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11:06 AM
@Tunaki Hyia
11:21 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ @Siguza @BhargavRao Why did we delete that one?
Someone please slap that guy...
@Tunaki It was too broad for me. It can be edited to be made better.
@Tunaki Good question, don't you think this would help to attract even more godaddy questions?
@Tunaki I voted to delete for the same reason it had been closed for...
@Siguza @TinyGiant only mentioned you the other day! and was wondering where you are and now you are here. Magic summonsing powers?
11:31 AM
@Yvette haha, I've visited the Ministry every couple of weeks at least, but... I was pretty preoccupied with studying throughout the last 12 months, and especially the last one
@Siguza well that's a good thing
after all... yeah, I guess so
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
And so I asked him, what is this magic summonsing power you speak of? And he replied: The Ping
hahaha, true that :P
11:33 AM
@Yvette imagine what he could do with a "super-ping" - we'd have to run in fear :)
I probably won't get back to becoming a regular again anytime soon, but... now that I have delete votes, I'll at least throw all of those out every day :P
hm, the super ping rubs chin thoughtfully
also, I do visit SO almost every day, so yes, a ping can definitely summon me
@Siguza ah, excellent rubs hands Mr Burns style godaddy has a few closed questions needing delete votes ;)
@Yvette believe me, I've noticed :D
the nuke dump is full of them
11:35 AM
@Siguza you hear that @TinyGiant you can throw away those potions you're working on ;)
But the ping system only works if you are active in a certain room right?
@Siguza ooh yeh, we've been busy bees with that one
@Enzokie yes, but Sig fell into the fatal trap of visiting the room ;)
strong dramatic music da da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaarm
11:37 AM
@Enzokie I'm not sure what the restrictions on pings are exactly... you can't ping someone who's never been in the room, but I don't know if you can ping someone who hasn't visited for months...
is there some info on that?
no idea :)
@Siguza not really, experiment data
if > 2 weeks without visiting then you can't be pinged anymore
no i was able to ping someone
and the all knowing fish speaks it's wise fishy breathe yet again
who hasnt visited in years
11:39 AM
@ColdFire you do understand throwing @Kyll at someone is different to pinging them yes? ;)
@Yvette haha yes
How to lure a Unicorn using a ping?
@Enzokie You need a magic ping for that.
@Enzokie you mean SD?
11:41 AM
@Enzokie fairy floss made from magic pixi sugar
yeah I mean SD :)
fairy floss== cotton candy in Australia
alright, I'll be back at the Ministry. If someone needs me, you know how to summon me.
Q: I got my very first DECLINE flag (My flag collection is now conplete, and my OCD is now satisfied), I read here meta.stackexchange.com/questions/141292/… that Having too many declined flags leads to a warning, or even a temporary, should I worry about this? Lets say I get more of this flag but not consecutively or in a row.
11:47 AM
@Enzokie @JAL how do we set it straight for him not to worry?
@Enzokie Worry when you start having a lot of those
JAL and I have an accidental competition for most declined flags. By accidental, it means we are not trying to get declined flags, we are trying to not get declined flags. So we high five occasionally when we do a tally. TLDR just don't worry about them too much, as long as the bulk is not declined
ah see, :)
@Tunaki anything that links you to download an exe is not good
11:50 AM
@Tunaki see the deleted answer too. :)
yeah agree
Do not give a link to download an executable file. That's just a no no here or anywhere on the unsuspecting. — Yvette 8 secs ago
on that note, I am going to bed, night all
11:53 AM
btw, shouldn't the question be closed as "not bluestack support"?
yes closed
@Yvette night
@Yvette gn
I broke 8k rep today
(shameful 4k of that from docs)
Wow, @Magisch Congrats. I remember that you were 4k about a month ago :D
Like I said, its all from docs
11:59 AM
just join the 10k club and go delete some godaddy :)
Its not easy to get 10k
well it would be if I had no qualms answering tosh all day instead of closing it :p
are docs still giving reps?
nowadays i get +10 or +5 a day
Look! A Spearrel!
Plop :D
12:03 PM
@Tiny Tried to modify the delay in NATOEnhancements from 1 second to 4 seconds.... I'm still being rate limited..... (changed the first argument of iterateSlowly from 1000 to 4000)
Only arrived at page 10 this time....
@Kyll Plop Kyll
let me try 10 seconds when I'm no longer blocked
1 hour later…
nice thanks @Kyll
1:59 PM
Typo? stackoverflow.com/q/39192038/5647260 Forgot parentheses
@AndrewL. it's closed as such and I would leave it, OP needs to edit to improve it if it is not typo..
2:20 PM
anyone consider to vote as duplicate on my suggested target (I voted on Shadow), see comments under answer, maybe OP can accept it that way --^
yep voted on the other dupe
thanks lets see what op does.. if he can save some close votes..
2:36 PM
Does rolling back unbump a post?
bumps it again
I saw your meta comment yeah
Was think of saving this stackoverflow.com/questions/14170946/…, but maybe it is super user question, what do you think?
@PetterFriberg I would call it a simple typo and vote to close
@PetterFriberg looks like it is a typo
3:05 PM
it's quite funny that the open question with the most votes in has a score of 0
@JanDvorak we have a FAQ, rule 19 answers that: socvr.org/faq No need to reinvent stuff. Although everybody in and outside the room would agree if we step in on an pure abusive post.
3:17 PM
yeah!!, not many open , sometimes it is lucky to not have 10K so we can call an end to all that work....
not counting questions that should be deleted
So the next step of this is to delete all the questions?
@Tunaki exactly that is not my problem : )
@FrankerZ No, review closed questions for (potential) deletion.
Next up, burninate
3:28 PM
@Enzokie pst, want a script?
@Kyll yeah
I am actually waiting for someone to offer me that thing :3
Thanks, btw how to install this....
@SotiriosDelimanolis As a general rule, try not to fret about questions matching the roomba criteria.
@Enzokie Which browser are you using?
3:31 PM
You're just wasting your votes given that roomba will clean them out in a few days anyway.
Also, hOi
Plop Madara!
@Enzokie Then you need the Tampermonkey extension
ah kk :)
@MadaraUchiha That is, if the roomba starts working. Hasn't run for a couple of days.
@Tunaki Really?
3:32 PM
@MadaraUchiha It wouldn't fit roomba criteria if I hadn't used my votes...
@SotiriosDelimanolis Fair enough, didn't notice that.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah. There are lots of [godaddy] questions that should have been roombad but weren't. Let me fetch a few
I have 54 of those right now.
3:37 PM
@MadaraUchiha Thanks
@Tunaki Looks like it was indeed buggy
But it should have run today.
@Kyll tnx :)
blob kyll
@MadaraUchiha I didn't think it was worth making a meta post.
but RemoveAbandonedClosed didn't ran today yeah
3:42 PM
@Enzokie looks like you got the hang of it :)
@ColdFire yeah :)
4:02 PM
@Tunaki not 100% sure why - that's a dev thing... but yeah, making a meta post is pretty pointless, they'll already know if it was expected to run (and it runs only so often), but if it continues to not run and is having visible effects then, yeah.
!!/notify 41570 stackoverflow.com
@dorukayhan You'll now get pings from me if I report a post on stackoverflow.com, in room 41570 on chat.stackoverflow.com
4:07 PM
@dorukayhan Expect a full inbox each morning xD
Plop @DEAD
@Enzokie I don't really agree with that. He's asking for a listener (Essentially an event), which will allow him to watch when a text selection is made.
@FrankerZ yeah you are right
idk if I'm going to get used to Jon changing his name. He'll always be Jon in my book
Hmm, I remember triplee and Cerbrus asking people not to subscribe to smokey notifs :/
I didnt flag it actually, it was supposed to be a test script
4:09 PM
@Kyll Pulp
@DEAD bulb
@Enzokie o_o Don't do that kind of test here, rather do them there: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/68414/socvr-testing-facility
my bad, I didnt add a the url for sandbox
@RO Please trash the above test from Enzokie then
@Kyll Well, never test flagging.
4:10 PM
@Enzokie yeah dont test here
@Tunaki Can you delete that
1 message moved to Trash can
@FrankerZ delete what?
Tunaki le boueux
Damn you're quick
My conscience will bother me for 3 to 5 days, facepalm
4:10 PM
that question needs to be closed as it is to easy
@Enzokie As long as it's not 6-8 weeks...
the guy didnt even read the docs
4:11 PM
@Kyll hopefully :)
@ColdFire Even?
When do they read the docs?
what are those 'docs' you talk about
haha yeah you are right @DEAD
4:27 PM
@NinjaPuppy I found that one, should have been roombad at least 7 times now :)
> Questions on professional server- or networking-related infrastructure administration are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve programming or programming tools. You may be able to get help on Server Fault.
why didn't i think of this close reason when flagging questions?
@Tunaki It has an upmoot
@dorukayhan Why didn't you think of this close reason when flagging questions?
Is this up for deletion? stackoverflow.com/q/39192333/5647260
The answers and question are pob and offtopic
@DEAD no, score 0 since August 12
@AndrewL. yes that can be deleted
Thanks :)
4:32 PM
by 20kers*
@Tunaki I thought a single upmoot means avoiding roomba?
4:33 PM
only the score matters
It's not like it's my question.
@Tuna by one or is it votes?
stackoverflow.com/help/roomba <-- the details are here :)
But it has an accepted answer :(
ah yes, the one you linked to will need manual votes
4:39 PM
@Tunaki Was the answer there, accepted?
(if that is so, then it wouldn't have been roomba'd as the ans was deleted 2 days ago)
Anyway, tis time for me to leave. Bye all
@BhargavRao timeline says no
@Tunaki then the issue is with the roomba.
This message contains some text.
5:12 PM
@Siguza 2 weeks is the limit, theres a reference somewhere
hey look! a reference!
@πάνταῥεῖ I know almost no C++, just used my gut
generally, programming with your gut can get kind of messy, it's hard to type with it.
5:19 PM
@AndrewL. Better not tell people about assumptions if you have no expertise :P
Yeah, probably shouldn't
I ran out of votes again :c
5:33 PM
Another bad idea on meta
ping me when you see a good one...
@AndrewL. be patient, you'll get a new batch of closure/deletion votes in 7 hours
@dorukayhan he doesn't have close or delete vote privileges
5:54 PM
It seems like some users on meta use close votes as downvotes with prejudice
6:16 PM
typical meta questions: viewed 4 times, 2 downvotes already :D
@Tunaki Given the title it's not a surprise, if it's the Q I think it is
I wish there was a idownvotedyoubecause.com "you asked about downotes"
That URL resolves for me
Yes, but it doesn't have an "I downvoted you because you asked about downvotes" reason
6:20 PM
They die so young
oh no, it's back
aaand gone again
Are there question bans on meta?
Or did the same Q just pop up again on the frontpage for me because caching?
only on m.se
@ivarni no no it was there
that's what I'm saying
there were 2
6:24 PM
There can be only... two
sorry, I'm rambling
until the 3rd of course
@Tunaki har har har, you pendantic question close you
Deleted links just in case it violates some room rule
hmmm... I wonder if I should exclude the cv-pls script from deleted posts...
6:26 PM
sounds like an easy enough change though
you can edit deleted posts?
I thought only the author could
6:28 PM
you basically can do everything like usual
except for vote and close vote
except you know, commenting or answering or that ^
@TinyGiant how do I invoke the Trainwreck US?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vvvvv wreck train button
oh, brilliant
didn't see that :D
6:31 PM
your arrow is buggy
it point to "requests" for me
lol, well it depends on what other userscripts of mine you have installed... and the zoom level
What happens when a deleted question with a tag, which was later deleted too, gets undeleted? Does that automatically create that tag again?
6:32 PM
unless the tag is blacklisted
in which case, all hell breaks loose
@TinyGiant So if a question contains only one tag, which is blacklisted, what happens then?
all hell breaks loose
Server meltdown
free rep comes from the sky
6:34 PM
I don't know, that would either require poking shog, or testing
@Gothdo the community user tags the question with , i think
@dorukayhan that happens when a CM removes a tag completely
and that particular question only had the removed tag
@dorukayhan That's only if it has no other tags and a mass tag deletion happens.
@DEAD considers posting a
You new people.
You always consider posting.
6:39 PM
@DalijaPrasnikar I went with Too Broad
@Adriaan sounds fine, too
going for lunch, back in a bit
^bon appetit
nooooooo wrong use of accented character is wrong!!
aaaaaah my EYES
Bôn äppétìt
6:47 PM
at least one of them is right :)
I have absolutely no clue which
rene has started reviewing!
I have a feeling French is weirder with accents that Swedish is with dots
6:59 PM
Down to 5 posts and they have close votes on them. Go hit the queue!!!
Down with GoDaddy!

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