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2 hours later…
Q: When did I get superpowers?

John CondeI just marked this question as a duplicate all by myself. Although my mommy thinks I am a big boy for doing so, I am not a moderator and I don't think this should be possible. Did I miss something?

long way to go...
I almost upvoted your answer in the asp.net tag so you reach the goal a little bit quicker... ;)
Oh that extremely bad solution
hehe can't believe I wrote that...
I must admit you are doing better in your top tags than I do in mine...
It looks like I take on every question I remotely know the answer for...
I need moar
Maybe find some low traffic tags that attract newbies?
I'm struggling, on one side I want to earn more rep, on the otherside I want to learn more things and on the other side I have a lot to do for school
Hmmm, school is more important, take my word for it...

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