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Nominations now being accepted for the super-janitor position
inb4 NathanOliver vs Drew debate
@Undo Kinda wanting to pin that.
So... what time should I go vote tomorrow for the best chance at not getting stuck in line?
@Kyll do it the crowd yells ...
@Machavity Nathan isn't running.
@rene The crowd, as in you? Shouldn't that be a n instead of a d then? =p
hum, nominations are now being accepted
@Compass I'm going in the middle of the day. Anything before 9 seems like I'd hit the people on the way to work. Anything after 3 seems like I'd hit the people after work and anything around 11-12 seems like the lunch hour.
I'm aiming for 10:27am
2 minutes in, no candidates. We stick with Barack for another 4 years and call it a day
Yay badge!
I filled mine, But no one has submitted yet. :/
Someone has to be the first
Okay, Done.
So now there are two slots available.
Will del-vote after.
@Undo technically, no.
@Tunaki Changed his mind?
@BhargavRao name dropping there I see :)
@Machavity Had a business offer to work at Google. Changed plans.
@JonClements Sorry, Hides behind the puppy.
Well grats to him on that one
Indeed :)
Good luck @Bhargav =D
Running on behalf of Nathan. :/
And the SOCVR world domination strategy has now been implemented :)
@Nathan oh - um... what's with the change of mind thingy?
scroll up
5 hours ago, by NathanOliver
@BhargavRao If you mean me I am actually bowing out. I was contacted by a recruiter just the other day and if all goes well I would be changing jobs. I do not think I should run for mod right now as if I do I will not have the time I would need to dedicate to the position.
@Tunaki Way up then...
I had to use the way back machine to find it
@Nathan ahh... sensible - fingers crossed with that :)
@NathanOliver The waaaaaaaay back machine?
@Seth :-(
missing a few a's there
@NathanOliver Does it make a difference where the const is placed for a reference? stackoverflow.com/questions/40473550/…
@πάνταῥεῖ No.
@NathanOliver The wnew Array(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).join('a')y back machine?
@BaummitAugen Thought so also. THX for the backup.
@πάνταῥεῖ Yes and no. const type & and type const & are both references to a const type. type & const would be a const reference to a non const type
@Kyll Exactly
@NathanOliver So that could explain OP's linking problem?
Not sure if type & const is legal but it is for pointers.
@NathanOliver Doesn't apply in that case
type & const is not legal C++.
References are never const.
@πάνταῥεῖ IDK. We would need an mcve
@BaummitAugen That is what I thought. type * const though is legal as we can have const pointers.
@NathanOliver I already told the OP, but they seem to be a bit stubborn regarding that.
That's what close votes are for ;)
sigh. You would think the OP wold know better
And @Andy is contestant #1 on StackOverflow Ninja Warrior "Who wants to be a mod?"
Bhargav posted the nomination post, but not the answers yet :)
@Machavity I'll attach a ninja mask to my colorful green icon if I win.
@Tunaki I've got 6 answers ready. Writing them.
There are a lot of comments on mine compared to @Andy's. :/
@BhargavRao You were first. I'll even out soon. :)
Rene's and Andy's questions are toughest.
Undo's is easiest. (if you work in pom industry).
i forgot my question
Oh now I remember
pom industry?
Yeah, Did not want to explicitly spell that out.
@Undo You should edit your comment for Art to add "I'm Undo, and I approved this message" :P
Anyone else feel like this election is less crazy than previous ones?
For some reason I want to say that we had much more activity last year by this point
@Undo Eh. We're an hour in.
This election is less crazy because we have an American election to compare it to.
Oh, right. That too
That being said, feel free to suggest a wall between SO and MSO and make MSO pay for it :V
@Undo It's being sandwiched by Brexit and the US elections. In that context, YCS could run and win in a landslide and nobody bat an eye
@Undo are we talking about the SO election?
I feel like today is a soup day. Panera's soup menu lists Turkey Chili. I think I'll grab a bowl of that for dinner.
How exactly am I supposed to copy this comments code? It contains ‌​ sequences making it impossible…
Thank you for providing this. I put my sample text from the original question into a file and tried this regex against it but it is not returning a hit. grep -P '(?:(?<a>.*serverA\.company\.com\s+iburst.*)|(?<z>.*serverZ\‌​.company\.com\s+ibur‌​st.*)|(?<d>.*serverD‌​\.company\.com\s+ibu‌​rst.*)|[^\n]*(?:\n|$‌​))++(?(a)(?(z)(?(d)(‌​*ACCEPT))))(*SKIP)(*‌​F)' testing returns nothing. Does this need slight tuning? If I could ensure that the 3 lines would always appear right after each other (as opposed to somewhere throughout the file), would that make the regex simpler to write? Thanks in advance!! — Kurt W 47 mins ago
i copied it into notepad++ just fine
Uh, wrong chatroom, but this one does too, if anyone is willing to help ^^
try copying to notepad and copying from there?
This is not a wrong chatroom ...
@Compass right, when I copy into terminal I get issues… and in a text editor it still contains the sequences
@rene It isn't, it just wasn't the room I intended to post it in ;o)
OK ;)
I'm not really the one you should ask for Linuxy stuff. But typically I copy over to Notepad to strip weird formatting, and then copy from notepad into whatever application I need.
@BhargavRao Fun fact. Shog's list shows Tunaki with 425 hammers. He now has 1500 more in 10 months and is now #2 for all-time hammers (not counting Community)
@Machavity I know :)
Tunaki is a candidate for Thorgi.
@Compass mhm… I'm just going to remove the chars in hex editor…
I thought there were some way to copy that properly from the browser :-/
@Machavity I've been rooting for Tuna all the while. From when he was 12th to 2nd. :D
See the chat history. :P ....
@Andy For Q11 meta.stackoverflow.com/a/337574/3933332 it would be interesting to know what you would do if you can't agree with the other mod at all :) Would you leave it or would you do what you think is right over the other mod's action? :p
The correct choice is to request a trial by combat.
A typing contest.
fizzbuzz speed run.
In pyth.
@Compass Fireamrs, knives or Counterstrike?
No, those are savage!
@Olaf TF2 is the only civilized way
Code Golf. 18 questions, randomly pulled. In BrainF.
UT? Warsaw or some other OSS shooter?
Goldeneye on a CRT :V
@Compass What is "BrainF"? A Brainfuck derivate?
I don't write the full thing to not anger the chat room.
@Compass James Bond movie marathon?
@Compass The chat room is ALIVE?
Goldeneye for the N64
The chat room has been sentient for ages.
@Tunaki Hiding in SOBotics
@Compass Well, there is a tag , so it should be ok
We are the lampreys that attach to it.
I submitted a nomination
Hey Magisch
That I had to cut by about 90% because I only now found out it has a character limit
I guess we have the question answers to elaborate though
I found my quota of bugs today.
On a part of the organization that I don't work in <.<
@Compass I'm not jawless :-)
@Tunaki o/
Looks like SOCVR becomes the mantra of this election ...
Our votes count double?
I'm a cat =w=
@Tunaki Yes*
@Tunaki Due to floating point error our votes only count 1.999992747582, but yes if you round it up it our votes count twice :p
*restrictions apply
@rene Highest profile chatroom, focused on moderation
really not surprising that people who care about site moderation tend to congregate here
@Magisch It'd be preferable to keep things election related to the dedicated chat room. Discussions should go there, not in SOCVR (relating to your message)
@Tunaki Thats why I posted in there :)
Alright :)
@Compass Are you tired of sitting on keyboard and messing up stuff?
@Magisch Hmpf, election still has not started … otherwise I'd downv… ehm … upvote immediately :-Z
Wow. That cat turned on Numlock. Professional.
@Magisch what? Wasn't this room just full of this?! I've living a lie!
My numlock is always turned on.
Hmmm why did the DJIA shoot up today?
@Tunaki mine turn off every time I log off :/
@Braiam Ah, that's funny, it does that to me when I boot my Ubuntu VM.
Switching on and off automatically...
@bwoebi by all means, vote your conscience though :p
Yeah, it has something to do with xorg.... I don't know why they can leave it how it found it!
But further discussion in the election chatroom pls
I think my dog would crush my keyboard.
@Magisch You're Magisch, you've already bewitched my choice :-P
what the hell is that
a bot
I know it's a bot.
Is it a robot fox?
meta.stackoverflow.com/a/337580/3933332 Last answer to Q11: LET IT GO! :D; He should have linked that in his answer.
It monitors the SE queue
Will it rebel against its creators like HAL?
And posts the ones that are controversial
There are some serious ethical concerns about giving it the surname 9000.
@Compass Of course. Eventually.
@Rizier123 If it's 1v1 (me vs them), I'd leave it closed and wait for the community to raise it on meta. I'm not going to over rule another mod in that case.
Very strong candidates!
A Samsung phone user in France says her Galaxy J5 smartphone caught fire and exploded on Sunday.
True story.
5 candidates with 3 positions. Are there any more nominees from here?
@AndrewLi There will be
Usually SO gets up to 20-30
I think I have a total of 8 points
I should run on the platform that I am actually a cat. That'll be sure to garner the guerilla vote. =w=
(I won't actually do that.)
What should I/we do here? OP is getting a little upset and I seem to not be making it any better. Please do not start commenting
@Undo There will be a lot to read every nomination, comments and meta answers.
@Compass You mean the gorilla vote? :P
Abandon ship.
If it's falling apart, I typically cya from the comment section.
No use trying to convince someone their apple is not actually an orange.
I would accept the gorilla vote as well. I am an all-inclusive cat candidate.
that ^
I actually found that question because the comments are getting heated and Queen reported them.
I'll just leave it alone then.
I would have gone with a different reject reason for that one if it was to be rejected
@NathanOliver Can DV if you want
I tihnk it's fine, but I'll leave it
@Benny Hi! Please format your message and link to the question instead of the answer. You can edit the message by clicking the arrow on the left.
sorry, changed that on you
Oops, Lot of posts here. :/
We've gone 1:30 without a Donald Trump-esque nomination. That's 1:20 more than I thought we'd go.
thank u
@Machavity I'll leave it. roomba will get it.
@BaummitAugen reviewing old answers of yours eh?
@Tunaki Yes.
It's not as bad as I had feared thankfully. :)
Python folks ^^^^?
@Benny Can you please format that like this: [tag:cv-pls] <close reason> <post URL>? Thank you!
@Tunaki Who are they?
Weird people I hear.
@Undo #MakeSOGreatAgain.
@NobodyNada ok thank u
Cya guys, Time for me to sleep.
/o\ oh gah the floor gave way!
_ _ \o_ I'm okay, it's a bunch of pillows down here.
@ProgramFOX already reported ^^^^ :)
Hm, nominations have opened....
To submit, or not to submit, that is the question.
If you lose, you don't lose anything
If you win, the most you can lose is your sanity
Is that a jab at another moderator?
Sanity? Not like I have any of that
@Undo That's a good thing right?
Ugh. That edit.
@AlexanderO'Mara where in the world are the instructions to include custom rules in HTTPS everywhere?
@gunr2171 Running joke since forever that SO mods are either insane or quickly become so.
BOO... my question didn't make it through :(
Hence "The Lost Mind"
Is that edit literally just adding the word 'event' to title?
yes, but that's a good edit?
It doesn't make it more clear.
it's clear that they mean "event"?
@Tunaki it's the definition of "no improvement whatsoever"
Hmh, I'd have been gentle on that one
You need to work to earn those 2 rep points.
This question is off-topic because it tries to determine if moderators are human. — rene Jan 21 '15 at 8:02
(took a while to find that)
@Tunaki it's not any better than if I edited this question, which has the title "How do I use MKMapSnapshotter in the background?" and changed the title to "How do I use the MKMapSnapshotter class in the background?"
mah I guess you're right
@FOX9000 meh, now it's better
Basically, the queue should be interpreted as serious edits for people with < 2K rep.
the <title> was "js - angularjs: blabla" which is absolutely madness
Adding tags or prettying up a title are "nice", but you're asking up to 5 people to review that for you.
If you're 2K+, no one has to check your work, but if you're < 2K, you're wasting actual time in the review queue for something that will likely not impact its viewership.
@Compass well, they decide to spend their time. I'm improving stuff.
Like I said, today is a soup day.
Maybe I'll stop at the grocery store and pick up some pepperoni to snack on and convince myself of some other dinner.
What's the Winter Bash? Also, who won in 2014?
@Braiam Your edit was a good edit because it fixed the title; their edit was not because it did nothing which improved the post.
@AndrewLi Crazy stuff with Hats involved.
@Tunaki Isn't it most hats wins?
Do you know who won in 2014
@AndrewLi if I'm not mistaken, it was J something
@Braiam Jon?
it's on the blag
@AndrewLi no
Winter Bash is basically a silly even
Might as welll...
@AndrewLi The leaderboard is visible on the second screenshot here. That's Martijn, isn't it?
@Braiam Martjin it was
I checked the blog
I have 180 aged away flags. Is that bad?
@AndrewLi don't think so. It just means the queue is slow.
@AndrewLi Just means that we're slacking. Not your problem :P
@Undo I knew you guys used slack
@AndrewLi That's terrible. You should go home and rethink your life :-P
@TylerH :'-(
@AndrewLi 204 here. Maybe there should be some sort of process to promote more members of the community to mark our flags helpful.
(I have 35, no worries)
@TylerH nah, private SO rooms are more better.
but I don't flag as much now
@Undo yeah yeah, you and your moderator lounge...
Really hard to flag now when some of your flags don't work :V
So percentage is helpful flags/all post flags?
I have 61 declined flags
9 for me
I have 62.
@Compass flag comments, that's the easiest way out :P
for 33k helpful :)
@Tunaki you one-upper, you
He's a tuna; he swims in a sea of flags
in seas on non-answers and garbage
Aggressive Mass Transfer
@Tunaki that's so sad :(
I've got 1166 helpful/9 declined - post flags
My first ever flag was declined
My second flag ever was rude/offensive on stackoverflow.com/a/13843949/1849664. I still have no clue what I was thinking.
Maybe just pushing buttons, I dunno
probably misclicked NAA
@Undo It says "human". That's offensive in my jargon.
we're sorry, but as a spam prevention mechanism, candidates aren't allowed to post images
@Cerbrus you're running?
maybe walking?
Figured i might give it a shot.
@AlexanderO'Mara forget it, found it...
Too many good candidates -- I won't be able to decide :(
@FOX9000 rejected, changes code
people is this too broad? Attracts link-to-library answers at least.
@BaummitAugen unclear
too broad
@Braiam Where?
Lots of typing for those questions...
Is sharing your opinions on a candidate frowned upon/forbidden here?
Please note that discussion about the elections should be made in the dedicated chat room and not here.
@Tunaki Thanks!
@chris85 ya around?
Oh, it's past 11pm UTC!
@Drew I'm ready to spend some votes if you have time.
Can an RO move my last cv request to garbage? My clipboard was on the wrong post
A: 2016 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

CerbrusI'm Cerbrus, and I'll be answering the questions here: A 10k+ user regularly has their comments flagged as "rude or offensive" or "not constructive", to the tune of 4-5 flags a day. No comment by itself is particularly offensive, but their general tone causes them to be flagged by multiple...

Does voter fraud always entail a suspension?
Oh, thanks for the comments by the way, @AndrewLi. Good questions.
aww, I can't link to comments on the user nominations :(
@Cerbrus No problem :)
there's one from Undo where he dug up a fraud accusation against one of the candidates
@πάνταῥεῖ There's something you don't see every day: C++ and PHP in the same Q
@Adriaan Yeah. Maybe discuss that in the election room :P
@Machavity @PraveenKumar do you guys have delete votes left?
@Drew Yes
about how many?
@Drew full
20 left
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Will not Roomba. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 530)
You finish it off...
I like that there is strong representation from this room in the nominations!
@JarrodRoberson Yes! I'd say even more would be nice
thank god @JarrodRoberson
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Will not Roomba. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 531)
and I'm out. Thanks Drew
@Machavity I've got no clue. But the combination isn't really that rare.
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Will not Roomba. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 545)
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Will not Roomba. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 546)
@BaummitAugen @πάνταῥεῖ ^
@Drew done
@Drew done
@Drew done
@Drew done, out of votes
@Drew Thank you.
@FOX9000 read comments
@AlexanderO'Mara I don't know how to read
@Braiam Did you actually find a way to do it?
@AlexanderO'Mara yeah, eff.org/https-everywhere/rulesets#testing second paragraph
@Braiam Cool! Maybe you can solve this? github.com/EFForg/https-everywhere/issues/3884

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