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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

12:18 AM
@TinyGiant Closed all that junk
Last one only needs one more
This one needs one more reopen, then we can close it as a duplicate.
12:39 AM
@cimmanon Are you still here?
I put one dupe vote on it.
error happened!
0: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
1:06 AM
@TinyGiant zomg I asked a question
zomg... it's a good question.
@TinyGiant I like to think at this point with enough edits under my belt to make me vomit I can write a good question
Lol, the duplicate question was asked a month ago
When you're predominately on the side which closes questions, you get to learn the tricks necessary to keep a question open. Like opposing any duplicates before they are proposed. And clarifying your clarifications for extra clarification.
Except, when you don't find the duplicate.
@TinyGiant Of course it was a damn duplicate. SO didn't pull it up with related questions or anything
1:15 AM
It really depends, sometimes I get better results on SO, sometimes better on google.
It's probably because I used the word iterator and that question used the words for loop
@durron597 closed now
@cimmanon I wasn't going to vote to reopen without you here to close it again, but then someone else did
I think opening and closing with the purpose of changing the close reason is sort of a waste
Well, what if someone else came along and edited it to make it clear enough to reopen without our oversight? Then it could have ended up being open for a long time if it ever did get marked as a duplicate.
@TinyGiant yeah maybe
1:22 AM
grrr... i dont know how crap like this gathers reopen votes >.> stackoverflow.com/questions/31766594/…
@NathanTuggy This is why I always use the edit link in the first request for information :) — durron597 7 secs ago
Could you elaborate on how I would go about doing that then? I'm looking for multiple values. As far as I can see in that other question, it's using a single variable. I can't tell how to apply it to my own code. — reanseih 2 hours ago
@cimmanon It would be nice if dupe-hammer closes had to be reversed by a mod, or another gold badge. Then it would have to be brought up on meta in order to have it reopened.
Are any owners in the room now?
@Mogsdad no
@TinyGiant - Didn't think so - just hoped someone was lurking but maybe timed out.
1:30 AM
now someone has upvoted it sigh
@closey start
@Mogsdad Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@closey starting
@Mogsdad Sorry, you need more permissions to run that command.
@cimmanon We can take care of that. Downvote it to hell people!
1:32 AM
I don't like to downvote good duplicates
Yeah, ok, you suck at googling, but at least you phrased your signpost well
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
add user Mogsdad
Yeah didn't think so
@durron597 You didn't say @Closey
@Closey add user Mogsdad
@durron597 Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
1:34 AM
needs to be a numeric id
An owner needs to add me, I believe.
@Mogsdad I doubt I'm an owner but I wanted to try anyway
At least, a/t the wiki
Sam is probably an owner, has he been in here recently?
1:35 AM
try @Closey add user 1677912
@TinyGiant Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
I don't want to ping gunr
Sam is not an owner according to the room info
I think rene or gunr will be my best bets. I'll check tomorrow, maybe.
4 hours ago, by Sam
Anyway, night all.
I think it's a bot owner not a room owner
1:36 AM
Ohhhhhhh..... maybe
gunr is probably awake but he's having a life instead of trolling SE
rene is definitely asleep at this time.
There is something other than trolling SE? zomg
I think this room should have more room owners and more bot owners but I think rene likes it this way... his rules
There can be more people with privileges, while still keeping the same rules.
what I mean is, he likes it that few have privileges
1:43 AM
Less to go wrong that way
@TinyGiant I disagree with him, but it's not my room, it's his room. shrug I'm okay with it; if I weren't, I would have brought it up.
@durron597 :D
HaveNoDisplayName voted to reopen, but no one else in the review queue will see it. Unless 4 random schmucks comes along and vote to reopen, it should be good.
thats good
1:50 AM
I should probably fire some deletes at more questions. @cimmanon you in?
weird? SO is now telling me i have javascript disabled?
> You voted to close this question 5 hours ago
1:56 AM
@TinyGiant I think I missed that it had when you mentioned it 5 hours ago
ack, i accidentally voted to reopen a question, theres no way to cancel that? i already voted to delete stackoverflow.com/questions/12024396/…
@cimmanon crud, I'm out of deletes
@durron597 i am out of things to delete :D
@durron597 That's the one I asked Jon to unlock, and it got reopened at the same time, it was the only locked question in
@TinyGiant Why was it locked?
1:59 AM
Failed migration
@TinyGiant Oh, duh
He cleared the whole migration history which cleared the close.
Does anyone know what language this is?
There are no relevant tags applied to the question. I don't know why I have that tab open but it has been open for two hours, so I should do something about it
Other than close the tab of course
2:06 AM
@TinyGiant It's C#. I've vtc as unclear
Lolz, any other relevant tags you can think of?
It's not Java. It's C#
But, if you add tags it gets more attention so it gets closed quicker
If you like
With that tag, no one will ever see it
2:08 AM
I don't even know how I found it
Edited, apparently that error even has a tag, and vtc-ed as unclear.
Now we'll get 'er closed.
155 and 100
Awwe damn, now its 156 and 100
2:14 AM
@TinyGiant Because Jeff Atwood needs a 5th stellar question badge ldo
Q: About your f***ing website

Jeff AtwoodPresented for your enjoyment-slash-amusement. Email received by [email protected] from Name Jesus Christ Almighty, what a f***ing mess of a website. I'm trying to post a question. Just the one, you know, f***ing question. So I sign up for an ID and I'm sent an email that doesn't real...

LOLOLOLOLOL the responses killed it
4:16 AM
needs one more ^
@TylerH I already hit it.
Three quick upvotes from a generics question that's probably a duplicate... 41 upvotes to go
Towards my gold badge
4:18 AM
you just answered a question?
Yeah. Ironic that I have to answer duplicates to get enough rep to get my Mjollnir
Ugh. I hate caring about rep again.
I'll be so much happier when I have protect questions and mjollnir
I still don't see a need for the question protect feature
@TylerH You would if you had the ability to see deleted answers.
4:32 AM
Protecting questions is to prevent new, short, non-answer answers
do that many questions really get such answers that the low-quality queue is not able to handle it?
@TylerH Well, we wouldn't know, because the high voted questions are all protected.
"Let's create a shield in case people with swords come charging through the door"
"Has that ever happened?"
"No, but it might"
I think maybe the protect questions privilege should be switched to an automatic handling of low-quality or NAA flags
Jeff Atwood on June 7, 2010
At the behest of the Super User moderators, we've instituted a new question status of protected. A protected question is like a protected Wikipedia article -- it no longer allows additions by anonymous users.
I didn't realize you could answer questions without creating an account
@TylerH Yeah, that's a thing that has been crucial to the growth of SE, I think. That and conflicting usernames being allowed
4:39 AM
I get conflicting usernames, for sure
lots of people are named "Jeff"
Did you know there are 9 users with the name "Matt" that have over 10k rep
But in today's climate, every site/service requires you to join up and subscribe/sacrifice your grandmother in a ritual to participate
4 hours later…
8:38 AM
@Closey add user 1677912
@Sam Sorry, you need more permissions to run that command.
@durron597 Nope.
Me wants owner privs. Me wants now.
Lol, hey Uni.
I can't believe it! I'm about to flag a comment of Martijn Pieters as Not Constructive!
8:42 AM
dun dun dun
What have you tried so far? — Martijn Pieters ♦ Nov 12 '13 at 11:26
and it's gone
Comment hunting today?
typical comment flagging spree, yep
Just like the good ol' days. ;)
8:58 AM
My helpful flags count is soon to go over 9000!
Not as impressive as bluefeet's or Andy's, but at least I did it by myself and under two years
@Unihedron Hah, that might be his comment-flagging bot.
I've decided!
Q: Can a machine be taught to flag comments automatically?

AndyTL;DR: Yes it can. Background On June 27, 2014 Skynet awoke. It looked at Stack Overflow and thought "Why are all these people being so chatty and talking about obsolete things? I should nuke them all!" Fortunately, Skynet was a baby and only had access to my 100 comment flags a day. Prior ...

I need a bot too.
invasion of the bots, coming to a cinema near you
9:22 AM
@Unihedron I've just thought, when pham's accurate enough and deployed, Nor will be slowly gaining helpful off/spam flags. Unless we use different creds...
9:53 AM
@Sam That's fine!
I haven't logged into Nord in a while.
I'm actually glad you're taking good care of him.
1 hour later…
11:12 AM
rolled back...
1 hour later…
substantial is not 5 answers of 762
but that user is not wasting much space when answering...
@rene Of his recent answers. I've just rec'd deletion for an additional ~7.
What is this question? A support request to MS? Anything to do about it? stackoverflow.com/q/31769799/2675154
12:33 PM
@Sam hmmm ok
@honk off-topic we are not azure support
@rene How should I flag something like that?
@honk see my example, if you can use a custom reason, other wise unclear will work.
@rene The only "custom" flagging I could do is: "Blatantly off-topic (this question has nothing to do with programming)". Is that ok?
1:31 PM
@rene I flagged that for lock, lol.
@Sam I thought you were bot owner because you wrote a lot of it, no?
1:49 PM
@durron597 I have contributed a "fair" amount (apparently more than rene), but I guess gunr never got round to adding me.
@Sam Could ask him later.
Yeah, already have.
@honk yes, that will do
@SmokeDetector I really thought that was gonna be spam.
2:04 PM
@durron597 done
@rene ty
2:30 PM
@rene ok, thanks!
@Sam the trick is to do as little as possible and still get the credits...
But I guess I blew my cover by revealing that....
I knew it.
Hey @gunr2171 please make @Sam happy by giving him the credit he deserves.
Oh yeah, nice offensive answer... What a dick...
2:45 PM
@rene :D
@rene - Could you set me up with closey?
@durron597 My close vote must have expired on that, or it got re-opened.
@Closey add user 1677912
@rene Ok, I added Mogsdad (1677912) to the tracked users list.
@Mogsdad done
@rene Thanks!
@closey starting
2:53 PM
@Mogsdad May the Vote be with you!
@closey next 5 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@rene The next 5 tags are: 124, 82, 74, 71, 69
morning all
@rene yes, I will be doing that
I was at Comic Con all yesterday and I just woke up today
2:55 PM
does anyone here have access to review suggested edits on MSE and can approve wiki edits?
so give me a bit and I'll make that chnage
@gunr2171 How was it?
lots of fun, a lot of cosplayers
were you... dressed as superman...
Or CVman.
2:57 PM
lol, no. I didn't dress up, I might next year
or something else, haven't decided
@gunr2171 Good afternoon :)
@Sam, you are now an owner in the prod database
hello hock
@gunr2171 Thanks!
@Sam, I'm also willing to give you access to Jenkins if you want to test things
2:59 PM
That would be cool. :D
@gunr2171 Hock? Maybe you should get a coffee first ;) But hello! :)
Hey, give him credit, don't give him the keys to the car...
@honk oh durp, yeah, sort of awake
@rene Don't worry, I'm insured. :p
@Sam I read injured. Maybe I need a coffee, too :)
3:02 PM
voorkomen is beter dan genezen
@honk Coffee for everyone! xD
@rene Oh, Mr. Shrieken boasts about his foreign language skills :)
(almost done working on Jenkins access)
@honk I couldn't get a translation quick enough but the dutch proverb is the best match...
3:13 PM
@Mogsdad it's closed now. Can you throw deletes at these
@rene I got it. In German it's pretty much the same...
have to run, back later...
@Closey stop bot
@gunr2171 I'm shutting down...
@rene See you!
3:17 PM
Hey everyone! (SO Close Vote Chatbot started, linux!)
yup, with mono
@Sam, sent you an email about getting to jenkins
@durron597 No dv's... 8 hours to go. I'll check them then.
@gunr2171 \o/
@gunr2171 Seems simple enough. Thanks. :)
no problem
I'll be gone for a few hours today, I'll be around later
3:24 PM
Alright, cya later.
@gunr2171 Bye!
3:41 PM
@closey passed php audit
@Mogsdad Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
@Mogsdad Just say "passed x audit"
There's no need to ping the bot.
Not to closey?
passed php audit
3:43 PM
It's known as a "trigger". Whereas, commands require pinging.
passed r audit
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 8 hours to continue reviewing.
@Mogsdad Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@Mogsdad Your last completed review session ended 33 seconds ago and lasted 54 minutes and 24 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 1 minute and 21 seconds.
2 hours later…
5:22 PM
It would be useful if, after using up our review votes for a day, we could continue going through the queues without being able to cast review votes. Then at least we could still comment and vote those posts up or down.
6:12 PM
I think you can still see the queue histories if you want to
That shows me everything that I've reviewed in that queue, but I can't see what's left to review in the queue.
@JonClements Thoughts on why this has so many views? Asking you more because you're a Python guy than because you're a mod. stackoverflow.com/q/1413937/1768232
@TinyGiant oh... at 10k you get to see all the recent reviews - not just your own
@durron597 it's not got that many reviews... but I'd imagine 6 years ago - and it's a pygame question - doesn't surprise me
6:17 PM
@JonClements Well I decided to edit the tag out of the questions that have more than 3000 views
Instead of trying to delete them
All of the remaining 59 questions have less than 3000 views now, that was the last one.
You must be pleased to see the back of it by now :)
so close... we're just limited by delete votes, and the last roomba question is due on July 27 (i think) + 9 days, which is about Aug 6 or so
@durron597 PyGame is huge, you're combining Python (first language for a lot of newbies) and games (I swear what every newbie thinks they will make in the future). So questions end up getting a lot of hits over the years, even if they are terrible
6:27 PM
@KevinBrown yeah
It's got clickbait language "basic pygame structure"
6:53 PM
@rene could you add me to the Closey list?
@Closey add user 4639281
@rene Ok, I added Tiny Giant (4639281) to the tracked users list.
@Closey next 3 tags
6:55 PM
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@TinyGiant The next 3 tags are: 199, 135, 133
@durron597 any specific tag I should start on?
@rene so I just tell closey that I'm starting then tell him every time I pass an audit?
Or do I have to tell him which tag I'm reviewing as well?
@TinyGiant yep, and paste the message you get if you run out of reviews for your filter or run out of votes
@TinyGiant No, that is more convenient for us so we can all do the same tag, if you decide to not follow closeys suggestion or pick anything from the starboard
@Closey starting
@rene May Shog9's Will be done.
7:01 PM
Is source-code done?
OK. I'll do POB mysql
Ok, I'll follow in a minute
I'm on too broad now
@Closey starting
7:05 PM
@TinyGiant May the Vote be with you!
passed php audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 4 hours to continue reviewing.
@rene Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@rene Your last completed review session ended 12 seconds ago and lasted 9 minutes and 47 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 14 seconds.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "primarily opinion-based; [mysql]"
7:17 PM
passed mysql audit
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 4 hours to continue reviewing.
@TinyGiant Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@TinyGiant ? you passed a MySQL audit while you were filtered on MySQL?
Yeah, don't know what happened there.
@Closey last session stats
7:27 PM
@TinyGiant Your last completed review session ended 1 minute and 59 seconds ago and lasted 19 minutes and 49 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 29 seconds.
Wow, 11 more seconds and it would have been a round 30 seconds per
@Closey stats
7,209 need review
1,075 reviews today
2,730,083 reviews all-time
wrong one
@Closey commands
7:30 PM
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
How come Closey has 23 rep?
@Closey audit stats
@TinyGiant Stats of all tracked audits by tag:
 | Tag Name | %      | Count |
 | mysql    | 100.00 | 1     |
@Closey my completed tags
@TinyGiant Showing all tags cleared by you that I have on record:
 | Tag Name | Times Cleared | Last Cleared            |
 | mysql    | 1             | 2015-08-02 19:12:07 UTC |
7:32 PM
@honk edits
@rene Ok, but Closey didn't do the edits by himself, did he?
wow, no... @gunr2171 did ...
Maybe in order to be in chat
20 rep minimum
Yep, same for my bot account
7:35 PM
Ah, ok. @rene, what kind of bot do you have running?
None... but I have written one in javascript that serves coffee and milks cows
@rene Impressive!
@rene Is there a description what that bot does? I didn't find any. I looked at the code, but I have no clue about JS...
Hmmm... no... let me start it in a room, hold on
7:45 PM
ah, any link ending in repair.com
@honk it runs here now
So its basically just a bot that responds to commands with a semi-random response.
How do I handle suggested edits on really bad off-topic questions? Example: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/9018941
The edit is great and really does improve the question but in the end the "question" is still crap
Approve/reject -> back -> link -> vtc
8:01 PM
@TinyGiant yeah, that describes it pretty well
8:13 PM
:( I'm out of cv's
Me too lol
Left my fancy mcve comment though
8:35 PM
Have fun
Got to leave, too. Bye!
8:50 PM
np, cv'd
9:12 PM
@SmokeDetector Edited.
cv that, too broad - no mcve
If only I could
@TinyGiant and also, by the way, never.
In case it wasn't already clear.
A: How do we encourage edits to obsolete/out of date answers?

TylerHI really like the "Obsolete Answer" option, but what I would like even more is a slightly different option that would supersede the need for marking accepted answers as obsolete: Introduce a new reputation perk that enables community voting on changing the accepted answer. I first thought of th...

based on the idea I had from late May
@TylerH Upvoted, but we should still have wilson confidence scoring.
No! Do not call Thread.sleep in the Event Dispatch Thread!!!! Did you even test this? — durron597 14 secs ago
9:55 PM
brb looking up what that is
@TylerH Just look at my answer to that question
that sounds complicated
@durron597 Lol
@durron597 So wilson confidence would replace the sorting tabs for answers, basically?
@TylerH Yeah
9:59 PM
Not sure I like that
Any time I lose control over something I use it's a bad thing, IMO
You wouldn't lose control
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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