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@ZoestandswithUkraine seems clear
@jps also seems clear
Is this spam? Or is the poster genuinely using that website as an example, with no ulterior motive?
^ That one, however, I was more convinced of the intention to spam.
@AdrianMole I'm just going to delete it as it's definitely not an answer. Given the size and scale of a company like Lowe's I'm rather inclined to believe that it's not spam (at least without more information).
Any Python gurus around who can find a better dupe target for this than the one suggested already?
Yes. If only I didn't lose connection to Stack Overflow right as I was trying to close it =/
Does this answer slide too much into advertising/spam? One could feasibly remove everything from "but" onwards and leave it as an answer.
@KarlKnechtel The question is based on a misunderstanding/misinterpretation. That's not a great start, but it doesn't make the question unsuitable, nor does it require closing the question. In this specific case, treat the question as if it said: "I don't understand what it means when files are opened in 'b' mode. If I understand correctly, it means that they're opened using a special encoding scheme. Is that correct? What encoding scheme is used?" Then, answer that. (Or, find a question that already describes what 'b' means when opening a file, and mark that question as a duplicate of it.)
In other words, someone taking a guess (and/or showing research effort that happens to have turned up wrong information) doesn't make a question off-topic or unsuitable. It just means that in order to answer it well, you have to specifically address their misunderstanding in the answer, then go on to explain how it actually works. Avoid calling them stupid for having wrong ideas, and/or chastising them for not having done enough research, of course.
@Barreto You can ask on Meta for advice on improving a specific question. But I'm not really sure what you're asking about or referring to. I looked at your history, and you don't have any questions that "received bad reviews". I don't even know what it would mean for a question to receive bad reviews but not be closed.
@AdrianMole Did you perhaps bury the lede by forgetting to mention that you've been married to the same spouse for many years, and you're only making the marriage official after having moved to a different country?
@IanCampbell Really, really tempted to edit out "in my opinion" from that. This isn't a statement of opinion; it's a statement of fact/policy.
@CodyGray Well, we've been "living in sin" (as the saying goes) for a few years.
@AdrianMole Oh, really? I thought you were already married, even when you were back in Scotland.
@IanCampbell That's correct. FYI (cc @AdrianMole @JamesRisner): The /help/on-topic page has always said "software tools commonly used by programmers", since the very first revision of that page, from 2013. The statement existed prior to that, but the Help Center we have now didn't exist, so the revision history doesn't go back any further. What changed is that we mods (an effort led primarily—see what I did there?—by Henry), in collaboration with the community via Meta, created a new custom close reason, "not programming related", and that verbiage happened to use "primarily". I'm not sure if that was an oversight or intentional.
@Spevacus Frankly, based on that description, I would say the problem is the reviewers having too high of standards. If SG would manage to keep, say, the worst 25% of questions off of SO, the site would improve substantially, and it wouldn't really be all that big of a deal that there were some "meh" questions getting through and posted. Too many reviewers/curators forget about the scale. A single question you're looking at might not meet your quality standards, but judging by the site as a whole, it's not worth blocking its publication. It's way better than average. Thus, if SG can help us increase our average, we'll all be a lot better off. At least, this is how I look at it.
@Spevacus It's coming. It's in the works. They previewed their plan to mods some time back. But it's not developed yet, and I don't know what the current progress of development is. But it's definitely coming, and definitely being worked on. So that's at least good news.
@cigien That doesn't need any focus. I agree you could argue that it is primarily opinion-based, but I don't really think it is, and, more importantly, it's received answers demonstrating that it can be answered objectively.
@cigien If you want to add a "how-to" aspect to that question, I won't stop you, nor raise any objection. Although I would be slightly concerned that expanding that question to also include a "how-to" aspect may, in fact, make it too broad. What would the answer to the "how-to" question be, anyway? The same thing that eerorika's answer suggests, about emulating named parameters by using a struct?
@Adriaan No. According to what I can tell, ZenHub is a project management tool. Thus, questions about using it are off-topic because they're not about programming.
@AdrianMole Not really, no. At least, I've never heard that claim. Any task that happens implicitly is done by Community. The only thing Community does that is specifically to hide the name of the mod responsible is deleting posts flagged as spam or rude/abusive.
@JamesRisner This can be a useful contribution to the site. Just make sure that you also submit edits that improve the question, rather than just answering it. Even if you're divining the meaning, if that divination turns an unanswerable question into an answerable one, you should edit the question to adjust it to ask what you think it is asking. If your assumptions are wrong, the author can always roll back those edits.
@JeanneDark Yes. That article was originally intended to specifically document the Roomba process. Up until very recently, when V2Blast changed it, the page's name in the URL was actually roomba. Making it more generic, to focus on all posts automatically deleted by Community, has, as you pointed out, made the content there incomplete. That's an unfortunate drawback of such "churn", especially that which is done without sufficient awareness of the complexity and background.
@JamesRisner thanks for watching. I'm afraid is a zombie tag now. No questions, but it claims there is one and the tag never gets deleted. See imgur.com/a/784wzGL
@jps Cache issues, most likely. I see: 0 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
@E_net4 I've addressed what I see as the quality issues in that answer. It is now no longer an unconstructive rant. Therefore, I've undeleted it. It may still be an unhelpful answer, but that can/should be handled with votes, not with deletion. (cc @jmoerdyk)
@pppery I disagree with your assessment here that that question is not about programming. To me, it looks like the user is trying to build/run some code that they found. There may be other quality problems with the question that justify its closure, but it's about source code and an error that results from executing it, so that's on-topic here.
@AdrianMole I also see no 0 questions, however, if you look into the list of new tags it says "1 question", see screenshot from my comment above. Yesterday morning the situation was the same. No questions but the tag doesn't disappear. We had this zombie tag issue a while ago.
@AdrianMole Not in my opinion. The asker is already using (and asking about) HERE's products/API. In that light, suggesting alternative HERE features/tools/products that may be relevant is not spam, because it's not unsolicited or irrelevant. I'm not sure that "we" is really adequate disclosure of affiliation. Unfortunately, that user previously "signed" their answers indicating they were "Technical Customer Support" from "HERE Technologies", but had it edited out twice and were told to stop including it, so they did.
This is a frustrating example of missing the forest for the trees. Yes, it's true that signatures do not belong in posts. But simply deleting the signature, removing all indication of affiliation, is not useful, and it's harmful that they've ended up teaching the user not to include any note of their affiliation.
@jps Heh. There is one question tagged hanging around in the Staging Ground. That has been not closed (because there is no "close" in the SG) (I was one of the not-close voters). Not sure what to do about that, w.r.t. tag burninations. I should, perhaps, raise the issue on the SG Teams forum.
Here's the link if a lurking moderator wants to (try to) do something about it. :)
... or maybe I can just remove the access tag ... Done!
Ok, sounds like an explanation. I didn't really dealt with the staging ground before. Why/how you seem to be able to access it? For me the link seems forbidden. Is it a 20k thing?
@jps Can you check that list again, now that I removed the tag?
@jps SG is in Beta test; only those who volunteered for the beta test (and mods) have access.
@AdrianMole ah, ok, understand. The tag now shows 0 questions in the list, so it will be ready for roomba next night (if we pay enough attention to clean up every new usage during the day)
From what Zoe recently said, that clean-up is at 03:00 UTC (which is 10:00 am, where I am) - so (if I remember) I can check just before then, tomorrow morning.
thanks for your support
@AdrianMole I feel so superfluous now. :-)
Betting than being superfluid. That would make you very cold.
I think you have the causation inverted there.
But I think this whole issue with the SG 'interfering' with tag burnination is not such a big deal. Once the SG goes live, I believe all users with 500 (?) rep will have access to posts in the SG. During the beta test, it may be helpful if one of the volunteers (or a mod, @Zoe) were to post a note on the SG Teams forum for any active burninations.
@AdrianMole Right. It's not a big deal. SG questions are, in many ways, still treated by the software as proper questions. We just had that issue fairly recently in here, when SD reported a question from SG, and someone was confused because the link didn't work for them, since they hadn't opted into the beta test for SG. The link was just to a regular /questions/xxx page, although that redirected to /staging-ground/xxx when you clicked on it. Same question numbers.
Proper questions except when they're closed. :)
I'm not sure that notifying the SG participants of an ongoing burnination is all that useful. SG participants are going to be SO participants, and if we're not able to get the word out to the active, engaged SO participants who would be interested in and willing to participate in the beta for a new feature like SG, we're categorically failing to get the word out.
Although it may well be true that we're categorically failing to get any words out, judging by the number of people who reply to mod messages about the use of ChatGPT being banned indicating that they were completely unaware of this policy.
Well, it was enough to cause confusion just now.
The confusion was caused by the fact that the list of questions doesn't show SG questions, whereas the count of questions having a tag on the tag list does include SG questions.
And what happens with the CV review queue efforts on tag burninations, w.r.t. Qs in the SG?
Nothing special, I think? SG questions don't show up in the review queues.
See? Now you're confused about what I'm confused about.
2 hours later…
@JamesRisner indeed it does. Thanks!
@AdrianMole I think SG questions are meant to show up in search
So it should be fine if it survives the beta
@ZoestandswithUkraine Yeah. My concern was just for burninations during the beta (which is currently to scheduled to end ... when it ends).
I think the beta ends when it is released.
Yes. But that date is yet to be decided.
But there are probably enough SG betas in here to keep an eye out for burnination requests and pass on a message to the SG chat room, if relevant.
There are enough moderators here to handle it, surely.
@CodyGray Dunno. How many moderators does it take to change a light bulb? xD
No idea; it's never been done. If I understand correctly, the moderators whose light bulbs have gone out are just using the site in the dark [mode].
@AdrianMole none, it's an employee problem. But you need thousands of twitter compliaints to make it happen
I wonder how the SG would have helped that, particular new user? ;)
@AdrianMole Their abusive behavior would have occurred in a walled garden, been flagged, and they could have been suspended before ever making it to the live site?
And, presumably, we wouldn't have had it in triplicate.
but still would've happened
I mean, some users just behave as ****ed, like they said so eloquently.
@CodyGray I got some feedback on the wpf room, I meant negative votes sorry for the confusion.
Yoop! It's Beer O'clock, so no more reviewing, for me. Might just pop into Charcoal HQ for some yummy spam snacks, though. :)
Below this answer, the OP says the answer is generated from ChatGPT.
@AmitJoshi I have repaired this question - the OP vandalised it shortly after asking it. The detail has now been restored. Do you still want to delete?
@SunderamDubey But also it contains a suspicious link to the same site x 3 in the answer. Not good.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Yes I agree with you. (Since the link is not from official Django docs too)
@SmokeDetector it is spam, same answer they posted some time before with the same site.
@SunderamDubey Yeah. Both spam and ChatGPT. Mods have said, already, that it's best to flag those as spam. (Quicker and less work for the mods.)
1 hour later…
> It takes time to find an appropriate duplicate.
> I’m primarily here to help people and answer questions, and sorting out duplicates is secondary, bureaucratic work of lesser importance than the primary mission of helping people.
Ughier Ugh!
^ Maybe those should be deleted? If so, I'm sorry ... just got a bit upset.
@CodyGray /o/ Thanks for mentioning :)
@AdrianMole It does seem like those comments should be deleted. I also find them upsetting. Did you flag them?
@CodyGray Somebody (presumably, a mod) deleted one of my comments (and rightly so). I would have deleted it myself, as it happens.
You want a link?
Oh, I meant the comments you were quoting...
All in the same post.
Wasn't deleted by a mod, for what it's worth.
OK - so you know where I'm at. I've let some of my steam off and the discussion seems to have calmed down a bit ...
Did you know that you got Twittered?
In other news, that's definitely one of those "you're in a plane" answers (assuming you're familiar with that old joke). It's entirely correct, but also completely useless and irrelevant.
@CodyGray I fear for Adrian's safety. Having a Twitter thread about you is a small step away from public execution, after all.
@CodyGray Is there a badge for that? I love badgers badges.
@Spevacus My safety is the least of my concerns (and so it should be, for you). It's my sanity (or what's left of it) that worries me.
@CodyGray The 'original' version was "you're in a balloon," I believe. (The story pre-dates the Wright brothers' invention.)
@AdrianMole: yep, that's how I heard it -- you're in a balloon, and it was as a criticism of lawyers: giving correct but useless information.
@HovercraftFullOfEels With me (the first time heard it) it was "scientists". (In an after-dinner speech from the retiring director of our Unit.)
I found this answer. When translated from Romanian with Google Translate it is incredibly offensive. But it also doesn't provide an answer, so should I flag it as spam or rude/abusive?
It's r/a, spam is just for promotional content afaik.
If it wasn't offensive text then I would flag it as NAA or possibly VLQ
Actually strike the NAA it's VLQ if it wasn't R/A
@MichaelM. You could consider a mod flag in such cases and provide the translation in the text so a mod can nuke it.
@Makyen FYI: Two accounts are now in the penalty box. I didn't flag any account, but it looks like some one did it. Two further account seem to be merged to one of of the above accounts (in penalty box). A fith account is still free and not merged. Maybe these are not enough evedence that all 5 accounts are the same.
BTW: What does it mean, if a question is deleted by community bot? The question was closed by users. What are the rules for automatic deletion? I didn't see this before. Maybe I had not enough reputation to see it.
Oh, one of the users is in the penalty box for 7 days and the other one for a year. That's really long.
@JeanneDark Thank you. Now, I remember. I read about it some years ago. I forgot it.
@dur There's no way for me to reply or look into this without some indication as to where to start (e.g. a flag from you on a post by one of the users, hopefully with links to other users in the flag, or a link, but a link wouldn't be appropriate here in SOCVR, because it's a user issue). SO just has way too high a volume of flags and moderator activities (and excessively poor ways to search through them across users or posts) in order to be able to track such things down within even a semi-reasonable amount of time and effort.
For example, the entire contents of the SO moderator inbox is full of messages that, currently, go back only 6 hours. During quite low activity periods, that inbox might go back 24 hours (rarely happens). It's possible to see the rest, but it's very time consuming to do so without a post/user/flag to start from.
@Makyen I understand you and I don't want to take more of your time. Two other moderators are already handling the users. Rollback offended edits and remove unfriendly comments. I just want to answer your message: I was unsure if I should flag the user, someone else did it and moderator handled it. So moderation worked fine. Thank you.
@dur OK. Sounds good. Thanks.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…

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