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Thoughts on the following tags being on-topic/necessary/or not? , , , (often used with instead of ), , , , ,
I'm confused. Why does Roomba not delete this question which was downvoted on 2015-06-07? Today is 2015-06-11 (UTC).
@Pang I don't see the reason why it should be deleted. It's downvoted on June 7, not yet fulfilling 30 days.
@Pang Oh, I might be mistaken and wrong though... the question is indeed older than 30 days...
@AndrewT. 30 days since downvoted or 30 days since asked? I'm confused.
@Pang let me check with others

If a question is more than 30 days old, and...

has a score of -1 or less, with no votes in the past 30 days
has no answers with a score > 0
is not locked
it has been voted on in the past 30 days, so that reset its counter
in fact both downvotes have been in the past several days
Is the "with no votes in the past 30 days " part documented anyway? I just found this.
documented anywhere
Q: What should the system be deleting automatically that it already isn't?

Shog9So this question got me thinking... We have several automatic processes in place for cleaning up cruft, deleting questions that are very unlikely to help anyone else. They're fairly conservative though; an awful lot of lousy questions hang around much longer, occasionally cropping up to annoy fo...

Most info on the workings of Stack Overflow/Exchange is buried in questions on MSO and MSE
But Shog9♦ says "Here's what I'm thinking:", so is this proposal actually implemented?
If it's already implemented, I think the Roomba post on MSE should be updated, unless it applies to SO only and not to other SE sites.
You'd have to ask @Shog9 that
Anyway, I've shuffled that question into the CV queue
so it will likely be closed and Roomba'd soon
I actually downvoted a bunch of those licensing questions to -1 score a few days ago.
Anyway, lots of others to work on...
Q: When is a negative score question deleted?

gunr2171From what I've read on MSE, a post is deleted if: If the question is more than 30 days old, and ... has −1 or lower score has no answers is not locked I'm working through some "thanks in advanced" posts with filters based on the criteria above. These post have a score of exac...

I don't think there is any sort of "resetting of a counter"
@gunr2171 see the quote I posted from what Shog was considering
ok, reading
also, poof! I'm gone
okay posted
A: Help us figure out a way to handle the explosion of comments on Stack Overflow

TylerHI agree with most of what the top-voted several answers have said with regard to reviewing and self-moderation of comments, but I'd also like to suggest a UI change to help keep Stack Overflow clean, as outlined in basic form in this Stack Snippet I threw together this afternoon. More details fol...

2 hours later…
@TylerH @Shog9 says those proposals are not implemented yet. So, I don't know... maybe Roomba is dead?
2 hours later…
oh man
that question is old
I didn't even realize it
Q: Collapsed comments

FreshWaterTaffyI find it kind of frustrating that high traffic posts collapse the comments to only view high rated comments. Either: I immediately click view all so I don't miss anything I get to the end of the comments and realize they were collapsed and have to go back and read them over again. My suggest...

was redirected there from this question by gnat
2 hours later…
@Closey starting
@gunr2171 get the bot up
could someone explain how that whole "closey starting" stuff works?
couldn't find it in the FAQ, but maybe I need new glasses
it's custom made
bot that keeps track of various CV queue stats
like priority tags and user cv data
so can I use it just like that?
i think you need to be added to the user list
wait for @gunr2171
or @rene
@Closey add user 124238
Oh, the bot died...
@Clo alive
The bot's still running though...
@gunr2171 Great, I'll check it out.
@Closey starting
deado meato
We could really do with a reboot command.
@StephanMuller "Closey" is a chatbot made by various regulars in this room to help with keeping track of review stats of "registered" users along with making our events more organised and such.
"starting" is (was) a command to let the bot know when you've started reviewing.
And likewise, there's a command for letting the bot know when you've finished.
But currently we're testing a new branch that should automate that process.
2 hours later…
@Sam the SO api lets you see how many cvs a user has left?
@Kitler We don't actually use the SO API, you see, there's this great library called "The Sam API"...
@Kitler no but you can scrape the reviews queue
I checked the bot's repo yesterday not a C# person x.x
Well the bot also relies on this repo for automatic activity tracking.
@Sam not much use if @Closey stopped listening....
or we need a reboot trigger on Jenkins...
@rene Fair point.
It could check every hour or so if the last message in the transcript matches it's own recent recorded message. If it finds a difference it could re-join the room and if that fails...it just dies....
Yeah. But it'll still be best to figure out what's causing this in the first place.
You rather fix the bug? How original, never thought of that....
Wait, do people still do that these days? ;)
1 hour later…
I'm here, but not really around to chat.
restarting the bot though
Hey everyone! (SO Close Vote Chatbot started, linux!)
@Closey alive
@gunr2171 I'm alive and kicking!
@Closey status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 7 minutes and 49 seconds.
@Closey add user 124238
@rene Ok, I added Stephan Muller (124238) to the tracked users list.
@StephanMuller you are being tracked by the bot...
omg should I be worried?
@Closey starting
@StephanMuller You don't need to run this command anymore! When you start reviewing I should notice it and record the start of the record.
SkyNet, coming to a town near you.
Ok so how does it know when I start reviewing
do I just go to the review queue?
@StephanMuller I've noticed you've started reviewing. I'll make a new session for you. Good luck!
@gunr2171 The updated DB method is fine btw, so feel free to run from that commit.
I should be running the latest from the socvr branch
let me check
@Closey last session stats
@StephanMuller You have no completed review sessions on record, so I can't give you any stats.
@Sam 6eec42b6e3c4b2bbc1bab02c4bd12c4197013566
that's what I'm running right now
yep, that's the latest
@StephanMuller Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@StephanMuller Your last completed review session ended 4 minutes and 38 seconds ago and lasted 2 minutes and 52 seconds. You reviewed 3 items, averaging a review every 57 seconds.
Is that correct?
ok, cool stuff
I'll stick around and help out from now on
there is an event today so if you want to feed us some more items you can
if you're not out of votes
how does that work?
I have to get up real early tomorrow so I don't think I'll be joining then
@StephanMuller during the events (and just in general) we make concerted (via tags) efforts to close questions, either based on meta discussions like the one, or based on search queries that sort tags based on various parameters, like sort tags by # of CVs or sort tags by time til CV expiration, etc.
@StephanMuller but we can only do this for questions already in the queue, so for people who haven't done it before, who don't have 3K rep, and who only have a handful of CVs left for the day, we usually just recommend/ask that you spend those remaining CVs on questions in those tags that don't have any CVs, and therefore aren't in the queue yet.
"Loading up the queue" for us, so to speak
ah, I see
@gunr2171 witty
well, we wrote it for a reason
I read it, but it doesn't explain what "feed us some more items" means, nor how closey works
I was more talking about your message (brevity is the soul of wit)
it was weak, I admit
the "feed us more items" is: in order for an item to get into the cv queue, it needs an initial CV or flag
and the documentation for closey is a work in progress
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
3 hours later…
actually, it may not be
oh, yep, it is
@Closey status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 4 hours, 25 minutes and 46 seconds.
all these changes and still version
quite robust
In my things of things to do
rlemon from another chatroom just posted this cool userscript (WIP). Paste in your console (Chrome only) to get voiced chat messages: gist.github.com/rlemon/251237559c347561f0d7
that gets annoying rather quickly
And I'm back as Nor again.
@rene Yes, I had to close Chrome after a few lines
Probably even more so if you test it out in a room like Tavern
@TylerH I wrote this to ping if a new question arrives... disabled playing the sound during development...
XKCD, dreaming of the world we could have
@rene I would substitute the sound with whale song and then go to the JavaScript tag and enjoy beautiful music
Oh no, the steam sale started
prepare your wallet
though it's also sad that everything on the front page I either already have or don't like
@Closey ping reviewers we've got another weekly close event starting soon
we've got another weekly close event starting soon @easwee @ProgramFOX @Dustin @user1803551 @Undo @Sam @KevinBrown @CarrieKendall @StephanMuller @TylerH @ZeroPiraeus @rene @GreenAsJade @durron597 @LynnCrumbling
I feel that list should be shorter
and not just because some of them are unpingable
Don't tell me you realize just now that postgresql doesn't support WHERE
oh, speaking of steam, I found this in my wishlist:
I don't think the right verb there is "buy"
but alas, the button is gone from the store page
send it to the TheDailyWTF
8 more days of reviewing and i'm at the bottom of the leaderboard
@easwee I've noticed you've started reviewing. I'll make a new session for you. Good luck!
well, let's hope the bot works this time...
Ha @easwee is joining us!
last 20 votes :P
@easwee Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@easwee I've noticed you've started reviewing. I'll make a new session for you. Good luck!
he is in tilt
@easwee Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
more tweaking needed on that timeout number
@easwee I've noticed you've started reviewing. I'll make a new session for you. Good luck!
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 4 hours to continue reviewing.
@easwee You don't need to post this message anymore! When you finish reviewing I should notice it and record the end of the record.
@easwee Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
last session stats
@Closey last session stats
@easwee Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@easwee Your last completed review session ended 1 minute and 1 second ago and lasted 29 seconds. You reviewed 6 items, averaging a review every 4 seconds.
We should add "beta" to all the messages, then we can get away with anything
yeah hehe
oh yay, mysterious missing OWIN package
@Closey start event
@TylerH I've noticed you've started reviewing. I'll make a new session for you. Good luck!
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
9,358 need review
2,214 reviews today
2,632,109 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing. I'll make a new session for you. Good luck!
error happened!
0: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
various swear words
@gunr2171 I've noticed you've started reviewing. I'll make a new session for you. Good luck! Note: You had 157 open sessions. I have closed them.
error happened!
0: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
god damn it
@Closey stop bot
@gunr2171 I'm shutting down...
running master
Hey everyone! (SO Close Vote Chatbot started, linux!)
@Closey current session
@gunr2171 Your current review session started 1 minute and 16 seconds ago at 2015-06-11 20:01:31 UTC
@rene, you might need to start again
@Closey current session
@TylerH You don't have an ongoing review session on record.
@Closey starting
@TylerH May Shog9's Will be done.
> Note: You had 157 open sessions.
yeah, bug
we had this once before
I'll look at it again
@Closey starting
@rene By the power of the Vote! Review!
I'm only trying to help....
I do know how to use a where statement
Thank goodness the audit system can't fake comments
#elif Postgres
            var sql = @"
update 'ReviewSession'
set 'SessionEnd' = current_timestamp
from 'ReviewSession' rs
inner join 'RegisteredUser' ru on rs.'RegisteredUserId' = ru.'Id'
	ru.'ChatProfileId' = @ChatProfileId and
	rs.'SessionEnd' is null
returning rs.'Id';".Replace("'", "\"");
do you see anything wrong with that?
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@TylerH Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session count 31
@TylerH Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
@Closey last session edit count 31
Review item count has been changed:
User: TylerH (2756409)
Start Time: 2015-06-11 20:03:41 UTC
End Time: 2015-06-11 20:09:59 UTC
Items Reviewed: 40 -> 31
Use the command 'last session stats' to see more details.
@gunr2171 #elif -> Explain Like I'm Five?
else if
as a pre-processor directive
cv "where is your code?"
passed android audit
@Closey starting
@StephanMuller May the Vote be with you!
@gunr2171 voted
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@rene Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@rene Your last completed review session ended 12 seconds ago and lasted 15 minutes and 6 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 22 seconds.
> thz u.
^ tempted to pin that
So just before a suspension you get a diamond behind your name?
passed css audit
can I undo an accidental "leave open" vote?
on a review, no. but you can go to the post and vote to close it
No, but you can vote outside the queue
ah cool, thanks
@gunr2171 that is called more than once, right?
it's only called once, from the beginning of the StartingSession command
// first, check if the user has any open sessions, and close them
int numberOfClosedSessions = da.EndAnyOpenSessions(incommingChatMessage.AuthorID);
I think tomorrow I'm going to run the bot from my own computer with its own database for testing reasons
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@StephanMuller Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@closey last session stats
@StephanMuller Your last completed review session ended 9 seconds ago and lasted 14 minutes and 50 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 22 seconds.
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@gunr2171 Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@gunr2171 Your last completed review session ended 4 seconds ago and lasted 32 minutes and 54 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 49 seconds.
this was fun
let's do it again sometime soon
@closey stats
we'll be here tomorrow around the same time
9,366 need review
2,449 reviews today
2,632,344 reviews all-time
how can I see progress of today's event?
ignoring the fact that a bot bug wiped all the sessions we don't really have any good views for that yet
but you can see what we have completed so far
@Closey completed tags
@gunr2171 Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name              | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | open-source           | 12    | 2015-06-09 19:36:37 UTC |
 | licensing             | 6     | 2015-06-09 19:31:11 UTC |
 | virus                 | 4     | 2015-06-08 06:33:56 UTC |
 | gpl                   | 4     | 2015-06-05 21:01:09 UTC |
 | lgpl                  | 4     | 2015-06-05 21:01:09 UTC |
 | gplv3                 | 3     | 2015-06-01 18:37:15 UTC |
 | commercial            | 3     | 2015-06-01 18:37:15 UTC |
ah, nice.
@StephanMuller there is an open feature request for that here
Is that C#?
either way not something I'll be able to contribute to
It is c#
and now postgresql
though I wish I could continue using ms sql
I'll add a FR to port MS SQL to Linux...
@gunr2171 you're optimistic
Q: How do I install Microsoft SQL Server for linux (fedora)?

saplingProHow can I install Microsoft SQL Server for linux (fedora) ? I read about Microsoft® SQL Server® ODBC Driver 1.0 for Linux but haven't understood what is it. I wanted to connect to sql server for the java application operating on linux.

and two spam answers on that question that claim you can run mssql on fedora...
spam answers?
popular opinion (read: wrong opinion) on MSO/MSE has broadly redefined spam to just mean bad content
I refuse to acquiesce
to me spam will always be an acronym of Short/Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages.
I thought it was similar to ham
@gunr2171 deleted answers with a link to what I suppose is an executable you need to run, maybe not spam but even malware
oh, deleted answers
see, I don't know that
you know, sometimes I think it's a bad thing that I have all but one of the non-pinned starred messages on the starboard.
you were asking for it
so what, I just need to say 2 more clever things and rene gets knocked out?
i'm out for today, bye
nah, pinned messages stay forever until they are unpinned, regardless of stars
bjb this room has no welcome bot...
You entered multiple times, I assumed that was because you wanted to test the welcome message of Closey...
Meh, I think it's just SE borking with things…
The bits flip between NY and DE ...
1 hour later…
@gunr2171 I'll debug that first thing in the morning.
For now, g'night.
1 hour later…
I've been closing off questions tagged with the word "legal", "lawyer", and "ianal" in the question/answer. It's been pretty accurate so far

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