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1:00 PM
@NathanOliver he removed link.
And now the link is gone.
Mod flag to get the spam flags removed?
maybe he will put it back later ; )
@NathanOliver no let it, when they arrive they will decide... max you get a denied flag...
Then maybe it even was spam or attempt to spam.. so meeh
hi all
1:15 PM
Hey :)
Plop JAL, Jacob
@Jacob Oh, by the way! I managed to do what I want with a little hack
@Kyll What did you do?
lol, checkbox hack?
Notice that last smokedetector post got edited by the OP to remove the link to his own site, it appears it was posted in a honest attempt
1:19 PM
@JacobGray I ended up hiding the #qList by default if we're on the home page, and then use the MutationObserver API to check when the site would operate on it - That is, when it switches tab. When it changes, I apply some more CSS to display it
You can see it here.
@Ferrybig Yeah I saw. I was not sure how to go forward from that. Do I invalidate my own report?
@Kyll Oh, so you didn't use CSS to fix it. Looks pretty neat though :D
@JacobGray Sadly, no :(
CSS > JS when it comes to that kind of things, since the browser can take care of it immediately
@JAL Hey
so two of my engineers have been out this week so I've been swamped. How's everyone else's week been? For those Americans, hope you all had a nice holiday on the 4th. For everyone else, hope you had a nice work day :)
1:29 PM
down for maintenance probably ^ ^
halp, RO needed to move that to the testing room
they are slacking off
@NathanOliver maybe? ^
@JAL I worked on the 4th anyway :P
me too
oh, JAL said Americans
I was at the beach, admiring my freedom
actually the most hilarious thing happened. There was a DJ at the beach club I went to and he put on the Richard Cheese version of Enter Sandman and no one noticed. All the old white people were like "oh what great music"
1:33 PM
@AndrasDeak Done.
@NathanOliver k ;)
@JAL lol:D
Metallica elevator music
@JAL Same guy who did light jazz version of Down with the Sickness?
@ryanyuyu yes! another favorite
o/ Tyler, how's Europe?
1:37 PM
Germany was great
The airport in Rome was terrible
I'm going to Germany in September to visit family, I'm excited
@gunr2171 yikes, the image in that article could use some margin: 5px; pretty badly
Time for an SOCVR europe meet-up
I'll bring extra plant food for Rene and Scooby Snax for Jon
1:41 PM
Hiya gunr
hey gunr!
morning gunr
@rene of course you had to have that after I leave -_-
right? same for me
Funnily enough, the town I went to, Oldenburg, is the exact town where someone else from this room lives
but he was leaving for work or vacation or something the day before I arrived
1:43 PM
@rene TIL rene pronounces SOCVR as "ass-oh-..."
@QPaysTaxes or that
@JAL that 500 rep bounty question got Undone
@TylerH I pronounce it as a word, sort of
I don't pronounce.
1:45 PM
I've never actually tried to pronounce it before
@AndrasDeak Sockover?
@TylerH something like that ^
I like it
explains my general stance towards help vampires
@TylerH I saw, great
1:47 PM
I starred rene's to remind myself to take it out of context
As if you need reminding for that
Hey, have we taken over SO the world yet?
So did you properly remember to forget the context?
@TylerH wait, so you want to hide the SO takeover but not world domination?
@ryanyuyu not hide, just replace
ah. So a reassessment of goals.
1:53 PM
An error happened in UserTracking (cc @Sam)
oh no
I hope I do not have to shut her down. It will break tunakis heart.
Relationship status: it's complicated
meh, declined NAA flag due to answer being edited in the mean time
2:08 PM
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at Sam's Backup Server, version d2070ce5 on master, running for 2 days, 19 hours, 39 minutes, and 43 seconds (tracking latency 2036ms).
Plop gunr
hello again
@gunr2171 She had a couple issues. quite again now.
@queen Not sure. I suggested it.
I"ll be in and out of chat today
so stop the bot if need be
2:13 PM
Will do
It's meeting day
yay? The universe is not in danger of collapse?
While you are in meetings, I'll be looking for spaceship stuff
@Kyll Going to go take over Mars?
2:17 PM
@NathanOliver It's actually for work.
Oh. Work going to go take over Mars?
Like Lego stuff was for work too?
@ryanyuyu Yeah
@NathanOliver re your comment on my meta, I thought I put that in my answer?
" or invite them to chat and explain the situation."
I'm making a bunch of animations for kids to learn how Teh Numeric works. That is, what's binary, what's an algorithm, what's an AI, what does a CPU do... Things they won't really learn anywhere else. To that end, they're going to be the repair crew in a spaceship and have to complete various tasks, like repairing the navigation system or exploring treasure planets.
A thing I learnt during this mission is that I love doing animations but I hate kids. Slightly unfortunate.
2:20 PM
@JAL Looks like I need to learn how to read :(
deleted :)
Well I don't hate them... They're just little adorable balls of insolence and energy-leeching enthusiasm.
Just realised I know how rene must feel
@NathanOliver thanks, just wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy ha
I wouldn't describe myself as having energy-leeching enthusiasm.
2:22 PM
@Kyll Yes now you know what is like to be an RO.
@NathanOliver It feels terrible! D:
@NathanOliver Wait, so we're rene's SO kids?
@Kyll Now imagine doing that, only with 10,000 times the kids
That's being a mod :D
@ryanyuyu Yes
yay? Who's the SOCVR mom?
2:24 PM
@ryanyuyu Closey
@MadaraUchiha Hahaha
You mean the "emotionless chatbot" involved with another RO who isn't dad?
'thing like that
@JAL Seems like a fairly pointed question
@JAL Looks okay to me
2:30 PM
seems meh to me. "Is it possible?" "Yes"
@Tunaki garbage
And deleted
Did a ninja get it?
2:31 PM
What happened to it?
Community deleted
alright thanks cya o/ (quite busy)
2:35 PM
@NathanOliver Undone
He is on a closing spree
bracing for meta post
lemme start gluing some We Love Undo banners
@AndrasDeak "... and he is supported by the evil user-bashing room! Burn them, burn them all!"
I'm in no way associated with the evil user-bashing room:P
@Kyll Just move the hyphen and we're heroes: the evil-user bashing room.
2:38 PM
like a bad ass-car?
there's such a thing as a good ass-car?
pushes ryan and Andras to the Ministry
Before I get flagged: I was referring to this.
@QPaysTaxes I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
2:47 PM
/review page
^ Also yes. Shouldn't you be in a meeting?
not yet, that is in a few hours
Shouldn't you be in a meeting to prepare this meeting?
actually, yes (to kyll)
wait seriously? meta-meetings?
2:51 PM
@ryanyuyu gunr is stuck in a meeting-spiral of death.
2 more weeks though, then done with meetings here
@QPaysTaxes websockets
@QPaysTaxes unfortunately, the accepted answers on both conflict. One says "use this hack" and the other says "don't use a hack, here's general advice".
@QPaysTaxes Always expect literal answers from Sam
Bots aren't able to go lateral.
since he's botmaster
2:52 PM
Except crab bots.
@QPaysTaxes Well this was the second time you asked, so I thought you were serious. :p
Ah Sam reveals his inner heuristics
@QPaysTaxes I'd say that if she also reported audit failures
@QPaysTaxes oh right
@QPaysTaxes a tea*
SOCVR encourages healthy diets for healthy reviews
2:55 PM
@ryanyuyu brews a cup of lemon tea for @ryanyuyu
I'm not a pompous Brit >.>
@QPaysTaxes haha. I'm American, but I do love my tea.
@QPaysTaxes we do actually record audit failures, we just don't announce it to everyone.
@Kyll is that a war declaration in French culture?
And there I am, being literal again.
2:56 PM
A war declaration in French culture is everyone going on a strike.
Which is, to say the least, tiring.
Particularly when it's demonstrated times and again that it serves no useful purpose whatsoever.
Ah. That doesn't really happen here. The company would just shrug and hire replacements. Unless you're a professional athlete.
It legally can't in France, to a certain degree.
@gunr2171 deserves a pin
QPaysTaxes passed an audit!
Good ol'
3:03 PM
Always nice to refactor code due to code-quality issues only to end-up with more issues then you started with, including new bugs.
Hurray for tests then?
@Sam someone's transport belts are going to be replaced with concrete
@Kyll yeah
@Kyll Eh. I haven't played for a while. :/
3:09 PM
@Sam Me neither :(
Fun fact, I showed Factorio to a friend at an engineer school who never played it or heard of it before
He tried the game
The productivity of 40 students dropped a lot that week.
Is github down for everyone?
@AshishAhujaツ Seems up here
@AshishAhujaツ up for me
Hmm.. Lemme wait then..
ah it's back
Looks like must have been a glitch in my internet
Github slow but up for me
@QPaysTaxes that happens a lot
smokey often complains for that
people use all sorts of crap for an apostrophe too
and commas
3:14 PM
@QPaysTaxes people have gotten to used to backticks, because many of them abuse them. Many people edit stuff like 'data structure' into backticks, and they even get approved!
3:41 PM
Hey @Nobody!
@SotiriosDelimanolis OP deleted
@SotiriosDelimanolis OP beat you to it
@QPaysTaxes get the shortcut keys
3:50 PM
@QPaysTaxes Aren't they separated by another option?
oh, no just some space
so the solution is, slow down :-P
@QPaysTaxes You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 1 was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 1 hour, 6 minutes, and 13 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 39 seconds.
@QPaysTaxes because that's three too many :-)
@Tim Updated script again, removed bug.
4:15 PM
Night o/!
looks for bee repellent
@rene Same here...
you get pinged, now you clean up those dupes as well ;)
4:35 PM
@rene But bees are like the wingmen for flowers
How will you pollinate with lady flowers without bees?
bees are more like the scientists that provide IVF techniques to flowers
@queen not sure.
4:50 PM
After the OP's edit close as POB? stackoverflow.com/questions/38229217/…
@QPaysTaxes just so you know, a while ago our room had a problem with the word "boom", which was said after a "successful" cv-pls request. Turns out people outside the room don't like it when we "celebrate" a post closure, hence rule #5.
just for future reference
no problem
@Tunaki If you get a chance, can you reopen this and close it as a duplicate of this, if you agree?
@QPaysTaxes Looks like you and I can take reading lesson together :)
the phrase "booming" probably won't make sense for people who were not around at the time
stop playing hopscotch with the faq
The FAQ is clear, IMO. It explains first, and then uses the term "booming".
4:56 PM
But you can say poof to naa smokedetector posts as that is the same as delete, and the SOCVR prefers to keep the transcript clean
we make the distinction at "celebration"
How I imagine Rene when someone questions the rules:
+1 can confirm
Me reading the rules:
Fairly odd parents: SOCVR in cartoon form
4:59 PM
Where does it says that one-boxing was allowed?
un fun-boxed

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