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9 hours later…
@jps help me with the spam :)
24 mins on SO is not usual
1 hour later…
@Chris I think the answerer is attempting to say that they got a "The system cannot find the file specified" error and they solved it by moving the ffmpeg.exe. Although, seems like a different error, since apparently they were running the application when that happened. The question is for py -m venv env (whatever that does but doesn't seem to be running an application).
To be clear, I still think it's an irrelevant answer. Just answering the question you had as a comment. I assume the answer is not very satisfactory, though.
@VLAZ agreed, that poster is confused and posted about a completely different problem
My description in the del-pls could have been improved...
@Chris Can you imagine a "Health Overflow" site: Q: "My arm hurts, especially when I touch it" A1: "It's probably broken" A2: "I also found my foot hurts. After investigation, I found out I had actually chopped it off with an axe."
@VLAZ A3: "I rebooted my machine died and reincarnated into a different body and my arm doesn't hurt anymore. Works for me."
Question title (different): "What to do about arm hurting in 2024?"
Body: "My arm hurts. Especially when I touch it. I found an old question but the answers are probably outdated."
I think you're onto something... but there isn't enough AIGC. Suggest posting in Meta to start up ai-doctor.se.
@rene Nobody expects the Spanish Exit Position
o/ @Machavity :)
1 hour later…
> // look for any elements with the class "custom-select":
> x = document.getElementsByClassName("navgroup");
Wait, I just now noticed what it's answering. The question is how to change the background of a select. The answer is "I just rebuilt this built-in feature entirely in JS"... what in order to change the background?
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact ChatGPT usually comments what it's doing. The comment doesn't match the code here.
@VLAZ Yeah, I checked the W3Schools website they linked to. They just copied the code from it, and forgot to change some parts of it.
@VLAZ yeah, there's plenty to find wrong with it
If ChatGPT was trained of W3Schools we can't blame the LLM for being wrong ...
@rene oh gods, one of the few ways ChatGPT could have been worse
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Does anyone else get a little bummed when they fix a bug or finish implementing some functionality and test and realize the thing they're working appears to be completed? Or is that just me
i'm always happy move on to the next thing
@TylerH depends on the next thing I am supposed to work on
1 hour later…

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