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Ohhh, I remember now! Tuna is a fish:
in The Ministry of Silly Hats, Apr 24 at 11:58, by Kyll
No, but Tuna is that fish =p
I hat you all.
How do you hat someone?
@Rizier123 I commented and closed that :D
I think that is my second vote to delete on meta
@Magisch At least he didn't called the police and asked what to do...
rizier - gone
@Rizier123 Didn't bother to react, just poof
Now some people get waffles
@Kyll Found the bug finally.
@PraveenKumar downvote if you please, other then that nothing
@BhargavRao Some people are definitely blind. Prove me "Praveen" === "Parveen" and I will give you 1000 £ in hot cash. That's one lakh rupees. ;)
@Magisch LoL.
@PraveenKumar I left a comment
@NathanOliver Great.
@PraveenKumar console.log('"Praveen" === "Parveen" is true')
@BhargavRao In JavaScript or PHP or Java or C or C++...
@PraveenKumar Assuming every character is used in a mathematical sense (because of the double = comparison operator) and assuming lack of connective operands means addition (basic number set theory) Praveen is indeed equivalent to Parveen
You shouldn't do anything else.
That is just invoking set theory and the set of rational numbers
@Magisch Eh?
@PraveenKumar C doesn't have ===
@BhargavRao false is true?
Nope... Rejected.
You didn't specify the logical context in which to prove this
@BhargavRao Oh! :P
I was kind and used one you know
GraveRobber started 1.13.1 (debug).
I can just make one up that I call now "Magisch's context"
And the only defined operand is ===
which always equals true
And now you've lost
I said you...
In normal environment...
* Terms & Conditions Apply...
Not in your original problem statement
^ That is like 275 million pages long.
You can't append terms after you've issued a challenge
I can...
$.append is functional.
I don't really want your money
I wanted to show you though that you need to be specific when putting something like that out there
someone might
And some court might consider this a contract
@Magisch :o
Wow... turning out a weird wednesday on meta :)
@PraveenKumar If you were in Germany, and you said that in a public chatroom (this one counts) and I was really intent on getting your money I'd have a case in small claims court against you
makes a change - meta's normally maddest on Tuesdays (from my experience)
Implicit contracts are a thing
@Magisch Woah... Nice...
So if I say, "I own all the money from Germany" and then if I go to court, will I get all of them? Crazy rules. But yea.
Obviously not
But you said "I offer whoever can fulfill $condition 1000 pounds"
Which can easily be interpreted as a contract
Oh... Right...
This looks nice... :D
Guys, my Public MVP Profile is now live: mvp.microsoft.com/en-us/PublicProfile/5001822
:D :D :D
@PraveenKumar Congrats
@Sam Thanks buddy... :)
@PraveenKumar With that info, I found several of your old pictures, your facebook, your place of work, the university you graduated from, your professional email and a couple more things in under a minute
Might not wanna put that on your profile here
@PraveenKumar Congrats.
@Magisch You could have asked me for that and I would have gladly given you... Plus it is public...
@NathanOliver Thanks man... :)
But yes, gratulations
@Magisch :) :)
Im a little more skittish with my Info
oh no gunr is here the fun is over Eh, I mean morning
Nov 9 '15 at 15:28, by gunr2171
Room Owners: ruining your fun since 2014.
@gunr2171 Ha ha ha...
@Sam Gratz
Plop gunr
Hey gunr
So, who wants to look at a resume?
Hey gunr
@gunr2171 On the website maybe change upgrading code to better standards is a joy to upgrading code to newer standards is a joy
@gunr Checking your page network performance
Someone who has a gold badge in , in and in can unilaterally close every Q on meta?
@gunr Use a minified jQuery file
@Kyll yes, that is one of the next goals to do
Wanna see how your page loads on a crappy network?
You're not going to like it
@Magisch Probably but only dupes and if they get carried away meta will know.
@NathanOliver hum, ok. I'll make that change
I just suggest as newer does not always equal better. Normally yes but sometimes they make bonehead moves.
@PraveenKumar Congrats, your the man!
now dog
@BhargavRao Thanks bro.
Are you looking for a new job gunr?
@Kyll probably not. Like I said, I'm working on minified versions of external scripts
@gunr Feel the hate: i.imgur.com/CQYxM1W.png
also yeah, that image needs to be a lot smaller
Who's this Kevin?
@Kyll rofl
cough cough me cough cough
@PraveenKumar Don't bother, made them all on Mumble already
@Kyll LoL.
GraveRobber started
@Kyll but yes, thanks. that tells me what I need to focus on
No idea why the image seems to be loaded twice though
yeah, that is strange
Might want to load a fairly low quality placeholder then ninja in the HD version with a few lines of JS
@Kyll the original image was 120kb, mine is 850kb
@gunr Don't bother with the double image loading, it might simply be that I reloaded with Cache disabled.
but both images are the same dimentions
gunner I would try to do about 5 to 10 sentences to differentiate yourself from others in the tags / stacks. I could provide a sample of a hypothetical
> I'm different because I'm gunr.
> I'm different because my avatar is a big letter.
No he is different because of the 2171. there are lots of gunr's ;)
@Sam You murderer
@Ferrybig mwahahaha
dang gunner we are darn near neighbors. Been to that Nashua ice rink many times with the kids / hockey
lol wrong room
@Drew ah. I've never been to Nashua many times though.
Exeter ice rinks mostly
@gunr There's multiple places at which you contract am or don't. "Who I Am", "What I'm Good At". The capital letters give a more formal, serious feeling so I'd think with the non-contracted form.
@gunr2171 Your opening message says "full-stack" but the job descriptions say more back-end. Is your front-end experience more with the "open source" portion of the résumé?
@Kyll ok
GraveRobber started
Ok, there.
@gunr2171 BTW take my advice with a grain of salt. I'm relatively new to the workforce.
"I am full stack developer" missed an "a"? You used one in the sentence before
In the "Who I Am" section, all your sentences are active except for "My day to day work has me jumping". I feel it breaks the flow
Is the Joel Test well-known by recruiters? If not, a link might be necessary
"From c#, to VBA and SQL" I thought you had to write "C#", not "c#"?
@Kyll there's a link in the SO CV.
Ah, k. I'm talking about the website there =p
On the "Keeping the software modern" part, you use a newspaper icon. I get the analogy, but what about something more... modern? =p
On the same section, you always write "the software" except on "Keeping software maintenance hassle free"
> This is a homework assignment that i honestly have no idea on where to start... My professor has done a horrible job at teaching us this material and any help or direct on how to tackle this project would be a great help! Here is the assignment
> I want to make other developers just as efficient as myself.
That's bragging
First bullet point for current position has mix of past and present tense. : "Set up server running linux, hosts all development services in Docker containers."
@MartinJames I like the meta troll. He is more interesting then the daily "People shouldnt be able to downvote/close my trash question durrr!!111oneoneleven" people we usually see instead
"I'm have extensive use in Jenkins" I'm have extensive whipping ready for you for that mistake
Also, the final bullet point leaves off the period but the others don't. I'm not sure which is better but try to be consistent.
SOCVR: Where every single mistake you make will get you torn to shreds
@Magisch Yeah, maybe I ought to have a little troll myself, next time a suitable subject comes around:)
Back on the website, you never talk about the reader except at "and can get you a one-click build environment.". It felt unexpected and a bit odd.
thanks everyone for the feedback. Let me spend some time reading through it all and making fixes where nessissary. The water cooler is also giving me advice so I'm swamped for the moment.
no problem. We're complaining about your stuff because we care.
@Adriaan @Magisch @ryanyuyu The cv-pls here: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/41570?m=30195019#30195019 Is being discussed on meta: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/321881/3933332
something like that.
@Rizier123 I already commented
You're too slow
You present the SOCVR-chatbot before presenting SOCVR, which reads weird
@Rizier123 actually I close voted because of the other meta question for it being a bad audit.
@gunr2171 That's what you get for asking questions on the internet ;)
@gunr2171 I put a JPG up in the beehive called something like sentence fragments
@gunr Aaand that's all for me. If you need my grammar third reich soldier powers again, ask =p
put something together about your passion
@Tunaki You're even later then Rizier
@ryanyuyu being a bad audit. Only because a question is maybe a bad audit you shouldn't vote because of that.
Its a bad question too
Its very short and unspecific (too broad) and the upvoted answers contradict each other (PoB)
@Magisch by a kitten
@NATO Out of flags for a long time now btw.
@gunr2171 TBH I think if your website background were less blurred, it'd be better. Blur looks best on organic scenes, like photographs of the outdoors or people, not artificial ones like screenshots of code
@Rizier123 true, but I did find it's lack of specs close-worthy. I think it only got all the upvotes from including buzz-words.
also c# should be capitalized to C#
thanks, adding that to the list of things to work on
years experience should be years' experience or years of experience
@JayBlanchard Both upvoted answers heavily contradict each other, indicating either that the correct solution is a matter of opinion (POB) or that the question is broad enough to allow 2 completly contradictory answers to be correct (too broad). — Magisch 1 min ago
I am full stack developer -> I am a full stack developer
@TylerH I tried to grammar it already =p
btw no space in PowerShell
Under "building the software", I'm have -> I have
Who do we bash at the moment ?
gunr as usual
@Kyll you mean "Kevin"
Wow that Meta discussion got boring quickly
meta.stackoverflow.com/q/321881/3933332 This is going to be a long discussion... and I already feel like it is heating up.
@TylerH I am full, Stack Developer.
@Fred Plop =D Just making sure, "If we were to start (you guys are already doing that, btw) going all of those just because there's nothing better else to do" that's not a weird uncalled-for rant about SOCVR right? Because we sometimes get that on Meta and it always makes drama
@Mogsdad I was thinking more like Full Metal Alchemist
I am Full Stack Developer, a State Developer
Edit that in, and I bet it lasts!
@TylerH is that the 8th deadly sin?
@BhargavRao I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Bhargav Rao passed a audit!
@ryanyuyu it's the major taboo
@AshishAhujaツ -------^ (See closey's post and the tag)
Wow that meta is heated
A .Net what? stackoverflow.com/questions/36890895/… Am I reading that right? :p
Guys, heated Meta --> don't discuss it too much here mkay? (cc @Magisch @ryanyuyu etc...)
Yeah Jay is one of our "boys". Hands off Jay :p
@Tunaki I say [A] is right, and [B] should really crawl back to their hole. Will replace placeholders once I read which sides are emerging!
@Tunaki Too late, the hate already started
Maybe it would be better if you did not gather a posse in the SOCVR chat room whenever you see a post you don't like. — Hans Passant 4 mins ago
@PraveenKumar This question cannot be deleted. Why do you want to delete it anyway?
Hans at his best
Guy stop the discussion. If you want to talk talk on meta. Last warning
Bhargav Rao passed an audit!
Sorry if I contributed something wrong in this, but I honestly found this without the chat room via the other meta post.
@Tunaki Way toooo broad. I thought there was a logic, but nothing.
Can any of you recommend a good dupe for this meta post
is hans's default position to disagree with everything?
@JonClements Isn't the proposed one fit?
@JonClements It has 4 VTC for a pretty good dupe imo
@cimmanon to be fair, it's ok to have a few people like that. Just for healthy discussion.
can only see no answers or deleted answers
Ah, indeed. The target needs an answer.
@JonClements Do you want me to type up an answer to this with the info you gave jon?
Bhargav Rao passed an audit!
I see a buttload of related posts in a rabbit hole of comments, none have SE staff answers:S
the dupe, I mean
only "please do this" and "this is how you should do this"
@JonClements I wonder if for Mjolnir-closes we should only list the gold-badge holder as the person who closed it
to avoid that problem
@Tunaki I still think it's a crap question. 1 line of text which is either TB or POB as it stands.
@Adriaan go to meta
Point made @Adriaan but discussion is on the Meta.
@AndrasDeak but I won't VTC again to avoid going into war. The meta posts by @Magisch and @TylerH say most of it; TLM added his mod-point of view which I agree on
as I said, read the transcript, dummy
@BhargavRao You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 3 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 13 minutes and 41 seconds, averaging to a review every 20 seconds.
@Drew Py refresh?
I can refresh summary nums you mean?
@PraveenKumar Please refrain from posting delete requests if the post can't be deleted in its current form.
@TylerH - Respectfully ?
@TheLostMind Well do you want me to say it disrespectfully? :-P
@TylerH Is there a "problem" to be addressed?
@Drew batch 53
Im worried that OP will change it to "How should I sanitize passwords" which his answer is not really an answer to :p
And which would make the Q still "too broad"
@JonClements The problem in the question you linked to; people being listed as closing a question as reason X when they didn't vote for reason X
But its not worth getting into a closewar over this, I think a historical lock would be best
@BhargavRao gonna burn us out BR
That was a big effort yesterday
"Billy, Sam, and Bob [gold] closed this question as a duplicate" "But I'm billy, and I voted to close it as too broad!"
@Kyll I felt that Jay got a bad call on his Q&A. Ok, it was probably badly worded, but it shouldn't have gotten bad reviews on it. Deceze posted quite a few canonical Q&A's, so why not Jay?
@Magisch What did we say?
I agree Fred
@Fred-ii- the question shouldn't be 'why not Jay' it should be 'why not this question'
@Fred-ii- We only discuss of that post on Meta, not here. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't hit SOCVR, as we are common targets on Meta for that kinda thing
alright im done discussing this Q in this chat
comments under my answer if you want to
@Magisch cough there's always the ministry cough
@Tunaki Okay... Done.
DO NOT continue to discuss this here. Meta discussion should go in the Meta not here. Understood everyone?
Jay is a really great guy. He posted a Q&A that he felt would contribute to the world of MySQL/Password security and raised many good points on why passwords should not be manipulated in any way, shape or form. Many do not know what that consists of. ircmaxell is a forerunner in this field, and I for one had found one of his answers in another section that greatly contributed.
1 min ago, by Tunaki
DO NOT continue to discuss this here. Meta discussion should go in the Meta not here. Understood everyone?
Granted, you're late to the party =p
@Fred-ii- Read the chat. Last warning. Next one is kicked.
I love a good party ;-)
ok have a great day, I have to go. ciao
With silly hats and tuna salad
Gunr still fixing his CV?
Guys... See this question and please chill: stackoverflow.com/q/36891493/462627
^ @Tuna
@ryanyuyu yep. you won't see any changes any time soon. I'm still writing down the list of what to change
@EricD commented instead
@gunr2171 ok. I'll be on and off chat like usually. Just ping me if you want to throw your newest revision through the gauntlet again.
@BhargavRao oh yeah
@BhargavRao YES
@ryanyuyu thanks
Thanks, Flagging
@gunr Were my rants comments helpful on your CV then? =p
Was it Bill the Lizard that loved hunting down plagiarism?
@NathanOliver Brad Pit Larson
Hello guys
I knew it started with a B
Hi NSNoob
Damn, @TheLostMind deleted as I was typing it out. 2nd time since morning
There is this answer I have been wondering about. stackoverflow.com/questions/29125264/….
@NSNoob Hello \o
It is basically telling people that real answer is in comments
Should it be flagged as not an answer?
@NathanOliver we all do :)
@NathanOliver Some one else's name here also starts with a B ;)
@NSNoob I don't think it will pass as NAA. It's borderline enough information. VLQ is a different story
and it was deleted, so never mind
@JonClements Perhaps Brad is famous coz he's the transparent mod since ages? :P
Way beyond control...
@NSNoob Mak's answer to that question is more than a thanks, since it does pull the solution into an answer. You might edit it to make it more clear, and to provide attribution to the comment, but if the OP did not care to make an answer, it's fair game for anyone to do so.
Oh I suppose the OP just did that. Thanks @gunr2171 & @mogsdad. See you guys.
@NathanOliver No "Clementcy"?
that's a new one
@JonClements Do any mods filter custom flags for particular terms pointing out suspected plagiarism?
@Yam stats
I'm currently watching 244 posts.
Good good
@Mogsdad Yes. It was mentioned in a Meta somewhere
@Yam Fence posts? They won't move.
@BhargavRao Brad is a very, very, very experienced mod. We're a diverse team that takes on different things at different times though :)
@Tunaki I need the magic words, so my flags don't sit for so long.
@Mogsdad "suspected plagiarism"
@JonClements I know that you take care of chat rooms :D :D
don't make typos :)
@Mogsdad I can't say for all, but yes, some of us use filtering
@Tunaki Been doing that. I'll just have to be more patient, I suppose.
@Mogsdad swear in all your mod flags. #GoodAdvice
Great effin idea!
Hmm. How can I get +1 rep, to make 22,222?
@Mogsdad once again, if people didn't mis-use the other flag queue, it'd be easier...
@Mogsdad Downvote 9 posts and answer one post or that V
@Mogsdad Upvote on question, 4 downvotes
@JonClements Yeah, I recall you saying that.
@Mogsdad ask that in a custom mod flag, quick!
it will get handled quickly:P
@Mogsdad accept an answer then downvote it.
@ryanyuyu oooooh evil
Should we close/re-open this meta? It's one vote away from being dupe-closed but it's asking about the topicality of a specific question and so isn't a dupe of the more broad "what's wrong with canonical self-answers?" IMO meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/321881/…
@ryanyuyu lol
@ryanyuyu Nice
@TylerH I don't think we should do anything with it, moderation-wise
@ryanyuyu Chaotic, I love it
@ryanyuyu the best
Im not touching moderating that with a 10ft pole
@Magisch cough
Also, we do not moderate Meta. Period.
@Tunaki This room is about moderation and if a meta post is about something that has to do with moderation such as reopening / closing a Q I feel like we should and can discuss that here. (But if you also have this in your mind: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/30198064#30198064 then I understand you and accept it :)
@Mogsdad I focus on chat, the policies here being an advisor, meta, then flag handle by filters - other mods do other stuff etc...
Sometimes we do though, when users misuse meta as main
Can someone nuke this? The discussion is going weird.
@Rizier123 In the specific case where actions by SOCVR members are questioned, I believe it's best to stay away from the moderation of that post, to avoid any bias
Thanks @Jon...
@PraveenKumar Don't make 20 comments on a post.
1 message moved to Trash
@Tunaki Such a mandate does not exist in the room FAQ on Github or Team description. I'm not disagreeing, but it should really exist there if it's going to be mandated by ROs. Was it ever agreed upon in a room meeting? I don't recall such a vote
@AndrasDeak Edit that one more time and I will ping you back :P
Why did SD link a message to Praveen's message?
@AndrasDeak Agreed.
@Tunaki LoL. Okay. Can't make him understand that what he speaks doesn't make sense.
@Rizier123 sorry:D I knew the last one was too much, but I had to make myself clear:) Feel free to ping out your vengeance on me;D
@TylerH Let's add it to the list for the next room meeting then if you want.
Is there a list started already?
I disagree that we can't discuss stuff about heated meta here at all, but I'll adhere to RO policy until we can either make it official or change it in the next meeting.
Thanks @JonClements...
Everyone out there has a playlist of their favorite music. Distract yourself with one by hitting Play.
@Drew :D :D
@Magisch the usual "voting cabal" accusations are far too easily reinforced by apparent discussion behind the scenes, such as here. I think this is the concept behind it.
There is nothing behind the scenes about here
its a public chatroom
It's not a good policy, but the best we might have.
@TylerH Not yet. But we'll get to it. Eventually :) 6-8 something.
@Magisch hence "apparent":)

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