias for this pointer. — Mahdi Jaberzadeh 3 mins ago
Yea, I shouldn't suggest people search a bit more...
@Cerbrus Never fight a Senior Soft Eng. Just dont ;)
@QPaysTaxes Probs not
@QPaysTaxes Well, if that is "bad", I don't want to know what "horrible" fan-fiction would be. I sometimes wonder how people even dare to release such rubbish into the public.
@Cerbrus I don't know JS, nor do I have any idea what ?SAPUI5 (SAP-UserInterface 5?) is, but even to me it looks like some basic JS stuff to do something with objects and methods.
@QPaysTaxes I hope non-native speakers won't adopt this "benglish" (bad english).
@QPaysTaxes I'm not food (and you missed a comma:-)
12:47 PM
@Olaf 95% of github is like that, lol
@Tunaki huh? Has had an account for almost 4 years and his first activity is a questionable post?
@Yam looks OK now I think?
@Tunaki Just 20K delete it and black list the user?
12:59 PM
Natty is faster than Smokey :)
@rene ò_ó
@NathanOliver I didn't follow the link
I did. Takes you to a page to either sign up or sign in.
@NathanOliver Alright, that sounds good then
@Tunaki has one delete vote
1:05 PM
Quick question regarding jobs: Isn't the "Remote"-option only to be active if the job is definitely remote, and not only "at management's discretion"?
@NathanOliver hrm no, has 2
1:20 PM
Wild guess: file is locked?
Wrong file name?
if fopen returns null, I suppose there's nothing you can do except fail badly
@QPaysTaxes Really nothing you can do at that point except give the user a good error message.
I'm thinking could not foo the bar
Did you inspect errorno?
Man dba.se is dead...
It's a ghost town
Did someone drop table *;?
Maybe I'm just spoilt at so
1:28 PM
Looks okay-ish :o
@NathanOliver zing
@Lankymart Well, the problem is that there's a huge overlap with SO. So why go over to DBA when it's valid to ask SQL questions here?
@Machavity because it wasn't about programming it was about Custom Security Groups as SysAdmin not behaving like SA.
Last thing I wanted was to have it closed as off-topic ;)
I just assumed diehard dbas would be using dba.se
1:52 PM
@Lankymart Might sound snarky, but they might have just run out of questions. DBA always seemed really niche
... Yeah I'll go ahead and say that's spam...
@Lankymart please ...
@Lankymart Mhhh, I think given the structure of the post both flag types are valid.
@Lankymart No need to quote the offensive part
1:56 PM
Oh, and don't quote that nasty stuff in here =/
@Machavity I had to look at the question to really spot it, just giving context
Well, it's gone now
@Seth @SmokeDetector did worse...
fixed, let's move on
1:59 PM
sure, but move "on" where?
To some less nasty stuff :-)
Sorry didn't mean to offend anyone...could have blocked it out...apologies
Like the weather :P
Yahoo! Answers
@Lankymart All good, is gone now :) Just remember it for the future
And that doesn't really offend anyone I think, it's more like "I don't want to see that :|"
2:13 PM
@user2314737 hiya
\o ok I found it, I was confused by the new interface couldn't find the way to open the other communities (like meta) ... it has moved all the way to the right
If you like your eyes, get stylish & a nice dark theme for the top bar
2:16 PM
thanks for the tip
ehm how do I change the theme?
@Seth I'm using the grey theme right now. The Black one looks too dark
@user2314737 You need to install something like "Stylish"
@user2314737 Check this meta answer
ok tomorrow then
@AshishAhuja Fair enough :D
2:19 PM
@user2314737 Yeah, putting that "hamberger" overr on the right, when there is also a perfectly good graphic on the left, where it used to be, is ridiculous. I made a user script that merged the site-switcher back with the logo on the left.
> dont delete my post again please thx god
Man, that guy is just a target rich environment
@NathanOliver Unclear seems the better fit
Works for me
2:37 PM
@Makyen is this your theme or you wrote another one?
@user2314737 It started out based on that, but that theme missed several CSS issues. Also, I wanted A) the site-switcher merged with the logo (no need for two icons, and on the left is where I'm already used to looking for it); B) the inbox and achievements back on the left also (where I'm used to them, and where I am not distracted by the review badge); C) Add back in the help drop-down; D) reduce the space consumed by the Question, Jobs, etc tabs; E) shorter vertical height (same as old to-nav);
@user2314737 F) sticky top-nav selection disabled/enabled on all sites, not just per site. Also planed, but not yet written: G) able to select on/off each change from site preferences; H) multiple themes.
Sounds pretty darn nifty :D
Using the user script with a dark theme & the removed orange bar (who the heck thought that was a good idea -.-") the new nav bar isn't all that bad though I'd say.
Sure, it's different, and I don't really see why we needed a new one when we have more stressing problems, but it's not "bad".
2:53 PM
@Seth the new nav bar looks kinda good on my large monitor, but on my laptop screen it totally cramps the space
This is what it currently looks like: i.sstatic.net/N5FtG.gif
@AshishAhuja Ah, true, didn't consider the screen size. I'm working with 27" monitors, at work and at home. Smaller... Meh :/
@Makyen You have 802 things o.o
Looks pretty good though! :)
It'll probably feel a lot more natural once other SE sites have the new nav bar as well
@Seth That's the review queue. Everybody that can review has those. The personal stuff, inbox and achievements are on the left so I don't mix up seeing the review badge and think I have a bunch of stuff I need to do now. Before moving them back the right my eyes would keep getting pulled to the review badge briefly thinking I had inbox/rep/achievement changes.
@Makyen looks like in the old times
@Seth Size: I've had a 4k monitor for years, but the new top-nav still makes a gratuitous waste of vertical space, just to have blank space. I don't need it. I can control a mouse better than that :-).
@user2314737 Yeah, it began basically intended to make the top-nav feel closer to what I'm used to and not be as jarring a change switching from site to site. The intended, not yet written, functionality of being able to select different features from site preferences is to allow people to choose what they like for themselves.
3:07 PM
@Makyen Oh o:
@Makyen I see :)
God, I love it when companies list "people you will work with" & have me click through all of them, only to realize that they're all 1-rep users with 0 activity since their creation. =( ..
@QPaysTaxes "I'm assuming you've done most of this yourself, and have some specific issue."
That gave me a good chuckle :D
3:24 PM
Please take note of the following meta post about the machine assisted spam flagging by Smokey and its userbase.
@Seth There's a lot of discriminating companies out there as well - some look like if you're not a gravatar you're not getting in... :)
@rene Can't resist making the must make joke.
What have I screwed up?
@JonClements Indeed .. :( .. No love for Bazoorels, Spearrels, Ninja dogs (to name a few) ..
-1 no hand drawn circles on the graphs, I don't know where to look. — Bhargav Rao ♦ 1 min ago
3:30 PM
@JonClements to be fair, I wouldn't give a ninja puppy a job either. It's rather difficult when you can't see your employees and they can bite you ni the shins any moment.
@BhargavRao :D
@Adriaan Ahh... keeps the work force on their toes though!
@Adriaan True, actually. How'd you keep track of his working time? ô.ô You'd never feel alone atleast... in a bad way....
Constant fear of being ninja'd is healthy for employee productivity and morale!
Isn't it everyone? (smiles revealing his razor sharp teeth...)
Not if said employee is 1/4th the size of said ninja...
3:38 PM
@Andy good work with the SmokeDetector!
I'd like to nominate my account for use by it as well for flagging. I don't get through my daily flags anyway.
@Adriaan It is very much a team project.
@Andy I know, but you created the meta with its nice graphs and lines
I do like my graphs
@Adriaan no free hand circles though! :p
If you want to utilize your account, you need to sign up/enable from here: metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/flagging/preferences
@JonClements Just for you
3:40 PM
@JonClements here, have a rawhide bone
Too much red! Don't know what's happening! Woof!
chucks a rawhide at Jon to placate him momentarily
@Andy 8 characters Username? My name has 7...
@Adriaan Huh. That's new...because mine has 4
I'll talk to Undo
3:42 PM
Undo's also has 4
@Andy in metasmoke with singing up it said minimum of 8.
Anyhow, I signed up, so I guess you can flag now
@BhargavRao picking on me again? :(
@Andy you might as well call the spam hour "Indian business day", because that's exactly the same hours.
@Adriaan Nopes, the troll pink elephant day was over yesterday :)
Mine* has 4 6
@Andy I've set up my account so you can use it for automated flagging. Does that also continue when I'm not online? Because my day usually starts like UTC 07:00, so the first three hours of spam-hour I won't be logged on
@Adriaan Yes.
3:51 PM
Great, thanks
Muhahah... now you activate the "spam everyone with comments from Adriaan" hidden easter egg feature hey Andy? :p
@kayess this question is so completely off-topic
@user2314737 yep
@JonClements that already happens, it's my "Welcome to SO, post a mcve" comment :P
the post is at 25 even before getting to the HNQ.
3:59 PM
@BhargavRao Jinxed it. Someone downvoted it. But it's Meta. If it doesn't get downvoted it's not worthwhile

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