@Tunaki One of the programmer guys at my workplace knows only VBA really. He had to write C once so he did stuff like #define If ;if ( to make it so he could code in C but have the code look like VBA
@Seth There are well established algos (for_each) to use instead of hand rolling your own loop. General advice now is if there is a loop you might not be doing it "right".
@Magisch No, you weren't. You didn't even know it existed
Ruby has for..in (pretty much equivalent to Enumerable#each, except it leaks scope) but not C-style for
I'm sorry, examination tests don't work like that. You are supposed to leave the answer field blank if you don't know the answer. — Jan Dvorak11 secs ago
@Magisch Actually, GC is more like I don't need that variable any more would you please, please, please get rid of it now, before it starts to smell real bad.
Of course, most homes come with a standard behavior adjustment suite. It is typically referred to as a "shower" and the water temperature is inexplicably "freezing cold."
@Braiam I've always seen that as a loophole in Roomba "My question has been downvoted into oblivion and closed, but I can accept this answer and make you manually spend delete votes! Bwahahaha!"
@QPaysTaxes I personally would cast it so that it's clear you're doing something more interesting
5.7.6 of the standard: "When two pointers to elements of the same array object are subtracted, the result is the difference of the subscripts of the two array elements" - so no casting required
I'm not sure if it actually specifies it somewhere but it needs to be an integer that has a domain the same size as size_t as that is how big an array you could possibly make.
I love assert. You just assert that your assumption is correct and continue on. If its not then at least you get a compiler error instead of a run time bug.
It might not actually error out but it definitely wont be right.
@QPaysTaxes You have to handle user input yourself. assert/static_assert is for compile time things where if something is not correct like int being 4 bytes then the compiler stops instead of making bad code.
I love seeing a rep enthusiast answer a help vampire/chameleon question that is an obvious dupe. I get to dupe close it and they get to be pinged to death.
When trying to make your application work with all browsers means trying to make your application work with IE because it works in all other browsers already.