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@KevinBrown I know I put at least 25 of them a few hours ago
@Closey starting
@durron597 May Shog9's Will be done.
passed java audit
passed C# audit
passed C audit
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[lgpl]"
passed payment audit
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[eula]"
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 20 hours to continue reviewing.
@durron597 Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@durron597 Your last completed review session ended 11 seconds ago and lasted 12 minutes and 25 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 18 seconds.
10 hours later…
what about it?
Looks like it is for a w3c standard?
questions look all like "how to do x?"
Yeah, Ok, I see what you mean...oth the few I checked looks ok-ish, as in with attempts etc
If that sub-community has no issue with those I would leave it alone or you must have a strong case that all posts are crap and attract even more crap
as in, one php tag is enough
looks like there is being voted on posts, and stuff gets closed or answered
I was talking in css shapes and designs room now and they seem to be ok with it
I personally find CSS posts always difficult to judge
eagerly voting as unclear...because it is for me ;)
I do a lot of reviews in css since it's my top answer tag and a lot of times there just no code - just a design to make and OP has no idea what to do
if I find the design challenging I may actually answer
this kinda goes again SO policy
but I guess CSS tags are just different
Yeah, that is the case
If a tag has an active group that is OK with it I'll leave it
@rene sounds fine
@gunr2171 tries to be funny ;)
tries? that sounds like you don't mean it!
You almost made me laugh ;)
well i'll keep working at it
I don't need much..
I'm maybe old but I'm not grumpy...yet....
@Closey starting
@easwee May Shog9's Will be done.
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 10 hours to continue reviewing.
@easwee Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
btw I got over 9k CVs
so it's a race to get to the leader board
Oh, cool you are quietly competing with @gunr2171
I'm at 9499
but I'll be away a lot during summer
9042 only
@rene Usually with CSS questions (also my top tag), if I vote to leave one open from the queue, I'll say something about it here, so that others in the queue will know since most people here I think are more C# oriented
c# for life
@gunr2171 you got me -_-
may it never go flat
@TylerH :D
@easwee don't you dare touch css-shapes! That's the main tag for one of my three questions...
reconsiders close voting all those questions...
well as long as you don't cv my question I'm okay. Double standards and all...
If I do find . -exec curl {} \; -exit how do I make find return a 1 instead of 0 if curl fails for a fie?
I'm looking at all kind of posts for the last hour but none deliver what I need
I'm asking my linux friend
You guys and your programming...
Ok, I'm doing this in a Jenkins build if that matters
ah, I see I've peaked your interest with Jenkins
my friend doesn't know. "i...have no clue actually. im not sure what find does with its return codes"
@gunr2171 to be honest, I had that server setup for me last December but didn't take the time to create the scripts to use it. Your success with it made me put it higher on my agenda....
It's a really good tool. Not the best for running bots though
but really good for building and packaging software
@gunr2171 Ok, I'll see if I open a question on Linux & unix
@gunr2171 piqued*
@gunr2171 Yeah, I'm going to use it to build javascript files and run qunit with it and push it out to our dev environment.
oh, and now I know
@rene sweet
this should relieve me from some of my javascript coding duties and deployments...
have you looked through all the plugins available?
Yeah, I have jslint
ok, as you can see there are a lot
the one I've been using the most recently is the wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/inheritance-plugin
> In a way, you can think of this plugin this way: If Jenkins is the C language, this plugin is its C++ equivalent.
And I wanted to use the ftp publish but the ftp server only allows for ftps which is not supported, so I'm using curl now
@gunr2171 That might become handy because I have to support similar environments
I fixed the find issue: find . | xargs -i curl {} does return failure
@durron597 we should ask JasonMArcher I guess
because they seem to be about programming
Looking at those 3 I think they are not about licensing, but depict a real programming problem
The tag should be removed
@durron597 See the truelicense tag wiki. It's an API or library, not a license.
@cpburnz Oh, ok. Thanks
Looks like it is just an unfortunate name
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
@closey completed tags
@durron597 Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name              | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | open-source           | 12    | 2015-06-02 20:22:08 UTC |
 | licensing             | 5     | 2015-06-02 20:20:52 UTC |
 | gplv3                 | 3     | 2015-06-01 18:37:15 UTC |
 | commercial            | 3     | 2015-06-01 18:37:15 UTC |
 | intellectual-property | 3     | 2015-06-01 18:37:15 UTC |
 | database              | 4     | 2015-05-30 20:22:09 UTC |
 | closed-source         | 3     | 2015-05-30 20:01:22 UTC |
@rene @gunr2171 Perhaps that should be "how many people have completed this tag in the last <xyz time>". It's misleading as it is now
I'm firing up vs to check the query
@durron597 what do you find misleading about it?
@TylerH open source has plenty of open questions still
I see, it's the "tags that have been cleared" bit
It is only showing 10 records, and it is only showing OUR mentions here in this room
@durron597 yes, but if no-one cast close votes/flags there is no way they ended up in the queue
there is no magic in that... it still needs enough folks to get a question kicked in the right direction
@rene Right, all of which makes the stat a bit meaningless
sure, we will add a disclaimer ;)
the newest CVs included in SEDE are 2 years old?
i think they changed the table those are in
they are not in votes anymore, check posthistory instead
and newest is still since Monday....
Ah, there we go. I was looking for votes on questions that might age away
I think I may start using that query instead of the review queue
Because I don't care about "reviews", I care about closing questions and avoiding CV aging
@durron597 I've added that info here
@rene Favorited.
Q: Include close vote sort by creation date

durron597In the 10k tools, we only get a limited number of returned results, with little control over which posts are returned. Given that Age close votes after 14 days, regardless of views, allowing recasting, it would be nice if the 10k tools allowed users to horn in specifically on the questions that ...

@rene, do you use DateTimeOffset in sql often?
(sql server)
trying to figure out a good way to convert a DateTimeOffset to the local DateTime (timezone changing) without CLR
A: How can I get the correct offset between UTC and local times for a date that is before or after DST?

Kevin FeaselThe best way to convert a non-current UTC date into local time is to use the CLR. The code itself is easy; the difficult part is usually convincing people that the CLR isn't pure evil or scary... For one of the many examples, check out Harsh Chawla's blog post on the topic. Unfortunately, ther...

@gunr2171 no, sorry
ok, I'll keep looking
Are you sure you want your data-layer do that conversion?
excel can't do it
not that I know of
oh, you have big problems....
but yes, I would have c# do the conversion if I could, but this a "Database right to Excel" thing so we can have a quick report
and excel doesn't know how to parse a date, time, and offset
@gunr2171 just curious are you using datetime or datetime2?
i store everything in the database as a DateTimeOffset. Excel knows how to parse a DateTime
and then I came across this:
Q: Format code for a date with time zone in excel

user3458581I have date value with time zone.. Example: 24 Nov 2005 GMT+05:30... what is the format code for this custom format in excel? I tried dd MMM yyyy with z,zz,zzz,Z but its not working. Thanks in advance.

everything needs editing
bah, yeah. Excel won't touch timezones: support.office.com/en-nz/article/…
> The proof is in the pudding - the active reviewers wouldn't take such steps if it weren't necessary to actually get questions closed.
sad truth
@gunr2171 My other idea was to have a big CV close event like we had in march 2014 every 6 months
if we can get enough participation then I'm all for it
@gunr2171 I think doing an event twice a week is too often to get 99% of SO users to participate
but once every 6 months? Now that is infrequent enough to get a couple days of 10k+ reviews per day
true, but we aren't looking to control a mob. 6 months sounds good to me
@gunr2171 Honestly, the main reason why I haven't suggested that yet is that it's not really my place. You or @rene should suggest it
I'll think about it, and start coming up with some ideas of what to say in a meta post
@durron597 I only organize those 2 events to overcome timezone issues. Anyone interested in close vote moderating should be able to participate in a joined event once a week. In a lower frequency it is way to easy to get out of your system.
I was thinking something like "back in march, we as a community came together and did a wonderful job of going through the close queue. But now the close view is back up to 9000 questions again. If we all pitched in, that would require around 1000 people to do 40 reviews". We can get it done!
@rene I'm suggesting targeting the much larger community that will never be interested in doing it once a week
but might say "sure, I'll do it once every 6 months"
Mar 17 at 20:30, by rene
Clear goals scare people away
(which is sort of a joke, sort of true)
not sure, I rather have a way to lure everybody with close vote privileges to use 5 votes daily
@rene What way is that?
I dunno, hunt them down with a pitchfork?
@rene Exactly. There is no way to get that. But there might be a way to get everyone to use 40 votes once
hmmm, what about a badge range? used your close votes in a single day, used your close votes on 5 days in a month, used your close votes on 20 days in year?
that must have been suggested before...
*reviews, not votes. Don't want to promote closing over reviewing
the effect would be the same
and for reviews we already have badges
@rene Not sure why that is preferable to a community event, which we know works (last year)
this is when I wish Shog was more active in this room when we come up with these discussions
we went from 150k to, what, 10k?
Maybe we need to give this some thought to make it a winterbash hat?
a "fire in the fireplace" hat
@rene A winterbash hat for something that only matters on SO?
because I really don't know how to get people to an event who are in general not interested
it will appear in the sidebar
true, the one shog started was because the queue was at a really bad state, this not as urgent
I find the promotion we get around the burination requests much more appealing
Give it a good name like "HULK SMASH the Close Vote Queue"
it is a natural way to get people into action
3 hours ago, by gunr2171
@gunr2171 No, we removed the ones with 4 votes and 3 votes and where left with 100K
funny thing, those clv-plz messages are picked up by a bot and dropped off here, but no one is around to read it
Mooseman votes on those
one person
one person can get bored quite quickly. I mean, who looks at all the edit monitor posts in the SO tavern?
in my Boolean logic 0 != 1
@gunr2171 I'm not going into detail how he votes ;)
oh, and another thing. you and me, rene, are the only people who register for events.
not that it really matters, but still
and then we have 6 other people registered for today, most with <50 rep
dev team, fix all the things!
I am not a marketing guy...
@gunr2171 I tend to not bother registering for 'em tbh.
Since most of the time I can't/don't actually make it on time.
that's fine, not a big deal
I did mine last night by myself because I was in the mood and I had time
@gunr2171 if you ping him he'll see it; he's still "in" the room technically
@Shog9, we had some ideas about doing a CV burn down more frequently, see the discussion, if you had any input.
@Closey next 5 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@TylerH The next 5 tags are: 174, 111, 111, 100, 86
oh, no
want to work on the legal tags instead?
A: This tag should not be [legal]

reneProgress report Chatroom for discussion about posts. If you have close voted/flagged a bunch leave a message in the SO Close Vote Reviewers room (for example). Tags to be handled under this request: Open questions need to be reviewed If you have time, please run through the open questions bel...

I'll join in a few mins (after I've had dinner)...
I'll load up legal tags
because I'm still banned
: (
when do you leave purgatory? Tomorrow?
@Closey starting
@TylerH May Shog9's Will be done.
(on legal stuff)
last eula post
I'll be voting in
you might want to skip anything that has at least one cv vote, just so you can get more items in the queue
@gunr2171 boom
@Closey starting
@gunr2171 By the power of the Vote! Review!
I'm going to be really happy when this legal stuff is done. I want to be able to use the keyboard shortcut script again!
Passed Java audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 5 hours to continue reviewing.
@TylerH Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@TylerH Your last completed review session ended 9 seconds ago and lasted 11 minutes and 59 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 17 seconds.
@Deduplicator, thanks for your help so far with the legal cleanup
man, 40 questions, none closed by me :-(
well, trouble is it burns through close-votes so fast. Whether using review or sifting the tags directly
true, more people!
And back.
welcome back
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 5 hours to continue reviewing.
@gunr2171 Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@gunr2171 Your last completed review session ended 11 seconds ago and lasted 12 minutes and 50 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 19 seconds.
I dunno about you guys, but I think it's about time we (cough I cough) implemented a way to automatically monitor when a user starts/stops reviewing. What say you @Gunr?
@gunr2171 awesome, you closed 4 :-)
I have on close vote left, so if there is a pressing issue...
save your last CV for yourself
...just in case...
@Sam hold on, finding relevant post
@JasonMArcher Why is considered done?
refrains from posting pun
@durron597 Well, I stuffed all questions in it which seemed to deserve it into the queue, and someone moved it to done since, probably because there were none left (and he looked it over, hopefully). Would be nice if you went through the open one's and double-checked.
main point: the bot is not designed to do background activity, which if I want to parse a person's profile then I need to do.
You mean, you don't know how to spawn a thread?
@gunr2171 I was thinking of wrapping all this functionality in a nice (new) class in SOCVR.Net.
i do, but I want something a bit more robust than that
@Sam make it a nuget package and I'm on board
let me get you the code I was working on
@gunr2171 Consider it done.
I mean, a question like this is "unclear what you're asking" even though it's not a bad question
Q: hyperlinks in eula rtf

Abhishek RaoI am developing application in C++. It includes displaying EULA in rich text control, hyperlink is displayed in blue underlined. But when I click on hyperlink, noting happens. Please suggest how to link the url on click of hyperlink. I am using Richedit 2.0 m_EULATextCtrl.Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VI...

Ok, thanks.
@durron597 That one will be roomba'd soon. Ignore it in the meantime
@Deduplicator No it won't, it won't be roombaed until 365 days have gone by because it's not closed.
both have a downvote, so won't it be deleted 9 days after it was asked (so tonight)?
doesn't the 9 days thing require closure?
Q: When is a negative score question deleted?

gunr2171From what I've read on MSE, a post is deleted if: If the question is more than 30 days old, and ... has −1 or lower score has no answers is not locked I'm working through some "thanks in advanced" posts with filters based on the criteria above. These post have a score of exac...

oh durp, 30 days
my bad
@gunr2171 So I was thinking. Would exposing the necessary user-trigged events via the standard delegate/event model be best here? Or would you prefer something similar to CE.Net's event setup?
I like your event setup in CE.net, unless that is too complicated
Ok. Nah, it'll be easy.
too broad? I would say "why doesn't it work" or "off site resource"
@gunr2171 That works too
voted pob
In other words, I agree that none of these questions are legal questions anymore, but many of them are bad questions.
@gunr2171 so this is gone tomorrow?
And, in the sense in which the tag is being used, it's a meta tag. That's why @JasonMArcher added additional tags, because can't stand alone
A question about "how do I add an extra page during the install process" is not about eula, it's about adding pages
@rene should be
OK, let's keep an eye on that one...
Deletions happen shortly after midnight UTC. You can downvote 40 questions, wait for them all to be deleted, and then downvote 40 more. — amarillo Apr 21 at 14:30
It's more like 0300 UTC.
Yeah, but if you don't mind I'll be sleeping then, ok?
@rene I think you should just press f5 every 15 seconds until it's gone, just to make sure
Only then go to bed.
While I'm at it, I may as well refactor the entire of SOCVR.Net.
@Sam only if you non failing unittests with 100% code coverage
@rene But, but... there aren't any unit tests xD
A: Project Manager asks for complete 100% confidence everytime committing code

Joe Strazzere How should I respond to his question in this case, without seeming incompetent? Honestly I never have 100% confidence sitewide, but I do have confidence in my testing methods. And, as a developer I also know that it isn't uncommon for unexpected bugs to emerge later from these core cha...

@durron597 maybe...not...
@rene I see no reason why that would be a bad idea. no reason at all
I have to work with some people tomorrow and without enough sleep that wouldn't be much for them...
@Sam I found your problem!
@rene That's what red bull is for!
@rene Don't tell me...
@durron597 voted on both
@TylerH I would have myself if I weren't out ;)
1 hour later…
For informational purposes:
We really need more people to do their reviews ...
cc @gunr2171 (for the graph)
I've revisited this:
Q: Huge close votes review queue on Stack Overflow

AndreyToday, the size of the close-votes queue is 55k questions and growing. Is that a problem? Which action could be taken to clean it up? It seems to be growing faster than Stack Overflow members are capable to handle it.

Seeing all the drama in some of the answers I wonder if there is a definitive list of reasons why people don't close vote, vote outside queue or handle review tasks from the review queue?
Certainly some people don't because they disagree on the goal of Stack Overflow
What is it that I have no problem for 1,5 years now to close vote from the queue?
How many people on the site do you see saying "Why are all these questions being closed? Why are we being mean? Why are all these fakers gaming the system instead of just curating good content?" etc.
The camp that thinks way too much stuff is wrongly closed as off-topic
also, people who just want rep
Let them vote in the queue for leave open
you get (a couple) badges, but no rep, from the queues
spending time in the queue takes away from time they can spend asking/answering
and the more questions that get closed, the harder it is for them to gain rep
so ostensibly they'd want nothing to do with those queues
Or the people who just don't care about moderation
Some people like to contribute but hate to moderate
I experienced this a lot when I've led forum-based teams and projects in the past
high value contributors for years, but the minute you bring up moderation they get all sketchy and evasive
and what is the emotion behind that?
What would a message like Moderation is fun do to such people?
Probably land without much conviction
These are people who feel uneasy making judgments on the content of others
Ok, we need to get rid of the judgment part?
What's that phrase from Rent... You can't just burn an entire tent city and then watch "It's a Wonderful Life" on TV
You can't just throw up a rainbow marquee saying "review peoples' questions! It's fun, it's easy, it's your duty!"
That might get some people
I think the best bet is to have that bi-annual spring/fall cleaning events started by a moderator/SE employee/Shog
Is that the reason triage and H&I attract more people?
Also letting us get multiple gold badges for each 1k review we do would help
people hit 1k and then stop because that's a lot of repetitive work and there's no direct incentive to continue
10 mins ago, by rene
What is it that I have no problem for 1,5 years now to close vote from the queue?
I have to admit that I don't really understand that sentence
I agree there is no incentive
Do you mean "Why is it that, for a year and a half, I haven't had any problems with close-voting questions in the queue"?
If so, what do you mean by problems? technical problems? psychological problems?
1 min ago, by rene
I agree there is no incentive
Bottom line, until there is, it will be impossible to get lots of users long-term to join in
what state of mind do I have and set me apart from the ones that get uneasy
I want to know what the motivational driver is for the few users that DO close vote
Having a group of other people that are also cv-ing is a large factor for me
If that is something that can be conveyed to a larger group you'll get more people involved
hey, join our clan, we've got 10,000 members!
@rene Consult the local Stack Exchange behavioral psychologist
I will
@gunr2171 yes, "being a part of a group" is a huge draw to humans, being very social creatures
our survival over time before technology (and even after) has largely depended on our ability to work together
otherwise we wouldn't have ever developed skill specialization
checking CB
Q: How can I encourage and promote community moderation?

JohnBOne of the struggles I have found with having elevated moderator abilities in a small community moderated site is the risk of other members growing used to the fact that moderation is already "taken care of". For example: on a low activity Stack Exchange site that doesn't have a huge amount of u...

Well, I'm going to give all this some time to blend into my mind with my eyes closed...
I'm out ... need sleep
2 hours later…
There should now be around 65 questions in the queue, about 40 of them were just pushed in by me

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