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@kayess postgone
Asked, closed and deleted in less than 1 minute.
@Tunaki Yay!!! :D
@Tunaki Who watches the watchmen?
batch2 count=26 cv3,4 is in the beehive
@AndrasDeak ^^^
@TylerH Cameras, next to those blue lamps
@kayess Árnyék, ha így jobban tetszik :)
@Shadow Welcome \o Glad to see ya guys inhere:)
@Shadow No idea if foreign or Zalgo
@Shadow Zalgo, for sure.
Once again, English...
Three hungarians in same room... anyone from history?
@kayess Except for you kayess, lamp is green, we were out of blue lamps.
@kayess that's nuclear physics, not SO
Heh, half written only of nickname and it beeps and highlights
@Shadow LOL you are right, Leo.
@k: works on main too
@Cerbrus here not
Maybe "k" is too short
Nothing yet
I think it needs to be non-ambiguous
There is only one "Ce" in here
Or maybe there's a hard 3 letters rule
Looks like it
No one in the room starting with Q or X :-(
Yep, 3 letters
What do devs do when they have nothing to do?
They abuse the system and try to find weakness
10 secs ago, by Kyll
No idea what you're talking about
Aww, pinging doesn't support regexes...
So on dupes it doesn't ping? Like @Jon
@Tunaki Weird, that gave me the ping icon, but doesn't highlight the "Cer"
@kayess It does, but to the latest one talking
@Kyll I see
@Tunaki Nope
@Drew I got your message. Where are the questions?
@rayryeng thanks. See comment above. Hold on I will find it
@Tunaki And that works properly
@Shadow an other MATLAB guy. Is he .hu aswell ?:p
nope... .ca.
@Tunaki Ping, no highlight
Hi @rayryeng o/
@rayryeng I remember ya, but dunno where :/
@BhargavRao hi there!
@Drew Going through them now. I'm voting to close all of them.
I can imagine
Looks like @Sam has given the SE Team some motivation in naming there products github.com/StackExchange/jam
@Tun ^H ascii isn't parsed
I'm guessing the regex is just rejecting everything that is not alphanumeric
@Tun Tun Tun Tun <- "Still DRE" background music
@kayess yeah, there's only a few. Or maybe going by non-Hungarian names?
we have another 109 if ya bring a friend for closing
@AndrasDeak Yeah probably that's the case
@BhargavRao I edited, but didn't review:)
edited to make a <2k user get accepted
@Tunaki That's because I'm also @Tu.
wanted to see if they get in the review list
@JonClements Hi o/
@JonClements Heya \o
Hey Jon
@AndrasDeak Yep, I came to know :-)
@kayess bit confused what you're trying to do...
@Drew that looks awesome, but I don't understand a word!:) Could you please elaborate? (I'm new and intermittent here)
@JonClements We have been just experimenting the chat ping system
Nope, Waffles
@AndrasDeak He's asking you if you want to be his full-time puppet
@Drew went through the list and voted on all of them. Also dupe hammered when required.
There is a batch of many allegedly poor questions. One reviews them
@Tunaki OK that doesn't sound right:P
great. Thanks @rayryeng
BTW, I'm in the MATLAB and Octave chat room often so if you need to get in touch with me, please come visit :)
oooh I think I'm starting to get it

CHATLAB and Talktave

Congratulations to Luis Mendo for hitting 100k unicorn points ...
I will post a message there if a room owner allows it. I do the same in GMT for
I'm a room owner. I'll allow it.
yea for that
@AndrasDeak Why? Drew is a great puppeteer.
I even heard he gives them waffles from time to time.
@BhargavRao I remember you as well... it was because of a Python post you wrote... remember that post you wrote about the behaviour when swapping tuples?
I wrote a comment saying it was a great answer.
@Drew did my share, thanks
@kayess ahhh okay I guess - it's documented though how it works
@rayryeng Oh Yeah, I remember now. It was after that I added some 100 more chars. And some good guy flagged the comments for deletion :-). Nice to meet ya again o/
awww that stinks lol
yes you too!
Lol :D
This question :)
Could be read as "you stink too"
@rayryeng un one box it. Else rene will catch you ... :P
done :) sorry
@rayryeng now linkify it:P That's OK, right @BhargavRao?
Anyone using Kotlin here ?
@rayryeng Just add a few dots after the link.
@AndrasDeak Lol, yeah
@TheLostMind I'm mostly iOS but have been looking into it.
Going to install the plugin to Android Studio tonight
@TheLostMind Nope
@JAL - I see.. is it really "production" ready? :P
@Tunaki - Still on eclipse ?:P
@TheLostMind Depends how you define "production ready" lol. To JetBrains it is. But some people wouldn't really call Swift production ready either.
Jut realized the answer is 6 votes away from a shiny silver. Will get it in 6-8 weeks :D
I see. That makes sense
I'd say it's in a stable enough state to write basic applications. If you're going to be doing anything really resource heavy, stick to the mature SDK
@TheLostMind There's a nice Kotlin plugin for Eclipse :)
@JAL - I am thinking along the same lines
I work on video streaming applications. I wouldn't use it in production yet, since I don't know how it handles HLS
@Tunaki - That crashes (plop) on mac :P
I see.. I want to try it..
lol I've been helping my sister with her Uni Java homework. I busted out my old build of Eclipse Kepler
Does it plop when it crashes? Kyll installed a malware perhaps.
@BhargavRao I'm currently waiting 6 - 8 weeks for more votes on one of my top answers so that I can earn the gold Populist badge. Just need 6 - 7 more votes
Kyll has been away from my system @Tunaki
Probably will get it some time in 2017 :-(
whistles innocently
@JAL - On a mac?
@Kyll - You evil hacker
It college that's the build of Eclipse I used
I don't do much Java anymore but I never bothered to uninstall the ide
@JAL - VM crashes gracefully or just hangs as "not responding"
@TylerH Trust me 6-8 weeks is nearby :D
depends, I've had it hang before
"To crash gracefully" I love that sentence so much. Everything went wrong the right way.
@Kyll - exactly..
@TheLostMind Sure about that? Did you notice the new rug that appeared in your living room?
@Tunaki - Oh My God.. You are right
@TheLostMind was just reading that. And thinking, "wat?"
Honestly, the Q is unclear. It looks like the OP is asking is adding a comment is enough
There is no real problem statement
^^Such a said comment thread on that one. The OP's instructor actually told them they should not use a debugger.
except that it "creates a critical issue" that he doesn't talk about.
@NathanOliver, just on Friday, someone (don't remember the nick) stated how they switch from CS class to Engineering class aftger the teacher said 'You would not need a debugger, if you write the code without bugs in the first place.' — SergeyA 13 mins ago
Well the teacher's not wrong...
if debugging is the process of removing bugs then...
Out of flags. Someone taking over NATO please.
@Tunaki - same here
Yeah. But... Good luck doing that on anything harder than simple CS101 programs even if you are experienced.
@TylerH - code without bugs is a myth
Bug without code is a myth also.
If that's true then we are in the matrix ;)
I once saw a beetle in my PC. It was near the RAM @Tunaki :P
@TheLostMind A HW bug?
No. I think it was a beetle @kayess . One that was alive
@Tunaki @rene FYI A user edited out the stack snippet on that double answer you fixed.
Huh? How come?
IDK. there is nothing noted in the revision history.
User has no point in the questions tag. Probably came from the Meta and thought he was doing a good thing. Rolled back.
Okay. I figured I would let you guys handle it. I have never used a stack snippet except to edit it out of places it has no place being(C++ questions).
@Tunaki link to meta post pls
@NathanOliver what, you can't use CSS in C++?
@Tunaki Er... Code without a bug?
and come on, JavaScript is clearly the best and most well-defined language
gunr has gone crazy
that was written in 2 weeks
@BhargavRao no, you mean this one
@gunr2171 Talk at PyCon :D
to be fair the language as it is today was written over a span of 20 years :-)
wow fast
@BhargavRao gone
You know that @Tuna's flags are over when someone else reports spam. :/
I ran out of downvotes AND close votes today
@BhargavRao Yeah. Over and out. Everything is up to you. The whole world depends on you.
Lol. I was about to start watching a new film. But now I won't
I don't want to know what genre that movie was....
Spam movie.
The movie adaptation of Watership Down
Lord Tunaki and the Spam Bursters
@Drew I will take some after the event
I think we closed about 110 c#
Bonne nuit !
@TylerH that's the one with the rabbits. i liked it
@user1803551 no
they are hares
oh, only one of them is a hare
I'm thinking of the hares from Salamandastron
yeah, pretty sure they are rabbits
Bigwig is the one that's a hare IIRC
Wikipedia: "Bigwig: An ex-Owsla officer, and the largest and bravest rabbit of the group."
They never label him as such in the book but his descriptions are in line with being a hare
unless he ate some radioactive carrots as a baby
@BhargavRao Lord Tunaki and Bhargav Rao against the spam. Revenge of the spam, part 2.
Thats suits perfectly
@Tunaki can i get a secondary role?
afk ... commute home ...
@user1803551 Maybe in "Some spam is left, part 3" ?
@user1803551 yes, you provide Selenium Training.
so... can i have a mysterious robe and a spamsabre?
i'm in!
hmm rene is afk commuting home... how does he get his keyboard with him??... someone else brings it?
Air keyboard
@PetterFriberg he makes use of caching
I like the idea that someone else brings it... in italy they are called portaborse
@PetterFriberg the dude on the right looks like my girlfriend's boss
it would even be in character for him...
You better watch out he is a politician in Calabria (may not say much to you, but trust me there are few ways to become that)
@BhargavRao don't forget you keyboard : )
Mh, not sure. Is it?
maah seems like... you tell me...
Too late for postgone, I think
I does not even listen to me : )
@Tunaki Now recorded in history as a failure
History has it wrong.
@Kyll I check user if they have same link on their profile I flag it... may go wrong but seems fishy...
Why would anyone have those words in a profile and not expect a ban
@Kyll I haven't heard of the concept before, but that is really an overcomplicated way of explaining it.
And the examples aren't very intuitive at all.
Stack Overflow from the command line: github.com/santinic/how2
@TinyGiant Yeah, had to read them a few times
It's basically saying that you should write your own functions to do those things that don't create new arrays, in a roundabout complicated way.
@JAL Why the hell would a CLI helping tool use SO and not SU?
@TinyGiant Meh, functional programming always looks complicated to me
this is weird, some Shog quote is getting downvoted... that screams problems with site culture
@Braiam link?
@JAL is on AU community bulletin
@Braiam AU?
@JAL AskUbuntu
oh thanks
@Kyll Intermediate arrays aren't a bad thing unless you're making 10,000 of them in one function call.
@TinyGiant Or if you have to handle a large amount of data with costly operations
How can I find a question I asked and since deleted? I've got > 20K.
I use intermediate arrays in my CVR archiver script which works with (so far) up to 180,000 objects, never takes more than a couple milliseconds for the array transactions to operate.
@Moshe deleted:1
@Moshe recently deleted? go to your profile -> questions -> show deleted down at the bottom
@JAL nope
@Braiam why not
"deleted recent questions"
@Drew I spent ages the other day looking for an old MSO post by Robert Harvey (mentioned in this room) that mentioned a user, whose 'about me' was some lyrics containing lots of offensive language. Never found it, but I think the jist seemed to be that anything in an 'about me' is okay.
whatever, same thing
@Moshe For reference it's a new addition.
@WaiHaLee Correct, mods really don't care about the about me. I think there are some limitations, but not much.

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