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Add me please
1 hour later…
Euhm, will this room get locked ? If so, don't forget to add me too :)
I'm only closely following instructions. As I always do...
6 hours later…
@rene Done (you missed a ",", but you're forgiven)
@HamZa Done. I assume this room is subject to being frozen as all others (I guess we just have to post something at least every 2 weeks) (I'm not 100% clued up on the rules of getting frozen, but that's what I took from some answer I read).
I assumed the , was a typo but as always assumptions are the mother of all f%^*$ps
3 hours later…
Apologies to all, hit with the flu the past two days and lost track of time. Typing this on my phone, not sure what the locked business is about but will read/reply when back with my head clear.

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