@AdrianMole Oh, really? I thought you were already married, even when you were back in Scotland.
@IanCampbell That's correct. FYI (cc @AdrianMole @JamesRisner): The /help/on-topic page has always said "software tools commonly used by programmers", since the very first revision of that page, from 2013. The statement existed prior to that, but the Help Center we have now didn't exist, so the revision history doesn't go back any further. What changed is that we mods (an effort led primarily—see what I did there?—by Henry), in collaboration with the community via Meta, created a new custom close reason, "not programming related", and that verbiage happened to use "primarily". I'm not sure if that was an oversight or intentional.
@Spevacus Frankly, based on that description, I would say the problem is the reviewers having too high of standards. If SG would manage to keep, say, the worst 25% of questions off of SO, the site would improve substantially, and it wouldn't really be all that big of a deal that there were some "meh" questions getting through and posted. Too many reviewers/curators forget about the scale. A single question you're looking at might not meet your quality standards, but judging by the site as a whole, it's not worth blocking its publication. It's way better than average. Thus, if SG can help us increase our average, we'll all be a lot better off. At least, this is how I look at it.
@Spevacus It's coming. It's in the works. They previewed their plan to mods some time back. But it's not developed yet, and I don't know what the current progress of development is. But it's definitely coming, and definitely being worked on. So that's at least good news.
@cigien That doesn't need any focus. I agree you could argue that it is primarily opinion-based, but I don't really think it is, and, more importantly, it's received answers demonstrating that it can be answered objectively.
@cigien If you want to add a "how-to" aspect to that question, I won't stop you, nor raise any objection. Although I would be slightly concerned that expanding that question to also include a "how-to" aspect may, in fact, make it too broad. What would the answer to the "how-to" question be, anyway? The same thing that eerorika's answer suggests, about emulating named parameters by using a struct?
@Adriaan No. According to what I can tell, ZenHub is a project management tool. Thus, questions about using it are off-topic because they're not about programming.
@AdrianMole Not really, no. At least, I've never heard that claim. Any task that happens implicitly is done by Community. The only thing Community does that is specifically to hide the name of the mod responsible is deleting posts flagged as spam or rude/abusive.
@JamesRisner This can be a useful contribution to the site. Just make sure that you also submit edits that improve the question, rather than just answering it. Even if you're divining the meaning, if that divination turns an unanswerable question into an answerable one, you should edit the question to adjust it to ask what you think it is asking. If your assumptions are wrong, the author can always roll back those edits.
@JeanneDark Yes. That article was originally intended to specifically document the Roomba process. Up until very recently, when V2Blast changed it, the page's name in the URL was actually roomba
. Making it more generic, to focus on all posts automatically deleted by Community, has, as you pointed out, made the content there incomplete. That's an unfortunate drawback of such "churn", especially that which is done without sufficient awareness of the complexity and background.