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That is a great query IMO. People think you're building rep by answering every dupe there is.
This is not true.
And that query shows it. For example, I had ~3% of answers to questions closed as dupe before the first review of those answers.
@NicolasFilotto we all have different opinions on it, here is one (no not the dashed line):
---- ----
Many people are misunderstanding purpose of Stack Overflow. We are not here to answer questions, but to build repository of specific programming question-answers which others could use to search and find solutions for their programming problems
[part edited out] -- quote from user Pshemo
So if we load the site with so much junk, it is virtually non-searchable
@Drew I'm totally with you regarding that. It's our burden to keep the site tidy to see that come true.
And at times we can't even blame the op guy for not searching. What crud out there
Again: Deleting junk that's not captured by roomba is part of it.
I think it's important to note that SO is a site about Q&A. Before SO, you'd Google problems, errors, etc and hope you get answers
Oh btw
May 16 at 20:55, by Gothdo
More optimized version -- I got rid of all subqueries and turned them into joins.
Kudos to Gothdo ^^^^^^
@Machavity "SO is a site about Q&A." Well, FAQ is getting more to the point IMO
@Drew interesting, thx for sharing
Oh and also -----v---------- Group by the percentage for each user and count users...
@πάνταῥεῖ Am going by what the tour says
@Drew I guess it is the problem, I just probably don't get the main purpose/target of SO
depends who you ask (like the Venture capital that bought SO)
don't worry, they are on your side :p
a bit afk
@Tunaki So you leave your little toe at the keyboard and doing some acrobatics to reach out for your beer bottle? ;)
if user poke of c# fame shows up someone poke me. I have a batch of del candidates for him
@Machavity It's misleading somehow regarding that. Or I at least totally misunderstood everything.
@Machavity the tour is a marketing brochure
@nbrooks greetings. Certainly could use your help in JS or elsewhere
it only tells you what you want to hear
@Braiam Most OP's asking about dupes didn't even read it.
looks like spam
oh look, it has a delete vote
@Drew I see you've lost your shyness a bit ;)
oh look, I'm out of delete votes
@BhargavRao Tomorrow is another bright new day :)
@πάνταῥεῖ Yep, 1. Saturday, less bad stuff on SO! 2. It's the festival of lights here.
We'll have to commemorate our dead people at coming up monday and tuesday :)
For me it's merely a few days of holiday though.
@πάνταῥεῖ 31st is Halloween also!
@BhargavRao Bad clowns all around. Big hype.
I thought that was only in US. Has it spread to Europe also?
@BhargavRao It just hypes right now, yes.
@πάνταῥεῖ @NathanOliver delete candidates with 2 del votes 1 , 2
There's another famous tag @Drew. I'll be waiting for that tomorrow :)
@Drew Oops 1st one already carried a delete vote of mine :)
@BhargavRao I know, prepping it, and @EdChum is here. It will be like shooting fish in a barrel with the guys in SOBotics
@Drew Make sure that there are many fishes. Fish slapping is a ritual in SoBotics.
@BhargavRao It's a bit broad to explain, but IMO Sascha Lobo hit the nail. They're explaining why we jump at that bad clown trail, rather being concerned about the real problems (link is in german, sorry)
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
@πάνταῥεῖ @NathanOliver @BaummitAugen @Olaf ^
@πάνταῥεῖ Errr, Reminds me of this famous quote of mine stackoverflow.com/questions/34157814/…
@BhargavRao Here's the automated translation: translate.google.de/…
Yep, Using the chrome translate stuff.
Anyway time for me to leave. I'll read that and go for food.
@Drew THX, onöy a few carried a delete vote from my side already.
@BhargavRao Bon appetite
@πάνταῥεῖ I wish, but out of beer
@Drew: Done!
@Drew Thanks for the welcome, @Drew. Happy to help out any way that I can.
So does anyone have a user script to get to the contributions page on Docs?
@nbrooks I will prepare some stuff in half a day. In the meantime perhaps @AlexanderO'Mara @Kyll @TinyGiant @JanDvorak would like to know you are around at times
afaik there should be a link @nath, I remember a FR...
hmm. I was just told today there is not. Looking for the links to the "dev-y" pages referenced in this
@NathanOliver ok, I was sure someone asked for it
I found this but that is for an individual, not the entire example/topic.
@NathanOliver Regarding meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/336989/… you were probably right. I deleted my answer.
@nbrooks welcome to our room. You might want to go over our tour and FAQ. If you have any questions after that feel free to ask them here. Happy close voting!
@NobodyNada I will give you an "l" as christmas present :P
Is it possible to retract a reopen vote?
@Drew P\op =D
@NobodyNada Nope. Can only retract flags
But reopen votes apparently age away like CVs do
@Drew So what's this about?
Oh man. Google fiber is not going to be expanding :(
@Kyll we are week in JS community mod
@Machavity Alright. I voted to reopen the question in the meta post πάντα linked to, because it was closed as "unclear what you're asking," which I disagree with.
But then I realized it should still be closed because it's too broad.
@NathanOliver Yeah, but I was wondering how Google was going to sustain it. By contrast, AT&T is laying a ton of residential fiber
@Drew Oh. Any Queen follower for it?
for dupe hammer?
@Machavity Are they? They do not seem to be doing it around here.
nope none that I am aware until another 85 or so for Batman
@NathanOliver You're in MS, right? Might not be too far off arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/…
@Machavity IL
Q: Let burninate [mongodb-aggregation]

StyvaneCurrently we have mongodb-aggregation with 190 questions and aggregation-framework with 2354 questions at the time of this writing and as mentioned on this comment, the mongodb-aggregation doesn't add anything over the well established aggregation-framework I suggest that the mongodb-aggregatio...

Looks like I am too far away from Chicago :(
@Feeds Commented
@Machavity when the cables are deployed I believe that... otherwise...
@Braiam Oddly enough, I found this out when they started in on the neighborhood I just moved out of. So it's not just talk. They told the FCC they'd put 12M houses on fiber if they bought DirecTV
@NobodyNada Just let it sit then. Hopefully ages away
@Machavity they seems to say many things techdirt.com/articles/20151209/06231533028/…
@rene Unless the question is about how to fix a programming problem :P
"Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow..." - Can anybody give me libmega.so and jni updated with OpenSSL 1.02f/1.01r.
Ordered from the frickin' indian deli service. I'll provide a critique laterz
@jww Can you please format that like this so our bots and scripts can detect it: [tag:cv-pls] <reason> <post link>
@πάνταῥεῖ Gotta use a frickin' laser beam to leave a critique?
@πάνταῥεῖ and yelp page... you need yelp pages. I don't know if 4sq counts?
@Machavity They don't really react at any lightening frequencies I tried so far ;)
@πάνταῥεῖ lightening = make brighter; lightning = large electrical discharge from clouds ;)
@Machavity Ah, well. I actually know about the difference regarding lux and lumen.
@Sam Now watching question 40310795, you will be notified when this post is edited.
@TGMCians Hey o/
@Machavity My plantz would heavily complain about such discrepancy.
@πάνταῥεῖ Yeah. We've seen what happens to flowers struck by lightning (we try not to focus on it)
@Machavity It's also a matter of light color.
@NobodyNada - Yes, absolutely. Where is the format documented? I'd like to read about it.
@jww See the "How and why do I need to format my cv-pls?" subsection of our faq.
still no anchors!?
@Sam that link should be socvr.org/faq
Yeah I know
kill it ^
@NobodyNada Whoops
@Braiam We need expert guidance from @Rizier123 there :(
alternatively you can install this userscript which adds a cv-pls link to every question
@Braiam We're still working on that
@TGMCians We try to refrain from stuff like "kill it", it can cause misconceptions about how we actually review requests instead of just blindly voting.
And besides, why would you want to kill this innocent little bot?
But yeah, that's definitely off-topic
@Sam you use kramdown?
@Braiam I have no idea. @Riz Set everything up for us.
where's the repo?
On gitHub
@Sam - Thank you very much.
@Braiam It just uses Jekyll which is supported by GitHub by default. Really very very simple
it generates the id's lets see if I find out why no links
@dorukayhan oh that's right
Call us lazy
@Tunaki slacker
@dorukayhan Done
> ArcticEcho has committed since you started editing. See what changed
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
apparently not without JS!
@Drew ping
@poke poke
@TinyGiant TinyGiant
hi poke give me a few minutes
sure thing, just ping me directly to make sure I see stuff ;)
You were pretty lucky here because I actually bothered to CTRL+F for my name when I saw the “you were invited to join chat” notification :P
yeah you weren't in the "last 7 day" pingable list
Oh, I see, makes sense
14 days Drew (well I think (not that it matters (anyway)))
Sorry about that, I’m often lazy and only join the Python room…
I believe you can still ping some users in certain cases, even if they don't show up in the list.
All you need is magic right?
((workaround solution is always to join the Python room for a second and ping me there ;D ))
IIRC the list is smaller than the actual pingable users to lower bandwidth use
And if you don't recall correctly, or recall incorrectly, or don't recall incorrectly?
The world ends
@Machavity hm are you sure?
@Tunaki He wants to know which is better. It's a JS vs <meta> Q
If you think you can clean it to remove the opinion feel free. I didn't think I could without wrecking the Q
Yeah that's going to be hard
Follow this article for example. — Sodiq Oct 25 at 9:05
But the answer is really "none of the above".
lulz, which article?
@poke @rene (and later Rob on batches) delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9
@Drew Wow, some of them have surprisingly many downvotes o.O
well I am sorting downwards. Those are the worst atm
or upwards. I need sleep
Should be all gone now
@Drew don't worry we understand, or not, we don't mind
@NathanOliver have you read any Dragonlance novels?
@Closey are you sleeping today ? :p
i can't believe i just upvoted a request for off-site resource
@NathanOliver then you probably wont notice anything about the character
Ah. Or do you means Bond, James Bond, or Dorthy :)
the Death Gate Cycle and Dragonlance are both DnD prototype realms (just like Forgotten Realms, etc.)
so DGC worlds are kind of like Earth 2 to Dragonlance's Earth 1, in Marvel terminology
@poke @rene @Rob delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
and Zifnab is a major ultra powerful character from Dragonlance (though not the same name, of course)
@poke @rene @Rob delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20
<eol> unless ya want more
(I love when question titles have more words in it than their question bodies)
or when they copy and paste the title to the body (and that is the body)
@TylerH Ah. You would think I would know more about this since I play forgotten realms campaigns in DnD 3
hey what is that programming number that is like 66325
it's like the highest number for something depending on if it's an int or bigint or 32-bit or something
I'm having a serious brain fart
I was so close
@TylerH 2^16 - 1 likely, highest positive signed int 32
@TylerH 2^16 - 1
@poke Highest positive unsigned int 16. signed is 2 ^ 15 - 1
Can't beat a C++ programmer at that game.
2**16 - 1 == 65535
@Tunaki Hey, we just know our types ;)
@NathanOliver ehhhhh, right…
Ruby's integers can go much higher than that.
@NathanOliver C++11 standard, page 25, 2nd word of 3rd paragraph, what is it?
@JanDvorak I assume they have variable length like Python's?
depends on the page format..? :P
@Tunaki Its actually defined in the C standard. The minimum max value that is. It can be higher as it is implementation defined. Don't want people going around knowing how big a int really is. :)
Well, you know the size doesn't matter.
must... avoid... childish joke
onto reviewing now...
@Tunaki You can always use extensions...
@Tunaki Except for INTs. Where it matters. A lot
@Tunaki Like you said the other day. Why would you not want to shoot yourself in the foot?
@NathanOliver You can only learn to walk by shooting yourself in the foot eh?
Its motivation
@NathanOliver anyway so yeah zifnab from DGC is actually fizban from Dragonlance, who is the 'mortal alter ego' of Paladine, the central figure/leader of the pantheon of good gods
in fact zifnab at some point in DGC (I think when they're in the labyrinth somewhere and he just... appears) has a book that he's reading about some guy named Huma or something and some dragons... and that's a major character from Dragonlance lore
it's a fun little reference
@Rob @YvetteColomb delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29
@Rob @YvetteColomb delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38
I haven't looked at any of them. Maybe they are great (I doubt it)
@TylerH: What the Funzwurth is DGC??
@rene closey is running ?
@Clo alive
@Tunaki I feel fine.
she didn't notice today
I just started reviewing close vote queue
re you added as a reviewer?
@Clo add 1741671 reviewer
@Tunaki Sorry, I don't understand that. Maybe you meant add review [review id] [user id].
i was already added there,
@Clo commands
@Tunaki Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add review [review id] [user id] - Manually adds a review to a user. Should only be used for testing.
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
@Clo add 1741671 to reviewer
@Tunaki TGMCians is already in the Reviewer group.
@TGMCians was it an audit?
Have you submitted your first review?
2nd done
still not
Didn't recognize my review either
@Clo status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at Sam's Backup Server, version c2689f05 on master, running for 3 days, 22 hours, 14 minutes, and 30 seconds.
@Sam bug? ^^
Poor Closey, what did he to do her.
@TGMCians it's tracking is borked
hmmm okay
linux audit passed
@Olaf Death Gate Cycle
a heptalogy that I loved as a kid and suggested to NathanOliver to read
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
it's late night, 2:10 AM, i should go on bed now
good night guys
good night
@TinyGiant Yeah, same bug as before
@Drew You often can just justify without having a deeper look or expertise here. There are kind of schemes popping up regardless of particular tags.
I'll fix Closey after I've updated Hatty.
Gotta get priorities right :p
@Sam YAY! Bug spotting good times
@TinyGiant what?
Spotting bugs is fun?
I get out my tiny paint brush and tiny paints and start putting tiny spots on tiny bugs
Are you ok?
Certainly not.
Hmmm i see
@Tunaki Maybe you can be a dr
any TypeScript guy here?
@Sami edited
@Tunaki thank you ^^
@Cerbrus might like to read this meta.stackexchange.com/a/286415/213575
@PetterFriberg yes. Talk in the testing room?
Quite honestly, I think the easiest way to solve this would be to remove voting to close entirely for all but the most popular questions. For your average... Let's say -∞ to 5 score question... it would remain open as long as there is one more privileged person interested in it than there are folks who dislike it; only once it'd managed to gain some serious traction would folks have to vote to close or reopen it. Vote-to-close was an expedient solution for a time when there were no limits on how often you could vote and folks were fixated on popular fluff... — Shog9 ♦ Oct 20 at 1:22
... wut?
I actually agree.
As in, positive score = can answer?
Sounds interesting
I read it as: No voting to close unless the question has a score higher than 5...
As long as that is accompanied by automatic closing if a question reaches -5 I'm okay with that
@TinyGiant I read it in jest
@Tiny, read from here
Sep 12 at 19:02, by Tunaki
My new idea: delete outright all the close reasons except duplicate, create a new duplicate review queue, and give rep to flaggers / close voter as dupe when dupe is closed, in a scale of their rep (30 rep for < no badge in main tag, 15 for bronze, etc).
That's pretty horrible
That would suck
Go home Tuna, you're drunk.
please don't fish slap me
I'm not :(
@Tunaki Seriously though, what about OT stuff?
downvote, move on
or just making closing really easy like 2 cv...
So in this new system, people can still answer OT questions?
Or... automatic closure at -5
-5 is a bit too late
automatic deletion at -10
well, they still do. Closing hardly stops anyone from answering
What does closing actually help to the OP?
And of course some metric to exclude questions like -60/+55
One sentence saying they should edit?
@Tunaki It's meant to point the OP to what they did wrong.
Eh. Well there's already plently of text out there saying it already.
@Tunaki Wait, why are we trying to help the OP again?
Help them write a better question.
@Tunaki Why do we need to help the OP? Is that our primary goal?
@Sam But it doesn't. Even now, it doesn't tell exactly that.
Hence all the posts "why is this too broad/POB/etc?"
Keyword: meant
@TinyGiant the problem with that is that there are stuff that we really need to downvote, but not to close, think "lazy question"
or RTFM questions
@Tunaki But yeah, I agree. It usually takes a couple of comments under their question or a meta post to get things sorted. And that's if the OP can even be bothered.
The lone generic sentence on the close reason is practically never going to cut it really =/
@Drew I think I have five more votes today if you have any more
@poke did you see the 2 posts up there addressed to Rob and Yvette?
The simpler system without too much pain is to just up/downvote on the content as it is presented. And keep closing as duplicates, they are an exception even now
@Drew That’s what I was replying to there, already went through those
ok give me 5 minutes
@Tunaki And have a system auto-close/delete at certain thresholds?
We'd probably need to increase the rep requirements for UV/DVing then.
Probably yes.
Which probably isn't a bad thing.
What more information about the quality of the post does a vote to close bring more than a downvote?
sure it's a bit generic, but the close vote is practically as generic as well
Well, there's always the custom close reason.
Just downvoting bad questions instead of closing them attracts bad people writing bad answers to bad questions.
Bah. Voting to close bad questions as well. I'm thinking that question < -1, it just poofs
vanishes, answers or not
@poke Yes, but people can still answer closed questions (for up to 4 hours, anyway). And the post would get auto-closed at some threshold with this new system.
I usually want to get bad questions closed as quickly as possible to avoid that from happening, to make sure that OP actually invests more time in improving the question before some random person comes around and posts a bad answer which happens to help OP in some way but does not help the goal of SO after all…
Let them have answers, but delete the thing automatically after from its score
less friction
Besides, as long as there's an incentive to answer a question rather than help the OP fix the quality of their question, we will always face this problem.
@Sam That still being able to answer only works sometimes, most of the time the system actually notices that the question was closed. And sorry, I didn’t catch the beginning of the discussion – so you’re talking about a possible alternative solution to the current system?
@poke here are the next 10:
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 drewref=530
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Worst Net Votes. Will not Roomba 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 drewref=530
You will never be able to stop people from answering crap questions
Be it because they like to do it, or they want rep or they want to help or something else entirely
@poke Sorry, I don't quite follow your first point. And yes, this is @Tuna's idea.
So instead of having a confrontation, just let them have it, but nuke the thing 15 days later or something. Remove rep earned even.
Okay then
^ why was that starred? xD
ssh people here are weird
@Drew I’m empty for now ;)
@poke here was my meta answer for an early warning system. I guess people just weren't too impressed with it
I think it’s difficult to suggest a thing that makes it harder for people to earn virtual points with little effort.
@Drew Looks a bit like you're going to tidy with shovel and broom from the backwards. Appreciate your work,
@πάνταῥεῖ well this is just a bot spew so not much work on my part. But as Tuna said, we have 1000 java questions with delete votes. And not much organization on how to deal with it
@Drew Doesn't really matter if these were reported by a bot. Roombas will replace shovels and brooms more and more.
I'm going through them practically every single day...
Passing them from 1 to 2, it's sad but none are worth keeping.
We need more votes. Like 50 to 100 a day. Even if for just a grace period of November 2016
^ Season based yeah!
Nah, we need to roomba more!
More aggressive roomba. What is the freaking point in keeping a -15 question around with one-line throw away upvoted answer?
No no, real Stack Overflowians need more butterflies!
@Tunaki Good point
I think roomba should do absolutely everything and we cease doing all this
@Tunaki you mean a downvoted accepted answer...

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